Financial politics
Afanasyeva, O.N. (2022). Monetary policy instruments and the achievement of three macroeconomic goals in the USA and Japan. Finance and Management, 2, 114.
Currently, the issues of the implementation of monetary policy, the use of its tools to achieve economic growth and other macroeconomic goals are particularly relevant. It is of great importance to identify the results of using various transmission channels in achieving the main macroeconomic targets. The use of monetary policy instruments can have both a stabilizing character and the opposite of what is expected, which must be taken into account when implementing monetary policy.The purpose of the study is to select monetary policy instruments to influence the achievement of such macroeconomic goals as: GDP growth, inflation, unemployment in the United States and Japan. The study develops the principle of "goals-tools" in relation to monetary policy. The possibility of achieving three macroeconomic goals simultaneously is being considered. Β The methodology of the study is represented by the theory of economic policy of Ya. Tinbergen. To assess the possibility of achieving three macroeconomic goals simultaneously (GDP growth, inflation, unemployment rate) in the USA and Japan due to changes in the use of monetary policy instruments, the toolkit of a system of independent equations has been implemented. The overall result of the study is to determine the impact of monetary policy instruments in order to achieve a combination of three macroeconomic goals in the United States and Japan. The analysis of the countries presented showed that each of them has a specific impact of instruments, even with a similar impact, its strength differs in different countries, which must be taken into account when using the same type of monetary policy instruments to achieve macroeconomic goals.
credits, money supply, the rate of mandatory reserves, key bid, monetary policy, systems of independent equations, gross domestic product, inflation, CPI, unemployment rate
Question at hand
Bai , Y., Fastovich, V.V. (2022). Analysis of the dynamics of development and competitiveness of the Chinese gas industry. Finance and Management, 2, 1529.
The object of research of this article is the natural gas industry of China, special attention is paid to competitive strength. Michael Porter's models cover many issues of the competition problem. The authors use M. Porter's five competitive forces to analyze China's gas industry. Together, these five factors influence the attractiveness of the industry and the decisions of competitive strategies in its place. Changes in various combinations of the five forces ultimately affect changes in the potential profit of the industry. The authors reveal the space of competitive forces, the competitive environment in the gas industry of the People's Republic of China, identified the driving and restraining forces of the gas industry of the People's Republic of China. The main conclusions of the study are: the main driving force in the gas industry in China comes from buyers, the restraining force in the gas industry in China mainly comes from the main competitors of the industry. China's economic development, demand for clean energy and increasingly advanced technologies for the development and use of natural gas are driving the development of China's gas industry. The raw materials of gas in China are highly dependent on imports, the construction of the infrastructure of the gas industry is difficult and expensive, and the efficiency of the use of the built gas industry is insufficient. Identification and analysis of the driving and binding forces of the industry, and the development of countermeasures are especially important to ensure the sustainable development of the industry.
driving forces of the industry, energy consumption structure, buyers, suppliers, threats, Porter 's model, competitive forces, Chinese gas industry, restraining forces of the industry, competition
Question at hand
Lyapuntsova, E.V., Khokonov, B.M. (2022). Financial control as the basis of reproductive management in the new economy. Finance and Management, 2, 3043.
The subject of the study is the transformation of financial control in the context of new conditions of economic development, when irreversible changes in its basic content unfold. The importance of such studies increases with the formation of modern management drivers that can significantly increase the efficiency of the use of limited reproductive resources. Accordingly, the author's end-to-end hypothesis is the presentation of financial control as a basic element of new financial relations. This approach opens up the possibility of overcoming the limitations of the current practice of financial control, reduced mainly to its instrumental forms, maximally oriented to commercial interests, which is accompanied by a decrease in direct investment activity in reproduction processes. To a large extent, this state of affairs was the result of differences in the initial methodological approaches to financial research. Therefore, the main goal of the work is to find priority forms and tools for integrating financial control into modern reproductive process management systems. The methodological apparatus of the study was formed on the basis of a systematic approach with additional argumentation through theoretical and functional generalizations, logical and expert assessments, which made it possible to present new financial control in the future in order to increase reproductive efficiency. The results and scientific novelty of this research are contained in the disclosure of the new content of financial control integrated with digital technologies of the distributed registry and blockchain. As the main conclusion, the necessity of transformation of financial control into the basis of a network-centric management system of national reproduction is argued.
national economy, network-centric management, blockchain, distributed registry, digital economy, the new economic reality, financialization, reproduction, financial relations, financial control
Financial planning and forecasting
Golikova, E.I. (2022). Inflation in Russia: revealing the causes and the path of decline (on the strategic management platform). Finance and Management, 2, 4478.
