Pyshkin A.N..
Impact of micro-finance assistance for small and medium enterprises on regional socio-economic development
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 4.
P. 162-180.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.4.71863 EDN: NAEMIA URL:
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An overview of measures of regional disparities is presented, focusing on financial penetration of banking services, levels of household income, unemployment rates, and investments. The role of micro-finance support in fostering small enterprises is examined. A statistical evaluation of the influence of targeted micro-financing on the socio-economic progress of macro-regions, exemplified by federal districts, is conducted. A bibliographical meta-analysis of the contributions of micro-finance to the socio-economic advancement of territories is performed and a regression model for the number of micro-finance aid recipients with the proportion of gross regional product (GRP) investments across federal districts is constructed with correlation analyses executed. The concept of targeted micro-financing for SME is refined, and specific criteria are identified, including: below-market interest rates on microloans, absence of collateral requirements, investment-oriented targeting, focus on startup entrepreneurs and the real economic sector, and positive outcomes for borrowers in terms of economic development. Using official data from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the SME, it is revealed that the operations of micro-finance institutions (MFIs) in entrepreneurial financing, both publicly and privately owned, do not entirely align with these criteria. Private MFIs often charge excessively high rates, while public MFIs frequently require collateral and have a limited share of startup entrepreneurs among their clients. A multifaceted (both strong and bidirectional) relationship is observed between the number of micro-finance assistance beneficiaries and indicators of socio-economic territorial development, using federal districts as examples: - an inverse relationship with the share of investments in GRP; - a direct relationship with SME investments in fixed assets. Considering the results of the regression and correlation analyses, a hypothesis is proposed regarding the existence of an intermediary link between SME microfinancing and investments in fixed capital.
invsments of SME, GRP, public MFO, recipients, Targeted microfinance, small and medium entrepremeurship, share of investmants, financial inequality, regional desparities, social-economic development
Njoroge P..
Formation of an algorithm for increasing the market value of a corporation
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 3.
P. 57-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.3.71345 EDN: QMFKFT URL:
In modern financial management theory, increasing shareholder wealth has become a priority, displacing profit maximization. Managers strive for sustainable growth of company value, taking into account ESG, human capital management, transparency of information disclosure and strategic planning. However, there is no structured approach to increasing market value that would provide managers with a tool for making informed decisions that take into account the relationship of all important factors. Existing studies offer scattered recommendations, but do not provide a complete picture for optimizing company value. This study is aimed at developing an algorithm for forming the market value of a corporation when making strategic financial decisions, based on factor dependence – disclosure of financial information and inclusion of ESG factors in integrated financial statements. The object of the study is corporations whose shares are listed on the stock exchange. The subject of the study is a set of financial relations associated with the formation of market value in the financial management system of corporations. The study used a systematic review of the literature on the factors influencing the formation of company value was conducted and algorithmic representation of concepts in the form of diagrams, hence formulating a decision-making algorithm. The novelty of this study lies in the creation of a comprehensive strategy aimed at increasing the market value of the company, taking into account four main aspects: integrating ESG factors into business processes, ensuring transparency of information, effective human resource management and developing a strategic corporate plan. Also, the presented algorithm considers various aspects, such as investing in environmentally friendly projects, risk management. The development of the algorithm includes several stages: analysis of the internal and external environment, creating a competitive advantage through defining a long-term corporate financial strategy and strengthening social capital by promoting a positive brand image.
human capital management, sustainable investing, KPI, corporate governance, company value, integrated report, information disclosure, ESG, financial sustainability, sustainable development
Reutov R.V., Orlov S.N..
Ben Bernanke's regulatory models and solving urgent problems of the financial sector of the national economy: opportunities for adaptation and application
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 3.
