Koltsova, N.V. (2023). Transformation of the concept of MONEY in the everyday consciousness of the speakers of Russian linguoculture from the end of the XX to the first third of the XXI centuries. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 1–8.
This article presents the results of the study of the transformation of the concept of MONEY in the everyday consciousness of the speakers of Russian linguoculture in the period from the end of the XX to the first third of the XXI century and a description of its actual content. The relevance of this study is due to significant changes in the realities of life in the specified period, which could not but be reflected in everyday consciousness, as well as the use of a special methodology for studying concepts. The study was conducted within the framework of a triangulation approach, using a combination of three methods of various humanities: associative experiment, the method of pictorial associations and a sociological survey. The combination of these methods allows the author to comprehensively study the subject and get the most complete picture of the subject being studied. As a result of the analysis, significant changes in the structure and content of the concept of MONEY for the specified period were revealed, changes in their perception as a phenomenon were revealed, their domestic status determined, and the place of financial well-being in the value system of ordinary carriers of lingvoculture determined. The proposed methodology and the presented conclusions can be used in conducting other psycholinguistic studies, as well as be useful to sociologists and economists. We see the prospect of further research in further monitoring of changes in the concept of MONEY, as well as in further improvement of the methodology used.
associative dictionary, drawing methodology, sociological survey, associative experiment, russian liguaculture, ordinary consciousness, money, triangulation, concept, transformation
Literary criticism
Gao, H. (2023). Dramatism of Cossack life in the works of F. Kryukov. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 9–14.
The research is aimed at analyzing the works of Fyodor Kryukov, in which he describes Cossack life. We explore the dramatic aspects of this topic, including the internal conflicts of the characters, the sociocultural aspects of Cossack life and its influence on the fate of the heroes. The Cossacks have unique values and traditions, which shape the characteristics of dramatic events. The works of F. Kryukov are deeply concerned with the psychology of the characters, which makes the drama more intense. The structure of the works, the author's style and the use of literary means to convey the drama of Cossack life will also be considered. The works of F. Kryukov leave a significant mark on literary history. This study is original in that it attempts a deep analysis of the drama of Cossack life and its expression in the works of F. Kryukov. Previous studies of Cossack folklore and literature have focused on the general features of Cossack culture, but our study focuses on moments of dramatic tension and personal conflict, which represents a new research approach to the work of F. Kryukov and Cossack themes in literature in general. By analyzing specific aspects of drama, we are able to more deeply understand how Kryukov conveyed the complex emotional and moral aspects of Cossack life in his works. In a study on the drama of Cossack life in the works of F. Kryukov, the following conclusions were found: drama occupies a central position in the works.
Personalities, Complex personality characteristics, Identity, Social ideals, The tradition of realism, Different conflicts, Anthropocentrism, Dramatism, Don Cossacks, Fyodor Krukov
Barebina, N.S., Fan, . (2023). On the question of the linguistic and cultural features of the Eastern Argumentative Model in Political Ecology. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 15–27.
The article discusses the issues of argumentation of the environmental agenda, which occupies a significant place in the modern linguistic society and is implemented in various discursive practices. The authors proceed from the fact that the environmental problem is a universal topic that is approved by all people. Therefore, the discussion of environmental problems has a great unifying force. The reaction of the audience to the discussion of environmental plans is always predictable, this topic is approved by all segments of the population. It can be said that the media and politicians always make the most of environmental issues. The combination of political speech and ecology, covered in the media, is a synergistic effect when the sum of the components is greater than a simple addition: 1+1+1→5. The synergy of politics and ecology is the object of this work, and the subject of the study are argumentative structures that provide this synergy. The article contains a review of works showing the specifics of logic and the philosophical tradition of China, which were the basis for specific models of reasoning that make up the Eastern model of argumentation. The purpose of the work is to analyze the argumentation in the speeches of Chinese politicians on the environmental topic and to monitor the implementation of the Eastern or Western model of argumentation. The main conclusions of the article are conclusions about the universality of the Western style of argumentation, which is implemented in arguments about environmental problems. The authors also point out the undesirability of leveling argumentation styles. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that these conclusions, being projected on the field of political ecology, allow us to conclude that the linguistic and cultural characteristics of each country affect the implementation of environmental policy. The authors' contribution to the research of the topic consists in a comparative analysis of the Eastern and Western styles of argumentation and in observing the implementation of one of them in ecological topos in Chinese.
leveling, versatility, linguistic culture, argumentation model, logics, political ecology, ecology, argumentation, Chinese, synergy
Galyavieva, L.S., Karimova, A.A., Khasanova, O.V. (2023). The aesthetic ideal of a modern woman in English-language advertising: sociolinguistic aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 28–36.
