Momot R.A..
Evaluating the effectiveness of an algorithmic strategy for implementing the Lean concept using modern innovative tools
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 250-267.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.71771 EDN: LEWCAU URL:
The subject of the study is a methodological toolkit that allows evaluating the effectiveness of the processes of implementing elements of a lean production system. The object of the study is small (micro) enterprises that provide transport and logistics services and implement elements of a lean manufacturing system. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological tools that are simple enough to be used in conditions of limited capabilities of small and micro enterprises in the field of transport and logistics services. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as issues related to determining the effectiveness of the processes of implementing the concept of lean manufacturing, which always remain in the focus of attention of researchers and remain relevant. At the same time, most modern methodological developments require the use of a set of rather complex and time-consuming calculations that are appropriate for use in large and medium-sized companies, while for small, and especially micro-enterprises, these recommendations may be unacceptable. The research methodology includes a systematic approach, conceptual modeling, graphical, comparative and statistical analysis, the combination of which allowed us to achieve the necessary level of factual reliability and reasonableness of conclusions. The main conclusions of the study are that the introduction of individual elements and tools of lean manufacturing in accordance with the stages of the proposed system algorithm (algorithmized strategy) significantly increased the productivity of the company's employees and increased the number of customers served, as well as led to changes in other economic indicators. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the construction of a conceptual model of the Transport and logistics system (TLS) of the enterprise, which includes specially developed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the organization: the idea, goals, objectives, six basic principles of building a TLS, eight principles of forming a lean approach, a basic set of tools and methods, organizational and managerial culture, a list of basic potential losses, a seven-stage sequential system implementation algorithm (algorithmized strategy) and transport and logistics flows. The scientific novelty consists in the development of an improved method for evaluating the effectiveness of key elements of an algorithmized strategy for implementing lean manufacturing tools in small (micro) businesses based on an integrated approach through the development of a system of criteria including commercial and qualitative indicators.
small enterprise, value stream, processes, quality of management, concept, transport and logistics service, system algorithm, innovative technology, tools, lean approach
Kobelev S.V..
Conceptual model of AI-transformation strategy
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 61-78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.72461 EDN: MHSEKU URL:
The research subject is the problem of the lack of a systematic approach to developing and implementing AI transformation strategies for business. The author examines differences between digital and AI transformation processes, specific requirements for data, technologies, and personnel competencies in artificial intelligence implementation, as well as ethical aspects of AI use in business processes. Special attention is paid to systematizing existing approaches to AI transformation and identifying their limitations in modern conditions. The paper explores key success factors of AI implementation, including the necessity of a systematic approach to data management, formation of specialized teams, and development of relevant competencies. The paper addresses issues of AI solutions integration into existing organizational structure and business processes, as well as mechanisms for evaluating effectiveness and adjusting AI transformation strategy. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of existing digital and AI transformation methodologies, followed by a synthesis of best practices. The comparison used criteria of AI transformation orientation, presence of a step-by-step action plan, ethical aspects, and mechanisms for AI integration into business processes. The main findings of the study are the development of a comprehensive 15-stage AI transformation strategy model and identification of critical success factors for its implementation. The scientific novelty lies in systematizing existing approaches to AI transformation and creating a holistic methodological framework that considers specific requirements for data, technologies, ethical aspects, and personnel competencies. The author's special contribution is the structuring of the AI transformation process into logically connected blocks (preparatory, technological, implementation, and transformational), which provides a systematic approach to AI implementation. The practical significance of the research lies in creating a methodological toolkit for company leaders, allowing them to minimize risks and optimize resource utilization when implementing artificial intelligence technologies.
data management, innovation development, digital transformation, corporate strategy, business processes, digital strategy, change management, AI transformation, artificial intelligence, organizational change
Dolgih E.A., Parshintseva L.S..
Assessment of the innovative development of Russian Federation regions
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 3.
