Wang Y..
Analysis of the Impact of Sanctions on Russia's Economic Security: Challenges and Opportunities
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 181-202.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.72030 EDN: NJLVXW URL:
The subject of this study is the impact of international economic sanctions on the economic security of the Russian Federation. The author examines in detail such aspects as the dynamics of imposing sanctions, their effect on key sectors of the Russian economy, the financial sector, and foreign economic activity. Special attention is paid to analyzing the consequences of sanctions for macroeconomic stability, investment climate, and technological development of the country. The object of research is Russia's economic system under sanctions pressure. Both direct and indirect effects of sanctions are considered, including their impact on the structure of exports and imports, access to international financial markets, technology transfer, and the corporate sector. The study also addresses issues of adapting the Russian economy to new conditions, the effectiveness of government support measures, and import substitution strategies. Long-term prospects for economic growth and Russia's competitiveness in the context of the ongoing sanctions regime are analyzed. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, including statistical analysis of macroeconomic indicators, comparative analysis of expert assessments, and modeling of economic development scenarios under sanctions. Methods of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting are applied. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive assessment of the impact of sanctions on Russia's economic security, taking into account long-term structural changes in the economy. The author's special contribution is the development of a methodology for quantitative evaluation of the cumulative effect of sanctions on various aspects of economic security. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) identification of key channels of sanctions impact on economic security; 2) determination of the most vulnerable economic sectors; 3) assessment of the effectiveness of government policy measures to neutralize the negative consequences of sanctions.
restrictive measures, economic diversification, national currency, financial stability, economic policy, foreign economic activity, monetization of the economy, import substitution, sanctions, economic security
Isaeva A.E..
Theoretical and methodological apparatus for the study of the system of state support for youth entrepreneurship
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 203-224.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.71549 EDN: NFHWJR URL:
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The main subject of the article is the state system of support for youth entrepreneurship as one of the tools of public administration in a market economy. The article provides a scientific review on the problems of entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship and, as a result, developed a theoretical and methodological apparatus for the study of the system of state support for youth entrepreneurship, based on the specific characteristics of youth as an agent of economic activity. Within the framework of the conducted research, key approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concepts of "entrepreneurship" and "youth entrepreneurship" have been identified and studied. A comprehensive analysis of the essence and content of the basic concepts in the field ("entrepreneurship", "youth entrepreneurship", "state support for entrepreneurship/youth entrepreneurship") was carried out, the issues of their historical evolution were analyzed, as well as their operationalization and categorization were carried out. The article uses general scientific methodological tools (elements of a systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, inductive-deductive methods), etc. Based on the results of the study, the author's classification of conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of entrepreneurship was developed (6 basic schools of entrepreneurship are divided into 4 main groups, as well as two key campaigns), and complex definitions of such categories as "entrepreneurship", "youth entrepreneurship", "state support for entrepreneurship", "state support for youth entrepreneurship" were formed. Within the framework of the proposed definitions, key features of the studied phenomena at the present stage of economic development are taken into account. Special emphasis is placed on the Russian reality, as a result of which the presented definitions are most adapted for use in the framework of research on the domestic system of state support for youth entrepreneurship. Based on the results of the research work carried out, the article presents a conceptual model for supporting youth entrepreneurship, which can be further used to reform public administration in the field under study
digital economy, digital platform, SME, public administration, youth policy, innovation development, youth entrepreneurship, institutional environment, state support for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship
Derzayeva G.G..
Sukuk Credit Ratings in Light of the Federal Partnership Financing Act
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 79-97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.72505 EDN: TIQVYW URL:
The subject of the research of this article is a relatively new economic phenomenon for the Russian reality – sukuk (instruments issued in accordance with the federal law on partnership financing). The object of the study is the process of forming a credit rating of sukuk. The purpose of the study is to identify more advanced approaches to forming a credit rating of sukuk transactions. The theoretical basis of the study is the provisions of the AAOIFI governance standard (GS) 17 "Sharia Compliance and Trust Management Ratings of Sukuk and Other Islamic Financial Instruments" and the "Methodology for Assigning Credit Ratings to Financial Instruments of Islamic Finance – Sukuk" published by the ACRA. The practical basis of the study is 4 real sukuk issues. Using such methods as analysis and synthesis, logical substantiation, comparison and contrast, the article examines the provisions of the AAOIFI governance standard (GS) 17 and the "Methodology for ..." published by the ACRA, and also provides an example of assigning a credit rating to a sukuk issue based on the parameters considered. Based on the results of the study, the article concludes that in order to enter international eastern capital markets (for example, the Persian Gulf countries) in order to attract investment, Russian partnership financing companies must issue sukuk in accordance with the AAOIFI standards, which have not yet been fully translated into Russian. In assigning a credit rating to sukuk, rating agencies should rely on AAOIFI Governance Standard No 17, which has as a fundamental requirement that when forming a credit rating for sukuk in accordance with AAOIFI Governance Standard No 17, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the key control parameters and the weights assigned to each control parameter on the type of instrument being assessed.
methodology, rating, rating agencies, federal law, partner financing, investment, key parameters, evaluation, credit rating, sukuk
Shapovalov A.A., Suvorova A.V..
