Kosyreva, M.S. (2021). Consumer lexicon in modern Russian Language . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of different types of translation activity in the process of teaching students of non-philological specialties at Hanoi National University of Education. Being the direct participant of bilingual communication, the student applies the following behavioral vectors: reproduction of the semantic-structural peculiarities of the original text and adaptation of the translation text to a new linguocultural perception. This is namely the key to success in the bilingual communication, since the translator fulfills the communicative, ideological, cumulative (culturological) and even a correctional functions attempting to create the original text without flaws and shortcomings of the original text due incompetence of its author. Fulfilling any of these functions, the translator must desubjectivize the original text (extract the subjective meaning) and the translation text (taking into account the characteristics of the addressee) for the purpose of adequate objectification of the translation text in accordance with the situation. In this regard, the modern methods and techniques implemented in the pedagogical practice of Hanoi National University of Education are particularly relevant. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the attempt to determine the peculiarities of using games as a means of improving effectiveness of the Russian language class and implementation of game-based learning at Hanoi National University of Education.
Terminology, Household vocabulary, Consumer vocabulary, Consumer society, International vocabulary, Globalization of Language, Dialogue of Cultures, Lexicography, Lexicology, Modern Russian Language
Kuzmina, A.A. (2021). Other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry (based on Olonkho of Vilyuysky tradition) . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 9–18.
The subject of this research is the semantics, structure and plotline of other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry. The object is the texts of the Yakut heroic epic poetry, namely Olonkho of Vilyuysky tradition. The goal lies in comprehensive analysis of the category of other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry, particularly Olonkho of Vilyuysky tradition. The article employs the systemic analysis of Olonkho poetics, structural-semantic analysis, and comparative method. Special attention is given to construction of mythopoetic model of the world and correlation between space and plot of the epic poem. The acquired results can be implemented in folklore studies. The novelty of this research consists in the analysis of other space in Olonkho from the perspective of its semantics, structure, and narrative role. This article is first to describe the peculiarities of other space in the texts of Vilyuysky epic tradition. It is determined that other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry Olonkho is depicted in form of the Lower and Upper worlds, “foreign country” in the Middle world, intermediate zones that hold an important place within the epic worldview and course of events in the plot of Olonkho. The author notes that the texts of Vilyuysky Olonkho preserve the traditional techniques depicting the three worlds; and the difference lies in emergence of the image of shaman dwelling in the intermediate zone, prevalence of the entry into the Lower world without demarcation of its boundaries.
semantics, plot, chronotope, spatial organization, different space, Vilyui epic tradition, Yakut heroic epic, structure, model of the world, epic locus
Wang, X. (2021). Graded conjunction “not only” and its correlates . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 19–26.
The subject of this research is the functionality of conjunction “not only” with its various correlates. The author establishes its peculiarities that distinguish it from other graded conjunctions: meaning, relation to pretext, variety of correlates, and typical absence of correlate. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by its inclusion in the study of linguistics of the text, and namely linguistic units that fulfill connecting function in the text. The goal lies in determination of peculiarities of the conjunction “not only” and its correlates. The article employs introspective-inductive and descriptive methods. The research presses need to continue studying the text, methods of achieving its cohesion, and expressive means in the context. The conclusion is made that the conjunction “not only” can be qualified as binary graded conjunction with certain peculiarities. Its uniqueness lies in specific manifestation of the gradation meaning; textual character (reference to pretext); instability of its composition; absence of correlate characteristic to this conjunction. Thus, “not only” performs the function of a conjunction and a text bond. The novelty of this research consists in describing the functionality of conjunction “not only” with its various correlates.
characteristic, text connector, punctuation, evaluation value, gradation value, correlate, union, graduation, feature, pretext
World literature
Vlasova, Y. (2021). Customs and traditions of the Sultanate of Oman and their reflection in Jokha Alharthi's “Celestial Bodies”. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 27–37.