P. 37-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.3.71213 EDN: XVUTKZ URL:
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The object of the study was the innovative development of the regions Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the innovative development of the regions Russian Federation. The aim of the work is to develop and test a methodology for analyzing regions by the level of innovative development, as well as to identify the place of the Russian Federation on the world stage. The assessment of Russia's position in the international community from the point of view of innovative development was carried out on the basis of the values and ranking of countries on the Global Innovation Index. The differentiation of regions by the level of innovative development was carried out taking into account the author's system of indicators and the developed three-stage analysis methodology. As a result of the analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the country were identified. Recently, the position of the Russian Federation on the world stage in terms of innovative development has weakened, which was facilitated, in particular, by the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, Western sanctions and other external and internal causes. When assessing the state and potential of innovative development of a country, it is necessary to take into account its peculiarities, including territorial ones. The analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation of innovations showed their significant differentiation and allowed us to identify the leading and most "vulnerable" regions from the perspective of innovative development. The developed methodology is effective, as it is based on a systematic scientifically based approach and involves an assessment of both individual areas of innovative development of the country and an assessment of their interaction.
innovative development, statistical analysis, methodology, rating, competitiveness, regional differentiation, international aspect, synthetic latent category, multidimensional grouping, innovations
Nikolaev P.V..
Fundamentals of strategic leadership of the digital ecosystem business model
// Finance and Management.
2023. № 3.
P. 44-57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2023.3.68956 EDN: GUIHTW URL:
In the modern world, due to the development of Internet technologies, the activity of companies in the digital environment is becoming increasingly important. The most successful of them base their activities on a special kind of business model – the digital ecosystem, which is a unique combination of factors that allow the company to occupy a strategically leading position and be the most cost-effective. The paper characterizes and reveals the most characteristic features of the business model of the digital ecosystem, as well as clearly demonstrates the factors of competitiveness of digital ecosystems. Also, this work allows a deeper understanding of the essence of digital ecosystems as a key element of the modern economy, revealing their role in ensuring strategic leadership and sustainable competitiveness of companies in the digital age. Among the methods used were a comprehensive review of existing literature, case analysis, surveys and interviews with business leaders and experts in the field, a comparative analysis of case studies. The need for effective leadership in the digital age is widely recognized by both the business community and academia. However, there is still much to learn about the specific factors that determine successful leadership strategies in this new digital world. This research aims to identify the key features of successful leadership strategies in the digital age, focusing on the business models of digital ecosystems that allow you to take a leading position in the global market. The scientific novelty of this work lies in an in-depth analysis of the impact of digital technologies on the strategic leadership of companies and the identification of specific aspects that shape the success of digital ecosystems in a competitive global environment. This research aims to fill gaps in understanding the key factors that ensure strategic leadership in the era of digital transformation.
economic efficiency, innovative activity, competitive advantages, competitiveness factors, leadership, strategic development, digital economy, digital transformation, digital ecosystem, business model
Mamedov M.A., Mamedov T.F..
Formation and development of digital ecosystems based on technological and telecommunication companies in Russia
// Finance and Management.
2022. № 3.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2022.3.38053 EDN: LSPZQN URL:
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The process of active digitalization plays an important role in solving a number of urgent tasks, and, in particular, in the field of finance. Together with the development of innovative information technologies and their implementation in all spheres of the economy, multiple optimization of the processes of rendering services, significant changes are observed not only in the types and methods of providing services, but also in general transformation of business models of operating economic entities. The object of research of this article is digital ecosystems based on technological and telecommunication companies. The subject of the research is the principles and models of functioning of digital ecosystems based on technological and telecommunication companies. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in the conditions of universal digitalization, the boundaries of the services provided by the largest market participants are not only blurred, but their business models are also changing significantly. Within the framework of this study, the authors have revealed approaches to the definition of the concept of ecosystem. The analysis of the largest Russian digital ecosystems based on technology and telecommunications companies, and, in particular, their financial services, is carried out. The analysis was carried out on the basis of such digital ecosystems and their financial services as Yandex, VK Group and MTS. Conclusions are drawn based on the analyzed data and the author's forecasts about the further development of financial services of digital ecosystems based on technological and telecommunications companies are given.
financial sector of the economy, digital ecosystem services, technology companies, telecommunications companies, finance, financial products, financial services, digital ecosystem, business ecosystem, ecosystem
Baev S.A..
