Banking supervision
Iskhakov, I. (2025). The place of the central bank digital currency in the classification of types of money. Finance and Management, 1, 1–15.
In the light of the active development and implementation of the central bank digital currency by central banks of different countries, one of the most significant theoretical issues facing the scientific community is the question of finding a place for the central bank digital currency in the existing classification of types of money. The object of this study is the central bank digital currency. The subject of this study is the place of the central bank digital currency in the classification of types of money. The purpose of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of the central bank digital currency, its relationship to the category of money from the point of view of substantiating the possibilities of this currency performing a basic set of monetary functions, as well as finding its place in the classification of money types. In the course of the research, comparative and logical analysis, study, generalization and systematization of the research results of domestic and foreign specialists and scientists were used. The paper presents a generalization and systematization of the existing classifications of forms and types of money. Based on these classifications and the nature and essence of the central bank digital currency the thesis about it as a separate and independent form of money is put forward and substantiated in the work. The paper provides points of view confirming this thesis, presented both in the scientific community and among representatives of the largest financial institutions. The scientific value and novelty of this study lies in the generalization of the existing points of view in the scientific knowledge, substantiating the legitimacy of classifying central bank digital currency as "money" as a new and independent form, complementing the existing classification of money types.
non-cash money, cash, central bank, types of money, forms of money, functions, money, CBDC, CB digital currency, classification
Regional economy
Eremin, V.V. (2025). Recommendations for the use of an investment multiplier to ensure balanced development of the regional economy. Finance and Management, 1, 16–26.
The subject of the article is the multiplier effects generated by investments in the formation of a region resource potential. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility of managing the value of the regional investment multiplier to increase the efficiency of investments in the formation of a regional economy resource potential. The work determines that the sanctions pressure on the Russian economy is largely aimed at reducing the efficiency of its activities. Consequently, increasing the efficiency of investments by influencing the value of the multiplier will be aimed, among other things, at counteracting the sanctions pressure. To solve this problem, the article examines the influence of the structure of the regional economy on the value of the regional investment multiplier. The study is conducted on the basis of data characterizing the structure and multiplier effects of the Ryazan region economy. The research method is econometric modeling, construction of multiple regression. The scientific novelty of the work is that the modeling carried out within its framework allowed to determine for specific types of products produced in the economy of the Ryazan region their impact on the value of the Ryazan investment multiplier. The presented calculations prove the possibility of balancing the negative impact of some investments on the value of the regional multiplier with other investments with a positive impact on the value of this indicator. This proves the possibility of managing the value of the regional investment multiplier by changing the structure of investments in the formation of the resource potential of the regional economy. The paper proposes to make this approach the basis for the formation of policy for the development of the Russian regions economy, based on changing the structure of investments depending on their impact on the size of the regional multiplier.
regional management, economic structure, anti-sanctions policy, investment efficiency management, investments, resource potential, regional economy, investment accelerator, investment multiplier, factor analysis of the economy
Regional economy
Ayibota, S. (2025). Development of the regional innovation system: the experience of the People's Republic of China. Finance and Management, 1, 27–41.
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Regional innovation and development is an important pillar for building an economically innovative country. This article examines the evolution of the national regional innovation strategy and China's experience in the development of the regional innovation system (RIS) since the implementation of the medium- and long-term S&T plans. On this basis, the changes in China's regional innovation model are comprehensively analyzed. A retrospective of the stages of development of approaches to RIS regulation in different periods is shown. The study shows that innovation has become the driving force of regional development, leading to the formation of a multilevel regional innovation system; the innovation potential of regions has generally improved, but new characteristics have emerged in the differentiation of levels of regional innovativeness. Based on the research experience of the People's Republic of China, proposals for the formation of the regional innovation system and development in the territory of the Russian Federation were put forward, taking into account the existing sanctions and restrictive factors. The article analyses economic phenomena using a systematic approach, based on the material collected from various sources and the work of researchers on this topic. Regional innovation and development is an important pillar for the comprehensive implementation of the national innovation development strategy and accelerating the construction of an innovative country. Based on China's experience in building a regional innovation system, it can be concluded that science and technology innovation centres and strategic regions have become the key pillars for national innovation and development. The innovation centres and the surrounding inland provinces work together to promote the overall improvement of innovation. Regional innovation and development and the regional innovation community will be the main form of organisation of the regional innovation space in the future. At the same time, this experience can be used as a reference point for the successful implementation of the regional innovation system of the Russian Federation.
innovation environment, indicators of innovation activity, level of innovation, regional interactions, national innovation system, innovation strategy, Chinese experience, innovation potentia, innovative economy, regional innovation system