P. 114-133.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.3.71371 EDN: SFBGDI URL:
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In scientific publications devoted to the analysis of the current state and forecasts of the development of the world economy, the influence of global cyclical patterns is recognized by many experts as the key reason for the emergence of crisis events during the evolution of national economies. At the same time, a number of economists, in addition to objective ones, pay attention to the important role and importance of subjective factors, such as the timeliness of making and making adjustments to management decisions related to the regulation of qualitative and quantitative parameters of the functioning of the financial sector of the economy. These parameters (the size of the currency position, the financial reserves of the state and banks; the levels of credit activity of financial institutions, the creditworthiness of the population, the dynamics of interest rates, etc.) are subject to the most significant fluctuations precisely during periods of economic turbulence, thereby actually determining the depth and duration of each individual crisis. Taking into account the current situation in the national economy, adequate regulation of the financial sector is recognized by experts as a decisive factor determining the course and dynamics of overcoming negative phenomena. Effective regulatory solutions at the level of the state and financial institutions in times of crisis contribute both to the prompt relief of emerging destructive trends and to the early subsequent recovery of the financial market. Along with a review of scientific publications, the article presents the results of the authors' theoretical analysis of the possibility of implementing the regulatory models of financial sector management proposed by B. Bernanke to modern Russian reality. Additionally, the possibility of applying the conclusions of the 2022 Nobel Laureate on the causes of financial and economic crises, including the period of the Great Depression of the United States, in the context of the current situation in global and national economies is considered. In the context of the ongoing change in the systemic cycle of capital accumulation, the improvement of theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the impact of the quality of regulation by state institutions of the financial sector on the depth and duration of economic recessions becomes particularly relevant. The results of the study allow, according to the authors, theoretically substantiate the possibility of applying financial models and tools of state regulation tested in the conditions of the largest economic crisis in history, such as the Great Depression of the United States, in relation to the current situation in the world and national economies, characterized, as well as in the first half of the last century, by a change in the systemic cycle of capital accumulation.
financial institution, population indebtedness, debt burden, financial intermediary, banking system, de-dollarization, financial crisis, Gold Standard, Great Depression, economic cycles
Malinovskii O.N., Goncharov V.V., Petrenko E.G., Cheshin A.V..
Financing of subjects of public control in Russia: problems and prospects
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 3.
P. 151-164.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.3.71589 EDN: JRBAMJ URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of modern problems and prospects of the organization and implementation of financing of subjects of public control in the Russian Federation. The paper substantiates the importance of subjects of public control in the system of civil society institutions in Russia. The authors of the article argue that the effective organization and functioning of any institution of civil society in the Russian Federation largely depends on the level of its financing. The authors note that the amount of funding for subjects of public control in Russia is not sufficient, which affects both the effectiveness of their work as a whole and the extent to which public control measures cover a potential range of its objects, which, in turn, undermines the overall authority of this institution of civil society. In the course of writing this scientific article, a number of general and particular scientific research methods were used, including: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The paper identifies problems that impede the optimal organization and implementation of financing processes for various subjects of public control in the Russian Federation, for example: the subsidized nature of most regional and municipal budgets; insufficient subsidies from the federal budget for the development of the system of subjects of public control; the lack of development of the institute of public-private partnership in the field of financing the organization and activities of subjects of public control; the lack of elaboration of a system of criteria for evaluating the economic efficiency and effectiveness of the processes of organization and activities of subjects of public control; the lack of consolidation in the legislation on public control of a clear system of sources of financing for this type of activity, as well as the grounds, limits, conditions and types of financing of this activity at the expense of individuals and legal entities.
local, budget, federal, regional, financing, public-private partnership, democracy, problems, Russian Federation, public control
Borisova A.A., Goncharov V.V., Petrenko E.G., Poyarkov S.Y..
Public budget control in Russia: to the problem statement
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 1.
P. 86-98.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.1.69598 EDN: ZSSYHC URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of the Institute of public budget control in the Russian Federation. The paper explores various points of view in the scientific and educational literature regarding the legal nature and essence of public budget control in Russia. The authors have developed and justified the author's definition of public budget control, which should be understood as the activities of subjects of public control for the organization and conduct of public control measures in relation to the activities, acts and decisions of subjects of budgetary legal relations caused by the processes of drafting state and municipal budgets, budgets of extra-budgetary funds, their consideration and preparation of reports on their execution (in part the legality of the formation, distribution and use of these budgetary funds). The article analyzes the common features and differences between the institutions of public financial control, public tax control and public budget control. The article uses a number of scientific research methods: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; financial analysis; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The authors analyze modern problems that hinder the optimal organization and implementation of public budget control measures in the Russian Federation, among which are: the lack of formalization of the concept of "public budget control" both in the Constitution of the country and in current legislation; the absence in the Russian scientific doctrine of public control of a unified approach to the definition of this concept, its content, objectives, tasks, specific forms, methods and types of measures; insufficient use in this area of positive foreign experience of civil society control over budgetary legal relations; weak organizational and technical base of subjects of public control; lack of real powers for these subjects to exercise public budget control. The article develops and substantiates a system of measures to resolve these problems.
audit, budget, democracy, problem, Russian Federation, budget control, public control, optimization, efficiency, effectiveness
Kustov N., Gorodilov M.A..
