Sharonova, E.A. (2022). Folk Ballad: National Aspects of the Genre (Based on the Material of Russian Erzya, Moksha folklore). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 1–13.
The subject of the study is the genre originality of Erzya, Moksha and Russian folk ballads, the object of the study is typical and rare ballad plots and characters, which allows us to consider the phenomenon in all the variety of genre aspects. The article, based on scientific literature and folklore material, characterizes the poetic techniques and visual and expressive means used in Erzya, Moksha, and Russian ballads. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic was the comprehension of the ballad through the prism of the memory of the myth, which is persistently present in it. Erzya, Moksha and Russian ballads are united in genre with their thematic diversity. Their characters and events represent different aspects of life, illustrate various aesthetic and moral codes, obeying a common poetic system. The scientific novelty lies in the consideration of the elements of the myth in the ballad, the content of which is transformed in it, it does not explain the myth and cannot do this, because it has lost its understanding. But she operates with the data of the myth, retains the attributes of the myth in her poetics, which allows her to have a complex genre constitution that leads away from a simplified understanding of the plots and images of the actors. Erzya, Moksha and Russian ballads are the product of national mentality, artistic and aesthetic, social, moral views. In them, the life of the people is concretized by the destinies of individuals, the emphasis is on spiritual life, on ethical, social, moral ideas – both traditional and those that have arisen at a new stage of historical development. Their attention is drawn to the tragic aspects of human existence caused by his negative reaction to the world.
myth, ballad consciousness, plot, character, Moksha ballad, Russian ballad, Erzya ballad, ballad, genre, motive
Literary criticism
Menshchikova, M., Koroleva, O. (2022). Genre Strategies of a Historical Novel and a Detective Story in Abir Mukherjee's Work "A Man with a Great Future". Philology: scientific researches, 11, 14–21.
The purpose of this study is to analyze genre strategies in modern British multicultural literature on the example of A. Mukherjee's novel "A Man with a Great Future". The subject of the study is the genre dominants of the detective and historical novel in the work of A. Mukherjee, in particular elements of the classic English detective literature, as well as detective novels by Scottish writers of the XX century, who paid considerable attention to social issues in their works. The relevance of the article is determined by the relevance in modern humanities of scientific works devoted to the study of genres and genre models, including their transformation in modern world literature. The novelty of the work is determined by the low degree of study of A. Mukherjee's works, mainly from the point of view of genre specificity in the context of the expression of multicultural features of the text under consideration. The main research methods are biographical, comparative-historical and typological. As a result of the analysis, it is concluded that A. Mukherjee refers to the structure of the classical model of both the detective and historical novel, but adds a social and national context to the traditional genre dominants. The strategies of the detective and historical novel allow the author to reflect the patterns of historical determinism that determined the development of modern Britain and India, as well as to identify the origins of British multiculturalism, of which A. Mukherjee himself is a part.
english literature, multiculturalism, novel, postcolonial literature, detective, historical novel, genre strategy, genre, Abir Mukherjee, India
Udovichenko, A.Y. (2022). The Beijing Opera features that must be taken into account in the translating process. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 22–31.
The purpose of the study is to determine the Beijing Opera features, to establish their relationships with the Beijing Opera translation features. The subject of research: the Beijing Opera features affecting its translation. The main research methods are comparative, content analysis of scientific articles about the Beijing Opera and its translation in Russian and Chinese. The author examines in detail the following features of the Beijing Opera: complexity, virtuality, exemplary, theatrical effectiveness and audiovisuality, accessibility, lack of notes, aesthetics, etc. Special attention is paid to the connection of the Beijing Opera features with its translation features, their accounting, analysis and maximum transfer in translation. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematization of the Beijing Opera characteristic features, which determine its translation features. The main conclusions of the study: the translation fundamental feature is acceptability, to achieve which, taking into account each characteristic feature of the Beijing Opera, it is necessary to use descriptive translation or its combinations with other techniques, in particular transliteration or replication. As the study result of the above features, it was revealed that in the Beijing Opera, every detail is important, and should be acceptably presented in translation. The data obtained can be used in the creation of manuals for the translation of the Beijing Opera, and can also be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses or special seminars on practical translation, cultural studies, comparative linguistics, etc.
virtuality, complexity, acceptability, descriptive translation, translation features, the Beijing Opera translation, the Beijing Opera features, Beijing Opera, chinese culture, exemplary
Gordova, Y. (2022). Toponymic Research and Scientific Collaborations: in Search of a Common Language. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 32–40.
The subject of the study is the interdisciplinary terminology of toponymy. The purpose of the work is to define and describe new terms that can be used in toponymic and multi-scientific research on toponymy conducted by linguists, geographers and historians. The glossary of terms is formed by sampling them from the latest toponymic works and analyzing their semantics in the original scientific field of use (geography, archeology), and then in toponymy. Particular attention is paid to terms that have a commonly used scientific vocabulary as a reference word (river, degradation, stairs), since it is these terms that are understandable to representatives of different scientific fields, and therefore have the greatest potential for entering the current terminological base of toponymy. The result of the work is a description of the terms of geography, archeology, toponymy itself, linguistics of other directions – a total of 14 terms; situations in which they can be used, and toponyms illustrating a particular situation. The acquired knowledge can be applied in interdisciplinary toponymic research and should contribute to the development of a common language of toponymy, understandable to both linguists and representatives of other sciences studying geographical names, which is the novelty of the findings. It is established that some of the terms toponymy borrows from other scientific directions without changes, with the original semantics, actively including in the scientific description and analysis (small, medium, large rivers). The part transforms by adding new meanings or adapting to the demands of toponymy (natural landscape (in geography) – toponymic landscape, chronostratigraphy (in archaeology) – toponymic stratigraphy). The article discusses new terms of other sciences that seem convenient for analyzing specific toponymic processes: degradation of water bodies, littonym, lot (terms of hydrology and oceanology), as well as well-known but rarely used terms of toponymy itself.
interdisciplinary research, terms of linguistics, terms of archeology, terms of oceanology, terms of geography, multiscientific collaborations, terminology, toponymy, Onomastics, language of science
Lagutina, A., Lalova, T. (2022). Prosodic Features (Electroacoustic Analysis) of the French Language in South India. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 41–47.
The subject of the study are the results obtained in the course of electroacoustic analysis of a single text. This fragment is part of an interview recorded by an Indian student studying French in the Republic of India. The auditor participating in the recording of the phonogram of the fragment is a resident of South India, living in the state of Tamil Nadu. The task of the experiment carried out by the authors is to study the methods of intonation selection using the main prosodic characteristics of the semantics of texts of various subjects. The object of this study is the analysis of indicators of the frequency of the main tone, intensity, duration, and pause. The article contains a table consisting of the results of processing acoustic data obtained using the PRAAT software, which provides the ability to process and analyze sounding speech. The authors consider in detail the procedure of the experiment, which consists in transcribing the text, highlighting lexico-semantic lines opposed to each other, the process of rationing according to the formulas given in the article, as well as analyzing the results. The main conclusion of the study is the calculation of deviations from the average values of the main acoustic parameters that characterize words that express the semantic lines of the text and are combined into two opposed lexico-semantic complexes.
pause, duration, pitch frequency, phono-stylistic features, intonational emphasis, electroacoustic analysis, prosodic design, Republic of India, instrumental analysis, the state of Tamil Nadu