Yakovleva, M.P. (2022). Features of the Naming in the Epic of the Evenks. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 1–10.
The epic of the Evenks – nimngakama nimngakan, in its diversity, imagery and volume is not inferior to the most famous examples of the epic genre of other peoples. The narrative parts consist of typed descriptions of nature, the actions of the hero, portrait characteristics, which are mainly motifs and traditional epic formulas. One of the key motives in the epic is the naming of the hero, because depending on the name, the fate of the epic hero also develops. The epic of each nation is unique, inimitable, peculiar. However, many motives, plots, images, formulas are similar. The subject of the study is the features of the naming motif in the heroic tales of the Evenks. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time the naming motif in the nimngakans of the Evenks is analyzed in detail. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that research aimed at studying motives, plots will help to establish general patterns of the formation of the world epic tradition, at the same time, and identifying the specifics of each epic. The main research methods are comparative-historical and typological. Based on the materials of the epic, the author comes to the conclusion that the meaning of the name affects the plot of heroic tales, therefore, the indicated motive in the epic is an important link in the narrative. In the epic of the Evenks, the early features of the individualization of the hero-character are concentrated and reflected in his full proper name, therefore he has a mandatory definitive epithet.
image, epic hero, naming, plot, motive, nimngakama nimngakan, epos, folklore, Evenki, character
Latiypova, Y.A., Spodarets, O.O., Vorob'eva, O.V. (2022). The Concept in the Cognitive-Synergetic Aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 11–20.
The article considers the concept from a cognitive-synergetic standpoint. The concept is an open, dissipative, non-linear, fractal structure, the development of which is based on the law of spiral fractality and self-similarity. The concept evolves according to the recursive principle, goes in a circle, returning to the starting point on a new round of evolution. The origin of the concept is based on both external necessity and internal need. By the formation of a concept we mean its transition from the mental area, to the language area, and then to the speech area. The concept arises in consciousness in the form of a virtual image as a result of perceptual perception of reality, and is updated, stored in the language and embodied in speech. The concept strives for perfection, but never reaches it, reaching its peak, it starts the process of evolution again in new conditions.
self-organization, energy, actualization, speech domain, language domain, mental domain, evolution, Concept, fractal, attractor
Literary criticism
Vlasova, Y. (2022). The Trickster’s Evolution in “Frankenstein in Baghdad” by Ahmed Saadawi. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 21–28.
The subject of the study is the image of Hadi the Junkman, coined the modern Iraqi writer Ahmed Saadawi in the novel “Frankenstein in Baghdad” (2013). The author is interested how the residents of the Iraqi capital survive under American invention. The author presents the picture of the 2000-s years using the fate of the Baghdadis as an illustration. He describes numerous explosions in Baghdad and the consequences they had on its citizens future. The novelist compares the living conditions of ordinary people of the Batavia quarter and high-ranking government officials. The figure of a junk dealer Hadi al-Atak, who walks around the city in search of antiques and tells entertaining stories unites the people with different background. Being a trickster, a liar, or buffoon, old man has created an imaginary monster that fights against injustice and avenges the innocent people who died in terrorist attacks. The methods of historical and system analysis allow us to prove that in the era of formation change, the role of the trickster is becoming more important and modified. Shuttling between good and evil, the Junkman helps to smooth out conflicts and resolve disputes peacefully. Due to the breakdown of life paradigms, the trickster has a special function: he becomes the leading hero and saves humanity from evil, performing a Christological role. Taking the blame for the crimes of his brainchild “Whatsitsname” (Arab Frankenstein), sacrificing his life, the Hadi the Junkman brings peace and stability to the tired people of Baghdad.
religious tolerance, terrorist attacks, ‘Arabic Booker’, Trickster, Iraqi novel, Frankenstein, Baghdad of the 2000-s, Ahmed Saadawi, Arabic Literature, Christological role
The Gapshima dialect is one of the least studied dialects of the Dargin language group of the East Caucasian languages and that is the reason why its role in the system of the Dargin languages and dialects still remains undefined. Meanwhile, there are many peculiar linguistic phenomena, revealed both in phonetics and in grammar and vocabulary. The article deals with the morphological peculiarities of the Gapshima dialect. Nominal parts of speech and verbal categories and auxiliary parts of speech are studied. The method of synchronous description of linguistic phenomena and methods of field linguistics are used in the study. In the course of the research, the grammatical categories of case, person, tense and mood, and also various forms of the verb were studied. With the aim of identifying the peculiarities of the dialect and its role in the linguistic classification, all the presented data is compared with the data of the other Dargin dialects - Akusha, Tsudahar, Sirkhya. As a result of the study, it was established that the Gapshima speech is close to the dialects of the Akusha type by its grammatical characteristics. The results of the study can be contributed to the further work of establishing the classification of the language units of the Dargin area and can be applicable to the teaching courses of the Dargin morphology and dialectology at the universities.
tense category, personal indicators, pronoun, case, grammatical categories, morphology, the Gapshima dialect, he Dargin languages, the Caucasian languages, modality
Abakumova, O.V., Velichkova, L.V. (2022). Emotionality in Verbal Intercultural Communication. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 37–45.
