Khakimova, G. (2020). To the question on the efficiency of Greek-Latin terminological elements within the German veterinary system of terms. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 1–21.
The subject of this research is the auxiliary terminological elements of Greek-Latin origin, determined by the author at the current state of study from the German one-word veterinary terms. The article considers the problem of word creation within the veterinary terminological system of German language using the terminological material of classical languages. The goal consists in identification of the most efficient morphological ways of word creation based on affixation, derivational activity of auxiliary Greek-Latin terminological elements in creation of derivative veterinary terms in German language, as well as review of the semantics of most frequent initial and completive terminological elements. Based on the analysis of the corpus of factual material, the author concludes that the most efficient out of morphological ways of derivatives of nouns and adjectives is the prefix-suffix method. The novelty of this research consists in determination of the most frequent initial and completive auxiliary terminological elements in German veterinary sublanguage among one-word derivatives.
prefix word-formation process, prefixes of Greek-Latin origin, Greek-Latin suffixes, the Greco-Latin terminability, one-word term, affixation, morphological ways of word formation, German veterinary term system, suffixing method of word formation, prefix-suffix method of word formation
Question at hand
Taraskina, I., Tsyrempilon, A.O., Platitsina, T.V. (2020). Localization of a university website: translational aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 22–31.
This article is dedicated to one of the actively developing translation aspects in the Russian translation studies – the technology of website localization of Buryat State University. The author determines its key stages and analyzes the main translation techniques. Special attention is paid to the main aspects of localization (content, translation techniques, special lexicon, grammatical transformations, intercultural peculiarities, pragmatic adaptation). The subject of this research became the translation technique of the content of university website from Russian to English. The scientific novelty consists in identification of the aspects of localization of a university website and determination of techniques for translation of terms of the academic discourse. A conclusion is formulated that website localization is a creative process of adaptation of the content to language and cultural peculiarities of the local market. It is not limited just by the translation of text, but rather represents a form of intercultural communication, which successfulness is possible upon the condition of taking into account the sociocultural markers of the language of users.
web-site, academic discourse, digital technology, internationalization, globalization, localization, strategy, adaptation, terminology, translating method
Literary criticism
Korsunskaya, A.G. (2020). Architectonics of the lyrical book of O. A. Okhapkin “The Staff”. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 32–42.
Oleg Aleksandrovich Okhaphin (1944-2008) is a representative of Leningrad literary underground of 1960’s-1970’s, which explains the fact why the majority of his texts was published on the pages of Samizdat. The peculiarities of the poet’s writings are insufficiently covered in the Russian literary studies, since multiple texts remain unpublished or inaccessible. This article analyzes the unpublished in official press lyrical book “The Staff”. In the course of research, the author applied the hermeneutic, comparative-historical, and intertextual approach towards examination of the literary work in question. It is underlined that holistic representation on his literary legacy is characteristic for Okhaphin, thus his book “The Staff” holds a specific place in his creative path. Lyrical book is a cyclic unity that combines texts of various genres. Each text is viewed in the context of two traditions: literary and Biblical. The book is also a crossover: the first and second parts aligns with poet’s creativity of the previous years; it is the foundation for emergence and development of the poetry of later years that is reflected in the third part.
architectonics, lyric poem, lyric book, Nikolay Kozyrev, Viktor Krivulin, Oleg Okhapkin, uncensored literature, Leningrad samizdat, intertextuality, cyclization of artistic works
Manchurina, L.E., Ivanova, S.V. (2020). The stylistics of verbal predicate in Yakut language: colloquial style. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 43–52.
This article is dedicated to the currently relevant within Yakut linguistics problem of language and speech normalization of functional styles. An attempt is made to reveal the linguistics peculiarities of the colloquial style of Yakut language through the prism of verbal predicate as one of the key components in a sentence. As a result of semantic-stylistic and statistics-linguistics analysis of verbal predicate in the colloquial style, the author identifies its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Special attention is turned to the intercalation changes of verbal predicates in colloquial style that take place under the influence of Russian language. The article determines frequency of the use of forms of verbal predicates in literary style, which allowed to objectively assess indicators that were revealed by means of application of the semantic-stylistic method. Functionality of verbal predicates in colloquial style is defined by their lexical-semantic meanings, structural-semantic parameters and means of expression, as well as utilization and prevalence of certain verbal predicates in colloquial style is substantiated by extralinguistic specificities of this speech style. At the initial stages of normalization process of functional styles of Yakut language, it is important to give an objective assessment to the ongoing within colloquial style intercalation changes under the influence of Russian language by determining its negative and potentially positive aspects.
semantic-stylistic method, stylostatic method, statistical method, compound verb predicate, simple verbal predicate, verbal predicate, colloquial style, functional styles, Yakut language, stylistic possibilities
Shigurov, V.V. (2020). Indexation of modalation levels of finite verbs in peripheral zone of introductory-modal units. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 53–63.
