Sokolova, O. (2021). On specificity of the literary-jargonizing type of speech culture in newspaper texts. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 1–11.
This article analyzes the newspaper texts from the perspective of specificity of manifestation of the literary jargonizing type of speech culture – one of the relevant tasks of modern speech studies, substantiated by the state of modern journalism and linguistic problems of mass media. This paper complements a range of linguistic research that determine the attributes of the types of speech culture. The object of this article is the journalistic speech of the popular weekly newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, the linguistic peculiarities of which (intentional inclusion in the texts of colloquialisms and jargon elements) are substantiated by the thematic orientation of publications. The subject of this article is the texts of articles written by the correspondent A. Meshkov in their ration with the specificity of manifestation of the markers of literary-jargonizing type of speech culture. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of creative style of the journalist, which allow tracing the goals of jargonization of the own speech. The analysis of speech culture of A. Meshkov is based on the anthropocentric approach, as well as linguostylistic, communicative and discursive methods of modern Russian studies. The conclusion is made that the literary-jargonizing type cannot have an unambiguous assessment, since it characterizes different types of the users of jargon speech. The novelty of the study consists in the attempt to extend the boundaries of literary-jargonizing type by determining two variations with the common and distinguishing features. Analysis of the articles authored by A. Meshkov allows attributing his speech culture to the second type of literary jargonization, which is characterized by appropriateness and expediency of using extraliterary linguistic units for delivering the author’s message, professional degree, experience, creative individuality, and unique style.
taboo vocabulary, jargon, journalistic mask, the method of enabled monitoring, literary-jargonizing type, type of speech culture, speech culture, jargonization, speech characteristics, newspaper speech
DONG, Q. (2021). The adverbs of place in the Russian dialects of Outer Manchuria . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 12–19.
Based on the materials of the Russian dialects of Outer Manchuria, this article examines the previously unstudied group of adverbs – the adverbs of place. The methods of continuous sampling and descriptive-analytical analysis revealed 56 adverbs of place in the second edition of the “Dictionary of Russian Dialects of Outer Manchuria”. Despite the fact that adverbs in the Russian literary language are have been thoroughly studied from the perspective of their semantics, motivation, and compatibility with other parts of speech, the Russian dialectology does not provide due description of the adverbial lexis. Compared to other parts of speech, the category of adverbs is less scientifically developed in the research dedicated to the dialects of late formation. This article presents the experience of describing the semantic characteristics of the adverbs of place typical solely for the Russian dialects of Outer Manchuria, detected via comparison with the linguistic units from the “Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects”, “Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language”, and “Dictionary of the Russian Language”. An attempt is made to classify the adverbs of place by the types of spatial relations, principles of spatial localization, as well as motivation of the parts of speech. The acquired results demonstrate that in the Russian dialects of Outer Manchuria, the adverbs of place differ not only in lexical composition, but also in semantics of the meanings from their analogues in other Russian folk dialects. They also feature the prevalence of units that characterize horizontal spatial localization.
semantic content, localization, dialectic utterance, space, dialect adverbs of place, Russian dialects of the Amur region, dialects, semantic classification, types of motivation, proper-lexical dialecticisms
Question at hand
Pushkareva, Y.G., Zharnikova, A.V. (2021). Memorial urbanonymy of Ulan-Ude as commemoration of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 20–31.