The subject of this research is the rituals and customs of the Omani people and their reflection in the novel “Celestial Bodies” by Jokha Alharthi. The author traces the changes that took place in the Sultanate of Oman. Life of the Omani people is depicted on the example of several generations of the large family of Abdallah ibn Sulayman of the Hilal. Comparison is conducted on the living conditions of provincial population, namely the village of al-Awafi and the capital Muscat. The problem is raised about people’s happiness in the technological era, and the topic of loneliness of our contemporary. The methods of historical and systemic analysis prove that the traditional structure of Omani society remains in rural areas. It represents a fusion of Islamic and African customs, Muslim and pagan beliefs. The description of engagement, wedding, childbirth, and funeral ceremonies creates a holistic picture of the life cycle of the Omani people. However, urbanization and technological development force people to move from the rural areas to cities and change their mentality. The protagonist Abdallah falls out of touch with his native land, changes his living condition, and reaches an impasse. Nourishing the memories of the pleasant past, they do not experience joy from the present. The novelty consists in the fact that the ethnographic research is conducted by the Professor of Sultan Qaboos University – Jokha Alharthi in form of a literary work. The scholar comes to the conclusion that due to shift of life paradigms, the senior generation of Omani people is experiencing a fateful moment. The way out of the crisis should be sought in the educated Omani youth, who does not want to blindly follow the customs of their ancestors and shelter themselves behind the adults. Youth of the XXI century does not fear difficulties and willing to make own decisions. Thanks to support of the family, London – the daughter of Abdalla – became a medical doctor. The audience is fascinated with discovering the culture of the Land of Frankincense through the prism of Jokha Alharthi.
slave trade, Arab customs, Islamic traditions, pagan rites, Jokha al-Harthi, The Arabic literature, Sultanate Oman, Ibadism,, city and village, Celestial bodies
Pshenichnikova, A.Y. (2021). Culinary lexicon in the dialects of Spanish language. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 38–54.
This article discusses the peculiarities of linguistic consciousness of the representatives of ethnoses of Latin American countries through the modern dialects of Spanish language. Analysis is conducted on the lexicon of the national cuisine of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The article includes the analysis of linguistic zones of the Spanish language. The goal lies in examination of the lexicon of national cuisine of Latin American countries and, and creation of culinary dictionary of Spanish-speaking countries. The author aims to determine the national-specific gastronomic realities of Latin American countries through the prism of ethno-cultural space, and establish correlation between the uniqueness of gastronomic realities with the mentality and fragments of the linguistic worldview of Latin American countries. The conclusion is formulated on the impact of loanwords upon the national culinary lexicon of Latin American countries. The author draws a chart with the lexemes of national cuisines of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In accordance with the linguistic zones of Spanish language, the national culinary lexicon is divided into three groups of indigenisms; considering the influence of other languages on the formation of the vocabulary of the regional Spanish language, the national culinary lexicon is divided into the following loanwords (Africanisms, Arabisms, Gallicisms, Anglicisms, and Italianisms). Lexical units, which are widespread in the territory of two, three, or four national dialects of the Spanish language are referred to as regionalisms. Lexical units that are characteristic to one national dialect of the Spanish language are referred to as variantisms. The proper names are allocated into a separate group. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the poorly studied national culinary lexicon of such Latin American countries as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
indihenisms, linguistic zones, micro field, macro field, realities, linguistic picture of the world, anglicisms, gallicisms, arabisms, africanisms
Otsomieva, Z.M. (2021). Female image in the Avar toponymy . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 55–66.
This article examines the female image within the national linguistic worldview based on the Avar toponymic lexicon. The subject of this research is the semantics of toponymic units with the content “characteristic of a woman”, methods of their formation and ability to reflect perception of the world of the Avar dialect speakers. The author explores the following aspect: 1) determination of the reasons for toponymization of female anthroponyms; 2) establishment of the role of the Avar anthroponymy in toponymic research; 3) clarification of the role of unit, which reflects different aspects of woman’s personality, that determine behavior and lifestyle within the toponymy of Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky and Khunzakhsky districts of Dagestan. The conclusion is made that the experience of combining obtained and systematizing toponymic units for describing the representations on the female image contributes to the formation of geographical proper names. It emerged that toponymic lexemes reflect the transition from immanent linguistics, which studies language within and for itself, towards anthropocentric (or anthropophilic) linguistics, which focuses on the study of human with all the characteristics. The article examines the linguistic aspects of toponymy; analyzes and classifies toponymic units that contain female names, taking into account the semantics and peculiarities of their use. The acquired linguistic conclusions can be valuable for further research within the framework of studying female image in different aspects.
dialect vocabulary, toponymic models, characteristics of a woman, lexico-semantic means, regional toponymy, geographical terms, language picture of the world, toponym, microtoponym, semantics
Literary criticism
Gavrilov, V.V. (2021). “Ugric text” as a cultural phenomenon: towards articulation of the problem. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 67–77.
