Literary criticism
Glazkova, M.M. (2022). The embodiment of the dialogue-polemic of A. Zhid with F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche in the artistic space of the story "The Immoralist" . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 1–18.
The object of the study was the work of A. Zhid "The Immoralist" (1902). The work reveals and analyzes the originality of the artistic thought of the French writer, which manifests itself through an oxymoronic combination of the concepts of two philosophers-thinkers – F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche. The reading of the work of A. Zhid in the context of a kind of dialogue is used. On the one hand, it is a dialogue with F. Nietzsche, with his idea of the role of a superman who takes the place of God in a world where "God died". On the other hand, with F. M. Dostoevsky, for whom the gospel truths remain indisputable. At the same time, it is a dialogue between F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche in the artistic space of the work of the French writer. It is determined that the dialogue, carried out in a kind of triangle, reveals the main moral and philosophical problems of the "Immoralist" – the clash of Christian morality and Nietzschean absolute freedom. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the analysis of the little-studied work of A. Zhid "Immoralist" was carried out in the parameters of an exclusive dialogue-polemic with radically opposite thinkers, F. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche, who significantly influenced the spiritual climate of the twentieth century. A. The Jew combines two opposing concepts in one artistic space, but no one wins in this struggle. F. Nietzsche and Dostoevsky reinforce the peculiar disturbing reflections of A. Zhid about the moral conflicts of the modern world. The work comprehends a number of general issues essential for the study of the history of literature, in particular, these are questions of philosophy, religion, morality.
confessions of a hero, philosophical system, ethical and philosophical problems, symbolism of images, christian morality, the new ideal of man, absolute freedom, existential worldview, symbolic orientation, conflict collisions
Literary criticism
Gerasimova, S.A. (2022). The formation of the scientific identity of J. L. D'Alembert and his contribution to the development of literary genres of the XVIII century. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 19–32.
The article aims to analyze the reception of the personality of J. L. D'Alembert, a French educator, scientist and writer of the XVIII century, to identify the ways of formation of his multifaceted scientific identity. The name of J. L. D'Alembert belongs to science, philosophy and literature, the extraordinary biography of the scientist is considered in the socio-cultural context of the time, in close connection with the development of the humanities in France of the XVIII century. The question of the attitude of J. L. D'Alembert to encyclopedists who did not stand aside from the literary processes of their time is clarified. The appeal to the biographical method helps to identify the role of cultural and social factors in the formation of the personality of J. L. D'Alembert as a writer and creator of a number of literary genres. The scientific novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive analysis of the scientist's contribution to the development of scientific and literary genres of that time - preliminary reasoning, elogies, an encyclopedic article, which became a historical and literary phenomenon of the Enlightenment era. The study of the work of J. L. D'Alembert allows us to identify him as a versatile personality who possessed communicative leadership and encyclopedic dominance. It is interesting to study the reverse impact of the personality of J. L. D'Alembert on the socio-cultural situation of the period of his scientific and literary creativity. The result of the study is the identification of four "passionate phases" of the biography of J. L. D'Alembert, the stages of the formation of the scientist, which contributed to his self-identification as a person: achievements in mathematics and hydrodynamics, inclusion in the circle of the academic scientific elite, the creation of an "Encyclopedia" and cooperation with D. Diderot, literary activity and scientific and artistic understanding of science.
memorial speeches, rethinking the term literature, essay, the writer, the encyclopedist, author's name, dynamics of the life path, biography of the scientist, Jean Leron Dalembert, scientific identity
Literary criticism
Porinets, Y.Y. (2022). The Innocence in the Novels of Agatha Christie. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 33–46.
