Galkina, S.F., Lasovskaya, T.Y., Pupkova, E.O. (2021). Verbalization of cognitive processes in the texts of bilinguals with alexithymia. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 1–10.
This article describes certain fragments of verbal-lexical and linguistic-cognitive levels of linguistic personality of the bilinguals with alexithymia. The goal lies in their determination, description, and comparison with the corresponding fragments of linguistic personality of the Russians with alexithymia for outlining the parameters that correlate or do not correlate with nationality and alexithymia status of the respondent. The research leans on the linguistic, quantitative and qualitative content analysis of autobiographical texts. The essential condition for including in the number of respondents was a pronounced alexithymia status (diagnosed in accordance with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale), affiliation to Altai or Yakut ethnic group, and command of the corresponding language (bilingualism). The following conclusions were made: certain cognitive and lexical-semantic parameters remain constant, while morphological and punctuation parameters among Altai and Yakut people cease to be the criterion of the pronounced alexithymia status of a person. The acquired results can be used as a complementary instrument for the diagnosis of alexithymia and its correction. The relevance of this research is substantiated by incidence of the phenomenon of alexithymia and the need for conducting comparative study of the texts of persons with alexithymia who belong to different ethnic groups, which allows determining the framework of such supplementary instrument of diagnosis as text analysis.
cognitive processing, linguistic personality, diagnosis of alexithymia, quantitative content analysis, quality content analysis, psycholinguistics, alexithymia, bilingualism, the history of life, text analysis
Gavrish, A.D., Zheltukhina, M.R. (2021). Emotives in the speech of linguistic personality of the politician in the US and Russian media discourse: comparative analysis . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 11–20.
The relevance of this research is substantiated by the growing importance of the emotional aspect of modern media communication discourse, as well as the by the fact that linguistic personality of the politician in the realities of current electoral systems of the United States and the Russian Federation can be an instrument of emotional impact upon the audience, first and foremost with the use of emotive lexicon. The goal of this article lies in description of the results of comparative study of emotives in the US and Russian media discourse, determined in the speech of linguistic personality of the politician. The research material leans on media speeches of the candidates for the presidency of the United States and the Russian Federation, covering the period from May 2016 to April 2018. Methodological framework is comprised of the linguoecological and emotionological approaches, namely the linguistic theory of emotions of V. I. Shakhovsky, who outlines the three semantic statuses of emotivity of the lexicon. It is established that linguistic personality of the politician in the US and Russian media discourse is actively and diversely represented via emotive lexicon. However, the degree of intensity of emotional manifestations of linguistic personality of the Russian politician is greater than the verbal manifestations of the US politician. The determined emotives and their frequency in the speech of linguistic personality of the politician in the US and Russian media discourse are a new achievement for the discursive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, and emotionology. This research contributes to the development of psycholinguistics, political linguistics, and media linguistics, as well as further study of emotives in the political media discourse of different linguistic cultures from the comparative perspective.
connotatives, affectives, emotives, emotive analysis, emotion, media discourse, language personality of a politician, potentiatives, comparative analysis, comparative linguistics
Literary criticism
Suleimanova, M.S., Magomedova, M. (2021). On the adequacy of translation of the lyrics by Fazu Aliyeva into the Russian language. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 21–29.
