Literary criticism
Lapteva, N.A. (2022). Artistic synthesis of epic and dramatic in F. I. Chudakov's essay "Towards the Clouds". Philology: scientific researches, 3, 1–11.
The object of research in this article is an essay by Fyodor Ivanovich Chudakov (1888-1918) "Towards the Clouds" (1909); the subject of research is the techniques of theatricalization, which was chosen by the author as a narrative strategy. The internal organization of the work (composition, image system, conflict) is based on dramatic principles, which makes the narrative as visualized as possible, and also brings it closer to the reader, who becomes not only a spectator, but also an accomplice of the events described. Descriptive and structural-semantic methods are used in the work. The methodological basis was the research of E. S. Dobin, N. M. Zavarnitsyna, V. E. Khalizeva.  The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that this essay is being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In addition, the novelty is due to the use of an interdisciplinary approach when referring to the prose work of F. I. Chudakov: the analysis of the work is based on the study of linguistic units of various levels. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were obtained: synthesizing the typological features of the epic and dramatic, F. I. Chudakov solves an important aesthetic task – considers the inner world of a person through fixing its external manifestations. To solve this problem, the writer uses various theatrical techniques that create the so-called presence effect: situational speech of the characters not commented on by the author; detailing the appearance of the characters, landscape elements; endowing descriptions with sound and coloristic details; inappropriate direct speech (the effect of "first-person cinema").
the effect of presence, improper-direct speech, landscape, composition, detail, point of view, staging, essay, Towards the clouds, Fyodor Ivanovich Chudakov
Darbanova, N., Ivanova, I. (2022). Ideas about static space in the linguistic picture of the world by V. Tsoi. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 12–22.
The purpose of the research in the article is to reconstruct the ideas about static space, represented in the lyrics of the songs of the leader of the rock group "Cinema" V. R. Tsoi. The object of the study was the linguistic means of verbalization of the main spatial fragments of the worldview in the works of V. Tsoi. The methods used in the study are methods of linguistic and cultural analysis, including conceptual, component analysis of the semantics of lexical units. The methodological basis of the study was the scientific developments of domestic schools of logical and conceptual analysis of language. The relevance of the research is determined by the use of modern approaches of linguistic and cultural (conceptual) analysis in identifying the features of individual author's consciousness. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that the concepts of space as a static phenomenon considered in the article are based on the material of V. V.'s songs. Tsoi are insufficiently studied in the scientific literature in the linguoculturological aspect. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made: V. Tsoi's ideas about static space are concentric: kitchen – house – city – earth – space; these spaces are closed, closed, at the same time inextricably linked by the unity of the center and permeable. The opposition of "friend and foe" and the idea of loneliness permeate the ideas of static space in V. Tsoi's linguistic picture of the world. The results of the research can be used in the practice of teaching disciplines related to the problems of linguistic and cultural (conceptual) analysis.
semantics, rock poetry, Victor Tsoi, opposition, individual author's consciousness, language picture of the world, spatial representations, static space, conceptual analysis, linguoculturology
Literary criticism
Shvetsova, T.V., Shakhova, V.E., Dulova, S.A., Kuznetsova, T.A. (2022). Chronotope modeling in the plug-in genre of K. S. Badigin's novel "The Way to Grumant". Philology: scientific researches, 3, 23–32.
The subject of the study is the category of artistic chronotope. The present study was carried out in the line of literary chronopoetics. Chronopoetics stands out as a separate branch of poetics, a phenomenon to which the methods of temporology are applied. The material for the analysis was the novel "The Way to Grumant", written by one of the marine writers who experienced the catastrophe of ice imprisonment, Konstantin Badigin. The Northern Sea Route is a cross–cutting theme of the entire work of K. S. Badigin, whose style dominant is the description of the nature and culture of the Russian North, the sea element. The above-mentioned determined the purpose of the study, which consists in explication of the main mechanisms and means of modeling the chronotope in a novel recreating the true event of the island stay of the Grumanlans in the XVIII century, episodes of their struggle with the outside world, a description of their life, trade, interpersonal interaction. The main result of the research is the simulation of the chronotope in the legend of Kirik and Olesha. This plug-in genre is highlighted within the novel "The Way to Grumant" by K.S. Badigin. It is established that in the plug–in genre, the author creates a special – secondary to the real - world, violating the boundaries corresponding to our ideas of plausibility, this is the otherworld. The means at the writer's disposal are suitable for his description. From this point of view, the novel "The Way to Grumant" is being studied for the first time, which determines the novelty of the research undertaken and outlines further prospects in the field of research devoted to the work of K. S. Badigin, and the Pomeranian legend about the "Mezen Robinsons", in particular.
