Literary criticism
Iarovikova, I.V., Balygina, E.A., Ermolova, T.V., Logvinova, O.K. (2021). The satirical grotesque in Evelyn Waugh's novel "Decline and Destruction" . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–10.
The present research is carried out in line with literary stylistics, focusing on the linguistic and expressive means of artistic representation of reality and the peculiarities of their use by one or another author. The research material was the novel "Decline and Destruction", written by one of the recognized masters of the English satirical novel Evelyn Waugh. The "Decline and Destruction" of twentieth–century England is a cross-cutting theme of the entire work of I. Vo, whose stylistic dominant is the satirical grotesque. The above-mentioned determined the purpose of the study, which consists in explicating the main mechanisms and means of creating a satirical grotesque in the novel, exposing and ridiculing the vices of English society in the 1920s, sharpening and criticizing the shortcomings of the existing education system in privileged educational institutions in England.  In accordance with this goal, the article considers the problem of the emergence of the term "grotesque", its connection with the aesthetic category of the comic is indicated, the role and place of this artistic device in the work of I. Vo are indicated. It is revealed that with the help of a satirical grotesque, Vo creates his own special – secondary to the real – world, violating the boundaries corresponding to our ideas of plausibility, for which any means available to the author are suitable. The study showed that the key mechanisms determining the grotesque beginning of the novel are a combination of mutually exclusive, hyperbolization, reification of characters, etc. A special satirical expressiveness and tragicomism, brought to the point of absurdity, is manifested at various levels of the work's organization (lexical, onomastic, morphological, syntactic, graphic). From this point of view, the novel "Decline and Destruction" is being studied for the first time, which determines the novelty of the research undertaken and outlines further prospects in the field of research devoted to the work of Evelyn Waugh and the satirical grotesque, in particular.
absurd, tragicomism, means of creating a grotesque, mechanisms of grotesque creation, artistic reception, unreal, satirical grotesque, Decline and destruction, Evelyn Waugh, grotesque images
Question at hand
Melezhik, K.A., Petrenko, A.D., Khrabskova, D.M. (2021). Technological innovations in teaching foreign languages – from connectivism to hyperconnectivity. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 11–22.
The subject of this research is the influencing factors of information and communication technologies upon the theory and practice of teaching English language in the institutional and noninstitutional environments. The object of this research is the analysis of structure and content of Android and iPhone applications. Special attention is given to the development of mobile services as a prevalent model of using information and communication technologies, which open the possibility for individualized range of hyperconnectivity regulated by resource of a personal phone. The authors examine distance learning, which allows implementing innovations and creativity, employs new technologies, performs social task on expansion of technologically uniform educational space. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) of e-learning pedagogy requires the results of pedagogical practice in both, institutional and noninstitutional programs and courses; 2) the modern online learning of English language features new methods of implementation of hyperconnectivity in the Internet on the basis of technological and pedagogical innovations, active interactions and common culture. The scientific novelty consists in the statement that the use of distance learning is especially relevant on the current stage of modernization of education system, as it incorporates innovation technologies of teacher-student interaction. The current situation is characterized by the long-term trends associated with globalization socioeconomic relations, as well as by COVID-19 pandemic that requires taking immediate and radical measures in order to ensure protection of educational community from possible disastrous consequences in record time. The primary task of the authors consists in the analysis of relevant aspects of using information and communication technologies of teaching foreign languages, namely mobile applications, as well as in substantiation of the thesis on transition from collective connectivism towards individual hyperconnectivity in the educational process.
non-institutional environment, institutional environment, mobile telephony, online environment, hyperconnectivity, connectivism, applications, communication technologies, distance learning, online textbook
Anikina, T.V. (2021). Syntactic peculiarities of English-language and Russian-language online advertising. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 23–40.
Advertising is an inseparable element of modern life. It is virtually impossible to name a sphere of activity that is not covered by advertising. Currently, one of the most popular trends in linguistic research is the examination of advertising text and its components (lexis, semantics, syntax). This article is dedicated to studying the syntactic peculiarities of English-language and Russian-language online advertising. The research materials contains advertising texts and slogans from various websites and social media (such as Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the analysis of syntactic means is carried out on the material of two languages. The conducted research revealed that prevalent syntactic means include mononuclear imperative sentences, exclamatory sentences, interrogative sentences, and negative sentences. Usage of the indicated syntactic means allows capturing interest of the recipients and indirectly influencing their mind. Both, English-language and Russian-language online advertising most frequently use mononuclear imperative sentences, as it motivates to purchasing goods or services, and convinces the audience that they should have it. No significant differences in using other types of sentences were detected in English-language and Russian-language online advertising; the primary task of advertising in any language is to encourage customers to buy the goods or services.
interrogative sentence, exclamatory sentence, imperative sentence, one-member sentence, syntactic means, slogan, advertising text, advertisement, negative sentence, creolised text
Anikina, T.V. (2021). Phonostylistic peculiarities of English-language and Russian-language online advertising. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 41–56.