The subject of this research is the adequacy of translation of Avar poetry into the Russian language on the example of the poem “If They Will Draw My Portrait” by the National Poet of Dagestan Fazu Gamzatovna Aliyeva. The object of this research is the lyrical works of Fazu Aliyeva and other Dagestan poets. Using the method of comparative analysis, the authors draw parallel between the Avar and Russian versions of F. Aliyeva’s poem, which has been translated by the Russian poet-translator Vladimir Turkin. The goal of this article lies in the comparative study of the lyrical poem by the Avar poet and its literary translation into the Russian language. The question of the literary translations of poetic texts from the native languages into the Russian language remains relevant at all times. The degree of accuracy and adequacy of the translation of modern or classic Dagestan poetic texts into the Russian language is yet to be fully researched. The novelty of this work consists in comprehensive analysis of the adequacy of translation of the lyrical texts of the Avar poet Fazu Aliyeva into the Russian language. The adequate professional translation into the Russian language is invaluable for the development of literature of the Caucasian peoples (and all national literatures of the peoples that are part of the Russian Federation). This helps them reach a wider readership. Juxtaposition of the original poetic text and its translation into the Russian language proves that Vladimir Turkin has achieved full adequacy of conveying the Avar text, despite the discrepancy in translating spatial details, which not in the slightest distorts the stylistic and emotional-expressive peculiarities inherent to the poem by the Dagestan poet Fazu Aliyeva.
Vladimir Turkin, content and form, Fazu Alieva, adequacy, original, translation, poetry, artistic structure, national texts, expression
Question at hand
Shuiskaya, Y.V., Murzina, O.V., Karpov, E.S. (2021). Linguistic peculiarities of text component of the creolized Internet memes . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 30–36.
The object of this research is the text component of Internet meme as a signifier of special type. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of text captions to the images posted in the Russian-speaking and English-speaking segments of the Internet. The authors dwell on such aspects as the syntactic, theme-rhematic, and orthographic peculiarities of the text component of Internet memes. Special attention is given to the problem of intentional misspellings in text captions. In most cases, namely the text actualizes the image; the memes usually involve film stills, drawings, and photo images, and text captions turn these images into the relevant Internet memes. The main conclusions lies in determination of the peculiarities of the text part of creolized Internet memes on all linguistic levels. Due to the specificities of Internet memes, the texts usually represent short sentences. The syntactic structure of used phrases often resembles a marked construction, and in a number of instances with intentional misspellings. The novelty of this research lies in the analysis of Internet memes from the perspective of linguistics. Although there are Russian and foreign research dedicated to semiotic and communicative components of the Internet memes, as well as their evolution and transformations, the analysis of linguistic component is carried out for the first time.
communication, internet meme, orthographic mistakes, syntax, social media, memes, internet, mass media, semiotics, mass communication media
Question at hand
Liudmila , I.M. (2021). The role of title and epigraph in the essay “The Vision of Mirza” by Joseph Addison . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 37–45.
The object of this research is the essay “The Vision of Mirza” by Joseph Addison. The relevance of studying J. Addison's essay is substantiated by undue attention to his works in the Russian literary studies, as well as the need for tracing the dynamics in the genre of vision in the Age of Enlightenment. The subject of this research is the title and epigraph as parts of the work that determine its structure and artistic distinctness. Analysis is conducted on the images of the viewer, visionary hero, and his guide, chronotope of the essay and allusive links. The essay is based on the combination of systemic-structural, comparative-historical, and hermeneutic methods. The novelty consists in the fact that the comprehensive examination of the role of the title ensemble within the structure of the essay allows reconstructing the link of the essay with the traditions of the medieval genre of vision manifested in the traditional topic and consistent motifs, imagery system, space and time arrangement, and dialogical structure of the text. The author provides interpretation to the allusive links between J. Addison's essay and Greco-Roman mythology, epic poem “The Aeneid” by Virgil, and psalms from the New Testament, and “The Voyage of St. Brendan”. It is established that the dialogue set by the epigraph passes through the entire plotline of the essay and reveal the characters of its participants. The extensively presented Christian theme alongside the images from ancient mythology and Virgil’s texts are essential for the author to express the enlightening program.
image of the author, image, allusion, chronotope, Enlightenment, genre of vision, essay, motif, title, epigraph
Zakharova, N.E. (2021). The reflection of space in the language of a multilingual society (on the example of the Khatango-Anabarsky district) . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 46–54.
