Literary criticism
Podkovyrin, Y.V. (2022). The Dialogical Concept of Meaning in H.-G. Gadamer's "Truth and Method" and its significance for Literary Hermeneutics. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 1–8.
The subject of the study in the article is the concept of meaning presented in one of the main philosophical works of the twentieth century – the book of the German philosopher H.-G. Gadamer "Truth and Method". Gadamer's concept of meaning is considered among those theories of meaning that can be defined as dialogical. In the humanitarian thought of the twentieth century, they oppose both objectivist (first of all, scientific) and subjectivist concepts of meaning. The dialogical concept of the meaning of Gadamer is considered in this work from the perspective of its significance for literary hermeneutics, namely, for comprehending the specifics of the meaning of a literary work. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that for the first time the author analyzes the characteristics of meaning presented implicitly in Gadamer's "Truth and Method", and also identifies those ideas of Gadamer that are of direct importance for clarifying the specifics of the meaning of a literary work. In the concept of the meaning of Gadamer, we distinguish the following main points: the meaning is intentional; the meaning is always correlated with several intentions; the meaning is eventful; self-identity is inherent in the meaning. For literary hermeneutics, such ideas of Gadamer are of particular importance: 1) the meaning in a work of art is freed from the "obscuring" moments of the semantic future; 2) the "game" is opposed to the "structure"; 3) in a work of art there is an "increase in the visibility" of being.
intention, dialogue, structure, game, artistic meaning, hermeneutics, method, truth, Gadamer, event
Bednova, Y.A. (2022). Translation features of expressive means based on the novel by F. Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 9–21.
This work is devoted to the issue of the translation of artistic and visual means from English into Russian based on the material of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's work of fiction "The Great Gatsby". It concerns research on various ways of adequately conveying the author's intentions of a work of art in the receiving language and recreating the stylistic effect of the original through figurative means in the translation process. The object of our research is the linguistic visual means that the translator uses to create imagery. The subject of the study is the stylistic features of the translation of visual and expressive means of language in F. Fitzgerald's work "The Great Gatsby". The relevance of the topic, therefore, is due to the need for a comprehensive study of stylistic techniques when translating from one language to another. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the need to study various means of expression, which in each case, in addition to the aesthetic function, help the author to fully reveal the meaning of the work. The article solves the following main tasks: to analyze the features of the translation of fiction, to identify the main lexical and stylistic figures in the novel "The Great Gatsby", to analyze the translation of the selected means of expression. As a result, we found that the transfer of stylistic means of expression presents certain difficulties for the translator due to their ambiguity. Various means of expression give an emotionally expressive assessment, characterize objects and phenomena, "decode" the author's intentions.
translation of expressing means, translation, a language of fiction, a figure of speech, literary translation, comparison, stylistic figures of speech, metaphor, epithet, lexical means of expression
Lyrics and the character in lyrics
Rakhmatova, A.M. (2022). Images of bodily objectification in non-classical lyrics. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 22–31.
The object of research in our article is body images in the lyrics of the non-classical stage of the poetics of artistic modality (in the terminology of S. N. Broitman). The subject of research in this article is a specific way of depicting a lyrical subject and/or a lyrical character, in which his body is experienced (comprehended, evaluated) by himself as something separate, independently existing (or the body of a lyrical character is comprehended by a lyrical subject as something independent in relation to his inner world, "soul"). The article examines various methods of bodily objectification in non-classical lyrics based on the material of a number of lyrical works of the twentieth century. The scientific novelty of the research is determined, firstly, by the insufficient study of the artistic specificity of bodily images in lyrics as a kind of literature in general, secondly, by the lack of clarity of the artistic specificity of bodily images in the lyrics of the non-classical stage of the poetics of artistic modality, and thirdly, by the unexplored phenomenon of bodily objectification in both classical and modern lyrics. As a result of the conducted research, a number of conclusions were made. 1. A common feature of bodily objectification in lyrics (with all the variety of its depiction in specific texts) is the following: the perception by the lyrical subject of his body / the body of the lyrical character as another (related to the outside world) while maintaining an actual connection with him. 2. In the works of non-classical lyrics, two main variants of the image of bodily objectification are distinguished: a) in the image of a lyrical subject /character, the body is opposed to the "I"; b) in the image of a lyrical subject / character, the body is opposed to the "I", as well as to a certain extent to the objectified inner principle - the "soul".
non - classical lyrics, artistic image, lyrical character, lyrical hero, lyrical subject, objectification, author, physicality, the poetics of modality, reflection
Belozerova, E.Y. (2022). Inventing Anna: phraseology in the headlines of the English-language press. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 32–39.