Assessment of the impact of socio-economic indicators of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation on the number of payers of the Professional income tax
// Finance and Management.
2024. № 1.
P. 39-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2024.1.69891 EDN: ZUSAWD URL:
This article examines the impact of socio-economic indicators of the Volga Federal District (hereinafter – VFD) on the number of payers of the special tax - «Professional income tax (hereinafter – PIT)». The relevance of the article is due to the need to assess various socio-economic effects that cause an increase in the number of PIT payers in the regions of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this article is to identify these socio-economic indicators and then assess their impact on increasing the number of PIT payers in the region, which allows us to develop measures aimed at tax management in a particular region. Using econometric modeling methods, the authors assessed the impact on the number of PIT payers of such socio-economic indicators of the regions of the Volga Federal District as the number of individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as sole proprietors), GRP, the execution of regional budgets on PIT revenues, unemployment and nominal accrued wages. The materials used in the research process were obtained from open sources of official state statistics, consolidated tax and budget reports. The main results of this study are: - the indicator of the number of sole proprietors has a positive relationship with the number of PIT payers, which allows us to conclude that in regions with a larger number of individual entrepreneurs, the number of NPD payers is also growing; - the indicator of the number of unemployed has an inverse relationship with the number of PIT payers in the regions of the Russian Federation; Based on the results of an econometric study, the author concludes that a number of socio-economic indicators of the regions of the Volga Federal District have a significant impact on the number of PIT payers.
tax efficiency, tax policy, econometric modeling, choice of tax regime, optimal tax burden, tax management, tax experiment, self-employed, special tax regime, professional income tax
Goncharov V.V., Petrenko E.G., Poyarkov S.Y., Borisova A.A..
Public financial control in Russia: modern problems and ways of improvement
// Finance and Management.
2023. № 4.
P. 21-32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2023.4.69577 EDN: PXXBYV URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of the Institute of public financial control in the Russian Federation. The paper explores various points of view in the scientific and educational literature regarding the legal nature and essence of public financial control in Russia. The authors substantiate the position according to which public financial control can be both internal, carried out, in particular, by trade union organizations, and external, which is carried out by other subjects of public control, checking financial and related issues of the activities of business entities, including public authorities, state and municipal organizations, other bodies and organizations implementing on the basis of federal laws, separate public powers. The article analyzes the common features and differences between the institutions of public financial control, public tax control and public budget control. The authors use a number of scientific research methods: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; financial analysis; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The authors analyze modern problems that hinder the optimal organization and implementation of public financial control measures in the Russian Federation, among which are: a) the failure to consolidate this institution of civil society in the country's Constitution and current legislation; b) the lack of a unified understanding of legal grounds, limits, forms, methods and types of measures in scientific legal doctrine public financial control; c) the lack of real powers for the subjects of public control to carry out the above-mentioned measures; d) the lack of specialized subjects of public control in this area of its implementation; e) the insufficiency of the material, technical and organizational and legal base of subjects of public control for the implementation of these measures; f) weak use of positive foreign experience in this area. The article develops and substantiates a system of measures to resolve these problems.
optimization, efficiency, audit, budget, democracy, problem, Russian Federation, financial control, public control, effectiveness
Stepanov N.S..
The Role of the far Eastern Macroregion of Russia in Keeping the Economic Potential with the Countries of the Asian Region
// Finance and Management.
2023. № 1.
P. 32-49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2023.1.39628 EDN: WBAQAG URL:
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The Russian Federation in the current conditions is intensively developing foreign economic relations with many countries of the Asian continent, and the Far Eastern macroregion is entrusted with solving a number of tasks that contribute to ensuring the spatial development of the country. For the further development of relations, it is necessary to take into account the current trends in the development of countries, including their new integration formats of interaction on the Asian continent. The subject of the study is to determine the main trends in Russia's international interaction with the countries of the Asian region in the context of global political events. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problems of the socio-economic development of the Far East, which acts as a key component in the development of interaction with Asian countries, and to find ways to solve them. The methodological basis of the study is the following methods of scientific knowledge: comparative and contrastive analysis, the method of analogies and the hypothetical-deductive method. The scientific novelty of the article includes the author's conclusions about the main problems that significantly reduce the effectiveness and limit the potential of the mechanism of international cooperation under consideration. The results of the study can be used by the authorities for foreign economic activity in the context of the development of the Far Eastern macroregion.
institutional framework, integration processes, SCO, Great Tumangan Initiative, interaction, regional economic integration, partners, asian countries, Asia, Far East
Mitrovic S..