Cumulative margin as an authority management tool
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 28-42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.72179 EDN: GIVATI URL:
The subject of the study is an approach to sales management based on cumulative margin. The object of the study is a car sales business. The purpose of this study is to determine the essence of cumulative margin and its key features. The automotive business in Russia has been actively developing: brands, cars, customer behavior are changing, and with them approaches to managing the automotive business. The problem is that in a dynamically changing market and growing competition, it is increasingly difficult for companies to ensure sustainable business development, profit-oriented and long-term customer relationships. The situation encourages entrepreneurs to continuously look for new and improve old methods of sales management and customer interaction. Special attention is paid to the modern approach to managing and improving business efficiency. The methodology of this study is based on methods of system analysis, which allow a deeper understanding of the interrelationships and structures of the subject of research. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that cumulative margin is considered from the point of view of an approach to sales management as a tool to increase business efficiency. As part of the study, a brief analysis of the basic concepts of management and business efficiency improvement was carried out. The definition of cumulative margin is proposed. Management based on the investigated approach is considered from the point of view of the ecosystem. The functions of cumulative margin at the strategic and operational levels of management of the organization are defined. Examples of the use of cumulative margin at different levels are given. The advantages and disadvantages of the investigated approach are presented. Conclusions are formulated regarding the effectiveness of the business management approach based on cumulative margins in the field of car sales. Examples of activities in which management based on cumulative margin may be relevant are given.
pricing, development strategy, authority, car business, management, ecosystem, improving business efficiency, business management methods, cumulative margin, iron margin
Kalieva O.M., Drobysheva M.Y., Gulenina S.V..
The results of an expert survey of subjects of social image construction in the Orenburg region
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 3.
P. 134-150.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.3.71502 EDN: WCNYWU URL:
The object of the study is the established image of a specific region of the Russian Federation according to the main characteristics of the competitive identity model. The subject of the study is the mechanism of forming an analytical cross-section of the opinions of the expert community in the process of social construction of the image of the region. The purpose of the study is to use the method of expert survey to study the current image of the Orenburg region in the process of social construction. The objectives are to study approaches to understanding the definitions of "image of the region" and "image of the region", as well as to identify the mechanism of social construction of the image of the region, including the processes of habitalization, typification, institutionalization and legitimization. The main research method is an expert survey conducted as part of the situational analysis stage of the process of social construction of the image of the region. The novelty of the research lies in the development of a scenario for an expert survey of subjects of the process of social construction of the image of the region based on the model of S. Anholt's competitive identity. The author's main contribution is to summarize the results of an analytical cross-section of the existing image of the Orenburg region in six components. The Orenburg region has a disparate image associated not only with its stereotypical perception, but also with historical, geographical and natural features. It is proved that in order to effectively construct the image of the region, a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach is needed, in which the emphasis should be shifted towards the sociological study of the attitude of the population, formal and informal subjects of management of the purposefully formed image of the region.
expert survey, legitimation, institutionalization, typing, habitualization, social construction, the competitive identity model, look, image, region
Salnikov K.E..
Reduction of construction time as a result of increasing the shift to three
// Finance and Management.
2022. № 2.
P. 79-89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2022.2.34479 EDN: XNXYDO URL:
The subject of the study is the managerial relations arising in the process of shortening the duration of construction as a branch of material production engaged in the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures for various purposes. The object of the study is: the construction complex as a whole; enterprises of various forms of ownership operating in the investment and construction sector; organizational and legal forms of interaction of participants in the investment and construction process; state regulation in the field of capital construction. The purpose of the work is to solve the key problems of construction time management: assessment of the duration of processes and allocation of resources. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as in-line organization of work; technological complexes of work; nomenclature of work; productivity of machines and mechanisms; daily number of shifts (shifts); intensity of work; planning of construction production; types of construction processes; construction crews; regulatory (directive) time of work. Special attention is paid to the specifics of calculating the composition of the team for roofing works. The scientific novelty of the conducted research is determined by the insufficient study of the issues of improvement, theoretical, experimental and feasibility studies of technological processes, methods and forms of organization of construction and its production base, in terms of the problems of reducing the duration of construction. The significance of the work carried out for the national economy is to study the theory and practice of reducing the duration of construction and finding solutions to scientific and technical problems of construction by developing and creating competitive construction technologies and organizational and technological solutions that ensure the intensification of the processes of construction, reconstruction and modernization of buildings and structures while reducing labor, material, technical and fuel and energy resources.
technological processes, technology of construction production, managerial relations, state regulation, investment and construction sector, construction complex, intensification of construction processes, duration of construction, resource allocation, project management
Ivanova Y.O., Grigoreva V.V., Pozdnyakov K.K..