The article examines a number of modern phraseological units (phraseological units, derivatives of phraseological units and author's formations) on the example of the headlines of the English-language press. All the presented empirical material is analyzed according to the context of the publications, as well as the time frame (January 2022 – May 2022). The relevance of the research is due to the emergence of secondary nominative means of modern English as a communicative necessity. The object of research in the article is phraseological units of the language used in the headings of articles devoted to the study of the phenomenon by Anna Sorokin. The subject of the study is the communicative and pragmatic functions of phraseological units in the media used to describe and characterize the main character and her act. The purpose of the work is to study and analyze the received phraseological units for the possible identification of a new phraseological unit describing the distinctive features of both Anna Sorokin and her history. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the quality of the material (modern English-language press), as well as attempts to establish a phraseological unit directly pointing to Anna Sorokin and her fraudulent actions. The main method of research is an inductive approach to the analysis of empirical material, in which conclusions are based on the study of specific phraseological units. To identify derivational transformations in the structural and semantic organization of phraseological units, the work uses structural and semantic analysis. The result of the analysis reveals the constant use of one proper name and two author formations, which can later be attributed to the phraseological fund of the English language. This research contributes to the development of principles and approaches to the study of phraseology of the English language, its enrichment, as well as the understanding of phraseology in a broad way.
idiomatic, Inventing Anna, Anna Delvey, Anna Sorokin, authorial formations, derivation, modern phraseological units, the communicative task, pragmatic function, phraseology
Question at hand
Minova, M.V., Mamukina, G.I., Kazimirova, I.S., Dolgova, E.G., Fedorova, A.V. (2022). Formation of new phraseologisms as word creation. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 40–53.
This article is devoted to the review of the main ways of increasing the phraseological units of the language in the context of word creation. The purpose of this article is to study phraseological neologisms as one of the forms of word creation in the lexical system of English, Spanish, French and Russian languages, as well as to identify the main trends in the formation and functioning of new phraseological units. The research is based on lexicographic, descriptive, comparative methods, as well as lexico-semantic analysis and the continuous sampling method. The peculiarities of the formation of phraseological neologisms are illustrated by numerous examples in English, Spanish, French and Russian from modern media, blogs and social networks. The scientific novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the emergence of new phraseologisms in different languages. Phraseological neologisms can either be an integral part of the vocabulary of a particular language, or have only a temporary, momentary, occasional character. The conducted research has shown that in the creation of new phraseologisms, certain samples are most often used, and the most productive ways are borrowing phraseological units, the formation of new phraseologisms by analogy and the creation of author's phraseological neologisms. Of particular interest are cases when the source of new phraseologisms are the titles of books and films, as well as the lyrics of songs.
French language, Spanish language, English language, borrowings, calques, word creation, phraseological neologisms, phraseological units, phraseologisms, Russian language
Question at hand
Karpov, E.S., Murzina, O.V., Gegelova, N.S., Balashova, K.A. (2022). The specifics of the pronoun "we" as an instrument of author's self-identification in new youth media (based on podcasts). Philology: scientific researches, 6, 54–61.
The subject of the study is the specifics of the functioning of the pronoun "we" in the self-presentation of authors and presenters of modern podcasts. The object of the study is a semantic shift in the profile of this pronoun, due to the increasing popularity of the podcast as a genre. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the differentiation of the inclusive and exclusive pronoun "we" and the distinction within the inclusive meaning of extended and nuclear inclusiveness. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of extended inclusion in various podcasts and tracing the trend of expansion of this form in the speech of the presenter. The texts of various podcasts focused on children and youth audience are considered. The main conclusion of the study is the statement of the increasing role of the extended inclusive semantic version of "we" in modern Russian media, as well as the distinction according to linguistic criteria between the genre of podcast and radio. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the analysis of the contexts of the use of the pronoun "we" and its derivatives in modern podcasts and the generalization of the patterns of its use. The novelty of the research lies in the study of changes in the semantic profile of the pronoun "we" on the example of podcasting: previously, such studies were conducted only in relation to children's radio shows, podcasts, despite their increasing popularity with the audience, are practically not analyzed in terms of linguistic content and influence on the linguistic landscape of the modern Russian language.
podcaster, youth media, mass media, oral speech, media, grammar, self-presentation, pronoun, podcast, journalism
Author's view
Ogourtsova, V.S. (2022). The little man in the Gogol's tradition of Dahl's story. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 62–70.
The image of a «little man» as a converging factor in the creative biographies of two contemporaries N. V. Gogol and V. I. Dahl has become the subject of study in this article. The key image for the natural school of Russian literature has its own specific qualities and characteristics, presented in the works of many authors of that time. The study is based upon the two works of the writers: «The Overcoat» by Gogol and «The Life of a Man, or a Walking along the Nevskiy Avenue» by Dahl. In the texts of both Gogol and Dahl, the «little man» receives, along with typical characteristics, special details that emphasize the mutual influence of the authors. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the most detailed study of one of the most important creative parallels of two writers. Conclusions are drawn about the distinctive features of the image of the main character typical for the 30-40s of the XIX century, reflected in the stories of two contemporary writers, the similarities between them are emphasized, as well as significant differences.
image, comparative analysis, natural school, Life of Man, Overcoat, Gogol, Dahl, little man, creative parallels, poetics
Literary criticism
Zubtsova, Y.O. (2022). The evolution of female images of modern Caucasian women's prose ( based on the material of the novel by M. Akhmedova "Stone Girl. Water"). Philology: scientific researches, 6, 71–79.