Modern advertising became a part of communicative culture. Therefore, the language of advertising draws attention of scholars from different fields. However, the task of determining and studying linguistic means that encourage attention of customers remains relevant. This article examines the phonostylistic means that allow creating a certain emotional background after reading an advertisement. The research materials contains advertising texts and slogans from various websites and social media (such as Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook). Methodology implies the selection of practical material, identification of the basis phonostylistic means used in English-language and Russian-language advertising texts, comparison of such means in both languages. The conducted research demonstrates that alliteration, assonance, annomination, wordplay, and rhyme are most frequently used means in the English-language and Russian-language online advertising. The English-language online advertising most often employs alliteration, while the Russian-language online advertising most frequently uses phonostylistic means. Such pattern is associated with the number of vowels and consonants in the alphabets of these two languages. The application of phonostylistic means makes the text lean, melodiousness, and expressivity. Advertising agencies focus on audio and stylistic presentation of advertising text for impacting the audience.
rhyme, word-play, annomination, assonance, alliteration, phonostylistic means, slogan, advertising text, advertisement, language game
Zinina, Y.M., Revyuk, S. (2021). The concept of “success” in modern Russian and English languages. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 57–65.
This article discusses the meaning of the important to any culture concept of “success”. Etymology of the lexeme “success” in Russian and English languages and its lexical meaning according to most reputable Russian and English explanatory dictionaries are analyzed. Based on the conducted analysis, the authors outline the common meanings, such as achievement and implementation of the set goal, ability to achieve successful results, certain career achievements. The article provides the results of survey carried out by private Strayer University, USA, according to which success is the realization of personal potential, good relationships, happiness, aspirations and achievement of the set goals. In order to compare the attitude towards success in the Russian Federation and the United States, polling was conducted in the universities of Moscow Region (Academy of Social Management, Moscow Region State University), which revealed that 15% of respondents believe that success is good relationships and happiness. Despite the detected differences, the authors conclude that the concept of “success” has a broader meaning than just financial wealth, luck and power, and thus, support the researchers from Strayer University in amending the dictionary entry on the concept of “success” not only in English, but in Russian language as well.
MGOU, ASOU, luck, Strayer University, happiness, achievement of the goals, English language, Russian language, success, concept
Grekhneva, L.V., Krivov, S.V., Starkin, S.V. (2021). The problems of wording survey questions: sociological-linguistic analysis. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 66–76.
The critical part of preparation for conducting a mass survey is the proper wording of questions that allows revealing and assessing the preferences, experience and motives of respondents’ behavior. Despite the importance of adequate sampling of respondents and use of effective processing techniques of the acquired information, the result of research would be inaccurate without properly worded and comprehensible questions. The choice of words and putting them together is crucial for understanding of the question and its interpretation by a respondent; even small differences in wording may significantly affect the results. This article is an attempt of carrying out a sociological-linguistic analysis of the problems associated with wording of questions for mass surveys on the relevant political topics. The analysis of survey questions used in public opinion polling determined a number of important factors that influence the veracity and accuracy of research results. The detected problems are multifaceted and reflect different aspects of working survey questions. The analysis of structural aspect demonstrated the significance of proper choice of the type of question, either open-ended or close-ended. The suitability of one or another type is first and foremost defined by the content of question, objectives and tasks of research, and characteristics of respondents. Examination of the spoken form of questions (linguistic aspect) emphasized the importance of selection of linguistic units for comprehensible wording. The paramount role is played by lexical and syntactic linguistic units. The results of semantic analysis of the wording of survey questions is also important. The key problems within the framework of this aspect are associated with imposition of certain answers using imbalanced or suggestive questions, as well as various negative effects that appear as a result of particular placement of questions in a survey or creation a necessary context. All of the aforementioned problems significantly affect the quality of the conducted surveys.
public opinion, double-barrel questions, acquiescence bias, bias, social desirability bias, respondents, close-end questions, open-end questions, sociology, linguistics