The potential of business intelligence for the development of analysis of financial and non-financial information in the economic activities of companies.
// Finance and Management.
2023. № 1.
P. 69-82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2023.1.40099 EDN: RWZRTS URL:
The subject of the study is the information and analytical support of the economic activities of companies based on the introduction of business intelligence. The object of scientific research is the systems of business intelligence in economic analysis.The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the theoretical and methodological issues of the introduction of business intelligence for the development of the analysis of financial and non-financial information in the economic activities of companies. The research methodology is based on the analysis, grouping of data and generalization. Conclusions and scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of issues and principles of the application of modern information technologies of business intelligence for the purpose of further development of the possibilities of economic analysis of the economic activities of companies.The authors determined that a theoretically sound methodology for the introduction of business intelligence allows expanding the possibilities of information and analytical support for economic analysis, provided that: 1) "is based on the basic provisions of the theory of economic analysis, accounting and auditing; information theory, as well as on the requirements of current domestic and international standards, recommendations of research and professional organizations and regulatory committees in the field of development of reporting and economic analysis, information law, state regulation and principles of information and economic security" [1]; 2) reflects the basic principles of the method of economic analysis: the unity of analysis and synthesis, the study of economic phenomena in their interrelation, as well as in development and dynamics; 3) specifies the general methodology of economic analysis – methods of information processing, working stages and sequence of analysis;4) is based on analysis and application advanced practical and theoretical experience in the field of implementation of information solutions in the economic analysis of economic activity of companies.
management, information technology, economy, IT, carbon collection, payback, investment project, business intelligence, economic analysis, organization
Mamedov M.A., Aliev M.M..
Analysis of the Influence of Financial Technologies on of the Banking Sector of the Russian Economy.
// Finance and Management.
2022. № 4.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2022.4.38887 EDN: PURYHD URL:
The financial sector of the economy, in particular represented by commercial banks, is one of the most progressive. This article analyzes the modern banking sector of the economy, an attempt is made to study the impact of financial technologies on the development and transformation of the banking sector of the Russian economy. To achieve the goals of the study, the authors studied the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on relevant topics. Based on a review of the literature and an analysis of existing definitions, the author's definition of the concept of financial technology is given, the concepts of fintech and fintech startups are separated. On the basis of statistical data, the authors present data on the volume of fintech transactions, the number of neobanking users, and conduct a macroeconomic content analysis of the level of implementation of financial technologies in the activities of commercial banks. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors came to the conclusion that financial technologies have a significant impact on the development and transformation of both the banking sector of the economy itself and the types of cooperation between commercial banks and fintech startups. At the same time, the level of implementation of financial technologies and the types of interactions between commercial banks and fintech start-ups directly depend on the amount of assets and revenue of commercial banks, and these factors, in turn, influence the determination of the further strategy for the development of commercial banks and their transformation. Given the conditions prevailing in the Russian market, the fintech industry will primarily develop both within the banking sector of the economy and, to a large extent, in cooperation with commercial banks.
banking sector, financial sector, digital ecosystem, banking ecosystem, ecosystem, digitalization, transformation of banks, fintech, financial technologies, banks
Afanasyeva O.N..
Monetary policy instruments and the achievement of three macroeconomic goals in the USA and Japan
// Finance and Management.