The article is devoted to intercultural communication at the level of sounding speech, the parameters of which actively influence the communication situation. When carrying out intercultural communication, it is necessary to be informed about the parameters of sounding foreign language speech in the emotional aspect. Speech parameters can give additional shades or meanings to an utterance, including those opposed to the meaning of the linguistic units that make it up. To express emotional states, each language has a set of national-specific means capable of coloring an utterance regardless of its lexical content. National – specific features of a neutral style of speech determine its emotional perception by native speakers of another language. Differential signs of communicative types of utterances carry important information about the completed or progressive nature of the utterance, which may require the inclusion of lexical means during interpretation. The analysis is carried out at the level of rhythmic parameters and melodic signs (characteristics of the main stressed syllables) on the material of three languages: Russian, German, Spanish. Comparative studies in the communicative aspect are becoming relevant. However, in setting goals, the ignoring of the regularities of the sounding reality continues, which is largely facilitated by the insufficiently developed mechanism for studying this phenomenon. In the situation of intercultural oral communication, the parameters of the sounding speech actively influence the communication situation. This area is little described from the point of view of intercultural dialogue. Experimental data confirm the propositions put forward about the emotional nature of the perception of foreign language speech. At the same time, two aspects can be distinguished: 1. the signs of emotionally colored foreign language speech can be perceived with different, sometimes opposite emotional meanings; 2. violations of the systemic linguistic signs of foreign-sounding speech, primarily the differential signs of intonations responsible for characterizing the communicative types of utterance (completeness, interrogativeness, progrediency), are perceived in an emotional way.
interference, perception, specific signs, melodic signs, rhythmic parameters, style recognition, oral communication, speech disorders, foreign language speech, emotionality
Zakharova, N.E., Zakharova, A.E. (2022). The Content of the Concept of "Native Language" in the Linguistic Picture of the World of Modern Dolgans of the Khatango-Anabar Region (Sociopsycholinguistic Aspect). Philology: scientific researches, 12, 46–55.
Subject of research: the content of images of linguistic consciousness of Dolgan Khatanga district of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Anabar district of Yakutia. Objective: to identify the features of the linguistic consciousness of modern Dolgans of two adjacent regions of the Russian Federation. Tasks: 1) to consider the extralinguistic situation in the places of compact residence of Dolgans separately and in the whole region; 2) to consider the linguistic situation in the region; 3) to consider the content of the concept of "native language". Methods: 1) a directed associative experiment was conducted among the SS population. Popigai, Syndassko Khatansky district of Krasnoyarsk Krai and ss. Yuryung Khaya, Saskylakh Anabar district of Yakutia. 2) sociolinguistic research of places of compact residence of the Dolgans of Russia (questionnaire survey, interview, observation, indirect observation (study of documentation). The novelty of the research: the Dolgan language consciousness has not yet been the subject of special research and the concept of "native language" in the Dolgan concept sphere has not been considered before. The results obtained are also interesting from the point of view of sociolinguistics, since the Khatango-Anabar region is a multilingual and multicultural region, respectively, bilingualism and multilingualism are actively developing. It was important for us to find out what a modern native speaker of the Dolgan language puts into the concept of "native language". The subjects were asked to answer the question: "What is a native language?". Basically, the content is built around the meaning of the first word of the stimulus "native", so the figurative component prevails.
language functions, world views, concept, associative experiment, language consciousness, multilingual society, native language, Khatango-Anabar region, Dolgan language, Dolgans
Literary criticism
Demina, O. (2022). The Tragedy of the Quaker Hero as a Reflection of the Crisis of Spiritual Life in Theodore Dreiser's novel "The Bulwark". Philology: scientific researches, 12, 56–62.
The subject of the research in this article is the peculiarities of the coverage of the problem of the religious crisis with the United States at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries in the work of one of the most famous realist writers, Theodore Dreiser. He depicted in detail in his works various aspects of the life of Americans of this period, including the religious aspect. The religious crisis in American society is closely connected with the destruction of the ideological ideals of the past. In the artistic heritage of Theodore Dreiser, one can single out a whole system of images, with the help of which he showed the crisis of the religious and moral component of the spiritual life of American society of this period. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the need to consider the religious aspect in the writer's creative heritage, which for various reasons often fell out of the field of view of earlier critical works. The purpose of the presented work is to study the artistic images in Theodore Dreiser's novel "The Bulwark" in a religious and moral way as a manifestation of the spiritual crisis common to Americans of that time. The following conclusions were presented during the study: 1) Theodore Dreiser is a witness to the crisis in the spiritual and moral life of the USA at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, which is one of the main themes of the writer's creative heritage; 2) This crisis is connected with the destruction of the fundamental ideological categories of American society (the "great American dream"); 3) In the novel "The Bulwark" T. Dreiser examines the moral and religious picture of American society on the example of the Quaker-Barnes family. He depicts the collapse of religious beliefs in the perception of both the older generation and the younger; 4) The beginning of the XX century was a transitional period. When the forcible imposition of religious norms became a tragedy for many young people; 5) The new age requires new forms of interaction between man and religion.