Leaning on the conceptual analysis, the article describes “Ugric text” as a special cultural phenomenon. Approximately fifty works by Ugric writers (both, poetic and prosaic) were analyzed using the Internet program, “Morpher”. Despite the obvious differences stylistic and thematic differences in their works, both poets and prose writers use a common set of basic concepts that comprise the backbone of cultural space of the region. The conclusion is made on the similarities that unite the texts of Ugric authors into a single cultural phenomenon. The goal of this research lies in the description of Ugric text as a unique cultural phenomenon. The article employs the results of the latest scientific developments in the field of philological regionalism and geopoetics, as well as literary works by the Ugric authors. The main result consists in elucidation of the concept of “Ugric text”, its differentiation with the concept of “literary school”. Having studied the texts of prominent Ugric writers – E. D. Aypin, S. S. Kozlov, O. B. Richter, P. A. Sukhanov, N. V. Sochikhin, Y. Shestalov and others – the author concludes on the basic concepts that determine the common mental space of Ugra and ensure the semantic integrity of Ugric text as a cultural phenomenon. It is established that due to the common conceptual framework, Ugric text not only exists as a unified whole, but also evolves, remains contemporary, and meets the spiritual needs of the audience. Comprehensive analysis of the literary works indicates that the common concepts in the poetic and prosaic Ugric text evolve and refract within the framework of the authorial linguistic worldview. The scientific novelty consist sin the fact that this article is first to analyze Ugric texts as a cultural phenomenon from the perspective of conceptual approach.
conceptosphere, concept, mental space, regionalism, Ugra text, Ugra literature, supertext, power of place, picture of the world, myth
Dolzhenkova, V. (2021). Semantic peculiarities of diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 78–85.
The subject of this research is the polemical linguistic question on the peculiarities of the semantics of proper name. The object of this research is the diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms, which function mainly in the colloquial discourse. Analysis is conducted on the semantic peculiarities of such diminutive forms as Paco, Pepe, Charo, Maruja from frequent Spanish anthroponyms, such as Francisco, José, Rosario, María. The analysis of practical material relies on the theoretical provisions and methods of empirical research of the Russian linguoculturologists and psycholinguists, as well as on the data of the Spanish National Institute of Statistics, materials of explanatory dictionaries of the Spanish language, and publicistic texts. The conclusion is made that the colloquial discourse is the core area of verbalization of the diminutive. It is also revealed that the semantics of diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms contains additional connotative elements that covey unique ethno psycholinguistic information characteristic to a single linguistic consciousness. Namely the presence of culturally determined components of meaning substantiates the transition of diminutives to the category of appellatives. This article is first to analyze the semantics of diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms as separate proper names, as well as distinguish additional nuances of the meanings of these lexical unit, which defines the scientific novelty.
Discourse, Culture, Apellative, Diminutive, Connotation, Proper name, Semantics, Onomastics, Meaning, Ethnopsycholinguistics
Golikov, L.M. (2021). Utilitarian attitude and norm in the discourse of Russian nationalists (on the material of the social network “VKontakte”) . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 86–93.
