Smolina, A.N. (2022). Religious Lexis in Russian Ecclesiastical and Religious Auto-documentary texts: Typology and Stylistic functions. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 1–15.
The subject of the study is Christian religious vocabulary, which has several specific features and forms a special church-religious lexis style. The purpose of the presented research is to show the main features of Christian religious lexis in Russian church-religious auto-documentary tests. The importance of the work is determined by the fact that it is carried out in line with theolinguistics - an actively developing direction of modern philology. The basis of the study is published spiritual letters, spiritual diaries and spiritual memoirs of Russian Orthodox church writers of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. The analysis of those materials is based on theolinguistic, linguostylistic, typological and contextual methods, as well as the method of philological commentary. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it examines in detail the types of religious lexis used in Russian ecclesiastical-religious auto-documentary texts; provides illustrations of their existence; identifies the ideological reasons for their use by church writers; shows the stylistic functions of the types of religious vocabulary; highlights the features of their use, in particular, the types of contexts in which the studied language units are used. It is established that the most common types of religious names found in Russian ecclesiastical and religious auto-documentary texts are theonyms; biblionyms; hagioanthroponyms; icononyms; ecclesionyms; names of angels; names of biblical events; names of evangelical heroes; names of Christian sacraments; linguistic units related to the corpus of Orthodox vocabulary of spiritual and moral content; names of persons associated with Christian religious activity; linguistic units denoting Christian texts; Christian georthonyms; names of religious-Christian groups of persons; linguistic units denoting concepts related to Orthodox eschatological representations; names of infernal entities; identified religious names are used in such stylistic functions as pictorial, characterological, emotive, evaluative, prescriptive, syndicative, semantic, axiological, text-forming, nominative, explanatory. The results of the study are of interest for lexicology, stylistics, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology, theolinguistics.
stylistic function, typology, theolinguistics, functional style, church-religious style, auto-documentary text, spiritual writing, spiritual diary, spiritual memories, religious name
Shuiskaya, Y.V., Tsitsinov, A.Y. (2022). Linguistic Means of Introducing an Object into the Information Field Based on the Discourse of Military Media. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 16–22.
The subject of the study is the linguistic resources of introducing a new object into the information (mass media) field. The object of the research is the process of interaction of the (mass media) author and the reader of the text and the linguistic specifics of this process. The author consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the interaction of the implicature and presuppositive information of the text with the political and historical situation. The research material was the discourse of military mass media, especially the use by these mass media of special linguistic means when introducing unprecedented phenomena and newly appeared objects. The main conclusions of the study are the formulation of ways and forms of introducing the new objects through the well-known in the discourse of military journalism. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the consideration of an object into the information field on the example of two diverse objects, the semiotization of which in both cases involves an appeal to a common apperceptive base, but using different vectors. The novelty of the research lies in the linguistic analysis of the means used in military mass media, the target audience of which are, first of all, military personnel, which affects the compositional and argumentative structure of the text covering a fundamentally new object or phenomenon.
discourse, mass media, military media, precedent phenomenon, precedent statement, apperception base, active pledge, implicature, presupposition, mass communication media
Literary criticism
Akamov, A.T., Bekeeva, A.M. (2022). INFLUENCE OF ARAB-MUSLIM CULTURE ON THE PROCESS OF ORIGIN OF DAGESTAN LITERATURE. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 23–28.
The subject of this study is Dagestan literature. Special attention is paid to the first written works in the republic, which appeared under the influence of Arab-Muslim culture. This article examines the influence of Arabic-language culture on the formation of literary traditions of the peoples of Dagestan. Works in Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages in the spiritual literature of Dagestan testify to the centuries-old impact of Eastern culture. The manuscript gives an overview of the first Arabic-language sources written on the territory of Dagestan in the X-XII centuries. With the integration of the Arabic language in society, there is a creative flourishing of the activities of scientists of various fields of science: ethics, dogmatics, logic, Muslim law, hagiography and many others. The authors note not only the influence of Eastern literature, but also the creativity of the peoples of the Near and Middle East in the fate of Dagestan written literature and literary traditions. The authors of the article note that the spread of writing based on Arabic graphics contributed to the increase in the level of literacy of the Dagestan population, which is reflected in the literature.
Arab-Muslim culture, Islamization, Dagestan fiction, spiritual writing of the Kumyks, chronicles, historical development, Sufism, regional historiography, Arabic language, Eastern literature
Literary criticism
Mysovskikh, L.O. (2022). The Writer and Existentialism: Fiction as a means of expressing existential ideas. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 29–41.
The article examines the existential paradigm in fiction through the prism of the literary theory of the French philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre. The author explores the relationship between the writer and the reader in their social context. It is argued that the task of a literary critic is mainly to study the writer's technique. The task of a philosophical critic can be defined as the study of the metaphysics of a writer. Writers need the freedom of the reader for their work to exist authentically. Without this, they will cease to exist as authors, and their works will be in obscurity. Literature is an ideal means for both the writer and the reader to realize their own freedom and each other's freedom.  The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Sartre's ideas are still relevant today. As the concepts of nationality and belonging are being revised and changed, the process of globalization is underway, Sartre's theories allow critics to contextualize writers beyond such obvious boundaries. Today it seems interesting to find out whether Sartre's ideas about existentialism and literature can be applied to writers and their work in such a way that the "critic" can analyze both the metaphysics of the novelist and his artistic technique, and, moreover, assess his role in society and beyond. In the light of Sartre's theories, literature is the most appropriate way by which a person can realize and change society. The theories of literature and existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre can be applied to identify and analyze existential concepts in a wide variety of works of fiction, including retrospectively, which is demonstrated in this article by the example of Russian writers – M. Y. Lermontov and F. M. Dostoevsky.
