Zoidze, E.A. (2022). Promotion of a book in the publishing Internet discourse . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37279
The relevance of this research is substantiated by sustained interest in the study of discourse applicable to various social institutions. Publishing discourse appeared in the limelight of the linguists not that long ago. The activity of publishers as a discursive practice intersects with the activity of commercial organizations and libraries. The communication of publishers with other actors in the process of book distribution is also carried via Internet. The goal of this research lies in examination of the means of book promotion in the online publishing discourse. The study leans on the material of the three websites of the English-language publishers. Analysis is conducted on the verbal text and audio-visual communication channels between the publishers and the audience. The analysis of practical material demonstrates that the publisher’s abstract implements the informational and evaluation functions. The additional sources of information on the publisher imply the citations from peer reviews, information about the author, various polycode texts (images and videos), as well as hypertext links to other commercial resources. The leading role in implementation of the informational-advertising functional is assigned to lexicon. Namely the nouns and adjectives affect the appellative-emotional functions. Perlocutive effect of the publisher’s abstract is enhanced by inclusion of citation text, both from the promoted work and reputable sources (newspapers and journals). Citations from peer reviews are usually presented fragmentary, and contain only complimentary statements, which form the attractive image of the book. The conducted research contributes to the development of marketing linguistics, the study of publisher’s paratext, publishing activity as discursive practice, and has prospects for further research in the area of marketing strategies aimed at promotion of books of various formats and genres on the offline and online platforms.
communication, blurb, promotion and advertising, publisher-created paratext, Internet discourse, publishing discourse, informative function, evaluative function, impact, book
Gorodilova, L.M. (2022). Expense books of Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century as a linguistic source . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 17–27. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37266
This research is conducted within the framework of linguistic source studies, the theoretical basis of which was formed as part of the Sector of Linguistic Source Studies and Research of the Monuments of the Russian Language of V. V. Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language. The object of this article is the genres of customs record management, which are rarely involved in historical and linguistic research. The subject of this article is the expense books of Yeniseian Siberia stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents. Its brief overview is intended to draw attention of the scholars to high linguistic capacity of these manuscripts. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the need to solve one of the key tasks of linguistic source studies – introduction of new sources with high linguistic capacity into the scientific discourse. The application of paleographic, historiographical, formulary analysis, and historical-lexicological analysis establish the affiliation of these manuscripts to the local scribes; determine their structure and form of texts of the expense books; reveal most common lexical-semantic groups and individual lexemes that were not recorded in other customs materials. The specificity of expense books allow using them as a reliable onomastic source that reflects not only the all-Russian, but also local processes of formation of the Russian anthroponymycon. The introduction of the regional expense books with high linguistic capacity into the scientific discourse broadens the representation on the Old Russian language, provides reliable information on the lexis and onomastic system on the periphery of the Moscow State.
Yenisei Siberia, handwritten monuments, linguistic informativeness, linguistic content, text structure, expense books, genres of customs records management, linguistic source studies, historical lexicology, historical anthroponymy
Shatalova, A.V. (2022). Comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs as a means of representation of the center of the functional-semantic field of comparativity (based on modern publicistic texts of in the German and Russian languages) . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 28–42. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.35944
The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by rapid development of the functional vector in modern linguistics and its impact upon the nature of contrastive research. Shift in the focus of attention is associated by the scholars’ pursuit to view the linguistic phenomena and facts from the perspective of their functionality in speech. The characteristic feature of the research conducted by modern linguists is the application of field approach towards studying the linguistic phenomena. The starting point within the framework of this approach is certain common meaning; it is followed by determination of the various linguistic means for expressing this meaning. A number of scholars, including L. G. Popova, L. M. Shatilova, I. S. Kalyatin, and A. V. Shatalov, in their works conduct a linguistic analysis of linguistic means that function within the boundaries of functional-semantic field of comparativity based on the material of cognate and non-cognate languages. The object of this research is the grammatical means of expressing comparativity in the German and Russian languages. The subject of this research is the semantics and structure of the central components of functional-semantic field of comparativity in the languages under consideration. The goal lies in revealing the common and distinctive features in the formation and use of comparative and superlative forms in the German and Russian languages. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to examine the category of comparativity on the material of German and Russian languages, and the representative grammatical means that form the core of functional-semantic field of comparativity, using the texts of modern journals and newspapers. It is determined that the core of functional-semantic field of comparativity in the German and Russian languages lies in comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.
