Khakimova, G. (2022). Sources of replenishment of the terminological system of veterinary parasitology (based on the German language material) . Philology: scientific researches, 2, 1–14.
This article attempts to determine the sources of enrichment of terminology in the field of veterinary parasitology based on the German language material. The relevance is defined by the lack of comprehensive research on the methods of forming terms and terminological phrases in the German language that denote invasive, i.e. parasitic, animal diseases. The goal lies in the analysis of the most effective methods of word formation that denote invasive diseases, as well as the nature of linguistic material used for supplementing the terminological system of veterinary parasitology. Description is given to the methods for borrowing terms; semantic, morphological-syntactic, morphological and syntactic ways of formation of terms. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out comprehensive linguistic analysis of terminological nominations in the German language in the field of veterinary parasitology. It is proven that the corpus of German terms denoting invasive diseases contains a large number of borrowings of Greek-Latin origin, which allows forming the hybrid terms. Among the composite terms, the overwhelming majority are two-word terms of Greek-Latin origin. In the group of multicomponent terminological phrases, most common are the two-component substantive phrases, the generic component of which is the nomination of animal disease, while the specific concept is the name of a particular animal species.
morphological methods, two-word term, word composition, hybrid terms, term element, loanwords, invasive animal diseases, term system of veterinary parasitology, syntactic method, terminological phrase
Shubina, A.O. (2022). Application of the technologies of corpus linguistics in the study of collocations. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 15–27.
The subject of this research is the polysemous borrowed noun “credit” in the Russian language and noun “credit” in the Anglo-American language. The goal lies in determination of the national-specific and universal collocations with the component “credit” in the Russian discourse and their translated equivalents in the Anglo-American discourse of the XIX and XXI centuries. Analysis is conducted on the collocations of "credit" formed in accordance with the pattern adjective + noun revealed by statistical methods that calculate the frequency of joint use in the dictionaries and linguistic corpora of the Russian and Anglo-American texts. The use of contrastive analysis allowed establishing the linear and vector correspondences between the lexeme "credit" and national-specific lacunae. The article provides the examples of the national-specific collocations with the component “credit” in the Russian and Anglo-American discourse. The research employs the Russian National Corpus, Corpus of Historical American English and the Corpus of Contemporary American English in the diachronic aspect within the time span of 1800 – 1900 and 2015 – 2019. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the knowledge of collocations and formation of collocation competence are the essential requirements in modern communicative approach towards learning a foreign language.
collocational competency, contrastive analysis, linguistic corpus, seme, lexical gap, lexical unit, collocation, universally applicable collocation, culture - specific collocation,, discourse
Literary criticism
Demenyuk, V.M., Menshchikova, M.K. (2022). The concept of delusion - "delusion" - in the works of A. Beers (on the example of the analysis of female images in the collection "The Fiend's Delight"). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 28–38.
The object of analysis in this article is the first collection of American writer and publicist Ambrose Bierce "The Fiend's Delight", released in England under the pseudonym Dod Grill. The subject of the study is the analysis of female images in the collection in the context of the concept of delusion - "delusion". The need for such an analysis arises because, as the main causes of the decline of morality, the misconceptions in which modern society in the United States finds itself, firstly, the problem of education, the responsibility for which in traditional society lies with a woman, and secondly, the observed destruction of the traditional institution of the family, in which a woman acted as the archetypal guardian of the "home hearth". The scientific novelty of the research is due to the introduction into scientific circulation of the untranslated texts of Ambrose Bierce's first literary publication, as well as the selected perspective of the study of A. Bierce's depiction of female images in relation to the concept of delusion. The article uses descriptive, cultural-historical and sociological methods. It can be concluded that the key concept of delusion for the entire creative heritage of the author - "delusion" - was formulated already within the framework of the collection "The Fiend's Delight", the characters of which are in a painful gap with reality, especially with regard to female images, their inclusion in the circle of social and gender issues. Women are portrayed tragically: they are not capable of independent existence and by their nature personify an irrational principle that does not allow them to find their place in a material rationalistic society. On the other hand, they are unable to serve their nature as a mother and wife, because in marriage a woman becomes a hostage of her position and is suppressed by an aggressive masculine principle.
delusion, female image, American literature, narrator, short story, The pleasure of the monster, Ambrose Bierce, Enlightened Motherhood, education, home hearth
Mityushina, M.S. (2022). Verbal influence of the individual on the subconscious of the recipient of the text through the use of phraseological units . Philology: scientific researches, 2, 39–46.