The object of this research is the linguistic mechanism of modalation in Russian language that produces lexical-semantic expressions of subjective modality of expression, and more extensively – of the text. Modalation is understood as a special type of functional and functional-semantic transposition of linguistic units from different parts of speech and inter-part-of-speech semantic-syntactic classification of introductory-modal words and expressions. The subject of this research is the levels of correspondence of differential signs of linguistic unit (verb), explicating in typical context a certain level of separation from the initial class (A) and convergence with the derivative class (B), deferential signs of prototypical (nuclear) representatives of class A and class B. Methodological framework contains the research of Russian and foreign author on the theory of parts of speech and syncretism in grammatical structure of a language. For determination of gradual form of modalation of the finite forms of verbs, the study applies oppositional method that allows describing on the scale of transitivity the different stages of their functional and functional-semantic transposition into the introductory-modal units. The index number calculation of correspondence of modalates to prototypical (nuclear) verbs and introductory-modal words and expressions is conducted using the indexing method. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that this work is firs to carry out indexing of correspondence of the peripheral deverbative modalates (“it is said”) to prototypical finite verbs (“are saying”) and prototypical devebative introductory-modal units (“perhaps”). As a result, it is established that in periphery zone of introductory-modal words and expressions, the modalate “it is said” shows 72% congruence (similarities and differences) with nuclear finite verbs (“are saying”) and 54% to nuclear deverbative introductory-modal words (“it seems”, “perhaps”).
specific gravity, correspondence index, peripheral level, transition scale, introductory modal word, verb, modulation, grammar, Russian language, combinatorics of signs
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A. (2020). Indexation of the zone of infinitive-modal structures in Russian language. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 64–73.
The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the need to objectivize the results of analysis of transposition mechanism of modalation of verbs in finite and attributive forms using quantitative methods of material processing. The goal of this article is to examine the levels of correspondence of differential signs of infinite forms of verbs in the zone of hybrid structures to the signs of nuclear representatives of the initial and final elements of inter-categorical introductory-modal transposition. The subject of this research became the infinitive-modal structures in transitive sentences that combine the attributes of conjunctionless complex sentences and simple expanded sentence (with unattached introductory-modal component). On the example of word form, the author demonstrates the combinatorial structure and proportion of attributes of verbs and introductory-modal units interacting with each other within the hybrid structure. The conducted research illustrates that the level of modalation of hybrids is determined by the proportion of differential properties of nuclear infinitive and nuclear introductory-modal words. It is established that in transitive structure, which balance on the border of conjunctionless complex and simple expanded sentence, hybrids of the type “to know” show 68% of correspondence to nuclear infinitives (“know”) and 45% of correspondence to introductory-modal words (“must be”). In syntactic constructs with such hybrid the external syntactic position of modus framework of conjunctionless complex is combined with internal syntactic position of introductory-modal component of the expression.
infinitive, transition scale, modalation, transposition, grammar, Russian language, introductory modal word, hybrid, indexation, step
Seregina, M.A. (2020). Stereotypes of linguocultural community in the mirror of German paremiology. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 74–81.
The subject of this research is the classification of stereotypical perceptions of German people, which imply their collectively determine representations on the phenomena/objects/events of surrounding environment, as well as typical schemes of actions in standard life situations. The object of this research is the German paremias as a hyperonym in relation to proverb and sayings with protreptic function. Such sayings fixed expressions gave grammatical structure of a sentence, and are used in direct and figurative meaning. The goal of this work is to review the classification of stereotypes as linguocultural phenomena that found reflection in German paremias and demonstrate ethnocultural specificity of the nation. The analysis of lexical-semantic structure of German paremias allowed determining the ethnocultural content of stereotypical perceptions of German people, which manifests in social, cultural, mental, auto and hetero-stereotypes, stereotypes-images and stereotypes-situations, quasi-stereotypes and stereotypes of general worldview. The research demonstrated that ethnocultural stereotypes are not reflected in paremiological fund of German nation, which testifies to its specificity.
national and cultural specifics, cultural linguistics, paremiological picture of the world, German paremias, classification, stereotypic representations of the people, stereotype, proverbs, proverbial sayings, sayings