Theoretical grounds of the development of innovation infrastructure
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 4.
P. 83-98.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.4.36730 URL:
The object of this research is the innovation infrastructure. The subject is the key theoretical approaches towards comprehension of innovation infrastructure, subsystems of innovation infrastructure, role of the state in formation and development of innovation infrastructure, as well as problems of institutionalization of innovation environment in the Russian Federation at the current stage. The scientific novelty of this article is reflected in the following aspects: formulation of the original definition of innovation infrastructure on the basis of systematization of theoretical approaches towards interpretation of innovation infrastructure in Russian science; development of the original approach towards classification of subsystems of innovation infrastructure; proposal of the methods for eliminating the flaws inherent to institutionalization of innovations in Russia at the present stage. The main conclusions lie in the following statements: 1) the term “innovation infrastructure” should be defined as “a set of interrelated organizations and institutions aimed at ensuring the implementation of innovation projects”; 2) innovation infrastructure consists of the five subsystems, two of which (production-technological and financial) are central, and three are (information-consulting, human resource, and sales) are supporting; 3) strong coordination of all subsystems of innovation infrastructure in modern Russia requires adhering to cluster arrangement of innovation infrastructure. The concentration of all enterprises in a single space would allow maximizing their efficiency, as well as reducing the costs. Clusters can be formed in accordance with one of the models that are actively used in the developed countries, such as science and technology parks and technopolises.
governmental support, technopark, technopolis, innovation cluster, innovative infrastructure, financial support, innovation activity, innovation, low level of trust, overcentralization
Mitrovic S., Suits V.P..
Capabilities of business intelligence for improving the efficiency of economic analysis in stressful economic conditions caused by pandemic
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 4.
P. 21-37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.4.36811 URL:
From the perspective of economic analysis, the phenomenon of business intelligence (BI), which is the main subject of this research, is described as a version of artificial intelligence oriented towards comprehensive analysis of high data volume and its transformation into applied knowledge on the economic activity of organizations. Emphasis is placed on the feasibility and peculiarity of implementation of business intelligence systems in stressful economic conditions caused by pandemic on the global and national scale. The empirical part of research lies in the development and testing of the intelligent solution in the area of information and analytical support for economic analysis. The acquired conclusions prove that the current situation on the global economic market promotes further development of methodology for implementing information technologies, and business intelligence in particular, in the economic analysis of business activity. In order to meet the specific needs of end-users of business intelligence systems, was developed the tool for calculating the economic efficiency of medical insurance for health improvement of the personnel. It is substantiate that innovative BI- technologies help to integrate and successfully apply the solutions of business analysis at any level of corporate management. The authors outline the leading parameters of the ideal version of business intelligence, as well as justify that the use of business intelligence systems in the area of information support for economic analysis gives a multiplicative effect: - contributes to the improvement of economic analysis, efficiency of implementation and accuracy of data; - ensures the effectiveness of economic analysis for achieving best result with relatively low cost and maximum utilization time; - provides acceptable relevance of the data that underlie the management decisions, leaving out subjectivism.
information support, big data, data relevance, innovation, pandemic, knowledge societies, informative societie, business intelligence, economic analysis, economic activity
Lapenkova N.V., Firsov D.V..
Cluster as the mechanism for neo-industrialization of the economy
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 3.