functional-semantic category, suppletive form, superlative degree, comparative degree, near-nuclear zone, core, functional-semantic field, degrees of comparison, analytical form, synthetic form
Gilemshin, F.F. (2022). Numeral adjectives in the Tatar kyssa texts of the late XIX – early XX centuries. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 43–50. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37357
The goal of this research lies in analysis of the numeral adjectives used in works of kyssa genre. The object of this article is the kyssa texts published in the late XIX – early XX centuries in the Tatar language. These texts emerged under the influence of Oriental literature, gained popularity among the Tatar people, and greatly contributed to formation of the norms of modern Tatar literary language. The quantitative numeral adjectives are used in kyssa genre for expressing temporal relations, uncertainty, number of objects, and age. Identical to modern Tatar language, divisional numeral adjectives are formed by the affixes -ar, -är and -äm. Approximate numeral adjectives are represented by paired words. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that morphological peculiarities of the texts of kyssa genre have not previously been the subject of special research in the Tatar linguistics. The acquired results indicate that the texts of kyssa genre contain a relatively large number of numeral adjectives, namely quantitative numeral adjectives in both nominative and cult meanings. Other categories of numeral adjectives are rather passive in the texts of this genre; their grammatical forms and meanings can be traced in modern Tatar literary language.
digits of numerals, divisive numerals, ordinal numerals, kyssà genre, Tatar language, quantitative numerals, three, seven, first, uncertainty
Matveeva, N., Mukhina, N.B. (2022). The specificity of axiological component in the English somatic phraseological units. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 51–65. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.35039
The subject of this research is the specificity of expression of axiological component by means of somatic phraseological units in the modern English language. The somatic phraseological units are grouped in accordance with V. V. Vinogradov’s classification on a semantic basis. The names of the body parts are most common in the formation of phraseological units. The criterion for classification is the division into positive and negative evaluations. In phraseology, positive and negative evaluations manifested through the person’s “Self” based on the classification of Y. D. Apresyan (physical Self – capabilities and states of a person), intellectual Self – intellectual abilities and states), emotional Self – positive and negative emotional actions, social Self – business and professional qualities, social status, publicity), verbal and cogitative Self – verbal communication. The scientific novelty consists in classification of somatic phraseological units by guises of a person, as well as positive and negative evaluations. The article provides the statistical data of the groups of phraseological units. The following conclusions were made: most commonly used somatic phraseological units in the English language is ‘hand’; next come ‘head’, ‘eye’, ‘foot’, ‘nose’, ‘finger’, ‘heart’; the rest are less used. Negative evaluation prevails over positive in somatic phraseological units. At the same time, different body parts have different evaluative attraction: positive evaluation prevails or is not inferior to negative evaluation in phrases with the somatic component denoting the crucial body parts such as ‘arm’, ‘leg’, ‘head’, ‘eye’, ‘ear’) and has most phrasal effectiveness; while negative evaluation occurs in the units with rather insignificant component for the linguistic consciousness such as ‘nose’, ‘neck’, ‘elbow’, ‘finger’, and therefore has lesser phrasal productivity.
human capabilities, classification criterion, negative assessment, positive assessment, somatism, phraseology, axiology, human abilities, social status, speech communication
Mityushina, M.S. (2022). Verbalization through phraseological units of the Anima and Animus archetypes as a single level of the unconscious within C. Jung’s theory of the human psyche. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 66–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37300
The goal of this article lies in consideration of verbalization based on phraseological units of the Anima and Animus archetypes that represent a single level of the unconscious according to C. Jung’s theory of the human psyche. The research employs the methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific-methodological literature on the topic, which allow revealing the categories of phraseological units and the semantic peculiarities of their verbalization. Substantiation is given to the need for studying the peculiarities of verbalization of personality traits according to the theory of archetypes of C. Jung, namely through phraseological units that explicate the culture and traditions of the entire nation. Verbalization of archetypes according to C. Jung has been studied in the previous works [Mazirka I. O., Mityushina M. A. “Phraseological units as a means of verbal expression of processes and objects of the human psyche based on C. Jung’s theory”. International Scientific Research Journal / / " Modern Humanities Success" No. 5, 2021] alongside the psycholinguistic aspects of personality overall in the scientific literature. The analysis of phraseological units, which characterize the Anima and Animus archetypes within the structure of human psyche in C. Jung’s theory, allowed dividing these phraseological units into several categories: male / female in personality, personality traits, including their bipolarity, interpersonal relationship between the opposite gender, as well as the models of marital relations, and cultural images. In The author outlines the semantic peculiarities of phraseological units in the context of verbalization of the indicted categories. As a result, substantiated is given to the need and importance of studying the peculiarities of verbalization of personality traits according to C. Jung’s theory of archetypes, namely through phraseological units that most explicitly reflect the culture and traditions of the entire nation.