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In this study, it is proposed to conduct an experimental monetary reform in one of the regions of Russia. To carry out monetary reform by introducing a fee for the use of funds in the balance at the end of the month of each of the participants in economic relations. The purpose of the new monetary reform is to achieve the reduction of inflation to zero. This study is based on observations and practical experience of European countries, China. In this paper, the author believes that monetary inflation is caused by money added during distribution in different ratios. As the root cause of inflation, interest is singled out as one of the components added during the distribution of money, which generates a social conflict regarding the redistribution of public wealth. The experimental monetary reform may be the beginning of other reforms and a component of Russia's economic development within the framework of strategic management. The advantages of monetary reform of the natural economic order in combination with other reforms are as follows: reduction of inflation (almost to zero), which is caused mainly by a significant percentage component of the distributed funds; exclusion of percentages from the cost components and, as a consequence, prices as an instrument of income redistribution in an unfair way, i.e. accumulation of most of the income from a small group of individuals, and in amounts larger than they need; prevention of social catastrophe, prevention of social unrest and social clashes, reduction of the level of aggressiveness in society and the onset of social justice; reduction of prices for goods and services up to 50%; the emergence of a stable nationally-oriented quality economy; the possibility of updating physically and morally worn out fixed assets of public infrastructure; GDP growth.
strategic management, unemployment, tax, added money, economic development, distribution of money, monetary reform, redistribution of income, percent, inflation
Economic control and management
Salnikov, K.E. (2022). Reduction of construction time as a result of increasing the shift to three. Finance and Management, 2, 7989.
The subject of the study is the managerial relations arising in the process of shortening the duration of construction as a branch of material production engaged in the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures for various purposes. The object of the study is: the construction complex as a whole; enterprises of various forms of ownership operating in the investment and construction sector; organizational and legal forms of interaction of participants in the investment and construction process; state regulation in the field of capital construction. The purpose of the work is to solve the key problems of construction time management: assessment of the duration of processes and allocation of resources. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as in-line organization of work; technological complexes of work; nomenclature of work; productivity of machines and mechanisms; daily number of shifts (shifts); intensity of work; planning of construction production; types of construction processes; construction crews; regulatory (directive) time of work. Special attention is paid to the specifics of calculating the composition of the team for roofing works. The scientific novelty of the conducted research is determined by the insufficient study of the issues of improvement, theoretical, experimental and feasibility studies of technological processes, methods and forms of organization of construction and its production base, in terms of the problems of reducing the duration of construction. The significance of the work carried out for the national economy is to study the theory and practice of reducing the duration of construction and finding solutions to scientific and technical problems of construction by developing and creating competitive construction technologies and organizational and technological solutions that ensure the intensification of the processes of construction, reconstruction and modernization of buildings and structures while reducing labor, material, technical and fuel and energy resources.
technological processes, technology of construction production, managerial relations, state regulation, investment and construction sector, construction complex, intensification of construction processes, duration of construction, resource allocation, project management
Business organization
Kuzmin, S.S. (2022). Firm's strategies and business models for growth based on open innovation. Finance and Management, 2, 90104.
The concept of open innovation, which emerged in the early 2000s, has now been put into practice. Using the example of many firms, it was found out that the skillful use of the methodology of open innovation makes it possible to make a qualitative leap in the development of advanced technologies, while in a short time and with significant resource savings. However, not all firms and not always manage to achieve decisive success in using open innovations for growth and competitiveness. This study shows that the reason for this is the wrong choice of a strategy based on open innovation, as well as the inconsistency of even a correctly chosen strategy of the company's business model. To overcome it, organizational changes are required that will ensure the compatibility of the strategy and a business model acceptable for its implementation. The concept of the relationship between open innovation strategies and their corresponding business models developed in the article makes it possible to make the work of designers of a company's growth and development strategy based on open innovations more rational and productive, and to reduce the likelihood of strategy failure during its implementation. A systematic study of the impact of various open innovation strategies on the development of business models should be continued in terms of specifying such an impact depending on the scope of the company's activities, its size, structure, specifics of business processes, cultural traditions, methods of stimulating staff receptivity to open innovation, leadership styles, communication systems and organizational power structure.The main objective of the open innovation strategy is not to implement deep integration of external sources into the activities of an innovative company, but to provide opportunities for the development and implementation of a business model that ensures close cooperation of the company with its external partners and mutual exchange of knowledge between them.
structure of the business model, business model, crowdsourcing, the company's competitive strategy, the company's growth strategy, open innovation, Innovations, designing a business model, Economic growth, Strategy
Foreign Tax Law
Drozdova, A.A. (2022). The evolution of taxation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a history of relations between the state and the taxpayer. Finance and Management, 2, 105116.
The object of this study is the most significant stages of the development of the tax system in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The subject of this study is the history of the search for a compromise between the needs of the population and the Government. The author pays special attention in the article to how significant the influence of the people of Great Britain on the tax system of this state turned out to be. Along with this, in the process of work, the influence of taxes that existed earlier on the current taxation system, as well as the reasons for their introduction and cancellation, is also considered. Also, in the article, the author studies the relationship of taxation policy, doctrinal views, the introduction and abolition of certain taxes in the state. The novelty of the research lies in the study of factors that influenced the formation of the UK taxation system, among which the relations between the state and the taxpayer occupy a special place. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the state manages to create an effective and well-structured tax system largely due to the concern to find a balance between its interests and the interests of the population. Also, the author notes that the way to create such a successful tax system was not always easy. Nevertheless, the current tax system in the UK contributes not only to replenishing the treasury, but also to the prosperity of the state economy, as well as attracting taxpayers from all over the world.
Tax system, History of tax law, Tax policy, David Lloyd George, Adam Smith, Tax Law, United Kingdom, History of taxation, Taxpayers, The British tax system