Novichkova O.V..
Modern Approaches to the Management of the Company's Receivables
// Finance and Management.
2015. № 1.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2015.1.14214 URL:
Abstract. The volume of receivables is the most important factor determining the financial health of the organization. They represent an important part of the assets of business entities. Moreover, receivables are an integrated part of the Russian balance sheet of any enterprise due to the current balance sheet structure. The growth of receivables deteriorates the financial situation of enterprises and sometimes leads to bankruptcy. The subject of the work is the management of receivables. The purpose of the study is to identify peculiarities of shaping the monetary policy and to develop recommendations for improving the management of receivables at the investigated enterprise. The study uses the following techniques: monographic research, analysis of the structure and dynamics, expert assessments, survey, economic analysis, statistical and econometric analysis, mathematical method. The study determines the financial stability at the enterprise versus its settlement discipline. Taking into consideration the identified peculiarities, the study suggests applying an approach which implies the evaluation of customer credit limit on the basis of its credit rating. The described approach would provide a comprehensive assessment of the counterparty creditworthiness and reduce the volume of unpaid receivables.
creditworthiness factors, credit rating, need for financing, solvency, financial situation, credit limit, credit policy, receivables, turnover of receivables, financial stability
Kuznetsova T.V..
Features of Debt Management at the Levels of Country and Enterprise
// Finance and Management.
2015. № 1.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2015.1.15563 URL:
The object of the present research is the accounts payable and receivable, the subject of the research is the features of debt management at the country and microeconomic levels.Particular attention is paid to the possibility of using modern debt management techniques debt at the macroeconomic level and in the practice of individual organizations. In her article Kuznetsova provides the results of the analysis of debt management at CJSС "Laytkom Service" for 2012 - 2013 years and the mechanisms of management of accounts receivable and accounts payable. The author also describes the procedure that is used for accounting debt repayment operations at "Laytkom Service". In the course of her research Kuznetsova has used the methods of literature review, analysis and synthesis, tabular procedure and the method of comparison. The study found that in the practice of public debt management it is recommended to use the principles of the single debt policy, transparency and consistency, risk minimization, unconditionality, urgency, economic efficiency, legitimacy and accountability фтв disclosure. Based on this provision, the author develops recommendatinos on effective management of accounts receivable and accounts payable at CJSC "Laytkom service." In conclusion, the author notes that it would preserve the solvency and financial stability of the organization and promote social and economic development of the Russian state.
small business, small enterprise, economic growth, debt, discount method, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accounting, material values, tangibles, debt management
Samygin D.Y., Baryshnikov N.G..
Modernization of the Budgetary Subsidy Support of the Agricultural Sector
// Finance and Management.
2014. № 1.
P. 72-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2014.1.13362 URL:
Efficient development and economic growth of agricultural sectors in developed countries are a result of the implementation of hightech research projects. The USA and EU countries pay much attention to their innovation-based development of agriculture and provide significant state support thereto. Russia is busy solving social and economic problems of their agricultural sphere and therefore the aforesaid issues are rarely mentioned in legal and regulatory acts despite a declared priority of the agricultural sector. As a consequence, the questions of profitability and necessity of investments into modernization of the agricultural sector are becoming important like never before. The authors of the present article have applied the monographic research, analysis of the structure and dynamics, expert evaluation method, survey, economic analysis, statistical and econometric analysis. They have also performed the analysis of the modern methods of budgetary subsidy support of the agricultural sector taking into account the effective rules of the world trade as established by the World Trade Organization. The authors analyze the issues arisign when the public funds are refocused on the aforesaid methods of supporting the agricultural sector from the point of view of efficiency of these methods and prove the importance and the need for budgetary support of biotechnological production projects.
World Trade Organization, subsidy and state support, agricultural economics, agriculture, yellow basket, green basket, biotechnological production, R&D investment, econometric analysis, biogas and bioenergy
Peshkova K.V..
Administrative Regulation of the Financial Sphere
// Finance and Management.
2014. № 1.