American literature, Solon Barnes, tragedy, religion, moral aspect, Theodore Dreiser, crash, the great American dream, USA, quaker
Magomedova, P.A., Gasanova, M.A. (2022). Representation of the Concept of FAITH/IMAN in Russian-language Religious (Islamic) Discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 63–77.
The article considers the concept of FAITH/IMAN as a key component of the religious worldview of Dagestanis. The value component of the analyzed concept, its specifics of verbalization and its role in the Russian-speaking Islamic discourse are determined. The relevance of the proposed topic is determined by the increased interest of scientists in recent decades to the problems of the relationship between language and religion (as evidenced by the emergence of a young science of theolinguistics); on the one hand, the prospects and relevance of research in the field of cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. The material for the analysis was the paremiological units of the Arabic and Dagestan languages (in Russian translation), Quranic sayings, hadiths, religious texts of theologians, etc. The paper uses linguoculturological (conceptual) analysis as the main one. Since the subject of the study is particularly complex and multifaceted, a number of interdisciplinary methods and techniques are used in the study, including hermeneutic and partially phenomenological methods in analyzing the content of religious texts. The linguistic and cultural analysis of the religious concept of FAITH/IMAN in the Dagestan linguistic and cultural space has revealed the key dominants that have absorbed the ideas about the qualities of a true believer, which generally correspond to universal moral ideals. The specificity of Dagestan religious discourse lies in its syncretic nature, in which the canons and moral and ethical norms of Islam were synthesized with pre-monotheistic beliefs.
linguistics, religion, language, dagestanis, language and culture, religious code, faith, discourse, concept, linguoculturology
Kieva, Z.K. (2022). Problems of Differentiation of Components of Phraseological Synonymy in the Ingush Language. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 78–85.
This article examines the synonymy of phraseological units of the Ingush language as one of the types of systemic relations. The choice of the chosen problem is dictated by insufficient knowledge of idioms associated with synonymous categorical relations in this field of knowledge. On the basis of the component analysis of the units of the synonymic series, phraseological units that enter into the relations of synonymy are analyzed. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in Ingush phraseology, phraseological synonymic relations are insufficiently studied, the types of phraseological synonymy according to semantic and stylistic principles are not covered. The author examines in detail one of the types of systemic relations – synonymy of phraseological units of the Ingush language, which have not been the subject of special study in works on phraseology. The main conclusions of the study are that phraseological synonyms are united by a common meaning and, at the same time, differ in semantic shades and images, belong to the same grammatical class, combine structural, semantic, stylistic characteristics in the process of functioning. We are interested in the interpretation of synonymous relations between phraseological units of various types in the Ingush language. The article attempts to determine the scope of the concept of a phraseological synonym in the Ingush language and to identify the characteristic features of the functioning of idioms as part of a synonymic series; to systematize the types of phraseological synonymy on semantic and stylistic grounds; to consider the characteristic features of the functioning of idioms as part of a synonymic series.
synonymy criteria, identity, phraseological unit, synonymy, phraseological synonyms, phraseological units, phraseology, a number of phraseological synonyms, dominant, Ingush language
Kostoeva, A.M. (2022). Genre Specifics and Artistic and Stylistic Features of Ingush Lullabies. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 86–93.
The article examines the lullabies of the Ingush people in order to determine their genre specifics and artistic and stylistic features. The author analyzes the lyrics in detail from the point of view of the use of visual and expressive means in them - epithets, comparisons, metaphors, etc. Special attention is paid to the importance of this genre in the upbringing of children. Since ancient times, the Ingush have treated children and the elderly with special care. They were considered more unprotected, vulnerable and weak people. The task of adults was to protect them in every possible way. From the very birth of the child, the mother takes care of him, educates, worries about his fate. Careful attitude to the child, love, care, anxiety for the future, the state of mind of the mother, her spiritual world, thoughts, feelings – all very vividly reflected in lullabies. The main conclusions of the study are that the moral education of the younger generation, which to a certain extent depends on lullabies, is of great importance for the future of the people. The main task of lullabies, their main purpose is to put to sleep, calm, lull the child to sleep. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that lullabies are presented as a genre in which the people's desire to create a moral and aesthetic ideal of a person is expressed. Lullabies are also characterized as a lyrical genre of folklore, to determine their genre features and to identify artistic and stylistic means. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is his attempt to determine the antiquity of the origin of the genre and its significance in the upbringing of children.
Ingush language, motif, plot, genre, lullabies, children's folklore, studies song folklore, folklore, literary design, epithets