2022. № 2.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2022.2.37788 URL:
Currently, the issues of the implementation of monetary policy, the use of its tools to achieve economic growth and other macroeconomic goals are particularly relevant. It is of great importance to identify the results of using various transmission channels in achieving the main macroeconomic targets. The use of monetary policy instruments can have both a stabilizing character and the opposite of what is expected, which must be taken into account when implementing monetary policy.The purpose of the study is to select monetary policy instruments to influence the achievement of such macroeconomic goals as: GDP growth, inflation, unemployment in the United States and Japan. The study develops the principle of "goals-tools" in relation to monetary policy. The possibility of achieving three macroeconomic goals simultaneously is being considered. В The methodology of the study is represented by the theory of economic policy of Ya. Tinbergen. To assess the possibility of achieving three macroeconomic goals simultaneously (GDP growth, inflation, unemployment rate) in the USA and Japan due to changes in the use of monetary policy instruments, the toolkit of a system of independent equations has been implemented. The overall result of the study is to determine the impact of monetary policy instruments in order to achieve a combination of three macroeconomic goals in the United States and Japan. The analysis of the countries presented showed that each of them has a specific impact of instruments, even with a similar impact, its strength differs in different countries, which must be taken into account when using the same type of monetary policy instruments to achieve macroeconomic goals.
credits, money supply, the rate of mandatory reserves, key bid, monetary policy, systems of independent equations, gross domestic product, inflation, CPI, unemployment rate
Gordienko M.S., Popkov V.A..
Development of a system of financial risk indicators based on logistic regression and the CorporateMetrics methodology
// Finance and Management.
2022. № 1.
P. 9-30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2022.1.36057 URL:
Business entities in their practical activities are constantly faced with the presence of various risks, manifested in the negative impact on them of factors of both internal and external environment. The most important for any financial manager are financial risks (market, credit, fiscal, currency, etc.), the management skills of which in a crisis period reveals genuine professionals in their field. To simplify the management process, algorithms or models are being developed that allow increasing the efficiency and speed of the management decision-making process. The subject of this study is the development of a methodology for assessing and forecasting financial risks. The purpose of the development is to simplify the process of selecting mechanisms for influencing risk, which allows maintaining the stability of cash flows over time and achieving the target financial indicators of an economic entity. The research methodology is based on the use of a combination of logistic regression tools and the CorporateMetrics methodology. These systems of financial risk indicators are highly sensitive to changing market conditions due to unfixed thresholds determined by the average values of the indicators used by the industry. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the joint use of various indicators and indicators allows to comprehensively assess the exposure of an organization to each type of financial risk and monitor changes in the values of risk indicators. The scope of application of the results is presented on the example of the evaluation of open data on the economic activity of MTS PJSC for the period 2016-2018, the mechanism of using the methodology is shown. It is worth noting that the ability to adapt the indicators and indicators used in the methodology allows it to be applied to any economic entity of the non-financial sector of the economy.
CorporateMetrics, logistic regression, indicator system, credit risk, market risk, financial risk, risk, corporate finance, finance, MTS
Kuzmin S.S..
Systematization of the theories of corporate growth on the basis of the methodology of paradigms
// Finance and Management.
2021. № 1.
P. 60-71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.1.35489 URL:
Multiple theories and models that examine different aspects of corporate growth can be systematized on the basis of the methodology of paradigms. For this purpose, the author determines the three dominant paradigms of growth (causal, paradigm of the results of growth, and process paradigm); each of them forms the methodological principles of growth research and original representation on the process of corporate growth. The methodology of causal paradigm is based on orientation towards determining causal relations (laws) responsible for the growth. Paradigm of the results synthesizes the theories and models of growth that study the life cycle of the companies and changes taking place on different stages. The concepts of process paradigm of growth view the company as a complex, self-organizing system, and follow the organizational changes that emerge as a result of growth. The present time marks the establishment of integration paradigm, which describes growth as a process of integrating companies into supra-organizational structures. This article attempts to systematize the theoretical approaches towards understanding the mechanisms and distinctive features of corporate growth based on the general scientific methodology of paradigms. The author believes that the fundamental difference between the proposed typology consists in the focus on “natural” systematization, which is based not on the highlighted characteristics, analogies, isomorphic manifestations of growth essential for classification, but on homologies, i.e. characteristics based on the theoretical and methodological grounds shared by one or another group of theories, which set the general vector of research and representations on the peculiarities of the object of study — corporate growth. Such general principles of research comprise the core of a particular paradigm that encompasses a group of concepts of corporate growth.
alliances, supra-organizational structures, systems approach, determinism, paradigms, mechanistic organizations, methodology, corporate growth, growth concept, reductionism
Stepanov N.S..
Investment prospects of Russia in terms of economic cooperation with PRC
// Finance and Management.