This article examines the universal category of space and its representation in the multicultural and multilingual Khatango-Anabarsky cultural landscape. The Dolgan language in Khatangsky and Anabarsky multilingual societies develops evenly and has specifics of functionality. The Russian language that is the state language in the Russian Federation, along with the Yakut language that is cognate to the Dolgan language and has greater communicative capacity in the territory of Yakutia, play considerable role in these processes. The description of the Dolgan concept of space is carried out by the following scheme: 1) semantic analysis of the lexis that reflects space and is notionally named spatial; 2) spatial analysis of the regional toponymy and ethno-economic territorial system of the Dolgan people; 3) psycholinguistic analysis of content of the concept. The novelty of this research lies in description of the peculiarities of linguistic consciousness of the bilinguals on the example of the Dolgan concept of space, which is viewed alongside the regional toponymy and ethno-economic territorial system of the Dolgan people. Space is the subject of research in various scientific disciplines. This article reviews its psycho-linguoculturological aspect. In accordance with the anthropocentric research model, the study explores the correlation between the language, culture and mentality, and complies with the definition of the concept as a certain "bundle of culture within human mind” [Stepanov, 2001, p.43]. Thus, the special lexis, besides the generally accepted binary oppositions, should include the geographical terms with landscape peculiarities, which in the authors’ opinion, can be the reflection of space.
Khatango-Anabar region, associative experiment, concept, image, language consciousness, Dolgan language, Dolgans, multilingual society, bilinguals, cultural landscape
Mutalov, R.O. (2021). The functionality of class-numerical indicators in suffixes of adjectives of the Dargin languages . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 55–62.
This article examines the class-numerical indicators functioning in the suffixes of adjectives of the Dargin languages that belong to the Nakh-Daghestanian language family. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that these languages have rich morphological system; however, many grammatical categories are yet to be studied. The goal of this work is to determine the etymology of suffix indicator -ch-b (-v,- p), which forms the adjectives and contains an Aslaut changing class indicator. For achieving the set goal, the article employs comparative-historical analysis and descriptive method; for collecting verbal material of various idioms – the methods of field linguistics. The novelty consists in the fact that this attributivizer is analyzed from the comparative-historical perspective in the Dargin studies for the first time. It is established that the morpheme under review is formed from the short form of the adverb of place chedi (ch-) “upwards”. In the Dargin languages, it functions in form of the essive comprised by affixing class indicators to the lative form. With evolution of the language, this morpheme has been grammaticalized. The acquired results can be applied in preparing comparative-historical grammar of the Dargin languages, teaching the course of the Dargin literary language, as well as in typological research.
localization, number category, case, adverb, morphology, grammar, grammar class category, the Dargin languages, the Caucasian languages, grammatical class indicator
Literary criticism
Kurianova, V.V. (2021). Tolstoy's text in the works of I. S. Shmelyov . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 63–70.
This research is dedicated to the study of supertext in the works of the prominent writer of the white émigré – Ivan Sergeevich Shmelyov. The topic of supertexts is currently one of the most promising interdisciplinary trends in humanities. Despite the fact that literary studies feature quite a number of works dedicated to topological texts, there are virtually no research of supertext, to which Tolstoy's text is attributed to. Active creation of Tolstoy’s text falls on the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. The image of Tolstoy manifests in Shemlyov’s works of the early period, his last novel, diaries and correspondence. In literary texts, the writer creates the “protected” myth about L. Tolstoy, whole the “profane vector” can be observed in diaries and correspondence with the close circle of friends. Mythologemes that comprise Shmelyov’s myth are as follows: “Tolstoy is an outstanding Russian writer”, “Simplification of Tolstoy”, “Tolstoy is the Founder of the New Religion”. The latter is of particular significance, since Shmelyov positions himself, and is subsequently recognized by the readers, as the Orthodox writer irreconcilable with other religious pursuits. Having acknowledge the undisputable authority of L. Tolstoy as a writer, as a model for young authors, the heroes in Shmelyov’s works do not admit the spiritual leader and religious figure in the prominent Russian thinker.
mythologized representation, Russian abroad, Silver Age, Ivan Shmelev, myth by Tolstoy, biographical myth, Tolstoyan text, nominal text, supertext, mythologeme
Dubova, M.A., Larina, N.A. (2021). Philological analysis of the text: reception of I. A. Bunin's short fiction “The Epitaph” . Philology: scientific researches, 12, 71–81.