The article is devoted to female images of modern Caucasian women's prose. The author examines in detail the images presented in the novel by the writer and journalist Marina Akhmedova "The Stone. Girl. Water", analyzing a wide range of themes and motifs presented in the novel. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the motive of turning to religion, the confrontation of the city and the village, the motive of love, motherhood, etc. Special attention is paid to the female image – the image of a mother, daughter, teacher. Marina Akhmedova immerses the reader in the atmosphere of everyday life, which allows us to talk about the traditional theme and plot characteristic of Caucasian prose. The novelty of the research lies, first of all, in the choice of the author and the novel for analysis – modern Caucasian women's prose is represented by a rather narrow list of writers. As the main conclusions of the study, the author identifies the following: the heroes of modern Caucasian women's prose are acutely aware of the scrapping of the national matrix. They are disappointed in modern reality and deliberately strive for the international. Despite the traditional nature of the theme and plot, Akhmedova manages to combine the classical literary form with topical journalism, showing the difficult fate of her people through the prism of female characters, showing their evolution according to their social status.
the evolution of images, image in literature, the image of a woman, modern women's literature, modern literature, prose about the Caucasus, women 's prose, modern Caucasian prose, caucasian text, modern Caucasian literature
Literary criticism
Grunina, Y.A., Terentieva, E.D. (2022). Russian School of Poetic Translation: the path from letter to Image. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 80–91.
The subject of the research in the article are the principles of literary translation of foreign authors in our country. The object of the research are the works of famous Soviet and Russian translators of foreign literature, as well as the views on the translation art of such outstanding researchers as K. I. Chukovsky, I. A. Kashkin, S. F. Goncharenko, A.V. Fedorov, E. G. Etkind, etc. Special attention is paid to the problem of translating folk speech. As an example, the authors of the article consider translations of the "Poem about One Day" by the Spanish poet and thinker Antonio Machado, made by I. Tynyanova and N. Gorskaya. Biographical, descriptive and cultural-historical methods were used in the work. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of two versions of the translation of one of the works of A. Machado is carried out. The relevance of this article is due to the importance of the problems of literary translation in Russian culture, the insufficient level of research of A. Machado's creative heritage in Russian Spanish studies and the lack of a detailed analysis of translations of his works into Russian. The main conclusions of the work confirm the refusal of domestic translators of foreign poetry from the "literalist" approach to translation, the desire to convey the spirit, images, and rhythm of the poetic text by means of the native language. This is also confirmed by the comparison of two ways of transmitting live folk colloquial speech in the analyzed translations.
translation studies, comparative analysis, foreign literature, poetry, Antonio Machado, Hispanism, artistic text, translation of a poetic text, literary translation, people 's speech
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A. (2022). Functional adverbialization of substantive word forms of the "winter" type through the prism of indexing. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 92–102.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the degrees of adverbialization of the "winter" substantive formations in peripheral adverbs. The relevance of the work is due to the need to study peripheral zones in the grammatical structure of the Russian language, explicating syncretic language units at different stages of intercategory transposition. The novelty of the approach consists in using the methods of oppositional analysis and indexing the degrees of adverbialization of nouns, which made it possible to minimize the element of subjectivism in the evaluation of adverbializing word forms in typical contexts. General scientific and general linguistic, special methods of material analysis (comparison, generalization, descriptive method, elements of component, distributive and transformational analysis) are also used in this research. The focus is on word forms such as "in winter" demonstrates that different circumstances interacts differently with nouns and adverbs. The study of the degrees and limits of their functional adverbialization showed that in the structure of substantive adverbs like "in winter", signs of nouns and adverbs are synthesized in different proportions. It is established that as a result of the grammatical transposition into the class of temporal adverbs, the word form "in winter" reveals 4% correspondence of differential signs of the original noun "winter (winter)" and 78% compliance with the substantive adverb meaning of "sometimes". The zone of the periphery of adverbs serves as the limit of categorical transformation for the forms of the nouns "in winter", "in spring", "in summer", "in autumn", which do not violate the semantic identity of the original substantive lexemes. The results of the research can be used in the further development of the problem of transitivity and syncretism in the field of significant and official parts of speech, in the creation of a transpositional grammar of the Russian language and in lexicographic practice – when writing dictionaries of interparticle homonyms.
the periphery zone, transition scale, adverb, noun, adverbialization, transposition, grammar, indexing, Russian, degree of compliance