Van, M. (2021). Linguistic peculiarities of the genre of recruitment ads: functional aspect . Philology: scientific researches, 5, 1–7.
The subject of this research is the linguistic peculiarities of the genre of recruitment ads as one of the key genres of written communication in the Russian-language discourse. The verbal realization of the genre of advertisement in recruitment sphere is of particular value as a subject of sociolinguistic and communicative analysis. The examination of linguistic characteristics of the discourse on employment is necessary in order for the actors of communication to use most effective verbal means of application of the mechanisms of social adaptation in the corresponding communicative situation, which can contribute to the effective interaction of all participants of the discourse, as well as considerably contribute to the solution of employment question. The goal of this work consists in determination of verbal characteristics of an advertisement within the discourse on employment. In the course of the research, it was establishment that recruitment ads use the linguistic means formal business and publicistic styles. The acquired results can be implemented in the development of courses for preparation of human resource specialists. The texts of such advertisements can be used in the process of teaching professional communication, including in teaching Russian language to foreign students. The novelty is consists in determination and substantiation of the linguistic peculiarities of such genre of written communication as recruitment ads in the Internet environment. The author notes a new trend in functionality of language in the institutional discourse– a unique combination of the characteristics of two styles on the lexical, grammatical and syntactic levels. The conclusion is made that genre of recruitment ads is a “borderline” genre at the intersection of formal business and publicistic styles.
grammatical features, lexical features, language tools, announcement, speech genre, written communication, employment discourse, syntactic features, official business style, journalistic style
Literary criticism
Sulaimanov, M.U. (2021). The peculiarities of compositional and semantic arrangement of text in Shakir Selim’s literary-criticism article “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife”. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 8–18.
This article attempts to determine the peculiarities of compositional and semantic arrangement of text of the literary-criticism article by Shakir Selim “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife” in the context of its genre uniqueness. The article employs the approach of methodological pluralism using the key hermeneutical and a range of auxiliary methods. In analyzing the text, the author reviews the criteria of literary work, such as fabula, plotline, chronotope, author’s modality, etc., which allow revealing the peculiarities compositional and semantic arrangement Shakir Selim’s work. The relevance of this article is defined by the lack systematic research dedicated to compositional and semantic arrangement and genre diversity of the literary-criticism texts in the Crimean Tatar literature. The subject of this research is the compositional and semantic arrangement of text on the example of the literary work “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife”. The author describes the genre diversity alongside the elements of time and space presented in the article, as well as explores the author’s representations and modality. This article is first to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of compositional and semantic arrangement and genre diversity of the S. Selim’s work “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife” by means of methodological pluralism in the aspect of various structural components of the composition and content of the text.
receptive aesthetics, hermeneutics, methodological pluralism, literary criticism, genre-generic forms, syncretism, structural-genre analysis, compositional-semantic organization, literary genre, literary direction
Question at hand
Lagutina, A., Lalova, T. (2021). Phonological peculiarities (segmental level) of the French language in Pondicherry (India) . Philology: scientific researches, 5, 19–26.
This article is dedicated to examination of phonological peculiarities of segmental level of the French language in Pondicherry, one of the regions of the Republic of India. This region is a former trading post of the Fifth Republic, and currently is part of the preserved so-called “French India”. The goal of this research consists in determination of phonetic peculiarities of the French language of the population of Pondicherry in comparison with the central norm of pronunciation in France. The authors conducted an auditory analysis of the text recorded by the broadcasters, as well as thoroughly analyzed its results. In the course of research, the authors examined the level of realization of phonological oppositions within the system of vowels; as well as peculiarities of pronunciation of consonants, preservation or non-preservation of the phenomenon of “binding”, along with the instances pronunciation or fall out of [ə] caduc. The main conclusion consists in confirmation of the assumption on the causes of certain difficulties in realization of the French norm of pronunciation among the residents of Pondicherry. The differences in phonological systems of the French and Tamil languages (native to the population of Pondicherry) are the cause of the emergence distortions or replacements of certain French phonetic sounds. The conducted determined the pronunciation characteristics of French language of the population of Pondicherry, which were affected by their native Tamil language.
pronunciation norm, segment level, phonological features, interference, Tamil, audit analysis, Pondicherry, French India, french language, pronunciation characteristics
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A. (2021). Indexation of the degrees of functional modalation and interjectivation of word forms such as “horror”/ “nightmare” . Philology: scientific researches, 5, 27–35.