Expressions with the predicative “expediently” manifest as a regular means of realization of modality of necessity, which is diverse in the semantic characteristics. The article aims to determine the type of the meaning of necessity and the nature of potentiality contained in such expressions in the discourse of Russian nationalists in the social network “VKontakte”. The article employs the methods semantic and pragmatic analysis. The author describes the predicative “expediently” as a modal operator of necessity, and the structure of the situation of necessity reflected by the expressions in the specified pragmatic conditions. The author reveals the semantic characteristics of combination of the utilitarian and deontic modalities that recognize such forms as the norm. It is established that expressions with the predicative “expediently” in the discourse of Russian nationalists manifest as the target norms and norms of operational preference. Such examples, due to their semantic and pragmatic characteristics, are the traditional method for realization of the speech act of appeal. The obtained results can be used in linguistic expertise, as they represent the significant diagnostic attributes of speech act of appeal in the pragmatic conditions of sociopolitical discourse. The scientific novelty is consists in the fact that this article is first to characterize the expressions with the predicative “expediently” as the forms of realization of meaning of the norm, which are recognized as the speech act of appeal in the discourse of Russian nationalists.
target norm, normative goal setting, normative compulsion, deontic modality, utilitarian modality, modality of necessity, predicative öåëåñîîáðàçíî, operational preference norm, discourse of Russian nationalists, appeal
Vavilova, K.Y. (2021). Symbolism in the English and Russian fairy tale folklore: comparative analysis. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 94–106.
The subject of this research is the symbolism in the English and Russian fairytale tradition. The object is the texts of the Russian and English fairy tales. Analysis of the texts reveals the typical functions performed by symbols in both folklore traditions. The author provides the examples of symbols and offers the interpretation of objects-symbols, symbols-zoonyms, color and number symbols, time and space symbols. Comparative study of folklore heritage of non-cognate languages reveals the fundamental commonness of a particular folk genre of different peoples in their perspective upon reality, methods of depiction, and ideological interpretations. The scientific novelty consists in conclusions obtained in the comparative study of the symbolism of fairy tale texts in the Russian and British folklore, which is important for determination of linguistic, semiological and cultural universals. The comparative study of folklore material of two traditions in the sphere of the poetics of folklore reveals the traditional universals and unique features on the level of symbolism of the fairy tale genre. Within the framework of the article, the author analyzes the functionality of thematic, animalistic, color, spatial-temporal, and numerical symbols. The acquired results are underpinned by a large number of text examples.
characteristic features, British tales, Russian tales, symbol, symbolism, folklore, genre, fairy tales, universals, analysis
Starostina, Y.S. (2021). English-language dramaturgy in the context of discursive-communicative linguoaxiological approach: theoretical aspects . Philology: scientific researches, 11, 107–121.
This article provides the results of the synoptic-theoretical analysis aimed at identification and examination of the fundamentals of linguoaxiological potential of the English-language dramaturgical discourse, which is the subject of this research. The object of is the discursive-communicative vectors of axiological linguistics as a relevant scientific trend that is in the process of development of its own theoretical platform. At this stage, within the designated subject area, the question of viable factual basis for discursive-communicative linguoaxiological interpretation remains unresolved, i.e., which language material is appropriate to use in elaboration of the leading theoretical provisions of the new scientific discipline. The novelty of this research consists in formulation and substantiation of the scientific solution aimed at filling the methodological lacunarity. The goal lies in mapping and systematization of the discursive-communicative characteristics of the English-language dramaturgy from the linguoaxiological perspective. Based on the acquired results, the author specifies the conceptual-terminological framework for studying dramaturgical discourse, as well as provides arguments that justify reference to the used language material. The author specifies the discursive-communicative characteristics that determine the linguoaxiological load of the English-language dramaturgical discourse. The conclusion is made that dramaturgical discourse has a complex linguopragmatic, linguocognitive, and linguoculturological nature, which contributes to the formation of its polyaspect linguoaxiological specifics. Dramaturgical discourse is also a unique structural-compositional formation, being a system of interacting subdiscourses, each of which is characterized by a variable degree of engagement in the systemic implementation of linguoaxiological potential. The dramaturgical dialogue, as the central dramaturgical subdiscourse, has a relatively independent set of properties, which nominate it as a space of heightened axiogeneity. The conducted research contributes to the formation of theoretical provisions of axiological linguistics at the modern stage of its development, as well as further clarification of this subject field.
cognitive-discursive approach, pragmatic impact, dialogue, communication, drama discourse, evaluative utterance, value dominant, linguoaxiosphere, linguoaxiology, linguocultural load