Sharonova, E.A., Sharonov, A.M. (2021). On the specificity of the worldview of Erzya and Moksha matrimonial myths. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 1–13.
Mythology is the form of consciousness of the primitive and early class society, which reproduces the views of a human on cosmos, God, and society. The object of this research is Erzya and Moksha myths on matrimonial relations. The subject of this research is the specificity of the worldview of Erzya and Moksha myths founded on the matrimonial relations. Detailed analysis is conducted on the specificity of reflection of philosophical and sociological motifs in the Erzya and Moksha matrimonial myths that emerged in the context of formation of the patriarchal family based on the social, moral and legal norms of existence. The author also explores the uniqueness of matrimonial relations with deities and people. Which gives a conceptual perspective on the type and character of the ethnic family, and the role of family in human life. The conclusion is made that stating a family by deities and people is a continuation of creation of the world in the sphere of family and social life. The author’s special contribution to this research consists in the proof that the presence of the indicated aspect in the myth is the reflection of the naive idealistic ideas and spontaneous materialistic views; substantiation of the high humanistic status of a woman in family life; designation of the heroic traits given to a woman by birth as fundamental; comprehension of matrimonial relations between deities and people through the prism of co-creation. This article is first to analyze the peculiarities of the worldview of matrimonial myths and introducing it into the scientific context, which defines its novelty.
Human, family, wedding, motive, worldview, myth, mythology, God, philosophy, ethnos
Editor-in-Chief's column
Murzina, O.V. (2021). Peculiarities of the structure of the headline complex in the youth sports media . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 14–21.
This article reviews the headline structure on the online news portals that are dedicated to sport events. The object of this research is a typical model of heading complex, while the subject is the specificity of text heading strategy during a notable sport event, such as the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The article employs the method of continuous sampling of headlines, classification and interpretation of the acquired material, comparative analysis, as questionnaire-based survey of young journalists – students of the faculty of Journalism. The answers of respondents indicated that these information portals have become a traineeship for the students majoring in sports journalism. The novelty of this article is defined by the following factors: most common headline structure on the sports information portals consists of two simple sentences; there are four types of relationships between the parts of headline. The author determines the reason for the dominance of the two-part headline complex: on the one hand, it is explained by the general evolution of headlines of the Internet media – from drawing attention towards purely informative, which virtually replaces reading of the material. On the analyzed Internet portals, this is complemented by the tendency towards copying the structure of the post in social media: the image and short description it, which can unfold to a larger text upon the desire of the reader. It is assumed that namely the prevalence of young journalists in sports media and the focus on young audience that follows sports events t leads to the increase of headlines of such type.
internet mass-media, youth journalism, sports journalism, heading, header layout, heading complex, sports media, Youth media, strategy intituling, simple sentence
Question at hand
Kontsevaya, N.A. (2021). The Impact of pandemic upon the attitude of the audience towards the communicator . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 22–34.
PR-campaign requires an effective communication process between the communicator and the audience. Therefore, with the development of social networks and increasing importance of the audience and its positive feedback for promotion of the brand, the popular bloggers-influencers are being used as the communicators. These are the people who have certain authority and trust among their followers. They share not only their life events, but also opinions on various issues: from politics to environmental protection, as well as give recommendations for purchasing certain goods and services. Based on the two closes survey conducted by the author in 2019 and 2021, this article traces the change in the attitude of the online audience towards bloggers-influencers due to the coronavirus pandemic. Comparing the results of surveys, the author captures such tendencies as drop in the level of trust in the popular bloggers, an increase in the level of trust in medical doctors and niche bloggers. The author attempts to explain these tendencies by advancing the hypotheses that involve the emotional component of the concept of “trust”; namely, the content used by popular bloggers could cause negative emotions in the audience at the time of pandemic, while niche bloggers used relevant content and established better connection with their audience. As far as trust in the medical doctors, the author indicates a possible link with the increased number of medical doctors being the key speakers in mass media.
bloggers, audience behavior, public relations, audience trust, opinion leaders, communication process, audience of the PR Campaign, trends, key messages, poll
Literary criticism
Seferova, F. (2021). The role of folklore within the worldview and creative individuality of the Crimean Tatar children's writers . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 35–47.
The study of interrelation between folklore and literature is one of the most relevant trends in literary studies. Folk poetic symbols as the genetic memory of the nation infiltrate consciousness not only as artistic material, but also as a emotions that awaken the writer’s imagination, giving rise to various associations. The subject of this research is the creative activity of folklore is in the works of the Crimean Tatar children's writers. Examination of the folklore-mythological context, determination of the peculiarities of transformation of folklore motifs in a literary reveals the creative laboratory, allowing determining the specificities of personal reflection of the writer, as well as tracing the psychological patterns of the creative process, and the evolution of artistic thinking overall. The scientific novelty is defined by the absence within Russian literary studies of monographic and significant critical works on determination of the folklore-mythological context, transformation, functionality, and interpretation of folklore elements in works of the writers. The conclusion is made that folklore as part of the culture of a particular nation, is an organic element of the artistic world of the Crimean Tatar writers, such as E. Amit and T. Khalilov. The novel by E. Amit presents the new comprehension of myths, paroemias, and legends. An example of interaction of the mythological views and modern perspective in the novel “Last Chance” is the folk legend on the “happy and unhappy stars”. It also encompasses such ancient forms of folklore as cursing and benevolence, as well as the elements that take roots in the ancient taboos, the period of totemism. In the psychological prose by T. Khalilov, an important role is played by the symbolism of birds and plants. The ancient legend of the winged horse Duldul organically intertwines with the author's creative idea without losing its specificity.
transformation, modifications, poetics, image, symbol, fairy tale, myth, interpretation, literature, folklore
Question at hand
Nerents, D.V. (2021). New approaches towards creating journalistic content in the US media. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 48–57.
