Literary criticism
Mysovskikh, L.O. (2023). The existential paradigm of F. Tyutchev's creativity in the context of philosophical and aesthetic research of the first half of the XIX century. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–12.
The article examines the work of F. Tyutchev in the light of aesthetic phenomena of Russian literature of the XIX century. A comparison of the works of Tyutchev and lyubomudrov is made. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the generation of creators to which Tyutchev and Lyubomudry belonged has developed a kind of type of Russian philosophy, whose specificity consists in the fact that it is expressed through art, and primarily through literature. Tyutchev's poetry reveals a number of unique existential-philosophical concepts: the prerequisites of the borderline situation described in the existential theories of K. Jaspers in the twentieth century, as well as analogies with reflections on the death of the founder of the religious trend of existentialism – S. Kierkegaard. The author of the article concludes that Russian philosophical thought tends to be expressed through the language of art, in particular, the language of poetry. Tyutchev and the Moscow idealists create a new type of hero – thinker. He is faced with such existential problems as the place of man in the universe, the meaning of human life, understanding of the psyche and human feelings. He asks questions about the higher powers that rule the world. He faces "damned problems" that will worry Russian writers of the second half of the XIX century. It was poetic thought that contributed to the development of such a great psychologism in the second half of the XIX century.
aesthetics, lyubomudry, Tyutchev, art, poetry, philosophy, existentialism, fiction, theory of literature, russian literature
Literary criticism
Potemkina, E.V., Stremoukhova, A.D. (2023). "Dostoevsky and the Gospel of John": translated from the French article by N.A. Struve (1983) with comments. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 13–25.
The purpose of the article is to introduce readers to the translation of the article by the French Russianist, publicist and translator N.A. Struve "Dostoevsky and the Gospel of John" (1983), which has not been published in Russian until now. It is through language, first of all, that the reader gets acquainted with the writer, therefore, works that consider stylistic features of biblical texts in their subsequent comparison with Dostoevsky's texts are of particular value to us. In addition to the translation itself, the authors' tasks included comparing N.A. Struve's research with similar works in Russian, as well as compiling a commentary on some quotations, concepts and terms used in N.A. Struve's article. Dostoevistics has accumulated a lot of works devoted to the influence of St. The writings on the life, creativity and spiritual path of F.M. Dostoevsky, however, there are not so many studies among them that raise the question of the influence of the text of Holy Scripture on the writer's idiosyncrasy. For us, the syntax of Dostoevsky is of particular interest, namely, the comparison of the compositional connections of words in his works and the text of the Gospel of John. The proposed translation and commentary allow us to supplement the ideas that have developed in Dostoevistics about the influence of the Gospel of John on the work of F.M. Dostoevsky, taking into account the results of recent research, including the methodology of studying and describing the author's idiostyle and compiling a dictionary of the writer's language.
Dudkin, Idiot, poetics, textology, christianity, syntax, dictionary of the writer's language, Dostoevsky, The Gospel of John, Struve
Zyubina, I.A., Myasishchev, G.I., Shapovalova, E.Y., Nesterova, A.S. (2023). Reconstruction of a Speech Portrait of a Political Leader based on the Letter Exchange of Ivan the Terrible (Experience of Pragmalinguistic Analysis). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 26–36.
The author considers the possibility of studying a specific historical personality by the methods of pragmalinguistics based on the correspondence of I. V. Grozny in the aspect of the author's speech dominance. The research material is the personal letters of the tsar, the methods were the diagnosis of the speaker's speech personality by his speech behavior. This article proposes the use of pragmalinguistics methods that allow describing the speech portrait of Ivan the Terrible based on his use of grammatical and textual categories in correspondence with other monarchs and important historical figures. Thus, the subject of the study is the speech behavior of a historical figure in diachrony by the methods of pragmalinguistics. To date, the reconstruction of the linguistic appearance of the tsar has mainly been carried out on the basis of traditional methods of analyzing lexico-semantic and stylistic components and comparing them with a social portrait. The connection between language and thinking, which is considered by the example of correspondence, allows us to believe that the basic pragmalinguistic principles remain unchanged in the language for a long time and the functional abilities of grammatical categories to be associated with personal preferences remain despite linguistic variability. The conducted experiment of speech diagnostics allows the authors to study the aspect of the speech dominance of the personality of Ivan the Terrible at the level of linguistic pragmatics.