P. 14-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2014.1.13489 URL:
The article is devoted to studying 'public finances' as the particular element of the financial sphere that is directly related to the financial support of a state institution and municipal units and involves the deveopment of financial and other jural relations. Based on the example of public finances and associated social relations, it is possible to illustrate the issues regarding the content and admissible limits of administrative regulation of the financial sphere and the balance between financial and other forms of legal regulation in this sphere. By classifying and analyzing the legislation and scientific doctrines of financial law and administrative law, the author of the present article defines the nature, content and limits of the financial and administrative regulation of social relations in the sphere of finances including the financial support of a state institution. The author also proves the regulatory nature of some categories of financial law (financial activity of a state institution, budgetary mechanism of the government, budgetary process and financial control) and that it is admissible and useful to interpret financial jural relations as managerial and therefore legally binding and contractual. Taking into account modern tendencies in financial and administrative regulation, the author analyzes essential differences between financial and administrative relations as well as examples of the latter in the financial sphere and offers criteria for differentiating these legal relations.
financial law, management, administrative law, finances, financial activity of a state institution, financial system, financial lural relations, administrative jural relations, monetary fund, budget
Aguzarova L.A..
The ways to strengthen the local budget incomes in a subsidized region (based on the materials from the Republic of Northern Ossetia - Alania)
// Finance and Management.
2013. № 4.
P. 44-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2013.4.6442 URL:
The article "The ways to strengthen the local budget incomes in a subsidized region (based on the materials from the Republic of Northern Ossetia - Alania)" contains detailed evaluation of the situation with municipal budgets. The author reveals the problems, preventing the development of capacity of municipal bodies in the sphere of influence on resolution of social issues. In order to strenghen the financial fundamentals of the local self-government the author points out the key directions for achieving larger incomes of municipalities. The author substantiates the ideas for strengthening the incomes of local budgets in order to make them authonomous and self-sufficient. The special attention is paid to the tax incomes, the author defines their role and value within the structure of income of municipal unit. The author proposes to revies the institution of tax benefits and tax rates. It is established that unfair distribution of taxes and levies among the budgets in the budget system of the Russian Federation creates deficit in local budgets. In the late years due to some objective reasons the combined tax income was redistributed in favor of the federal budget of the Russian Federation. That is why tax income does not sufficiently guarantee financial independency of municipal units. This problem requires further studies.
uncompensated receipts , deficit, efficiency, income, profit, land tax, taxation, municipal unit, allocation standards, budget
Yavorskaya M.V..
Strong and weak points of Russian system of public purchases and its value for the protection of interests of Russian business and production.
// Finance and Management.
2013. № 3.
P. 37-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2013.3.9592 URL:
The value of the public purchase system for the state may hardly be overestimated, it allows for strengthening of the export potential and competition, industrial restructuring, development of supply system, stimulation of the Research and Advanced Development stimulation, formation of new workplaces, development of certain branches of economics, which are not sufficiently attractive to the private investors. However, successful development of this sphere is stalled by a number of problems and obstacles, including economic ones, both those typical for many states and specifically Russian problems. The shortcomings of the Russian legislation in this sphere play an important role in it, while many attempts were taken to overcome them. In 2009 year alone there were 20 amendment series into the law on public purchases. Finally, it was decided to have a cardinal reform of the public purchases system, and the federal contract system was introduced. This article concerns the existing problems in the sphere of public purchases, which should be resolved by the federal contract system, positive and negative features of the new system, global experience and its use for the Russian economy.
protectionism, state purchase system, buyer, supplier, federal law, tender, electronic auction, federal contract system, planning, control
Musaeva K. ..
Problems of and possibilities for further development of taxation federalism in light of the conditions of modernization of the Russian economy
// Finance and Management.
2013. № 1.
P. 49-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4234.2013.1.476 URL:
Despite the reforms of the past few years, the taxation federalism model which has developed in the Russian Federation does not correspond sufficiently with the principles of practicable federalism and needs further modernization. The article provides an elaboration of theoretical positions and develops practical recommendations in relation to the creation of an effective model of taxation federalism in the Russian Federation. An exploration of some controversial questions of definitions in relation to taxation federalism leads to a clarification of its economic soundness and helps to determine possibilities for further development. The article concludes with a set of academic-cum-practical recommendations directed towards increasing the efficiency of the existing model of taxation federalism, which will lead to an increase in Russia's potential tax revenue subject to the conditions of the modernisation of Russia and its regions.
taxes, federalism, self-sufficiency, budget, modernisation, mobility, discrimination, problems, effectiveness, possibilities