otherworld, Konstantin Badigin, chronopoetics, chronotope, mezen robinsons, legend, plug - in genre, fairy tale, chronotopic analysis, robinsonade
Mordvinova, A.R. (2022). Linguopragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism in the Quebec media discourse . Philology: scientific researches, 3, 33–46.
The object of the study is the coverage of bilingualism in the French-speaking press of the province of Quebec. The research material was 100 articles of online versions of the newspapers La Presse, Le Journal de Montréal, Le Devoir, the central theme of which is bilingualism and the official languages of Canada. The aim of the study is to identify the linguistic and pragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism, which actually takes place in the province of Quebec with officially approved monolingualism, in the traditional media of the province. To achieve the purpose of the study, such a method as discourse analysis was applied, 320 units of discursive analysis were allocated (in this study, we consider the part of the article - a sentence, a paragraph, which highlights one aspect of bilingualism (an event related to bilingualism, the implementation of bilingualism in any sphere of public life or attitude to of these, 179 relate exclusively to bilingualism on a provincial scale. As a result of the analysis of the language material, it was revealed that the key topics are the statement of the bilingualism of the social life of the province, primarily its educational system and production process (including the need to speak English for employment), the further development of this trend and the regression of Francophonie due to the greater social significance of the English language and globalization, the struggle with the current linguistic and sociolinguistic the situation and the accusation of government structures and ordinary native speakers, criticism of institutional and individual bilingualism (although the motives for protecting bilingualism as a competitive advantage and criticism of the rejection of bilingualism are presented). The Bonjour/Hi formula is also widely covered (the attitude towards it in the Quebec press is mostly negative), bilingualism in Montreal, presented as a linguistic and ideological betrayal. The economic and legal aspects of bilingualism in the province are poorly reflected in the analyzed material, presumably due to officially approved monolingualism.
globalization, language policy, linguopragmatics, francophonie, discourse analysis, media discourse, Quebec, monolingualism, bilingualism, Canada
Gordova, Y. (2022). Comprehensive study of the toponymic landscape of the local territory: the area of the Ryazan villages of Dyadkovo and Vyshgorod. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 47–54.
The subject of the study is the toponymy of the Ryazan district of the Ryazan region, which belongs to one of the concentration zones of the Old Russian toponymy of the region. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive survey of the toponymic landscape of the Ryazan villages of Dyadkovo – Vyshgorod with the identification of the most ancient layer of local names, their linguistic and chronological attribution. The sources of the material are Russian chronicles, scribal books, historical and modern topographic maps, as well as data from the author's toponymic expedition of 2021. In the analysis of the material, etymological, structural-semantic, formant, areal methods, the method of comparing linguistic, archaeological, geographical and historical data are used. The novelty of the research lies in the collection and systematization of the modern toponymy of the studied area, a comprehensive description of the Old Russian group of toponyms, identification of links with the territories of earlier Slavic settlement. It is established that the toponymy of this area does not reveal traces of a toponymic substrate, which indicates that the territory was fully developed in the past by the ancient Russian population. The etymology of the names is related to the traditional Slavic geographical terminology (city ‘fortified settlement’, Vyshegorod ‘fortified settlement on a hill’ or ‘city laid upstream from another city’, bystrets ‘small river with a fast current’, raka ‘river with a narrow channel and high steep banks'), Slavic terms kinship or Old Russian namesake (uncle "father's or mother's brother", personal name Uncle). The existing etymologies of names that go back to geographical terms are confirmed by the geographical realities of the area. The appellatives of Ryazan toponyms reveal areal connections with the territories of the basins of the Dnieper, Dniester, Desna, the Carpathian zone, and toponyms – with the Kiev toponymy. The study confirms the importance of conducting toponymic expeditions in the comprehensive study of the toponymic landscape of local territories, even taking into account temporary changes in relief, fauna and hydrographic network. The results of the study are of interest for historical lexicography, regional and interregional toponymy, toponymic cartography.