This article examines the result of functional transposition of language units from nouns into introductory-modal words with the meaning of affective evaluation of the conveyed and emotive interjections. The object of this analysis is the substantive word forms such as “horror” / “nightmare”, which functionin in the syncretic context of modalation and interjectivation. The subject of this analysis is the combinatorics and proportion of differential features of nouns, introductory-modal words and interjections within the structure of syncretic formations. The relevance of this work is substantiated by the need for studying syncretic zones in the grammatical structure of language; determination of the peculiarities of interaction between the grammatical and the lexical within the semantic-grammatical structure of formations place at the intersection of several transpositional processes in the sphere of the parts of speech and inter-part-of-speech categories of predicatives and introductory-modal units. The novelty of this research consists in the use of quantitative characteristics in assessing the degrees of functional modalation and interjectivation of desubstantive word forms such as “horror”/ "nightmare". The article describes the experience of calculating the indexes of their transposition into position of isolated introductory-modal components of expression with the meaning of effective evaluation of situation. It is determined that syncretic formations “horror” / “nightmare” detect in syncretic contexts of modalation and interjectivation 5% correspondence of their differential features to the features of reference nouns, 64% correspondence to the features of nuclear introductory-modal words such as “of course”, and 56% correspondence to the features of nuclear emotive interjections such as “all is ruined!”.
introductory modal word, substantive, interektivatsiya, modalation, transposition, grammar, Russian language, interjection, hybrid, indexing
Khakimova, G. (2021). Multicomponent terminological phrases in the veterinary terminological system of the modern German language. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 36–50.
This article is devoted to a detailed analysis of multicomponent terminological phrases in the veterinary terminological system of the modern German language. The object of the study is the German veterinary terminological system, the subject is multicomponent terminological phrases formed using the syntactic method of term formation. The paper analyzes two-, three- and more component terminological phrases in order to identify their structural, word-formation, semantic and functional features. The author examines terminological phrases in detail by the type of structural organization, by the type of internal syntactic connections, by the degree of fusion of components, by their activity within the phrases. The author reveals that substantive two-component terminological phrases with adjectives in the preposition have high productivity. Less common are uncomplicated two-component terminological phrases consisting of two nouns. The relevance of the undertaken research is due to the need to nominate new concepts, replenish and systematize the veterinary terminology of the modern German language as an integral part of the language of medicine, reflecting the professional activities of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and related sciences aimed at preventing and treating animal diseases, protecting people from zooanthroponoses, the production of high-quality veterinary and sanitary food products, which together it has an important social significance related to the health of humanity as a whole. The analysis of linguistic features of terminological phrases in the German sublanguage of veterinary medicine undertaken by the author allowed us to conclude that the most productive model is two-component substantive terminological phrases with an adjective in the preposition as a definition. Multicomponent terminological phrases are an integral part of the term system under study and an effective means of nominating concepts in this field of science.
two -component terminological phrase, structure, model, component, syntactic method of term formation, multicomponent terminological phrase, nomination, term, german veterinary term system, generic relations
Question at hand
Zinina, Y.M., Androsenko, A.N. (2021). Research of the concept of “wedding” in modern linguistics and related traditions in the Russian and foreign worldviews. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 51–62.
This article examines the concept of “wedding” and related traditions in the Russian and foreign worldviews. Using the Russian-language and English-language explanatory dictionaries, the author analyzes the meaning of the concept of “wedding”, gives a brief description of some aspects of the wedding ceremony of the past on the example of Russia, Hungary and Great Britain; as well as provides the results of the original survey created in the Russian and English languages and conducted in electronic form on the platforms Survio and GoogleForms, which determined the attitude towards wedding traditions and customs in Russia and abroad. The survey involved unmarried 120 people, aged from 17 to 26; among them, 60 people are the residents of Russia (Russians) and 60 people are the residents of foreign countries of different nationalities – Bulgarians, Hungarians, Italians, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Vietnamese, Malaysians, Nigerians, and citizens of the United Arab Emirates. Based on the conducted survey and dictionary sampling, the author concludes that despite the identical semantic content of the concept in different languages, the national concept spheres are vary depending on the customs characteristic to each nation. If in the past, the wedding was a grand event with lots of guests and the observance of all the necessary national customs and traditions, then modern society suggests that wedding should be a memorable event, however rather unpretentious. All respondents have certain knowledge about wedding traditions and customs of their nation that should be observed and kept dearly; however most of them see their wedding day among just closest relatives and friends.
foreign countries, Russia, Russian language, English language, picture of the world, wedding, concept, traditions, customs, semantic features
Literary criticism
Marinina, Y., Slabunov, V.N. (2021). The functions of the theme of memory in the novel “The Buried Giant” by Kazuo Ishiguro. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 63–72.