This article examines the inner-city names of the capital of the Republic of Buryatia – Ulan-Ude. Using the method of continuous sampling, the author determined the lexical-semantic group “Heroes of the Soviet Union, Participants of the Great Patriotic War” in the memorial urbanonyms. The research leans on the reference dictionary “The Streets of Ulan-Ude are Historical Monuments”, and online map of the city of Ulan-Ude 2GIS. The goal of this research is to analyze the memorial urbanonyms of Ulan-Ude, determine the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union, natives of Buryatia and other cities of the Soviet Union recorded in the urbanonymicon of the capital of the republic, as well as compile the list of proper names of this lexical-semantic group that are not inscribed in the map of Ulan-Ude. The subject of this study is the memorial urbanonyms of Ulan-Ude, motivated by the lexical-semantic group “Heroes of the Soviet Union, Participants of the Great Patriotic War”. The conducted research reinforces the thesis statement that memorial urbanonyms are the universal category and reflected on the maps of multiple Russian cities, including Ulan-Ude. The conclusion is made that the creation of new names for inner-city objects should be based on the established traditions and rules of nomination in order to fit into the existing linguistic system of the city, be attributable to the object, and contribute to its differentiation. The article reveals the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union that are neither included in the urbanonymicon of Ulan-Ude nor reflected in the map. The acquired results can serve as the recommendation for the municipal administration to use memorial names from the lexical-semantic group “Heroes of the Soviet Union”, which are not included in the urbanonymicon of Ulan-Ude.
Heroes of the Soviet Union, Great Patriotic War, lexical-semantic group, urbanonimicon, memorial names, nomination motive, Republic of Buryatia, inner-city object, urbanonyms, Ulan-Ude town
Question at hand
Vadzhibov, M.D. (2021). Rhetorical portfolio for the Bachelor of Law Education in Dagestan. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 32–43.
The subject of this research is the currently relevant question of the formation of rhetorical portfolio for the Bachelor of Law Education in the Dagestan State University (discipline 44.03.01). This portfolio is highly demanded due to the need for improving the quality of professional competencies of students during the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, which allows the student to share educational information with the group remotely. The term “Rhetorical Portfolio” suggests which course it should applied in. It may perform the function of a legal document. The scientific novelty of this research lies in detailed description of the topic; offer of a possible structure and approximate thematic content of the rhetorical portfolio; advise to include in the rhetorical portfolio student's achievements, various tasks and reference materials, legal documentation, flaws in the educational process, and recommendations that would allow the future pedagogue of law to succeed in their activity. Rhetorical portfolio is a new technology developed on the basis of extensive experience in teaching eloquence to the humanities students; what needs to be implemented in the educational process and effectively used in modern educational system. Therefore, the material is prepared using the method of observation over educational process, various surveys, and analysis of rhetorical classes. The author underlines the importance of considering local peculiarities in communication to ensure the success of any constructive rhetorical speech in multinational Dagestan. This would also contribute to the development of skills of peer review, critical re-evaluation of the content of the material, and reflection. This document, which consists of three parts, is one-off nature and has variations, should turn into a collective rhetorical portfolio in order to activate the educational process. This is the reflection of an alternative point of view to demonstrate a true picture of personal and collective academic performance.
individual and collective, diary, lawyer, law, bachelor's degree, document, achievements, shortcomings, Teacher Education, Rhetorical portfolio
Literary criticism
Okorokova, V.B., Alekseeva, A.A. (2021). N. D. Neustroev – the Yakut classic writer. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 44–49.
The subject of this research is the creative path of N. D. Neustroev (1895–1929) – one of the first three founders of the Yakut literature. The object of this research is his literary works in the Russian and Yakut languages. The article examines such aspects of the topic as the pioneer of novella and comedy in the Yakut literature, and writing style. Special attention is given to the description of writer's contribution to development of the genres of Yakut literature, in which depicted the Yakut life and revealed the peculiarities of national character. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that the works of N. D. Neustroev are poorly studied. The main results consists in determining the contribution of N. D. Neustroev to the development of Yakut literature; viewing him as the founder of the genres of novella and comedy in the Yakut literature; examining his works as continuation of the traditions of A. Kulakovsky and A. Sofronov in the area of problematic, themes and images. Analysis is conducted on the genre varieties of the novellas of N. D. Neustroev, beginning with the social and routine to the adventurous and philosophical. The novelty of this article consists in introduction of the essays and novellas of N. D. Neustroev into the scientific discourse for the first time.
prose, traditions, theme, form, genre, classic writer, Nikolay Neustroev, yakut literature, drama, poetry
Memetov, A., Sukhorukov, A.N. (2021). The contribution of V. I. Filonenko to the development of Russian Oriental Studies: the Crimean stage . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 50–65.