2020. № 1.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2020.1.31330 URL:
The subject of this research is the trends and peculiarities of investment cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. The object of this research is the economic cooperation of the two states. The relevance is substantiated by the fact that Russia-China economic cooperation is in priority among the politicians and researchers; due to its high importance for the two countries, it would expand gradually, but there are still multiple problems for deepening the relations and increasing complementarity. The foal of the article consists in examination of investment prospects of the Russian Federation in terms of economic cooperation with China, identification of the problems, and search of possible ways out of the situation. It is underlined that Russia-China economic relations are largely based on the traditional trade. Investments between the countries are limited, and joint projects lately remain incomplete. The author assumes that the significant internal modernizations are necessary in supply chains, which should be subsidized by Russia in order to retain sustainability of regional development. It is determined that there is strong potential for intensification of economic relations, fulfillment of which requires solution of multiple problems.
modernization of the economy, energy cooperation, trade, bilateral projects, technologies, investments, Russia, China, institutional development, artificial intelligence
Stepanov N.S..
Creation of common supranational currency within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 3.
P. 50-60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.3.30146 URL:
This article analyzes the experience of a successful monetary integration within the framework of integration associations of the European countries and their applicability in the conditions of intensified integration processes in the context of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Since SCO is relatively young, it depicts specific features and problems of any growing organization; therefore, it is important to examine successful global practices of the development and expansion of the financial and currency integration. The author refers to the experience of the European Union and its resolution of the monetary and financial convergence and full integration based on the formula: economic integration – currency integration – financial integration. Research methodology leans on the systemic approach, which through systematization and generalization of theoretical and practical aspects of financial integration allows determining the issues and prospects of these processes in the Eurasian Region. The subject of this study is the possibility of creation of supranational currency and currency union in Eurasia. The author explores the peculiarities of formation and modern trends of currency integration, which necessity is justified by a number of economic challenges that can be resolved only by the countries united by a common targeted orientation. The scientific result of this article lies in substantiation of the key measures aimed at expansion of financial integration within the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which in a long-term perspective can ensure the condition for creating common supranational currency to intensify the processes of de-dollarization of the world economy.
Eurasian continental currency, monetary policy, national currency, China, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russia, monetary integration, dedollarization of the economy, EAСС, geo-economic stability
Khezazna B..
To the question of content of a corporate financial strategy
// Finance and Management.
2019. № 3.
P. 61-71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.3.30719 URL:
Precondition for ensuring strategic opportunities of financial development of a corporation is its financial strategy that holds the key position within the system of corporate management. The article examines the process of formation of financial strategy within the system of corporate management of enterprises. The author determines the essence and role of financial strategy in strategic recruitment of the company. The organizational mechanism of the creation of financial strategy within the system of corporate management of an industrial enterprise is developed. The subject of this research is the set of economic, organizational and management relations established in the process of creation of financial strategy of a corporation. The scientific novelty consists in the original interpretation of financial strategy of a corporation, as well as development of an organizational mechanism for creating financial strategy within the system of corporate management of an industrial enterprise. The financial strategy of a corporation holds the leading place in the company’s strategic management system, since it directly affects the provision of financial resources, funding of other functional strategies, as well as financial and market reliability of the organization on a long-term horizon. From methodological perspective, the financial strategy encompasses the elements of financial planning, forecasting and modeling, as well as manifests as a powerful instrument of implementation of the financial goals of a commercial organization in the rapidly changing conditions.
internal environment, stages of strategic planning, economic factors, evaluation, management, strategic planning, Corporation, financial strategy, Finance, control
Evteeva M.V..
Modern Trends of Funding Russia's Research Institutions
// Finance and Management.
2017. № 4.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2017.4.24850 URL:
The subject of this research article is the modern state of funding Russia's research institutions, the process that is accompanied with integrated reformation covering all elements of the academic sector. In her research Evteeva compares the main sources of funding Russia's fundamental science. She underlines that the role of the agricultural sector may start to play a crucial role under new conditions of the post-industrial era. The author also emphasizes the importance of proper definition of objectives when preparing government orders. According to the author, it is an important factor of increasing efficiency of research institutions in Russia. To analyze the process of funding the academic sector, the author of the article uses the dialectical method. To find answers to particular questions related to the subject of the research, the author uses the method of formal logic. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the current state of funding Russia's research institutions. She underlines that Russia's business sector should pay a bigger role in funding researches carried out by research institutions. The author also emphasizes the need to raise up a detailed special purpose funding of research institutions. Search for new ways to compensate for research costs apart from the federal budget is also an important and topical issue. The current system that unites research institutions based on their territorial attribute is contradictory and ineffective because research institutions of different majors do not have so many crossing points and interaction of their researchers is difficult.