verbalization, phraseological unit, Animus, Anima, archetype, Personality, psyche, Jung, psycholinguistics, unconscious
Author's view
Cherkun, E.Y., Nimaeva, E.Z. (2022). Peculiarities of the activity of public authorities within the framework of the development of e-government system . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 77–87. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.34963
This article examines the peculiarities of the activity of public authorities within the framework of the development of e-government system. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the fact that the process of implementation of e-government in the Russian Federation should take place in the conditions of formatting the existing system of public administration. This requires the modernization of government bodies, i.e. creation of comprehensive electronic system for interaction of the public and municipal authorities with the population. In essence, the e-government represents the system of defined public legal institutions that ensure regulation for rendering government and municipal services to the population in the online format. The subject of this research is the activity of public authorities and local self-governments in the context of the development of e-government system. The conclusion is formulated that first and foremost e-government should consider the needs of society, as well as observe the rights and freedoms of citizens. Therefore, all communication mechanisms must correspond with the norms of international law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and Russian legislation. The process of creating e-government in Russia should be holistic and cover all state structures. E-government system must be unified for the entire Russian Federation.
language means, ethnocultural identity of the author, individuality of the author, image of the author, individual style of the writer, artistic speech, text stylistics, German literature, objective-psychological level, stylistic features
Asanova, Z. (2022). Lexical-Grammatical Categories of Adjectives in the Modern Crimean Tatar Language. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 88–94. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37297
The matter under research is lexical-grammatical categories of adjectives in the modern Crimean Tatar language. Asanova anayzes researches that offer different classification features that can be used to determine lexical-grammatical categories. She discovers that in modern Crimean Tatar qualitative and relative adjectives do not constitute independent grammatical categories. Morphological, syntactic and structural criteria are important for differentiation between relative and qualitative adjectives, however, these criteria only reflect the main semantic features of lexical-grammatical categories. The methodological framework of the research includes researches of V. Vinogradov, E. Wolf, A. Memetov and other scientists. In the course of writing her article the author has applied the method of description. She emphasizes that besides grammatical features, it is important to consider lexical-grammatical features in the course of differentiation between qualitative and relative adjectives. The author discovers that each adjective already has potential meaning of quality which is also a factor of transformation of relative adjectives into qualitative adjectives.
affix, simple adjectives, derivative adjectives, relative adjectives, qualitative adjectives, semantics, semantic features, adjective, Lexical-grammatical categories of adjectives, Crimean Tatar language
Komovskaya, E.V. (2022). Two-part infinitive, one-part, and infrequent communicative metamodels. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 95–105. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.35119
The subject of this research is the communicative metamodels as minimal units of syntax, which combine formal abstract expression and necessary communicative meaning. The article provides their classification, lists the differences from minimal and extended structural schemes. The object of this research is the two-part infinitive, one-part, and infrequent metamodels. Separate attention is given to the two-part metamodels of non-infinitive type. Analysis is conducted on polypredicativity of syntactic units of the modern Russian language, which despite being similar to a simple sentence, do not have a communicative completeness. This article aims to comprehend this phenomenon. Special attention is paid to abstract generalized models that are able to fully convey the communicative meaning. An attempt is made to trace the connection of syntaxes within the specific speech patterns. The scientific novelty lies in determination of speech patterns in communication and their hierarchy. Each universal metamodel is viewed from the perspective of its communicative polypredicativity. The author’s special contribution consists in creation of communicative patterns based on the abstract minimal and extended schemes, as well as constitutive distributor that is crucial for communication. The main conclusions lie in the following: 1) in introduction of the concept of metamodel as the element of syntax, which combines the formal content on the level of high abstractness and communicative meaning through introduction of the constitutive potential distributor into the scheme; 2) division of communicative metamodels into two-part non-infinitive, two-part infinitive, one-part, infrequent, based on the predicativity/non-predicativity; 3) determination of invariants in communication of the indicated models depending on the sequence order of structure elements and potential constitutive distributors.
single-component metamodels, non-frequency metamodels, two-part metamodels, constitutive component, minimum diagrams, expanded diagrams, communicative metamodels, two-part infinitive metamodels, potential distributor, typical value