Dolgih E.A., Parshintseva L.S..
Assessment of the innovative development of Russian Federation regions
// Finance and Management. – 2024. – № 3.
– P. 37-56.
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Abstract: The object of the study was the innovative development of the regions Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the innovative development of the regions Russian Federation. The aim of the work is to develop and test a methodology for analyzing regions by the level of innovative development, as well as to identify the place of the Russian Federation on the world stage. The assessment of Russia's position in the international community from the point of view of innovative development was carried out on the basis of the values and ranking of countries on the Global Innovation Index. The differentiation of regions by the level of innovative development was carried out taking into account the author's system of indicators and the developed three-stage analysis methodology. As a result of the analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the country were identified. Recently, the position of the Russian Federation on the world stage in terms of innovative development has weakened, which was facilitated, in particular, by the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, Western sanctions and other external and internal causes. When assessing the state and potential of innovative development of a country, it is necessary to take into account its peculiarities, including territorial ones. The analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation of innovations showed their significant differentiation and allowed us to identify the leading and most "vulnerable" regions from the perspective of innovative development. The developed methodology is effective, as it is based on a systematic scientifically based approach and involves an assessment of both individual areas of innovative development of the country and an assessment of their interaction.
Keywords: innovative development, statistical analysis, methodology, rating, competitiveness, regional differentiation, international aspect, synthetic latent category, multidimensional grouping, innovations
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