foreign literature, russian literature, theory of literature, artistic literature, existentialism, artistic consciousness, philosophy, writer, reader, free will
Bednova, Y.A. (2022). Features of the translation of modal verbs based on the novel "Little Women" by Louise May Olcott. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 42–51.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the translation of modal verbs in the novel "Little Women" by Louise May Alcott. The object of this research is the categories of modality in a work of art. The subject of the study is the ways of transferring modality from English to Russian when translating the novel "Little Women" by Louise May Alcott. The relevance of this work is due to the fact that the transfer of modality from English to Russian and vice versa presents certain difficulties for the majority of Russian-speaking students. The author considers the classification of modal verbs, as well as the meanings they acquire in the process of translating this literary text. В The scientific novelty of the article is due to the need to study such a universal concept as modality, which in each case, depending on the communicative situation, conveys not only facts, but also evaluates what is happening. The article solves the following main tasks: to analyze the meanings of modal verbs and the frequency of their use in this work, as well as to present possible translation options. As a result, we found that modality presents difficulties in translation due to the fact that in various communicative situations it can acquire an additional emotional load, which, if misinterpreted, can distort the essence of the utterance.
subjective modality, translation theory, equivalent translation, transfer of modality, artwork, modal verbs, translation, modality, objective modality, modality of the text
Akamov, A.T., Bekeeva, A.M. (2022). Poetic language features of Abdurakhman from Kakashura. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 52–60.
The article is devoted to the study of the artistic style of the famous scientist-theologian, the outstanding poet Abdurakhman from Kakashura. Particular attention is paid to the philosophical and aesthetic principles that form the basis of his work. The artistic manner of Abdurahman from Kakashura is distinguished by the originality of his worldview, imagery and specific use of linguistic means. His poetic world contributes to the in-depth study of Sufism - one of the main phenomena in the political and cultural life of the Republic of Dagestan. The work of Abdurakhman from Kakashura carries a predominantly humanistic message; he is the founder of the humanistic trend in Kumyk literature and represents to some extent a transitional stage between the literature of the Middle Ages and the literature of Modern times. The influence of the work of Abdurakhman from Kakashura on the subsequent generations of Kumyk and Dagestan poets is also indisputable. It is also important to note that most of the issues in his poetry are understood very interestingly and had a great resonance in Dagestan and were important for the development of progressive thought of his time.
literary and artistic style, tyurki, poetic language, spiritual literature, Sufism, humanism, poetic interpretation, vocabulary, semantics, traditions
Sulkarnayeva, A. (2022). Early learning of English in a Kazakh school (results of a sociolinguistic study) . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 61–81.
The paper analyzes the situation of early learning of English in a Kazakh school. The author describes the results of the conducted sociolinguistic research in the capital gymnasium; analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the introduced system of early English language teaching; justifies the need for a large-scale statistical study of the current situation. The author introduces the term "kazinglish" by analogy with the already established term "runglish" and justifies its relevance for further research in a comparative aspect. The object of the study is teaching English in Kazakhstan primary and secondary schools. The subject of the study is the data obtained from the survey of informants (anonymous cluster survey). В В В Main conclusions: 1) change of one of the main mental and cultural paradigms in the field of foreign language education: focus on intercultural communication in action. 2) Primary and secondary level students identify motivation, professional competence of the teacher, accessibility, visibility as the main criteria for easy mastering of a foreign language. We conclude that there is a positive methodology for teaching a foreign language in relation to academic results and the predominant role of the interactive learning format.3) It is not necessary to talk about the presence of a certain talent for languages.4) It is necessary to form specialized training of students in the profile: humanitarian or natural-mathematical. 5) The problem of substitution of concepts and the resulting problem of colloquial foreign language. The so-called "easy and fast" method of language acquisition is becoming increasingly popular. As a result, side effects are unacceptable phonetic, grammatical, lexical and stylistic errors. 6) A pseudo-dialect of the English language is actively being formed in Kazakhstan, let's call it "Kazinglish" by analogy with "Runglish". "Kazinglish" has already become a reality. It is necessary to conduct a large-scale (republican) study on the mastery of foreign languages by the population. The results will allow analyzing the paradigms and trends that have occurred in the study of foreign languages in the country, and outline plans for the development of foreign language education in Kazakhstan.
advantages and disadvantages, kazakhstan school, myths and facts, kazinglish, runglish, sociolinguistic research, primary school education, English language, early learning system, multilingual
Sadchenko, V.T., DONG, Q. (2022). Morphemic Structure of Adverbs in the Russian Dialects of the Amur Region. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 82–93.
The subject of the study is the characteristic of the morphemic composition of adverbs in the Russian dialects of the Amur region, characterized by secondary formation and localization in the territory of late settlement. In this work, the author analyzes the study of the structure of adverbs in the Russian literary language and refers to the experience of studying this part of speech in Russian dialectology. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the adverbial lexeme in the studied group of dialects in the structural aspect has not been previously considered by scientists. For the first time, using the methods of continuous sampling, descriptive-analytical and comparative analysis, an attempt was made to classify the adverbs recorded in the second edition of the Dictionary of Russian Dialects of the Amur Region. The material allowed to distribute the selected adverbs into 10 groups. The observations have shown that the main problems in studying the structure of adverbs in this group of dialects are the ratio in their characteristics of all-Russian features and locally limited, the articulability of adverbs of individual groups, as well as the preservation of some relics that make it possible to trace the dynamics of the vernacular vocabulary. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the study of this group of linguistic units is necessary to build a typology of dialects of the Amur Region, monograph their description, identify the features of the language in the aspect of its regional existence and recreate the structure of the Russian dialect space as a whole.
structural classification, single education, adverbs of time, Russian dialects of the Amur region, territorial dialects, adverb, word - formation formant, morphemic composition, dialects, morphemics