P. 47-60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.3.35430 URL:
The subject of this research is various approaches towards the definition of clusters applicable to economic relations, as well as their key characteristics. Special attention is given to the analysis of the existing forms and types of clusters. The authors describe the role and place of clusters in neo-industrialization process, since cluster is not just a form of business organization, but also a form of social interaction and reproduction. Due to the ability of a cluster to accumulate and use knowledge independently, it should be viewed as the mechanism for neo-industrialization of the economy, as well as an integral element for ensuring regional competitiveness. The article notes a substantial difference between the cluster form of organization and the holding form of organization based on the Russian and foreign research, as well as the differences between economic clusters and territorial production complexes, which are characteristic to sectoral approach. The conclusion is made that the prerequisite for the emergence of cluster is not the solution of the administrative guidance system, but a natural need of the business, favorable conditions for integration, and availability of the necessary infrastructure. The novelty consists in viewing cluster as the mechanism for neo-industrialization of the economy. It is underlined that clusters create a synergistic effect for the global region they are located in, as well as for the economies of the countries, separate regions or territories of these countries. The authors indicate the need for elaboration of the new approach towards the development of cluster policy. The new cluster policy is intended to regulate the industrial innovation process in the Russian Federation.
mechanism of neo-industrialization of the economy, synergistic effect, neo-industrialization, regional competitiveness, economy clustering, cluster, Regional development, cluster policy, innovation, regional socio-economic development
Safiullin M.R., Savelichev M.V., El'shin L.A..
Cryptocurrency potential in the context of transition of global economy to the sixth technological paradigm
// Finance and Management.
2020. № 3.
P. 74-85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2020.3.33813 URL:
This article explores the potential of using cryptocurrency as universal currency in the conditions of transition of the global economic system towards sixth technological paradigm. The goal of this research consists in analysis of the patterns of co-evolution of the global financial system, technological system, and global economy. Based on the historical material, the author demonstrates how shift in technological paradigms is accompanied by financial crises, and result in the changes of the world financial system. Over the course of time, the gold served as the universal currency, but the advancement of technologies demanded the transition towards more flexible forms of world currency based on the national currencies of most industrialized countries. Currently, the transition to the technology of the sixth technological paradigm is followed by the global financial crisis. The U.S. dollar is not handling the functions imposed by the latest technologies upon monetary systems. The conclusion is made that finite currencies are being replaced by an innovative generation of monetary systems that are based on cryptocurrency. The authors systematize the innovation forms of investment, accounting, keeping and saving of funds, which are based on cryptocurrency and blockchain. It is demonstrated that innovation financial instruments, including different types of cryptocurrency, tokens, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency exchanges, open new opportunities for effective investment in the technologies of sixth technological paradigm. The results of research can be valuable for the government branches in establishment of the policy for usage of cryptocurrency and blockchain for entrepreneurs dealing with developments in the area of practical implementation of cryptocurrency as innovative currency.
the gold standard, smart contract, tokens, global currency, financial crisis, cryptocurrency, technological order, evolutionary economics, blockchain, financial innovation
Makarova M.V..
Leading Scientific Associate, Center for Research of State Administration Issues of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 2.
P. 105-117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.2.25750 URL:
The subject of this research the current and upcoming trends of state policy aimed at support of small and medium businesses. The author reviews the new institutional formations. Small and medium business is the backbone for country’s strong economy. The goal is to answer the question of how effective is the state support of small and medium business in this regard. The object of this research is the state policy of the Russian Federation for supporting small and medium businesses (SMB). Namely the small and medium businesses as the basics of formation of the larger innovation structures. The author concludes that state financial backing of the subjects of SMB is based on subsidized loans aimed at increasing operation and investment capitals, as well as providing guarantees and suretyship by specially formed federal and regional institutions. The results obtained from the analysis of organizational block demonstrate the following: state support of the subjects of SMB is aimed at the sectors with prevailing policy of import substitution; electronic sources, offered by various government resources, require additional revision and testing, with consideration the opinion of potential entrepreneurs; expansion of educational capacity in the area of financial literacy, basis of entrepreneurship, along with teaching online services in educational establishments.
universities, business incubators, subsidies, state support, innovative activities, small enterprises, Public Finance, entrepreneurship, Russia, tax
Mitrovic S..
Peculiarities of practical application of business intellect technology as the means for informatization of economic analysis
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 2.