This article is dedicated to examination of pedagogical and scientific activity of the Russian and Soviet Oriental scholar of the XX century V. I. Filonenko. Having acquired excellent education in the field of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg University, he devoted his entire life to the development of science, leaving behind a rich legacy. The goal of this research lies in systematization of the records on the Crimean stage of scholar’s activity (1915–1935), when he proved himself as a remarkable scientist and pedagogue, head of the oriental department in Crimean Pedagogical Institute, and deputy head of Tauride Society of History, Archeology and Ethnography that often dealt with Arabic, Iranian, and Turkic philology. Although several brief biographies of V. I. Filonenko, including such compiled by his colleagues, are widely known, there is yet no comprehensive research on his contribution to the development of Oriental Studies in Crimea. This article attempts to provide a briad picture of V. I. Filonenko's scientific and pedagogical activity in the field of Oriental Studies and preparation of specialists in Oriental Studies. The article employs autobiographical materials, correspondence of Filonenko with Academician Krachkovsky, as well as minutes of the session of Tauride Society of History, Archeology and Ethnography. The acquired results reveal the role of V. I. Filonenko in the development of Russian Oriental Studies.
Taurida Society of History, Taurida University, Turkology, Turkic languages, Persian language, Crimea, oriental studies, Filonenko, Crimean Pedagogical Institute, Krachkovsky
Gammakueva, A.S. (2021). Lak children's game folklore . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 66–72.
The subject of this research is the Lak children's game folklore. Traditional folklore of the peoples of Dagestan is characterized by a wide variety of genres. Children's folklore, which in turn is also rich in genres, holds a significant place therein. Examination of children’s oral lore of the peoples of Dagestan, namely Laks, is substantiated by heightened interest in the spiritual values – customs, rituals, traditions of the past, which defines its relevance, significance, and practical value. A particular role in Lak folklore belongs to game folklore as an element of children’s folklore as a whole. Based on the most widespread games among Lak teenagers (such as “Shagai”), the author analyzes the rules, certain elements used in the course of the game, and peculiarities of making items necessary for the game. The author’s special contribution lies in the description of the nature, peculiarities and specifics of children's games in the settlement of Vikhli of Kulinsky District of the Republic of Dagestan using philological and comparative-analytical approach. This allows determining the ethnic specificity of the material under review. The study of game folklore is of particular relevance, as it promotes such crucial universal concepts as friendship, mutual help, comradeship, as well as develops moral and ethical qualities in children.
genre diversity, spiritual values, hildren's games, traditions, ritual poetry, game folklore, children's folklore, Lak folklore, poetic text, ethical education
Pushkina, K.V., Ignateva, T.S. (2021). Comparative analysis of the concept of “health” in the English, Russian and Chuvash proverbs . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 73–82.
This article carries out a comparative analysis of the proverbs about health in English, Russian and Chuvash languages. Although the popularity towards leading a healthy lifestyle increases, there are virtually no comparative research of the proverbs on about health, which defines the relevance of this work. The goal lies in analyzing the culture and people's attitude towards health reflected in the proverbs of the compared non-cognate languages; finding the proverbs of the same content and uniting them into thematic groups. The novelty of this research consists in its linguoculturological focus. A comparative linguoculturological study of the proverbs of non-cognate languages allowed establishing the common and specific characteristics of the concept of “health” in linguistic consciousness of the English, Russian and Chuvash people, thereby determining their ethnic-cultural peculiarities. Theoretical importance of this work lies in the fact that the acquired results can be applied in comparative paremiology, the relevant segment of modern linguistics – linguoculturology; in lectures on the theory of cross-cultural communication and special courses on linguoculturology; in compiling textbooks on the practice of teaching foreign languages to the Russian-Chuvash audience, as well as medical glossaries.
matching, comparison, thematic groups, cultural characteristics, health, saying, proverb, the English language, the Russian language, the Chuvash language