Literary criticism
Belyaeva, T.N. (2023). The genre of historical novels about the Great Patriotic War in the Mari literature in the first post-war years. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 1–8.
This article analyses the formation and development of the historical novel genre in the national literature in the first post-war period. The object of the study are the works of the Mari writers Nikandr Lekain «On Fire of the Great War» and Veniamin Ivanov «The Windstorm». National patriotic spirit, heroism, the determination of people to fight to the end come to the fore in N. Lekain’s work. The work does not have the main character who unites all the storylines; it presents the multinational face of the Soviet people through the individual actions of people of different generations. In V. Ivanov’s novel, the fate of the individualized personality, his inner experiences, comes to the forefront. The historical and typological method of research made it possible to identify general and specific features in the depiction of dramatic events of the Great Patriotic War in the Mari and Russian literatures. The problem of the formation of this genre in regional literary criticism is being considered for the first time. A comparative study of the literary prose of writers revealed that the expansion and deepening of the problematic and thematic range (the theme of rear everyday life in the countryside, the problem of desertion and betrayal, etc.) of the Mari literature of this period outlined certain shifts in the image of the inner world of the characters. There was a tendency of multifaceted disclosure of socio-historical and ideological factors of the personality formation, psychologically deep explanation of the motives of the heroes’ actions. N. Lekain and V. Ivanov managed to find those life conflicts that made it possible to psychologically accurate portray the dialectics of the human soul in the war, to comprehend the origins of the national-patriotic upsurge, to show the deep processes of their contemporary reality.
narrative plot, character's inner world, front-line writer, Great Patriotic War, character system, heroics, pathos, theme, historical novel, Mari literature
Pavlova, T.A., Potovskaya, K.S. (2023). Rendering of genre-stylistic specificity when translating fantastic realities in science fiction (using the example of the translation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” ). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 9–16.
This article is devoted to the study of the problem of the transfer of genre-stylistic specificity in the translation of fantastic realities in science fiction. Using the example of the translation of J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", the author analyzes the methods and techniques of translation used to preserve the authenticity and magic of the original text. The article is based on a comprehensive analysis of translations of the work into different languages, taking into account the cultural and linguistic characteristics of each language. The author highlights key aspects, such as the translation of fantastic terms, names and concepts, as well as the transfer of the atmosphere and style of the book of J.R.R. Tolkien. The results of the study allow us to conclude about the importance of professionalism and cultural competence of the translator in the transmission of fantastic worlds, names of heroes, events, places where the events of a literary work develop, adaptation of the literary image for the Russian-speaking reader and provide practical recommendations for specialists or future specialists in the field of translation of literature and science fiction. The features of the transfer of genre-stylistic specificity in the translation of sci-fi in books are revealed, using the example of the translation of J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".
specificity, fantasy work, trilogy, writer, fantasy, translation, genre and stylistic specificity, rendering, literature, genre
Golovanivskaya, M.K., Efimenko, N.A. (2023). The idea of "occurence" in Russian and Chinese Languages and Cultures. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 17–27.
The author examines the idea of "occurrence" in two linguistic pictures of the world - Russian and Chinese. The study is comparative. The description of each idea is made according to a clear algorithm: the etymology of the word, the mythological roots of the concept, its compatibility, a comparison of dictionary definitions is made. The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the idea of "occurrence" in the Russian and Chinese languages. The purpose of the comparison is to see the similarities and differences in the worldview of different nations. Scientific methods of research are: comparative-historical method, method of generalization, method of semantic analysis. This topic is understudied, no linguocultural studies analyzing this idea in Russian and Chinese culture have been observed earlier, which constitutes the scientific novelty of the work. The results will contribute to mutual understanding between peoples, forming a kind of conceptual bridge, and will also be used in courses on regional studies, comparative studies of cultures, and in the teaching of the respective languages.
Russian language, Chinese language, material connotations, comparative linguistics, semantic analysis, case, linguoculturology, contrastive research, national worldviews, Synonymous series
Paderina, T.S. (2023). Formation of a professional linguistic personality (based on texts in the specialty «Earth Sciences»). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 28–39.