The impact of tourism on the national economy and methods of its assessment: literature review
// Finance and Management.
2022. № 1.
P. 58-73.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2022.1.37282 URL:
In the last decade, there has been a rapid growth of scientific research devoted to assessing the impact of tourism on the national economy. At the same time, existing studies of the relationship between tourism and the growth of the national economy, its potential benefits and negative externalities, are characterized by the vastness and heterogeneity of content, and often a distorted and incomplete understanding of the economic consequences of tourism. Various methods and models are used to assess the economic impact of tourism, so empirical studies vary significantly in quality and accuracy. The variety of approaches and methods causes significant discrepancies in conclusions regarding the contribution of tourism to the economy. The methods of assessing the contribution of tourism to economic growth are not without a number of drawbacks that reduce the effectiveness of their application for development management purposes. In order to highlight the basis of the research tradition in this field of knowledge, we applied the method of systematic review of the literature to analyze and generalize methodological approaches to assessing the economic impact of tourism. The article analyzed such concepts as economic contribution, economic impact, economic effect of tourism. Spatial aspects and factors influencing the economic effect of tourism are investigated. The main hypotheses and the area of existence of parameters for assessing the impact of tourism on the national economy are determined. The authors analyzed the possibilities and disadvantages of economic models used to assess the indirect and induced economic effects of tourism in modern research. The conclusions and recommendations of the authors can be used in the process of developing programs and projects for the development of tourism and the hospitality industry, improving models for assessing the impact of tourism on economic growth.
estimation, multiplicative effect, factors, economic contribution, national economy, hospitality industry, tourism, the economic growth hypothesis, methodology, model
Zarutskaya V.S., Orekhova S.V..
Corporate networking management based on the cost approach
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 4.
P. 1-20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.4.36627 URL:
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant drop in the tourism sector. Precarious existence of the tourism agencies can be based on the development of the corporate business network managed by the formation of the key network resource – social capital. This research is aimed at the development and testing of the original toolset for the assessment of social capital and creation of the universal model of corporate networking management based on it. The subject of this article is the social capital of a company. The object is the operating tourism agency of Sverdlovsk Region “Mellow Season” LLC. The information framework is comprised of the corporate financial data for the period from 2014 to 2020. The expediency of implementation of cost approach on the level of individual companies is determined. The algorithm of corporate networking management based on the analysis of sustainable business ties portfolio is offered and tested. The author establishes that the company practices one-time and repeated transactions mainly with non-specific assets; specific assets are used only in transactions with the customers. Typical precontractual costs are the costs for searching information, negotiating, and concluding the contract. Typical postcontractual costs are the costs for monitoring and enforcing the counteragents to discharge their obligations. The author analyzes the information on the components of the social capital. Sustainable business tie was identified with 12 suppliers, 28 tourism agencies, and 158 customers. The analysis of behavioral practices of tourism agencies and expert assessments establishes the efficiency standards of transaction costs. It is also determined that the cost savings from the use of social capital for the company under reviews amount to 46.8% of their volume without its use. The recommendation is made to maintain the existing network of sustainable business ties; use the accumulated trust in sustainable business ties with the customers to expand the client base; shift priorities from the transactions made due to the established mechanism of business procedures towards seeking for new opportunities on the market. The author develops the universal model of corporate networking management.
management model, organization management, ego network, case study method, cost approach, transaction costs, social capital, business networks, analysis of counterparties, tourist market
Zubova Y.A..
Socioeconomic determinants of the current Russian crime rate
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 2.
P. 63-74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.34458 URL:
The subject of this research is the socioeconomic determination of the current Russian crime rate. The goal consists in revealing the socioeconomic factors that have a statistically significant impact upon the crime rate in the country, discern the degree and nature of interdependence between these factors and the crime rate, as well as rank these factors by their importance. Methodological framework is comprised of the method of materialistic dialectics, which is a universal method of cognition of reality, and the arising from it private scientific methods, such as correlation-regression and factor analysis, implemented in the software package IBM SPSS Statistics. It is established that such socioeconomic factor as life expectancy at birth has most considerable impact upon the crime rate in the country. At the same time, interrelation between this factor and the crime rate is the other way around – the higher is life expectancy (its quality and population well-being), the lower is the crime rate. Crime rate is also substantially affected by the set of factors that determine density of the population, relative level of income, education, culture, and essential problems faced by the citizens throughout life – unemployment, inflation, poverty, etc.
standard of living, life expectancy at birth, level of socio-economic development, crime rate, socio-economic factors of crime, correlation analysis, causality of crime, crime, regression analysis, factor analysis
Kudin L..