functional pragmalinguistics, diachrony, speech diagnostics, speech behavior, speech portrait, historical linguistic personality, speech dominance, speech impact strategy, dynamics of personality development, pragmalinguistics
Todosienko , Z.V., Bryleva, R.F., Mingazetdinova, R.F. (2023). Integration of English Language Borrowings and Neologisms into Different Structured Languages (Based on the Material of Lexical Units of the Coronavirus Period). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 37–47.
The article is devoted to the study of the latest word formations in different structured languages that appeared in the information Internet space during the coronavirus pandemic. Lexical units of Russian-, French- and English-language news resources are considered. In the process of analysis, the authors apply the methodology of classification of models of neologisms and borrowings and identify the degree of their integration in the recipient language. Various ways of forming new lexical units with the help of numerous word-forming operations are also studied and their complex morphological structure is revealed. The authors investigate the prerequisites for the emergence of neologisms in English, as well as English borrowings in Russian and French using examples from various news sources. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to make a comparative study of borrowings and models of integration of the latest English borrowings in Russian and French Internet information sources, and also studies the specifics of the mechanism of adaptation of neologisms in the English-language information system. The word-formation methods of the formation of the newest lexical units are studied in detail, their complex structure is confirmed. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that most lexical units have a complex morphological structure, arrive in the status of mastering the recipient language. It is also found that the integration of borrowed vocabulary in a language is a long-term process, as a result of which one state of the lexical stock is replaced by another.
integration, different structured languages, lexical unit, coronavirus, comparative analysis, English borrowing, morphological structure, borrowing, neologism, adaptation
Osmushina, A.A. (2023). Cosmo-psycho-logos of the Spanish language in the teaching of foreign languages. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 48–59.
The relevance of the work lies in the understanding that knowledge of logic, epistemology, ontology of language contributes to the competent implementation of the dialogue of cultures. The purpose of the study is to formulate the Cosmo-Psycho-Logos system of the Spanish language in comparison with Russian, English, German and French, as well as to substantiate the importance of introducing CPL in teaching a foreign language. The subject of the study is the CPL of the Spanish language. The methods of our research include general scientific methods of analyzing sources, namely colloquial Spanish speech on the example of 10 films and TV series, Spanish folklore, including modern, selected by random sampling (200 Spanish folk tales recorded by folklorists during the XIX and XX centuries, as well as 200 anecdotes), as well as analysis of secondary research material, i.e. works on this problem. The main approach in the work is a comparative approach, a set of comparative and general scientific methods is used to analyze the features of the Spanish language and systematize the data obtained. Thus, the analysis of the Spanish language is carried out at the morphological, semantic and syntactic levels, the elements of the Spanish language are compared with similar elements and systems of the Russian, English, German and French languages. The results of the study are a description of the CPL of the Spanish language, and also demonstrate that the epistemology, logic, ontology of the language are closely related to its semantics, morphology and syntax. Language ethics and aesthetics are reflected in the vocabulary. Spanish space-time relations are dynamic and inseparable. The Spanish ontology demonstrates the great functionality of the object. Spanish logic is indicative, inductive, coherent. Personal goal determines action, self-organization determines tectology. Spanish ethics is situational, while Spanish aesthetics indicates sensuality. This research can be supplemented by further work on Cosmo-Psycho-Logos of other languages, as well as on the didactics of the use of CPL in teaching a foreign language.
dialogue of cultures, tectology, aesthetics, ethics, ontology, epistemology, logic, language, ethnic group, Cosmo-Psycho-Logos of the Spanish language