In the conditions of intensive growth of scientific and scientific-technical information, rapid changeability and updating of the system of scientific knowledge there is a need to study issues related to professional communication. Users of scientific language master its culture gradually; acquire life experience, their own knowledge, general and professional erudition of the speaker. The aim of the article is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of linguistic means and identify the features of the implementation of professional linguistic personality of a scientist, author of scientific articles on the speciality «Earth Sciences». Special attention is devoted to a brief review of theoretical provisions of domestic researchers engaged in the study of professional linguistic personality and idiostyle. Scientific novelty lies in the analysis of linguistic means characteristic of the individual style of a scientist on a new linguistic material (scientific texts on the specialty «Earth Sciences»). This approach allowed us to consider the influence of a person's professional status on the texts produced by him/her. The material for the analysis is the articles selected by the method of continuous sampling on the scientific specialty «Earth Sciences». In addition, the method used in this article was continuous sampling method, content analysis, comparative analysis. The obtained results showed that in order to build a model of professional linguistic personality of a scientist, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive psychological and linguistic analysis of the scientist's texts at the verbal-semantic, linguistic-cognitive and pragmatic levels, highlighting the correlation and influence of ethno-cultural, socio-group and individual aspects of personality content. Despite the fact that the author of scientific articles is limited by the norms of scientific style, there are certain linguistic means that allow reflecting the author's uniqueness under the existing norms of text formation.
anthropocentrism, Earth Sciences, model, language profile, idiostyle, scientist's idiostyle, linguistic personality, scientist's linguistic personality, professional linguistic personality, scientist
World literature
Khimich, G.A. (2023). Studying the novel "Celestina" in Spanish classes at the university. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 40–51.
The subject of the study is the novel "Celestina" ("Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea") by Fernando de Rojas. The author examines in detail the introduction of this literary work into the process of teaching Spanish as a foreign language at a university. The methods used in the course of our work are the analysis of literary, historical and pedagogical literature on the problem of studying the novel "Celestina" in the process of teaching Spanish, and the synthesis of the knowledge gained in order to form the concept of working with the novel in the university audience of future translators. Research objectives: - to analyze the "Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea" from the point of view of potential interest for Spanish classes not only at the text level, but also from the standpoint of a deeper acquaintance of students with the history, cultural and social features of the country of the end of the XV century. - to present the author's approach of introducing the literary text "Celestina" into the process of teaching Spanish to students – future translators; to highlight the basic principles that allow to work productively with this text in the classroom. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author has proposed a new approach to work with a book widely known in Spain, but not used in the Spanish teaching in Russia. The argumentation of the need to include the novel "Celestina" in the process of teaching Spanish based on the analysis of its deep meanings in the historical and social context, contains recommendations that may be useful to fellow Hispanists. The result obtained in the course of the research was the opportunity to use the text of the late XV century "Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibei" in the process of teaching Spanish as a foreign language at the university.
Salamanca literature, literature of Spain, Literature of the XV century, Pre - birth, Fernando de Rojas, Celestine, Calisto and Melibea, teaching Spanish, Spanish literature, Tragicomedy of Calisto Melibei
Prutskikh, T. (2023). The metaphor of the coronavirus in the Chinese Internet space. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 52–62.
The object of the study is headlines about a new coronavirus infection in the Internet space. The subject of the study is the metaphors used in the representation of COVID-19 in the headlines of the Chinese media. As a result of the analysis of more than one hundred and fifty headlines of articles about coronavirus infection in the Internet space of China, published in the period from 2019-2021, the author identified more than fifty metaphors. The aim of the study was to identify metaphorical groups and translate metaphorical representations of coronavirus into Russian, taking into account extralinguistic factors. The relevance of this study is determined by the interest in the coronavirus pandemic and China as the alleged source of the disease. Mass media have a great influence on all spheres of human activity, and in the era of intensification of life and economy of linguistic efforts, a special role in the modern information space is assigned to the title. To identify and analyze the features of the COVID-19 representation, such research methods as the method of linguistic and cultural analysis, contextual analysis, component analysis, classification method, comparison method, generalization method, quantitative calculation and descriptive method are used. As a result of the analysis, seven thematic groups of metaphors were identified, the percentage was distributed as follows: 1. Coronavirus as a war - 37% 2. Coronavirus as a threat uniting people - 17% 3. Coronavirus as a dark entity - 14% 4. Coronavirus as a warning to humanity - 12% 5. New heroes in the conditions of the coronavirus epidemic - 10% 6. Coronavirus as an unpredictable event - 6% 7. New objects and phenomena in the conditions of coronavirus - 4% The studied language material allows us to observe the dynamics of the emergence and development of the coronavirus metaphor as a military action. The author concludes that the use of the metaphorical model "War" is one of the most active ways to conceptualize the spread of Covid. Interlanguage studies are of particular theoretical and practical importance in order to determine the national specifics of metaphors and linguistic universals.
menace, war, internet space, coronovirus, pandemic, China, Chinese language, metaphor, dark essence, national specifics