Regulations of corporate internal control based on performance assessment of the chief executive officer
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 1.
P. 21-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.1.35164 URL:
The subject of this article is the corporate internal control processes. Internal control plays an important role in activity of the company and is based upon the principles of respecting the interests of all stakeholders, scope of the rights and obligations of shareholders, top managers and the board of directors. Since the chief executive officer is the key figure responsible for the implementation of development strategy, the goal of this research consists in working out the performance indicators of the CEO. The author explores the following theoretical approaches: system of balanced indicators, prism of performance, stakeholder theory, and theory of dynamic capabilities. Special attention is given to dependence of performance of the CEO to his compensation. For implementation of the effective mechanism of internal control, it is proposed to develop the performance indicators of the CEO, taking into account the interests of stakeholders: board of directors, investors, creditors, employees, clients, vendors, and company. In outlining the goals and tasks of activity of the chief executive officer, the expectations of the stakeholders should be considered. The author develops the matrix of key performance indicators for the CEO in the context of stakeholders. The scientific novelty consists in the proposed original methodological approach towards performance assessment of the chief executive officer, the peculiarity of which is lies in comprehensive application of the system of balanced indicators and comparative market efficiency of a corporation.
CEO, dynamic capability, Balanced Score Card, Performance Prism, stakeholder theory, corporate governance, corporate control, efficiency, Board of Directors, joint-stock company
Salnikov K.E..
National experience of reducing construction time
// Finance and Management.
2020. № 4.
P. 41-57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2020.4.34390 URL:
The subject of this research is the management relations that arise in the process of reducing construction time as a branch of material production that carries out erection and reconstruction of buildings and structures for various designation. The object of this research is the construction sector as a whole; enterprises of various forms of ownership that function in the investment and construction sphere; organizational-legal forms of relations between the parties to investment and construction process; state regulation in the area of capital construction. The purpose goal of this work consists in examination of national experience in solving the key issues of managing construction period: estimation of time and allocation of resources. Detailed analysis is conducted on such aspects of the topic as the economic component of management impact upon realization of a construction project; critical factors the internal and external environment of construction process and their causes; application of mathematical methods that calculate the likelihood of external influence based on evaluation of the impact of environmental factors; innovative component in project management. The scientific novelty is define by insufficient coverage of the questions of improvement, theoretical, experimental and feasibility study of technological processes, methods and forms of construction management along with its production capacity with regards to the problems of reducing construction time. The following results were obtained: Assessment of the level of prior studies of the problem of reducing construction time for determination of promising directions for further scientific research; Description is provided to the methodology of managerial impact upon realization of a construction project, including the key factors, stages, and outcome; Demarcation the concepts of actual, estimated and normative construction time is conducted; Evaluation is given to project management pertinent to objective establishment of construction time; The role and place of innovation component and planning in project management are revealed; Technical and technological methods for optimization of construction projects are examined; The article discusses the alternatives of reduction of time allotted for construction, as well as outlines the vectors for solution the problem of optimization of construction time.
technological processes, technology of construction production, management, state regulation, investment and construction sector, construction complex, intensification of construction processes, duration of construction, the allocation of resources, project management
Kireeva A.V., Komarnitskaya A.N..
Subsidies as a universal form of government support of companies in the real sector: grounds for provision
// Finance and Management.
2020. № 1.
P. 72-80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2020.1.29600 URL:
The subject of this research is the grounds for providing budget subsidies to the companies of the real sector. Assessment was conducted on the correlation between subsidies given to the real sector for stimulating their development, and subsidies given to the private companies for performing state functions, including in the social sphere. The basis for the analysis consists in data from the laws on federal budget over the recent years, as well as federal targeted investment program and state programs enacted for the purpose of developing separate economic sectors. It is demonstrated that majority of subsidies given to legal entities go to companies carrying out tasks and functions of the government. The subsidies that are given for the purpose of compensating expanses of private companies performing state regulation of prices (tariffs) or rendering budgetary services to the population, are not of incentivizing nature. As a result, the procedures aimed at improving efficiency of budget spending, including selection of recipients on a competition basis, as well as subsequent assessment of efficiency and results of spending of budgetary allocations are not applicable to this category of subsidies. It is also demonstrated that fiscal legislation does not account for differences in grounds for provision of subsidies, which leads to their utilization as a universal instrument for transfer of allocations form public to private sector – alternatives to state tasks, procurement, investments, and lending.