The author examines the motive of innocence in the detective novels of Agatha Christie. This motive is being analyzed in detail for the first time. The conceptual basis of the research was the works of W. H. Auden, G. K. Chesterton, D. Cavelty, D. Sayers devoted to the genre of detective literature. Using the example of many novels, the article traces the relationship between the motives of guilt, innocence, paradise lost and others. The motive of love is considered as a motive, in many ways the opposite of the motive of guilt. Special attention is paid in the article to the novel "The Trial of Innocence", on the example of which the motive of innocence and its significance in the motivic structure are revealed. Based on numerous examples, the article shows that the search for truth in Agatha Christie's detectives is essentially equivalent to the defense of innocence. The motive of innocence in Agatha Christie's novels is of great importance and is closely related to the motives of guilt, retribution, justice, good and evil, paradise, trust, and personality formation. The article shows that it is the protection of innocent characters (both victims of crime and those unjustly accused) that is the primary task for those who conduct the investigation. This is due to the idea inherent in the detective genre of restoring the original harmony destroyed as a result of the crime.
formulary literature, literary character, Edem, trust, punishment, guilt, novel, innocence, detective story, genre
Faizullina, N.D. (2022). Functional-semantic and expressive potential of the oxymoron in Russian poetry of the XIX century. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 47–54.
Abstract The present article is devoted to the study of antonyms as a stylistic device based on opposites and contradictions, the identification of means of expressiveness. The object of the study is the stylistic figure “oxymoron", considered on the material of poetry of the XIX century. The purpose of the research is to reveal and comprehend the specific essence and features of the oxymoron as a category of poetics, to identify the relationship with the verbal poetic image as a kind of absurdity and paradox. The acceptance of speech paradoxes is explained by allophrony. Special attention is paid to the structural and semantic possibilities of an antonymic pair in the context of a deliberately used speech error. The work is carried out in line with the descriptive method of linguistics. The results of our linguistic research allow us to draw some conclusions: that the linguistic phenomenon is an oxymoron, is anomalous to words with a direct meaning and is characterized in science as a paradox. The acceptance of speech paradoxes, despite the contradictions, is explained by allophrony. The increased expressiveness of the oxymoron is achieved by contrasting, opposites, a combination of epithets incomprehensible to logic, in which a vivid manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts is expressed, it is implied as an incorrect, unfair combination of ideas in one whole, that is, as a violation, as something that does not have the right to exist in a work of art due to inconsistency, logically mutually exclusive each other even before direct interaction. The oxymoron as a phenomenon of poetic and empirical reality is used as metaphorical names of any physiological deviations in the description of heroes, anomalies in nature containing a paradox. The minimal structure of the oxymoron is a phrase, it is the result of a fusion of contrasting meanings. An adjective and a noun interact in an oxymoron, less often an adverb and a verb, a verb and a adverb, an adverb and an adjective.
logical violation, the paradox, absurd, expression, stylistic figures, semantics, oxymoron, allophrony, controversy, the opposite
Akopyan, A. (2022). The emergence of phrasal verbs and their functioning in modern economic discourse . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 55–62.
The article discusses the main issues related to the history of phrasal verbs. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of phrasal verbs used in economic discourse from the point of view of their communicative function and the peculiarities of their interpretation for a foreign-language audience. The article provides examples of the use of phrasal verbs in economic discourse, using the example of various journals devoted to economics. In the process of analyzing phrasal verbs, the author makes it clear that because of their characteristic expressiveness, emotional coloring and informativeness, phrasal verbs began to be used in various fields of scientific and professional discourse. The novelty of this study is due to the wide spread of phrasal verbs both in oral and written speech, which necessitates their deeper study for effective use in the course of intercultural communication. In addition, insufficient knowledge of the peculiarities of their use and functioning in English can cause errors not only for a beginner, but also for a language learner for a long time. Phrasal verbs can make it difficult or distort the understanding of the meaning not only of a single sentence, but also of the text as a whole when foreigners perceive English.
functioning, vocabulary, stylistics, semantics, morphology, phraseology, economic discourse, phrasal verbs, stable phrases, communicative function
Xu, X., Tokarchuk, I.N. (2022). On the Question of Particularization in Russian: the adjective "literal". Philology: scientific researches, 8, 63–72.