P. 17-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.2.29425 URL:
The subject of this research is the practical aspects of application of the modern information technologies for informatization of the economic analysis of organizations. One of the modern information technologies in the area of economic analysis is business intellect and the created on its basis solution systems. Leaning on the extensive analysis of theoretical sources and practice of application of the business intellect systems in development of economic analysis of organizations in the Russian Federation and abroad, the author designs software solution in the area of analytical procurement and factor analysis of the results of economic activity of the organizations. The conducted research allows making a conclusion that the implementation of business intellect systems contributes to the more effective achievement of the main goal of analytical processing of economic information – determination of the cause-and-effect relationship between the various factors and rational arrangement of information flows for structuring the business model of a company in accordance with the analysis objectives. The scientific novelty lies in the extensive examination of a set of methodological and practical questions of application of business intellect systems in economic analysis of the organizations based on the empirical study, as well as approbation of the author’s solution and suggestion of the following new vectors: assessment of the efficiency of application of information technologies in the sphere of economic analysis based on business intellect; development of general methodology of economic analysis; identification of the potential of business intellect solutions for increasing the quickness and effectiveness of managerial solutions.
economic information, e-development, factor analysis, management decisions, effectiveness, business intelligence, information technology, digitalization, economic analysis, data processing
Ilina S.A..
Business Mechanism for Commercialization of Innovations at Small and Medium Enterprises and Evaluation Algorithm
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 4.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20750 URL:
The object of the research is the business mechanism. The subject of the research is the commercialization of innovations at medium and small enterprises. The present research has a purpose to define gaps in the current business mechanism of commercialization of innovations at small and medium enterprises, to offer improving measures, and to develop the algorithm for assessing efficiency of the improved mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises. The author also analyzes the nature, contents and structure of the business mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises, and describes legal grounds private mechanisms are based on. Within the framework of the research Ilyina has used the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, argumentation and other methods of formal logic. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers her own definition of the business mechanism of innovation commercialization. She defines five basic private mechanisms in the structure of the business mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises. The author also defines the main problems of the current business mechanism of innovation enterprises at small and medium enterprises and offers measures to improve it. The author develops the algorithm for assessing the efficiency of the improved mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises.
assessment of a mechanism's efficiency, mechanism assessing algorithm, innovation activity, innovation enterprise, medium enterprises, small enterprises, innovations, commercialization, commercialization of innovations, business mechanism
Parfenova M.V..
Development of Measures Aimed at Increasing Efficiency of a Corporate Innovation Policy (the Case Study of OOO 'AgroPromServis'
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 3.
P. 176-180.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.3.20413 URL:
As a result of an established innovation policy that acts as a catalyzer of the financial economic activities, OOO 'AgroPromServis' is a financiall sound company and has a sustainable profit according to the results of the period under research (2013 - 2015). Nevertheless, indicators showing profit before taxation and net profit of the company are rather insignificant and profitability ratios are not high. Moreover, OOO 'AgroPromServis' does not conduct an efficient innovation policy because their annual investment of assets into main funds and equipment assembly have not increased the economic added value d of the company over the period since 2013 till 2015. Quite on the contrary, the economic added value has shown a tendency towards decreasing which also demonstrates the decline in the company's value. Generally, the main strategic purpose of the development of the aforesaid company is to increase its economic and technological efficiency. To achieve the purpose, it is planned: to develop prospective areas; to implement new production technologies; to launch production of new kinds of products, etc. The analysis of the innovation policy has allowed to discover the main problems and gaps which, first of all, are the following: 1) innovation policy of OOO 'AgroPromServis' involves plain reproduction which does not increase efficiency of their financial and economic activity in general; 2) due to low volumes of net profits, the company has a shortage of internal sources to fund investment activities; 3) projects executed by the company are not efficient enough because the company has a limited fund for financing all desirable investment projects and therefore they have to choose between investment projects trying to achieve the best balance between risks and profitability of projects as well as taking into account their capital-ouput ratio, i.e. necessary expenses.
optimization, strategic goals, events, company, financing, investments, fficiency, innovation policy, capital construction, management innovation