Budget code, real economy, recipient selection, investment, budget appropriations, grants, subsidies, anti-crisis subsidies, price control, subsidy performance
Lapina M.A., Shilina A.R..
Legal regulation of the efficiency assessment of public finance management
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 4.
P. 89-100.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.4.29180 URL:
The object of this research is the public finances; the subject is the efficiency assessment of public finance management. Special attention is given to the normative legal regulation and analysis of the performance of government bodies pertaining to increasing the efficiency of public finance management. The article presents the assessment results of the programs for increasing efficiency of public finance management that were valid in 2010-2012 and 2012-2018. The authors analyzed the developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation quality assessment tools for public finance management on the regional and municipal levels. Recommendations are formulated on the most important focus areas in increasing the efficiency of public finance management, including the idea of creating the public information system “State and municipal programs of the Russian Federation”. The conducted research reveals the absence on the federal level of the normatively regulated strategy for assessing the efficiency of public finance management. As the methodological framework for quality assessment of finance management on the federal level, the authors suggest taking the indicators stipulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12.03.2010 No.552 complemented by a number of criteria. It is also proposed to include into the methods of assessing performance of the Programs aimed at increasing the efficiency of public finance management.
performance evaluation, digital technologies, management methods, methodology, state information systems, government programs, budget, quality assessment, public finance, public finance management
Komzolov A., Kirichenko T..
Implementation of the concept of risk-oriented internal control within the system of ensuring economic security of corporation owners
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 4.
P. 28-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.4.31259 URL:
The subject of this research is the tools and methods of establishing the system of internal control that allow to reliably and effectively ensure economic security of the corporation owners. The author meticulously examine the institutional system of ensuring economic security of corporation owners; as well as the question of incorporation of international standards of risk managements and internal control into the Russian legal system, demonstrating the impact of the various approaches of these standards upon the particular rules of law. Special attention is dedicated to suggestions on implementation of the effective tools of risk-oriented internal control in the Russian corporations. The authors’ experience of practical application of these tools is described. The following conclusions were made: verification of extensive incorporation into the Russian legal field of COSO’s framework principles of establishing the system of risk management and internal control; principles of functionality of internal audit; appropriateness of application of the business processes risk map in the context of establishment of internal control. The scientific novelty lies in identification of evolutionary component in the comparative analysis of legal norms regulating the risk management and internal control system; as well as in gradual implementation of risk-oriented approach that allows suggesting an effective instrument for building the internal control system – the risk map of business process.
risk map, joint stock company, corporation, economic security, internal audit, internal control, risk management, risk, Board of Directors, meeting of shareholders
Kirichenko O..
Key financial peculiarities of gas industry
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 1.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.1.27365 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of gas industry, which predetermine the vector of interaction between the public and private finances in gas industry. Identification of such peculiarities gives a deeper insight into the motives of economic, holding, and regulating actors in the sphere of recovery, transportation and sale of natural gas. Special attention is given to the common feature, as well as considerable differences between oil and gas industry. The relevance of this study is defined by substantial dependence of the Russian federal budget on oil and gas revenues. M. Porter's Five Forces Model was used as the main research method for determining the key factors influencing the situation in gas industry. The scientific novelty consists in application of STEP-analysis for examining each of the five Porter’s forces of gas industry. The conclusion is made that the key peculiarities of gas industry include: the monopoly in transportation of gas; rent character of subsoil use; state participation through the mechanisms of ownership in gas industry.
natural monopoly, STEP-analysis, competition, gas market, natural gas, factors, finance, gas industry, rent, five-power model
Iablokov D.Y..
Procedure Safety Precautions as Part of Electronic Tax Administration
// Finance and Management.
2018. № 3.
P. 19-27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2018.3.27407 URL:
The object of the research is the tax authorities of the Russian Federation at the modern stage. The subject of the research is the economic substantiation of the means of tax information protection. In his research Yablokov briefly describes the scheme of information exchange of the Federal Tax Service and analyzes approaches of different scientists to the definition of tax and information security. The researcher also clarifies the definition of the term 'tax security' taking into account infotelecommunication influence. Yablokov carries out the econoimic efficiency analysis for the method mentioned above. As a result of his research, Yablokov makes recommendations aimed at increasing the quality of tax administration. In the course of his research, Yablokov has applied general research methods such as analysis and synthesis, and logical, comparative and graphic methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers and economically substantiates the method of tax information protection to be used by tax authorities. The author's approach to technological interpretation of the system of digital tax adminsitration within this or that economic technological paradigm may outline prospects for its development.
Information Security, economic efficiency, tax control, effectiveness of tax authorities, quality of tax administration, taxation, tax administration, tax security, digital economy, digital tax administration
Matuzova M.S..
Particular Features of the Financial Control Model for Municipal Unitary Enterprises
// Finance and Management.
