Akopdzhanova M..
Legal Provision of the Auditing Procedure
// Finance and Management.
2014. № 4.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2014.4.13991 URL:
The current Russian legislation provides for particular procedures of auditing activities, contains requirements for the effectiveness of these activities and legal mechanisms to ensure their efficiency as well as various types of legal liability for breach of these requirements. The article discusses the specified requirements, in particular bringing the offenders who have committed breach of existing auditing procedure to various types of legal liability; the sanctions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation criminalizing the most dangerous to society violations of the law on auditing; the issues of bringing guilty persons to disciplinary and administrative responsibility. The methodological basis of the study includes a set of scientific and special methods of understanding the objective social and legal reality in the investigated area: analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, formal logical, statistical and sociological methods. The article studies and analyzes the most important aspects of dispositions of applicable Russian legislation on sanctions in the field of auditing. Also, the study analyzes the current enforcement practices. The findings of the study may be useful to law enforcement authorities when investigating and handling cases of the respective category as well as to students, graduate students, and all those who are interested in jurisprudence.
audit, private auditor, auditing company, audit contract, employment contract, audited entity, accounting (financial) statements, production activities, financial activities, audit report
Chkhutiashvili L.V..
Performance Audit as an Instrument to Combat Corruption in the Russian Federation
// Finance and Management.
2014. № 3.
P. 1-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2014.3.13731 URL:
This article is devoted to the currently important questions of assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness and results of using budget funds. The article examines the objectives, methods of practically carrying out the performance audit the problems which may arise and the ways of solving them. The key objective is to identify any deviation for the adopted standards of lawfulness, effectiveness, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of management of the public resources in order to be able to promptly make any adjustments or require that the decision-makers admit their responsibility, compensate for any damage caused or take steps to prevent similar violations in the future. Implementing the effective public audit will serve as an obstacle to the outspread of bribery, raise the public awareness of the methods of combatting corruption. Performance audit will make it possible to prevent incidents of corruption. That is why, when developing the nation-wide anti-corruption strategy in the Russian Federation, it is of vital importance to introduce performance audit as widely as possible as a powerful tool for combatting corruption and bad management. Audit of the use of public funds, including the funds used towards the measures included in the National Anti-Corruption Plan, is currently regulated by the financial control standard SFK 104 “Performance Audit of the Use of Public Funds”. This standard establishes the key rules and requirements which must be strictly complied with by the controlling authority when arranging and carrying out the performance audit of the use of public funds. The standard defines that the key purposes of the performance audit is to establish the efficiency of the use of public funds on the basis of checks and analysis of the results of the executive authorities, governmental authorities and institutions in achieving the objectives planned.
performance audit, finance, budget, budget system, results, reform, corruption, cost effectiveness, efficiency, expert review
Samygin D.Y..
Review of Monograph “Audit Method: Procedures, Advice, Recommendations” edited by N. G. Baryshnikov (M.: INFRA-M, 2015)
// Finance and Management.
2014. № 2.
P. 67-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2014.2.13695 URL:
In the situation of modernization and development of the economy of various entities, we need new audit and the auditor’s report which could help to build trust for the audited entity and create an advantage for it as compared with the entity which was not audited. Such auditor’s report must not only contain the opinion of the condition of financial statements, but also the information about the condition of the entity and the recommendations related to the improvement of the efficiency of its operations, advice on correction of various errors and practical consultations on improvement and modernization of the accounting procedures used by such entity. The work offers a review of the monograph written by a group of authors and devoted to the modern issues of audit. It discusses the preliminary procedures which precede the audit as such, the analytical procedures used by auditors, the procedure for obtaining audit evidence, final procedures of audit, and recommendations. In this work, the author used the method of monographic research, economic, mathematical and statistical methods, comprehensive economic, financial and management analysis, accounting information generalization methods, abstract logic. This review expresses the key substantive aspects of the scientific research presented to the reader as well as the direction of the authors’ research and the scientific problems announced for examination. This monograph is made especially valuable by the advice on correction of accounting errors, recommendations on improvement of the efficiency of operations, and possible adjustments and directions of improvement of accounting in the entity.
monograph, audit, audit method, audit procedures, analytical procedures, audit evidence, auditor's report, auditor's opinion , auditor's advice, auditor's recommendations
Gracheva E.Y..
Review on a collective monograph "Legal mechanism of state control and supervision: specific features of legal regulation"; general editorship by O.Y. Bakaeva (Moscow, Yurlitinform, 2013).
// Finance and Management.
2013. № 4.
P. 59-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2013.4.9837 URL:
The author presents a review on the monograph by a collective of authors, which is devoted to the specific features of mechanism of state control and supervision within certain branches of law and to the modern legal approaches to the nature and value of these terms in the current legal reality. This review reflects the main substantive aspects of the monograph, as well as the directions of scientific work of authors, and the topical issues in the monograph. As it is noted in the review, the monograph is especially valuable due to its inter-disciplinary character. The scientific research of its author is aimed at both the theoretical legal problems in this sphere, and the analysis of the specific features of legal regulation of various types of state control and supervision, including financial, tax, budget, customs supervision, etc. The conclusions of the authors on the perspectives of development of legal regulation in this sphere, and their propositions for the improvement of legislation, as well as their analysis of legal practice make this monograph quite topical for the modern legal science.
monograph, state control, supervision, constitutional control, financial control, tax control, customs control, the Customs Union, executive government bodies, principles of financial control
Ermakova M.S..
Peculiarities of Formation of Accounting Policy for the Purpose of Taxation of the Agricultural Holding
// Finance and Management.
2013. № 2.
P. 77-105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2013.2.778 URL:
The author of the article offers a definition of agricultural holding and defines the role of accounting policy at agricultural companies. The author also provides the definition of accounting policy for taxation purposes and describes the main goals and tasks to be solved when developing accounting policy for taxation purposes. The author describse the main problems that may arise in the process and describes tax relations between holing companies and budget. She analyzes particular aspects of accounting policy related to corporate tax, value added tax and property tax as well as special taxation schemes such as taxation of agricultural producers (unified agricultural tax), simplified tax system and using single tax on imputed earnings for particular activities of agricultural holding. At the end of the article the author makes practical recommendations on developing accounting policy for the purpose of taxation of companies included in the agricultural holding.
agricultural holding, accounting policy, taxation management, tax, elements, legislation, accounting, taxation schemes, taxation, agriculture
Efremova T.A., Efremova L.I..
Information-based and techological foundations for improving tax administration
// Finance and Management.
2012. № 1.
P. 212-236.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2012.1.361 URL:
Currently, a number of problems persist that disallow to adequately improve the quality of tax administration. In relevance to this, there is a justified necessity for modernization of tax organizations, which involves expanding them into informational space. The author justifies the necessity for data center reformation and the encouragement of digital interaction between tax organizations and tax-payers, as well as broadening digital documentation exchange with corporate bodies and organizing a central digital information storage vault.
administration, modernization, information, digital document exchange, digital service, data bank, tax-payer