The article is devoted to the problem of the relationship of particles as a grammatical and functional class with words of other parts of speech. The relevance of the research is determined by its involvement in the problems of studying the phenomenon of transitivity between grammatical classes of words, in particular, the process of particularization in modern Russian. The object of the study is the adjective "literal". The subject of the study is the syntagmatic, semantic and pragmatic features of this lexeme. The purpose of the work is to establish the types of use of the word literal, their syntagmatic and semantic qualifications. The paper uses a descriptive method, as well as elements of comparative and quantitative analysis. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the range of meanings of the adjective literal is determined on the basis of the material of the NKRR and the specificity of its use in the function of the particle is revealed. It is established that the "literal" lexeme in modern Russian appears both in characteristic compatibility (with nouns with the meaning of speech or mental activity or its result) and in less or uncharacteristic compatibility (with words whose meaning is not related to speech activity). The features of the use of the adjective as a communicative-pragmatic unit functioning literally by the type of particle are determined: the presence of the pragmatic meaning ‘not real’, ‘similar’ while preserving the morphological and syntactic properties of the significant word. The main conclusion concerns the qualification of the word literal in such cases as a particle-like unit with hybrid properties. The results of the study can be used both in the study of other adjectival units involved in the process of particularization, and in lexicographic practice.
hybrid properties, particularization, communicative and pragmatic function, syntactic functions, morphological properties, syntagmatics, pragmatics, semantics, particle, adjective name
Mystery novel
Porinets, Y.Y. (2022). Literary allusions in detective novels by Agatha Christie. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 73–86.
The author analyzes literary allusions in detective novels by Agatha Christie. For the first time, allusions to the works of W. Shakespeare, C. Dickens, P. G. Wodehouse, G. K. Chesterton are considered in detail. Many allusions are established for the first time. As a material for writing this article, a large number of novels were used, among which there are also rarely considered texts of the English writer. The meaning of allusions to "Twelfth Night" in the novel "The Sad Cypress" is revealed in detail, to the works of Wodehouse – in the novel "Why not Evans?" In the article, in the context of the studied problem, the features of escapism of the detective genre are considered. Based on the consideration of examples from a number of novels by Agatha Christie, conclusions are drawn about the significance of literary allusions in her novels in general and in specific works in particular. Allusions expand the semantic field of novels, allow Agatha Christie to go beyond the detective story, limited by the principles of formulaic literature, to consider psychological problems, to portray ambiguous characters in the spirit of classical English literature. At the same time, with the help of a significant number of allusions emphasized by the author, the literary nature of what is happening in detective novels is brought to the fore, which largely corresponds to the escapist nature of this genre.
humor, psychologism, literary character, modernism, novel, formulary literature, escapism, allusion, quotation, detective story
Abdullabekova, U.B. (2022). Syntactic paradigm of the English active verb cut (based on The Economist magazine). Philology: scientific researches, 8, 87–94.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the active verb cut in English. The article defines the models forming the synparadigma of the active verb cut, describes the semantic features of the verb, analyzes the verb cut from the point of view of its morphological categories. The author conducts a theoretical analysis of the concept of "syntactic paradigm", its differences from the morphological paradigm, and also describes various interpretations of the concept of actionality, which is important in the analysis of the syntactic paradigm of the active verb. There are a large number of points of view about what range of phenomena the concept of synparadigma covers and what is the composition of the categories significant for it. The article presents the theories of the synparadigma of D.Worth, P. Adamts. The author comes to the conclusion that the synparadigma of the active verb cut consists of 8 models: VN, VNprpN, LinkVed, Voneself, VO, VD, VNV, VNprpG. The highest frequency indicators are characterized by the VN model. An analysis of the active verb cut from the point of view of its characteristic species-specific, collateral categories and mood categories shows that the most commonly used form of the verb cut in the English-language media text is Present Indefinite and Present Perfect. Narration in the present tense provides a very strong presence effect, causes a feeling that events are happening here and now. The active verb is mainly used in the actual voice. Due to the lexical meaning, the verb cut is often used in the passive voice. The analysis of the verb along the line of the mood category revealed a large number of sentences in the indicative mood.
English language, mood category, collateral category, viewmodern category, actionality, the verb cut, syntactic paradigm, active verb, The Economist Magazine, English-language media text