2018. № 2.
P. 43-50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2018.2.26142 URL:
Under modern market conditions there is a sharp need to develop an efficient system of financial control over municipal unitary enterprises that would take into account not procedural and institutional specifics of enterprises but also their social importance for a municipal unit. The subject of this research is the model of financial control over municipal unitary enterprises. In her article Matuzova describes particular features of internal, departmental and external financial control and emphasizses the poorly organized interaction between those. The author pays special attention to defining a set of targets and functions of each level of financial control. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach that allows to view financial control as a combination of interrelated elements, analysis and synthesis methods, and graphic modelling. As a result of the research, the author concludes that the financial control process activates mostly supervisory functions while internal and external kinds of control bear mostly an analytical purpose. Departmental financial control of municipal unitary enterprises is viewed by the author as a 'conditionally internal' control that combines features of both internal and external control.
feature of control, control board, external financial control, departmental financial control, internal financial control, municipal unitary enterprise, model, municipal property, system element, control result
Naugolnova I.A..
Consolidated Accounting of Production Costs and Calculation of the Cost of Production in Industrial Enterprises with Small-Scale Production and Order Production Type
// Finance and Management.
2018. № 1.
P. 31-39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2018.1.21325 URL:
In her article Naugolnikova describes the features of the cost formation and cost accounting at industrial enterprises with small-scale production and order production type. The author also touches upon specific calculation of the cost of industrial products by applying job-order product costing method depending on the specializatin of an enterprise that may be a technological, substantive, or a mixed type. The author reveals the problems of the process of calculating the cost of production with long production cycle in terms of management and accounting. The content of calculation articles of industrial enterprises is also provided. The methodological basis of the research includes methods such as logical, structural, functional analysis, and statistical and economic-mathematical methods. The author analyzes the dynamics and final finance indicators of the engine-building factory 'Kuznetsov' located in the Samara Region. The author describes drawbacks of applying the standard costing method and emphasizes the need to apply the margin approach to defining the cost of sales, assortment policy and volumes of sales based on the example of the Kuznetsov Factory.
contribution margin, margin approach, long production cycle, order production, small-scale production, industrial enterprise, costing, cost accounting, breakeven point, engine building
Ashmarina S.I., Kandrashina E.A., Yakhneeva I.V..
Methodological Basis for Assessing the Efficiency of Changes in Business Structures
// Finance and Management.
2017. № 3.
P. 66-80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2017.3.23682 URL:
Management of organizational changes is aimed at maintaining the ability of economic entities, i.e. business entities that are micro-level economic systems, to generate stable economic results in terms of all contact audiences in a changing environment by timely organizational transformation. In this regard, with reference to the management of organizational changes, it seems efficient to use such an integrative approach as economic and management diagnostics. In the article presented, the authors examine the issue of methodological bases for assessing the efficiency of organizational changes in business structures as open economic systems. An approach based on the idea of sustainability of business development as a key result of organizational changes is substantiated. The research methods used by the authors include the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete consisting in the conditional dismemberment of the research object, and description of its properties through a variety of concepts and characteristics. The main conclusions of the research are the formation of a model of socio-economic systems, representing the interaction of structural elements in the mainstream of a single systemic concept. The research resulted in the study of the components of the sustainability of the development of the business structure, two principal directions for shaping the result of organizational changes: improving the economy and improving governance. The interpretation of the management of sustainable development of the enterprise as an element of general managerial activity based on the ability of decision-makers to perceive the changes and readiness to take them into account is expanded.
sustainability of development, business structures, change management, changes, economic and management diagnostics, efficiency, development, result, diagnostics, diagnosis
Firsova E., Firsov S., Mayorova E..
Improving the Methodological Grounds for Evaluating the Efficiency of Intangible Assets Management
// Finance and Management.
2017. № 2.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2017.2.23465 URL:
Modern trends of economic development demonstrate an increasing role of intangible assets. The authors of the present article provide results of their research aimed at improving the methodological grounds of evaluating the efficiency of intangible assets management. Based on the results of the research, the authors describe existing methodological approaches to evaluating the efficiency of intangible assets management and highlight their pluses and minuses as well as offer indicators and models allowing to evaluate the efficiency of intangible assets management and complete existing methodological grounds. The methodological basis of the research involves general and special research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematisation, and economic mathematical modelling. The results of the research have allowed to define six methodological approaches to evaluating the efficiency of intangible assets management. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors demonstrate indicators and models that complete existing methodological grounds, in particular, modified models of delivery and profitability that take into account the structure of intangible assets, integral intangible assets management efficiency indicator and indicators that describe the relationship between changes in the economic results and costs of intangible assets.
method of expert evaluation, market capitalization, market value, methods and techniques, effectiveness evaluation, efficiency, intellectual property, intangible assets, return of intangible assets, profitability of intangible assets
Chkhutiashvili N.V..