The article examines the ways of the individual's influence on the subconscious of the recipient of the text using phraseological units (FE) in it. The FE functions are presented in the context of their influence on the subconscious of the individual, the main one is highlighted — the emotional evaluation of the object of the nomination by the speaker. Phraseology, in our opinion, is of the greatest interest for studying the peculiarities of the verbalization of personality characteristics, due to the fact that the phraseological unit reflects the linguistic picture of the human world along with his background knowledge, national and cultural characteristics of the linguistic community to which he belongs, and contains the evaluative attitude of the speaker in its meaning. It is proved that the main way of FE formation due to the fact that the phraseological unit reflects the linguistic picture of the human world along with his background knowledge, national and cultural characteristics of the linguistic community, is metaphorization, closely related to the activity of the subconscious of the individual. It is concluded that the speaker's influence on the recipient's subconscious through the use of FE depends on the addressee's attitude to the object of his assessment, his behavior, actions, value orientations, character qualities, on which the addressee wants to exert a regulating influence through the emotionally expressive content of his utterance.The relevance of this study is determined by a steadily increased general linguistic interest in both phraseology and psychological aspects of personality.
psycholinguistics, verbalization, phraseologism, the picture of the world, relationship, estimation, emotions, metaphorization, the subconscious, the unconscious
Gilemshin, F.F. (2022). The category of mood in the Tatar translation of the work "One Thousand and One Nights" . Philology: scientific researches, 2, 47–53.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the verbs used in the work "One Thousand and One Nights". The object of the study is the Tatar translation of the famous collection of fairy tales published in the printing house of Kazan University in 1897-1899. The author of the Tatar version of the work "One Thousand and One Nights" is the famous educator, translator and writer Fatih Khalidi. This work was widely popular among the Tatar people and had a significant impact on the formation of morphological norms of the modern Tatar literary language. The development of the plot, the dynamics of actions in them are built on verbal lexemes denoting eventfulness. They also contain emotionally expressive, interrogative-exclamation constructions, in which a significant place is also given to verb forms. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the features of the use of verbs in the work "One Thousand and One Nights" have not been sufficiently studied in Tatar linguistics. The factual material for the analysis was selected by the continuous sampling method. The analysis was carried out using descriptive, comparative-historical methods. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the activity of using verbs is associated with the narrative nature of the work. A feature of the collection of fairy tales is also the predominance of verbs in the form of the main voice, other voices are presented more passively. In the work "One Thousand and One Nights", the mode of action of verbs is presented in an analytical way, in which auxiliary verbs actively participate. They actively functioned in the language of the period under study, and most of them are widely used in the modern Tatar language.
past tense, oguz form, future tense, negative form, Tatar language, analytical form, literary language, indicative mood, verb, imperative mood
Liashenko, T. (2022). Classification of female archetypal images in a literary text. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 54–65.
The article gives a brief overview of the existing classifications of female archetypal images. The author offers his own classification based on the developments of Tom Chetwind, which, in turn, are based on the works of C.G. Jung and are widely used in domestic and foreign psychoanalysis. The terminology of closely related ties used in the classification reflects the understanding of human ties inherited from the era of the tribal system: all members of the tribe were considered as relatives, united by one or another ties, standing in one or another relation to each other. It is noted that archetypal images can appear in a literary text from both the positive and negative (shadow) sides. The main conclusion reached by the author of the article is the following: the proposed classification seems to be the most appropriate for the purposes of literary analysis, since it describes archetypal images not as a set of static features, but as dynamic relationships within the plot. The novelty of the author's approach is also due to the introduction of the concept of "coordinator's point" (the term of I.N. Kalinauskas), which makes the model developed by the author applicable mainly for analyzing the features of the coexistence of "male" and "female" in a literary text. This approach assumes that the masculine and feminine are complementary, are simultaneously in opposition and interaction and are a condition for each other's existence: the masculine is manifested against the background of the feminine and vice versa.
plot, family ties, gender relations, literary image, world literature, classification, archetypal analysis, russian literature, archetype, literary criticism