This article is devoted to the topic of gender stereotypes and ways of their verbalization in language by the example of the aesthetic ideal of a modern woman in the texts of English-language advertising. The rapid development of feminism as a social and cultural phenomenon has been reflected in various types of discourse – from artistic to advertising. The redistribution of social roles between women and men caused, first of all, the transformation of the image of an ideal woman both at the level of external characteristics and at the level of the axiological paradigm of a woman's personality as a full-fledged member of society. The main means of constructing the concept of the "ideal woman" at the text level are keywords. The lexical and semantic analysis of the description of women in English-language advertising allowed us to make our own classification of the dominant components of the aesthetic ideal of a modern woman based on the theory of archetypes, which determines the novelty of the study. The most famous archetypes of ancient Greek goddesses are taken as a basis. It has been established that the modern English-language advertising text extrapolates four leading archetypes: "the seductress woman" (Aphrodite), "the hearth keeper woman" (Hestia), "the independent woman" (Artemis) and "the warrior woman" (Athena). The choice of an archetype is carried out according to the practical and social orientation of the advertised product. The perspective of the research is seen in the comparison of these archetypes with female images in Russian advertising discourse, taking into account the specifics of linguistic, cultural and sociolinguistic identity
Hestia, Aphrodite, archetype, aesthetic ideal, gender stereotypes, gender, advertising text, English language, Artemis, Athena
Mass literature
Gavrish, A.D., Gulyaeva, E.V., Kompaneeva, L.G. (2023). Features of modern popular science discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 37–49.
The article is devoted to the study of modern popular science literature in order to identify some lexical and stylistic features, as well as to figure out the specificity of the methodology of nowadays scientific and popular information presentation. The authors pay special attention to studying of undeclared implicit discursive elements of popular science texts. Printed versions of books with a total volume of 196,6 conventional printing sheets serve as a material of the study. The analysis of the material showed that the authors of popular science books try to increase the degree of trust of the audience in a variety of ways, for example, by making the process of communication with the reader more intimate, by demonstrating the proximity to official academic community and by positioning the produced text as scientifically significant. One of the most typical phenomena that has been noted in the popular science texts is making some lexical units (including terms) hypersubjective in relation to the context (and their future use in a variety of situations) together with the creation of implicit ideological pressure, as well as with the persistent demonstration of the universality of these lexical units. In all the texts that have been analysed, the unobvious discourse-forming telelogy is noted, which is a tool for soft promotion of meaning-forming and partly ideologically conditioned ways of understanding various facts. Typical of the analysed popular science literature is the presence of reduced argumentation with unjustified usage of the third-party axiomatics and the extension of the argumentation base to the interdisciplinary junction. The use of primitivized argumentation targeted for a dilettante philistine level is noted. It is not uncommon to omit the existing scientific and relevant links and patterns, or to interpret them in a way that does not contradict the information certainty projected in the text. It is also possible to note a distracting informational redundancy, which the authors of the article consider as one of the ways of splitting the text, deliberately created by the addressee of the text.
primitivized argumentation, the effect of advance awareness, information certainty, the effect of transdisciplinary trust, unobvious discourse-forming teleology, hypersubjectivity, informal division of the text, undesirable discursive relationship, popular science discourse, mass audience
Mass literature
Konstantinova, N.V. (2023). "Erast Krutolobov's Journey to Moscow and St. Petersburg in the 30s of the XIX century" by V. Novodvorsky as a parody of the sentimental narrative model of travelogue. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 50–59.
The subject of the study is a parody text of the famous philologist, author of the fundamental monograph on the "Letters of the Russian traveler" N. M. Karamzin, V. V. Sipovsky (pseudonym – V. Novodvorsky), little known to a wide range of readers, "Erast Krutolobov's Journey to Moscow and St. Petersburg in the 30s of the XIX century" as a parody of the narrative model of travelogue. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the description of the sentimental narrative model of the travelogue in the work of V. Novodvorsky (V. V. Sipovsky), to characterize the author's reflection on the way of organizing the narrative in a parody text about the journey. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of Yu. N. Tynyanov, A. Shenle, V. M. Guminsky, O. V. Kublitskaya, Yu. V. Shatin, I. V. Banach devoted to the theory of parody and the analysis of the narrative structure of parody travelogues. To understand the specifics of V.V. Sipovsky's parody of the sentimental narrative model of travelogue, the following research methods are used: biographical, structural-typological, historical-literary. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a special material that expresses the point of view of the author-philologist, researcher of the "Karamzin canon" in the genre of travelogue, which allows us to discover the "common places" of the sentimental tradition, significantly modified in the 30s of the XIX century under the influence of new literary trends. The analysis of the ways of self-expression of the writer-literary critic in the process of creating a parody reveals research reflection not only at the level of literary play, but also through modeling the narrative structure of the text, in which not only the stages of the journey of the protagonist, Erast Krutolobov, "the event of the journey" are parodied, but also the ambivalence of ideas about the "event of telling" about the journey is expressed, contrasted sentimental narrative model and realistic.
methods of author's self-expression, research reflection, journey, author, Sipovsky, sentimental narrative model, travelogue, parody, XIX century, Novodvorsky
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Efimenko, A.E., Efimenko, N.A. (2023). Structural and semantic analysis of Russian and Chinese phraseological units with the numeral "three". Philology: scientific researches, 10, 60–83.