Motivation as a Management Function of a Modern Company
// Finance and Management.
2017. № 1.
P. 60-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2017.1.17624 URL:
The article is devoted to motivation as a management function of a modern company. Modern motivational personnel management system at each modern organization should be aimed at achieving maximum economic results and developing potential of each employee. The author of the present research article covers issues related to the creation of the modern motivational personnel management system that should be focused on achieving both economic results and developing abilities and skills of each employee. Within the framework of the present research motivation is viewed by the author as a combination of stimula encouraging employees to be committed to their labor activity, i.e. a manager must ensure successful performance of employees by conducting certain organisational activities. Without motivated and skilled employees a company will never be able to create efficient systems of marketing, sales, finances and accounting. Employees' skills and knowledge become the main source of prosperity of any company. Thus, in order to achieve better performance of the company in general and each employee in particular, it is necessary to look for more efficient models of personnel management as well as to create necessary conditions for developing creative abilities and careers of each employee. Employees' knowledge and skills contribute to the profitability of a company. As the main conclusion of the research, the author offers certain measures to improve the motivation of the personnel. These measures allow employees to take their duties as a conscious activity contributing to their self-improvement and professional and career growth. Thus, it is necessary for a company to create the kind of conditions that would allow to create the motivational personnel management system aimed at achieving maximum economic results and developing potentials of each employee.
function, encouragement, competition, organisation, initiative, labor, efficiency, management, motivation, reward
Radchenko Y.I., Aksenova A.V..
On the Question about In-Process Implementation of Technically Based Performance Standards
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 4.
P. 96-101.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.16058 URL:
The article is devoted to the in-process implementation of technically based performance standards. It is an important topic due to the fact that changes in the process of labor and production management are reflected in worktime standards. These standards may be reviewed as a result of new equipment or technology being improved or implemented, or other activities increasing the growth of labor productivity as well as in case of operating physically or morally outmoded equipment. The authors of the article describe the procedures for reviewing and adopting new time and performance standards. They also provide the necessary legislative and regulatory framework in the sphere of performance standards. In the course of their research the authors have used a set of general and special research methods such as dialectic method, method of formal logic (aristotelian method), comparative analysis, analysis of research literature and legal documents, and analysis and generalization of data about production process and components of the production process depending on particular penal enforcement procedures. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that there is no single approach to labour standards of direct workers and implementation of technically based performance standards at different enterprises of the Russian Federation. The main contribution to the topic is that the authors provide a detailed description of the need to implement technically based performance standards and give relevant statistics. They also describe procedures for implementing performance and time standards and reviewing current standards which may create the basis for new standards at production enterprises.
rate of development, regulations time, law, Labour Code, GDP, production, labor, rationing, Ministry of Labour, labor productivity
Izmailov A.M., Bazhutkina L.P., Yakhneeva I.V..
Developing Entrepreneurial Entities under the Conditions of the Information Knowledge Environment
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 4.
P. 102-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20631 URL:
In this article the authors view the concept of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial entities as well as development of entrepreneurial entities under the conditions of the information knowledge environment. The authors analyze the term 'information-knowledge environment', describes particularities of the information knowledge environment and offer their own interpretation of the term that defines the main tendencies and factors of the information knowledge environment development and its influence on entrepreneurial entities. The authors also distinguish between knowledge and information. The subject of the research is the development of entrepreneurial entities under the conditions of the information-knowledge environment. In their research the authors have used the method of the ascent from the abstract to the concrete which implies conditional dismembering of a research object and describing its features using a number of terms and characteristics. The authors have also used the method of analysis. They have analyzed the term 'information-knowledge environment', defines features of the information-knowledge environment and offers their own interpretation of the term 'information-knowledge environment'. They also outline the main trends and factors of the development of the information-knowledge environment and its influence on entrepreneurial entities as well as describe differences between knowledge and information.
entrepreneurship, economic systems, socio-economic systems, knowledge, information, entrepreneurial environment, information environment, system, medium formation, business environment
Izmailov A.M., Bazhutkina L.P., Yakhneeva I.V..
Peculiarities of Managing Changes at Pharmaceutical Business Entities
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 4.