FANO of Russia, grants, federal budget, estimation of efficiency, sources of funding, academic sector of science, research, research institutions, funding, RAS
Morozko N.I..
Rational Cash Flow Management of Non-Public Organisations
// Finance and Management.
2017. № 3.
P. 17-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2017.3.23981 URL:
The subject of this research is the cash flow of organisations. The object of the research is non-public organisations. Non-public organisations are characterised with small volumes of produced goods or services, absence of access to stock promotion on the stock market, and distribution of stock among limited audience. For this type of organisation it is especially important to have an efficient cash flow management because their finances are limited. Morozko describes factors that determine possible cash flows of such companies as a result of their operational, investing and financial activity. The author of the article also defines external and internal effects that have an influence on the aforesaid factors. Morozko uses correlation dependence estimations when defining the level of balancing of cash flows in time. The author also offers a general model of expected annual growth difference in the form of speed and time functions. To predict cash flows, the author suggests to use calculations based on taking the logarithm of cash flows growth. Morozko also recommends long-term and short-term measures to develop an efficient cash flow management at organisations. Based on the example of a conditional non-public organisation, the author evaluates efficiency and profitability of cash flows.
efficiency, balancing, correlation, indicators, factors, management, cash flows, non-public organizations, financial results, strategy
Botkin I.O., Pytkin A.N., Syatchikhin S.V..
The Mechanism of Managing Local Budgets On the Basis of Socia Partnership
// Finance and Management.
2016. № 4.
P. 25-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20907 URL:
The article is devoted to the questions related to the condition of local budgets in Russia and established methodological approaches to managing the social sector. The authors anaylze the process of managing local budgets. They ntoe that the current Russian system of local budget management do not allow the adoption and execution of quality management decisions which would improve the financial condition of municipal units. This creates the need to develop a mechanism of local budget managment. The purpose of the present research is to develop a mechanism of managing local budgets taking into account social partnership. Distinguished feature of the offered mechanism is the introduction of particular elements that ensure coordination of the process of decision making and execution of management decisions in the sphere of local budgets, in particular, stages of the process of alignment of interests, coordination methods and instruments and improving institutions. In their research the authors have used the dialectic method, systems' approach, methods of theoretical substantiation, scientific abstraction, generalization, comparison and interest matrix. The authors describe the current condition of local budgets in Russia, analyze established methodological approaches to managing the social sector, demonstrate their relation to modern practice of managing social finances in Russia and develop the mechanism for managing local budgets taking into account social partnership aimed at ensuring coordination of the processes of decision making and execution in the aforesaid sphere. As a result of the research, the authors conclude that implementation of the aforesaid mechanism will allow to ensure adoption and execution of management decisions aimed at improving the financial condition of municipal units.
municipal reform, inter-budget transfers, finances organisation, local budget, local finances, fiscal federalism, tax policy, budgetary policy, managing social finances, inter-budget relations
Novichkova O.V..
The Choice of a Rational Pricing Method and Company’s Financial Policy-making
// Finance and Management.
2014. № 4.
P. 25-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2014.4.13936 URL:
The effectiveness of the commercial organization depends on the correct pricing of sold products. The price in the market economy is one of the main factors determining the level of profitability. Therefore, the pricing should be well planned and justified. The subject of study is the process of pricing policy-making based on optimal pricing methods. The objective of the study is identification of pricing policy of the economic entity and development of recommendations to improve the pricing control mechanism at the investigated company. The study uses the following methods: monographic research, structure and dynamics analysis, expert estimates, survey, economic analysis as well as methods of statistical and econometric analysis and mathematical method. The analysis of the current system of pricing has been performed. Based on the identified features, the author recommends to apply the most appropriate methods for calculating the price of a certain type of product made by the investigated company. The study has set minimum and maximum acceptable prices that will allow to assess the possibility of making a profit based on the demand for the product, product quality, product perceived value by the consumer and production costs.
prime cost, price, pricing methods, efficiency of economic activities, financial policy, break-even production, profot or loss, pricing policy, competitive advantages, cost recovery mechanism