This paper presents a comparative investigation of the metaphorical semantics of the numeral "three" in Russian and Chinese phraseological units (PU). The aim of the study is to identify similarities and differences in the meaning of the number "three" in these PUs and to determine the national peculiarities of their usage. The authors apply a lexico-semantic synchronous approach, focusing on the semantic analysis of the number "three" in terms of its metaphorical lexical meanings and lexical-syntactic groups indicating quantity. The study confirms that symbolic meanings of the number "three" in Russian and Chinese PUs sometimes coincide, yet there are distinct national specificities. In Russian PUs, the number "three" often carries the meaning of "more than the norm," reflecting the transition from ancient to modern linguistic worldview. In Chinese PUs, the meaning "less than the norm" is entirely absent, but the overall usage of the number "three" is more ambiguous, often serving to generalize similar characteristics. The research findings have practical implications for cross-linguistic communication and cultural understanding. The authors conclude that Russian PUs with the number "three" conveying the meaning of "more than the norm" are prevalent in contemporary speech, while those with the meaning of "norm" have become outdated. The analysis of evaluative language in Chinese PUs shows a preference for metaphors related to objects or concepts rather than groups of people. The study underscores the significance of cultural context in the analysis of the symbolic semantics of the number "three" in phraseology and demonstrates the potential of contrastive linguistics in better understanding linguistic peculiarities and cultural nuances.
lexical-syntactic groups (LSG), metaphorical lexical meaning, numeral, numerals in language, phraseological units, structural-semantic analysis, evaluative language analysis, contrastive study, national worldviews, quantitative
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Golovanivskaya, M.K., Efimenko, N.A. (2023). The idea of "luck" in Russian and Chinese cultures. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 84–93.
The article examines the idea of "luck" in two linguistic worldviews – Russian and Chinese. The research is comapartive, two linguocultures are compared. The description of each concept follows a clear algorithm: the etymology of the word is studied, the mythological roots of the idea are explored, its collocations are analyzed, and the material connotation, following V. A. Uspensky, is extracted from these collocations. This is followed by a comparison of dictionary definitions. The goal of the research is to identify the features of how this idea is represented in different cultures using the semantic field of the concept "luck" in Russian and Chinese languages. The comparison is aimed at revealing the similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples. The scientific methods employed in this research include the comparative-historical method, the method of generalization, and the method of semantic analysis. It is important to note that this topic is considered underexplored, and previously, there have been no linguocultural studies that comprehensively analyze this idea within the context of Russian and Chinese cultures. This makes the research scientifically innovative. The results obtained from this research will significantly contribute to mutual understanding among nations and can be seen as a kind of conceptual bridge promoting better mutual understanding between representatives of different cultures. Furthermore, the findings can be useful in the development of courses in regional studies, comparative cultural studies, and in the teaching of relevant languages. Thus, this research has a wide range of applications in both scientific and educational fields.
Chinese language, Russian language, comparative linguistics, cultural code, semantic analysis, luck, linguacultural studies, comparative analysis, linguistic picture of the world, word
Dyachenko, T.A. (2023). The Oriental context of the topos of the garden in Russian "Fin de siècle" poetry. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 94–100.
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the functioning of the topos of the garden in the subject–spatial organization of Russian poetic texts of the 1880s-1890s with a vector to the exoticism of the East. The subject of the study is a garden in the oriental context of poems of the designated period. The object is lyrical works of Russian poets of the last two decades of the XIX century, focused on the eastern context. Particular attention is paid to oriental imagery, which is transferred to the sphere of the universal language of poetry, into which poets translate the subjectivist attitude to the transformation of the real world into an ideal one. The specificity of the material and the multidimensional nature of its consideration determined the general philosophical principles of historicism and consistency as a methodological basis. The research is based on the synthesis of historical-genetic, comparative-historical, functional, intertextual methods. The main conclusions of the study: 1) in the space of the oriental locus of lyrical works of the 1880s-1990s, the garden most often acts as cultural-specific units; 2) unlike the poets of the past decades, the authors of the "fin de siécle" era more often refer to Sufi symbolism itself. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the poetic heritage of the Muslim East in the texts of the "epoch of timelessness" – pre-symbolism, as well as the initial stage of the symbolist trend, has not previously become the object of systematic research. According to E.A. Tahodi's fair remark, in the last three decades, Russian science has grown interest "in the figures of the "second row", in the epochs of transformation of traditional literary paradigms, including pre-symbolism," which remains the least studied page in the history of Russian literature of the XIX century.
subject organization of poetic texts, presymbolism, cultural realities, oriental imagery, topos, muslim East, russian poetry, phytonym, oriental space, garden