P. 112-123.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20629 URL:
The present article is devoted to business structurse as socio-economic systems that function in the pharmaceutical sector. The authors provide information about market shares held by the leading pharmaceutical companies in 2015. Business entities and structures are being viewed from the point of view of socio-economic systems. The subject of the research is the development of the microlevel of socio-economic systems (business entities) taking into account peculiarities of the pharmaceutical sector. The authors provide a description and classification of peculiarities of such business, define the term 'socio-economic system' and describe particularities of managing changes in pharmaceutial business entities. The authors have used the method of the ascent from the abstract to the concrete that implies conditional dismembering a research object and description of all its features using a number of terms and characteristics. The main results of the research are the following: systematization of pharmaceutical business entities according to three indicators (market, economic and political-legal; description of pecularities of managing changes at pharmaceutical business entities (complex structuralization, integrativity, possible elements with different targets, goals and development paths); and division of the research subject into two parts: pharmaceutical business entities and environment as well as description of the intensivity of interaction between these entities and environment.
pharmaceutical industry, entrepreneurship, economic systems, socio-economic systems, knowledge, control, entrepreneurship, system, medium formation, business environment
Plaksunova T.A..
Condition of the Labor Market and Labor Potential Under Modern Conditions of Russia
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 4.
P. 124-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20615 URL:
The object of the research is the modern labor market in Russia and the subject of the research is specific features of the market development, tendencies and problems. The author of the article analyzes economic activity of the population, levels of employment and unemployment as well as its general potential, time-related underemployment, and underused labor in Russia's economy. The author describes areas for developing the government's labor resources policy taking into account defined tendencies and forecasted problems arising as a result of import substitution and innovative way of economic development outlined by the government as 'strategic'. The author conducts an analysis of statistical data provided by official reports of different authorities by using such research methods as summary, grouping, comparison, analysis of dynamics, etc. The main conclusions of the research are the following. Analysis of actual data has demonstrated that for the Russian economy it is quite typical to underuse labor resources in different ways such as: unemployment, involuntary economic inactivity, clear and hidden underemployment. At the present time the main factor that hinders effective development and use of labor resources is the disrepancy between demand and offer for qualified labor and particular specialists in different regions. Taking into account the process of import substitution and increasing innovative production by Russian manufacturers, it should be expected that requirements for a potential worker will be significantly increased which, in its turn, will sharpen the problems of employment and unemployment.
problem of employment, employment policy, underutilized labor, employment, unemployment, import substitution, workforce, labour market, potential unemployment, economic activity of the population
Izmailov A.M., Ashmarina S.I., Kandrashina E.A..
Peculiarities of Managing Changes in the Socio-Economic Systems Taking into Account Structural Changes of Entrepreneurial Development
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 3.
P. 144-151.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.3.20506 URL:
In this article the authors analyze the nature of socio-economic systems, their structure and peculiarities of interaction between structural elements. The authors analyze the concept of 'information knowledge environment' and its role in the development of socio-economic systems. They view business entities from the point of view of socio-economic systems and emphasize the importance of the information knowledge environment in the development of socio-economic systems. The authors also analyze the term 'managing changes' and peculiarities of this process under the conditions of the development of socio-economic systems. They analyze peculiarities of managing changes in the socio-economic systems taking into account structural changes in the sphere of entrepreneurial development. In the course of their research the authors use the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete which implies a conventional dismembering of a research object and description of its features using numerous terms and characteristics. The main conclusion of the research is the model of socio-economic systems representing interaction between structural elements in terms of a single systems' approach. The result of the research is the systematization of peculiarities of managing changes in the socio-economic systems such as: complex structure of socio-economic systems, integrity of socio-economic systems, elements with different goals, tasks and development vectors in the structure of socio-economic systems, division of the space into two parts, socio-economic systems and environment, and intensive interaction of the socio-economic systems with the environment.
medium formation, information environment, entrepreneurship, economic systems, socio-economic systems, system, knowledge, information, entrepreneurship, business environment
Izmailov A.M., Ashmarina S.I., Kandrashina E.A..
The Model for Managing Changes in Business Entities as Socio-Economic Systems
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 3.
P. 152-162.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.3.20511 URL:
In this article the authors analyze the nature of socio-economic systems (SES) including business entities and peculiarities of interaction between their structural elements. The authors analyze the concept of 'information knowledge environment' and its role in the development of socio-economic systems. They emphasize the importance of the information knowledge environment in the development of socio-economic systems. The authors also analyze the term 'managing changes' and peculiarities of this process under the conditions of the development of socio-economic systems. The authors offer their own mode for managing changes in the socio-economic systems and define positive and negative sides of the evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to managing changes in the SESs. The authors describe peculiarities of managing changes in the SESs. In the course of their research the authors use the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete which implies a conventional dismembering of a research object and description of its features using numerous terms and characteristics. The main contribution made by the authors to the topic is, first of all, the fact that they have developed their own model for managing changes in business entities as socio-economic systems. The authors define positive and negative aspects of the evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to managing changes in the socio-economic systems and describe peculiarities of managing changes in the socio-economic systems.
medium formation, information Environment, entrepreneurship, economic systems, socio-economic systems, system, knowledge, information, Entrepreneurship, business environment