Question at hand
Gladkikh, A.A. (2019). Problems in structuring the system of subjects of financial monitoring in the Russian Federation. Financial Law and Management, 1, 1–10.
The object of this research is the subjects taking part in the implementation of financial monitoring in the Russian Federation. The author examines the question of correlation between the subjects of financial monitoring and the subjects of Federal Law No.115-FZ. Special attention is given to the question of study of the subjects, their legal statuses, as well as the groups they form. The author poses the question on the reasonableness of implementation of oversight activity in the aforementioned system conducted by the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation (Rosfinmonitoring). Study is conducted on the scientific approaches towards formation of the structure of subjects of financial monitoring alongside their comparison to the structure of subjects of foreign exchange controls. The conclusion is made on the need to transfer supervisory authority of the Rosfinmonitoring to the jurisdiction of specialized government agencies. Study of the questions of legal regulation of the work of organizations operating with currency and other property, allowed highlighting a new form of examination of draft legislation. At the same time, the main result of this research consists in forming tierless structure of the system of subjects, carrying out financial monitoring, in accordance with current legal regulation.
financial monitoring agent, Rosfinmonitoring, Central bank, financial monitoring entities, financial monitoring, AML, Assay chamber, Rosreestr, financial intelligence, Roskomnadzor
State economic regulation
Korotin, K.V. (2019). The Problems of Adapting the Economy Model Aimed at One Sector. The Example of Luxembourg. Financial Law and Management, 1, 11–23.
The object of the study is the economy, the main share of GDP of which is one sector. The subject of the study is the possibility of implementing the idea of an economy focused on one sector in any state. The author cites Luxembourg's economic growth after focusing on the financial sector in the 1980s as a successful example of the implementation of the idea of an economy focused on one sector. The author asks the question - is an example of the implementation of the idea of an economy whose main share of GDP is one sector in the Russian Federation applicable? As an interim conclusion, the author proves that the implementation of this model is impossible in the Russian Federation at the federal level. The author defines as a research problem the definition of an appropriate territorial entity within the Russian Federation in which it is possible to build an appropriate model of the economy. The main conclusion of the conducted scientific research is the existence of a connection between the possibility of creating an economy with one sector forming the majority of GDP and geographical, demographic factors, the availability of minerals, appropriate infrastructure, international relations with the countries-the largest buyers. The result of this study is to identify recommendations for a possible solution to the problem of adapting an economy model focused on one sector on the territory of the Russian Federation. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the creation of an economy with a small number of sectors forming a large part of GDP is impossible at the state level, and the most practical option is to create an appropriate economic model at the level of cities closest to potential trading partners. The possibilities of creating an economy model with a small number of sectors in the cities of the Khabarovsk Territory, Smolensk and Tyumen regions were highlighted as possible options.
Raw materials economy, International relations, Sanctions, Countries of the European Union, Restrictions on economy development, Geographic factors, Economic regulation, Luxembourg economics, Financial sector of economy, Economic factors