Vyshgorod, etymology of toponyms, Uncle, areal connections of toponyms, toponymic expedition, oikonymy, hydronymy, Ryazan toponymy, old Russian toponymy, toponymic landscape
World literature
Il'chenko, N.M. (2022). "The punishment imposed by nature, or the Ghostliness of Everyday life in the image of E. T. A. Hoffman (based on the novel "The Sinister Guest")". Philology: scientific researches, 3, 55–63.
The relevance of the research lies in the scientific significance of the problem of studying the main plot in the works of E. T. A. Hoffman, manifested at the level of a group of works in which demonological personalities (ghosts / ghosts, vampires, magnetizers) act. The general invariant plot-thematic scheme of short stories ("Magnetizer", "Ignaz Denner", "Ghost Story", "Entail", etc.) is associated with the image of the intervention of otherworldly forces in real life, which is given the character of ghostliness. The object of the study is the short story "The Sinister Guest" ("Der unheimliche Gast", 1819), the plot of which tells about the impact of a "hostile beginning" on a person. The subject of the study is one of the artistic embodiments of Hoffmann's "alien spiritual principle". It is shown that the "sinister guest", the hero of the novel of the same name, is a product of Nature, avenging a crime and an attempt to interfere in its secrets; people are also punished for their unwillingness to live in harmony with it. At the same time, the right moral choice helps the heroes of this novel to avoid the destructive power of the "sinister guest". The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that when analyzing the story of a villain endowed with mysterious knowledge, a deviation from the main plot associated with the specific situation of the novel "The Sinister Guest" is considered. This approach made it possible to clarify the understanding of the duality of being by E. T. A. Hoffman, expressed through motifs (sound, portrait, dream, mystery, affinity of souls) and natural symbols (lightning / thunderstorms, spider, elder), as well as the idea of universal dependence of people on each other and on Nature.
The Serapion principle, symbol, image, uncertainty, nature, motive, topic, Hoffmann, plot, novella
Ðàìèðåñ Ðîäðèãåñ , Ï. (2022). Phraseological translation of specialized speech: contrastive analysis of sports press in Russian and Spanish . Philology: scientific researches, 3, 64–81.
This article discusses one of the most relevant topics from the point of view of translation: collocations in the sports press. The reason why this field was chosen is due to the great interest of linguists to include new words in dictionaries due to the influence of other areas of the language and the spread of sports in society. The result of the observed processes is that even native speakers of the Russian language find it difficult to read and understand sports news, and for foreigners interested in sports, these features of the sports press may present insurmountable difficulties, since the actual sports vocabulary is present in textbooks and dictionaries is limited. The analyzed corpus does not have the representative power inherent in large national and parallel corpora, however, this study has revealed several interesting phenomena and outlined ways to further study sports discourse: further study of collocations and productive models based on the material of large Russian and Spanish language corpora, Yandex search engines, blogs and other lexicographic online tools is of undoubted interest. In the process of assimilation of collocations, difficulties arise, since stable phrases are always difficult and impossible to predict. During the study, we saw that usually the components of combinations in one language do not coincide with other languages, since there is an influence on the language of the culture in which their own use of metaphors manifests itself. The compilation of multilingual educational dictionaries and the identification of productive collocation models can significantly expand the field of mastering the Russian language by foreigners and develop skills in predicting the meanings of unfamiliar words and collocations when getting acquainted with different types of discourse.
collocation, sports discourse, stable expressions, Context, metaphorical element, Fixing, Sports press, Idiomatic, Comparative analysis, Cultural values