This article reviews the role of the theme of memory in the novel “The Buried Giant” by Kazuo Ishiguro. The motives of regeneration and loss of memory are relevant in modern literature as a whole and in works of K. Ishiguro in particular. The research is based on the methods of motivic and culturological analysis. In the novel “The Buried Giant”, the theme of memory has a structural meaning. It manifests through the spatial-temporal arrangement of the text, system of characters, symbolism of the novel, and organizes the core antithesis of the work – cultural memory and “mist” (embodiment of oblivion), which creates with the plotline and images of the characters. In the text of the novel, the people lose memory; the limits between the “native” and “alien”, the past and the future are blurred. The theme of memory is the source of unravelling of the plot. The two storylines are distinguished: external (the path of the characters seeking their son) and internal (regeneration of memory). The theme of memory organizes the system of characters: the protagonists Axl and Beatrice reconstruct the events preceding the beginning of the novel and accept them. Sir Gawain and Wistan remember the past, but they have a different attitude towards collective memory: the first one wants to prolong the oblivion, while the other one wants to restore the people's memories. The research demonstrates the role of the theme of memory within the structure of K. Ishiguro's novel “The Buried Giant”, which reveals the author's idea: nothing can be forgotten completely.
mythological hero, ñèìâîëèêà, mythological space, mythological time, myth, motive of oblivion, motive of memory, Ishiguro, The Buried Giant, postmodernism
Literary criticism
Sukhikh, O.S. (2021). Fantastic beginning in the novel by L. I. Borodin “It Never Happened” . Philology: scientific researches, 5, 73–80.
The novel “It Never Happened” by L. I. Borodin is analyzed from the perspective of peculiarities of the embodiment of fantastic beginning therein. The author employs the holistic analysis of the text. The goal of this research consists in studying the synthesis of the fantastic and the real alongside determining the nature of the extraordinary in the novel; analysis of its key function and methods of its introduction into the artistic world. It is established that the synthesis of the fantastic and the real is associated with fact that Borodin does not intend to create an image of some extraordinary world, but seeks to actualize his emotions and find the way to resolve the internal conflict via fantastic means – journey of the narrator into the past. The relevance and novelty are defined by the fact that the work of L. I. Borodin has not previously become the object of comprehensive literary study, although it is interesting from the perspective of problematic and poetics, reflection of the theme of guilt, which is meaningful in the works of L. Borodin. It is proven the crucial function of the fantastic in the novel “It Never Happened” is associated with psychologism. The extraordinary in the plotline is a “derivative” from the emotional drama of the narrator, the strongest desire to redeem himself, and repair what was done in childhood.
a journey into the past, plot, interpenetration, psychologism, extraordinary, fantastic admission, conflict, moral issue, narrator, author’s idea
Abdullabekova, U.B. (2021). Structural-typological description of beekeeping terms in the Kumyk, Russian and English languages . Philology: scientific researches, 5, 81–88.
The subject of this research is the word-forming structure of beekeeping terms in the Kumyk, Russian and English languages. The article describes the distinctive features of terminological word formation in the area of “beekeeping” in the aforementioned languages. For determining the type of word formation, the author uses the number and composition of the components. The similarities in common literary and terminological word formation are identified. It is demonstrated that in the corresponding terminology of the Kumyk language prevail the terminological phrases. The prevalence of phrases in the languages under reviews is explained by the fact that the term not only denotes the concept, but to a certain extent reflects to its content. This requires the creation of mainly terms-phrases that can reflect the characteristics of the concept to the fullest. On the other hand, the growing number of terminological phrases in the Kumyk language indicates that beekeeping terms in the Kumyk language are translated from the Russian language, therefore part of the terms first appear as a result of clarification of their meaning. Whole terms comprise approximately 30% of all terms of the corpus. These terms are naturally included in the terminological phrases as the nuclear words and defining in the terminological phrases. In beekeeping terminology of tge Kumyk and English languages, prevail N/R + N/R models, which the authors believe is a reflection of common literary word formation.
complex term, simple term, term's structure, Turkic language, kumyk language, comparison of terms, beekeeping terms, word-formation model, derivative term, terminological phrase
Kuzmina, A.A. (2021). The specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period . Philology: scientific researches, 5, 89–100.
This article examines the specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia (Yukaghirs, Evens, Evenks, Yakuts) of the Soviet period. The goal consists in studying the specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period and tracing the dynamics of development of such representations. The subject of this research is the geocultural images that characterize the attributes of cold, such as “cold”, “winter”, “snow”, “ice”, “permafrost”. The study leans on works of the scholars dedicated to examination of the folklore worldview, “northern text”, anthropology and conceptology of the cold, and the questions of mythopoeia. The author employs linguoculturological, cultural-historical, semiotic, and geopoetic approaches. The novelty of this research consists in comprehensive examination of the peculiarities of representations on geocultural images with attributes of the cold and extensive coverage of the folklore and literary material based on the folklore materials and literature of the Indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period. It is revealed that the indigenous peoples of Yakutia have different representations on these natural phenomena. In the folklore worldview, the representations on the cold mostly have negative connotation. The Yakut national literature of the early XX century adhered to the canons of the traditional worldview, and since the second half of the XX century, the severe climate of the North started to be perceived as something unique and positive. The acquired results can be applied in the field of folklore studies, literary studies, and anthropology in examination of the peculiarities of cultural texts of the North and the Arctic.
eternal Frost, ice, snow, winter, geocultural images, cold, indigenous peoples of Yakutia, literature, folklore, soviet period