Media convergence and digital revolution have become the reason of the important transformation processes that affected the editorial offices of all mass media. Constant information flow, public access to foreign media resources contributed to an unprecedented struggle for the audience. At the same time, the development of new technologies and software prompts the journalists to draw attention to the new opportunities and prospects that open up due to this. The subject of this research is the modern approaches towards interaction between the journalists and journalist with their audience, as well as use of technological capabilities within the framework of creating journalistic materials in the US mass media. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to explore and systematize the new approaches towards creating media content that have emerged in the United States in the first half of the XXI century due to information and communication technologies and globalization of the information space, and commence to appear in Russia. Such research would allow to not only reveal the peculiarities of implementation of new techniques and methodologies in the US journalism, but also to see the development trends of the Russian journalism, since the experience of foreign colleagues has been used for decades. In conclusion, the author highlights the shift in priorities of the journalists, who prefer cooperation in creating large-scale resonance projects, rather than competition. Moreover, livening up the audience allows the journalists to involve it to creation of media content, and artificial intelligence may significantly reduce the time and financial costs to produce journalistic stories.
artificial intelligence, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, collaborative journalism, massmedia, multimedia, journalistic content, audience, cooperation, robotic journalism
Knyazeva, N.V., Kurkova, N.V. (2021). Language game in publicistic writing of V. V. Nabokov: transformation of meanings and peculiarities of word usage. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 58–66.
In the light of deliberate attention of modern linguistic science and a range of social disciplines to the problem of personality and language, the unresolved question of the nature of language game in the texts of different stylistic orientation remains relevant and polemical. Comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon at hand requires the study of linguistic material that would reflect the specific nature of language game, which represents the organic synthesis of genre-stylistic affiliation and creative uniqueness of linguistic personality. Therefore, the examination of language game in the authorial publicistic writing, namely publications of V. V. Nabokov draws particular interest. The subject of this research is the various manifestations of language play on the lexical-semantic level, which implies occasional alignment of semantic plans, change of the usual meaning of the linguistic unit. It is established that the publicistic heritage of V. V. Nabokov is notable for the artistry that is atypical for such genres; it can be traced in the choice of lexical means, their subsequent interaction and transformation. The usual linguistic units acquire the new plane of content, which largely determines the functional-pragmatic vector of publications and the authorial position that reflects the the tendentious suggestive intentions characteristic to the authorial publicistic writing: accusatory, critical, etc. Change of the usual plan of perception is achieved by various means; most typical is the reference to semantic invariant, which in the authorial context contravenes the known presuppositions. The observations indicate that the language game based on the partial or full change of usual meaning of the word is of syncretic nature: as a rule, the new metaphorical level is not limited by modification of a single lexeme, but extends to the entire structure and compositional volume of the sentence.
means of expression, transformation of semantics, semantics, word, lexical units, lexical level, journalistic text, language game, occasional word functioning, Nabokov's journalism
Varukha, I.V., Shamsutdinova, Y.K. (2021). The methods of studying emotive vocabulary. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 67–74.
This article is dedicated to studying the lexical composition of language, namely lexical units that denote emotions. The choice of topic is substantiated by certain difficulties in creating the methodology for working with vocabulary, due to the amorphous nature of this language component, as well as the importance of studying the part of vocabulary that describes the emotional sphere of human existence. The subject of this research is the linguistic content of emotive lexical units. Emotive vocabulary is analyzed using several methods of linguistic analysis: method of semantic field, component analysis, transmission of meaning, analysis of significances, word formation, and method of inner form. The novelty of this research consists in application of comprehensive approach towards studying the linguistic content of lexical units denoting emotions. Special attention is given to the description of practical component of the used methods based on denominations of emotions in the English, Russian, German, and French languages. The author concludes on the need to develop a specific methodology for studying lexical material, and the cumulative application of these methods for the most comprehensive examination of the linguistic content of words denoting emotions in different languages.
semantic component, meaning, seme, inner form, polysemy, linguistic method, emotive vocabulary, derivation, dictionary mark, semantic field
Romanova, N.G. (2021). The problem of text generation in teaching philological fundamentals of professional activity . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 75–86.
The subject of this research is the problem of text generation in teaching students the philological fundamentals of professional activity. The practice of creating media texts and communication products implies not only a set of representations on the media trends, process of medicalization, and pragmalinguistic characteristics of mass media texts, but also consistent philological knowledge, specific condition and strategies of media education, which contribute to successful production of the necessary content. Methodological framework is comprised of the general scientific method of comparative analysis, as well as the methods of philology – compositional and semantic-stylistic analysis that allowed determining typical difficulties faced by the students in the process of text generation: incomprehension of the genre boundaries and content benchmarks, problem of selecting the necessary text modality, lack of factual information on the topic, its unreasonable duplication. The author assesses the quality and specificity of the creative speeches of the students (announcements, peer reviews, interview texts); as well as analyzes their perception by the students for clarifying the problematic area of text generation and search for effective solutions within the framework of educational communication. The acquired results allow outlining the key and additional conditions for the improvement of text generating skill of the future specialists in the field of mass communications, the stages of solution of the problem of text generation and their content. The defining in formation of the text generating skill became the approach towards media text as a multilevel message, the key parameters of which are determined by the implied communication medium, form of perception, peculiarities of creation, category of authorship, and thematic orientation.
communication competence, mass communication, genre, text, mediaeducation, mediatext, mass media, text generation, copywriting, speech activity