The object of this research is Ivan Bunin’s prose of the early period – “The Epitaph”. I. A. Bunin is a Neorealist writer of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries, publicist, a unique representative of the white émigré. The subject of this research is the reception of “The Epitaph” by modern audience based on the command of philological text analysis. Having analyzed the traditional semantic components of the literary text (that are part of the concept of “philological text analysis”), the authors offer modern approaches towards representation of the established semantic categories of the text, demonstrate their functionality on the linguistic level, analyze the methods of their lexical representation and verbalization, which determines the novelty of this article. The goal lies in philological analysis of I. A. Bunin's short fiction “The Epitaph”, taking into account the historical-cultural context of its creation, the role of extralinguistic factors in the text, and their reflection on the linguistic level, semantics of the title and keywords in the ideological-thematic content of the work and expression of the authorial position. Alongside the traditional methods of academic philology, such as historical-cultural, biographical, commentary reading, linguistic-stylistic analysis, the research employs the techniques of cognitive linguistics. This article is first to describe the experience of a commentary reading of I. A. Bunin's short fiction “The Epitaph”, which is based on cognition of the semantic components of the work through the prism of a linguostylistic approach within the framework of philological analysis. The authors reveal techniques of reading the text, placing emphasis on the lexical means of representation of the key semantic categories, which on the one hand reflect the writer’s worldview , while on the other – form his individual writing style. Such articulation of the problem determines the prospects for the study of other proses of I. A. Bunin.
individual author's styl, representation, content categories, philological analysis of the text, Bunin, Epitaph, text, space-time continuum, analysis algorithm, methods of lexical representation
World literature
Kadyrova, U.R. (2021). Symbolism of the Arabic alphabet and fundamentals of the religious tradition in the romantic poetry of Aşıq Ümer. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 82–89.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of representation of the symbolism of Arabic alphabet and fundamentals of the religious tradition in the lyrics of the prominent representative of Ashik poetry, of the XVII century – Aşıq Ümer. The object of is the poetry of Aşıq Ümer. The works of Aşıq Ümer are particularly relevant these days due to diversity and vividness of symbolism of his poetic system. The purpose of this article lies in the analysis of the symbols of Arabic alphabet and fundamentals of the religious tradition, as well as in determination of their role in the lyrics of Aşıq Ümer. The symbolism of Arabic alphabet in his poetry is examines in the following descriptive aspects: external description of the beauty of the beloved; description of the external characteristics and sufferings of the one in love. The research methodology employs the method of hermeneutics, descriptive method, and semiotic text analysis. The relevance of this research is substantiated by popularity and important semantic load of Arabic letters, symbols, and fundamentals of the religious tradition in the images of romantic poetry of Aşıq Ümer – the beloved and the one in love. The scientific novelty lies the analysis of the symbols of Arabic graphemes and fundamentals of the religious tradition in the lyrics of Aşıq Ümer, which reveals the role of these symbols in his poetry. The author concludes that the study and analysis of the symbolism of Arabic alphabet and religious components in the lyrics of Aşıq Ümer make it comprehensible to common audience. The sacred meaning of the Arabic alphabet and religious metaphors enriches the lyrics of the poet, as well as demonstrates his unshakable faith and living within the framework of Islam.
sweetheart, metaphor, lover, foundations of spiritual tradition, letters of the arabic alphabet, symbols, love lyrics, Ashyk Umer, image, Islam