Economic control and management
Kirichenko, O. (2019). Key financial peculiarities of gas industry. Finance and Management, 1, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of gas industry, which predetermine the vector of interaction between the public and private finances in gas industry. Identification of such peculiarities gives a deeper insight into the motives of economic, holding, and regulating actors in the sphere of recovery, transportation and sale of natural gas. Special attention is given to the common feature, as well as considerable differences between oil and gas industry. The relevance of this study is defined by substantial dependence of the Russian federal budget on oil and gas revenues. M. Porter's Five Forces Model was used as the main research method for determining the key factors influencing the situation in gas industry. The scientific novelty consists in application of STEP-analysis for examining each of the five Porter’s forces of gas industry. The conclusion is made that the key peculiarities of gas industry include: the monopoly in transportation of gas; rent character of subsoil use; state participation through the mechanisms of ownership in gas industry.
natural monopoly, STEP-analysis, competition, gas market, natural gas, factors, finance, gas industry, rent, five-power model
Question at hand
Dvoretskii, V. (2019). Legal status of the “Alaska Permanent Fund”: general characteristics. Finance and Management, 1, 10–18.
This article is dedicated to the examination of peculiarities of legal status of the “Alaska Permanent Fund”, which is one of the largest and financially successful state-owned investment and wealth funds worldwide (sovereign wealth). Attention is given to the history of creation of the “Alaska Permanent Fund”; analysis of regulatory framework of its structure and competencies of executive authorities; examination of the peculiarities of investment policy of the fund and approaches towards the establishment of its investment portfolio; as well as the protective, it its essence, practice of investments into the assets and securities of the United States. The conclusion is made that the practical experience of the “Alaska Permanent Fund” can be partially applied by the Russian state-owned investment and wealth funds (particularly, the “Russian National Wealth Fund”), excluding the financing practices at the expense of the fund of such individual payouts to the citizens as dividends, unconditional basic income, benefits, etc. The scientific novelty consists in the use of regulatory material relevant for the period from 2018-2019, which allows making conclusions based on the most recent foreign practices and management procedures of the state-owned investment and wealth funds.
Prudent investor rule, dividends, universal basic income, National Wealth Fund, Alaska Permanent Fund, sovereign wealth fund, state investment and wealth fund, Pension Fund Global, Pension Fund of Norway, tax
Question at hand
Prygunova, M.I., Nikiforova, E.G. (2019). Efficiency of government subsidization of small and medium businesses as a factor of sustainable urban development. Finance and Management, 1, 19–27.
The object of this research is the government subsidization of small and medium businesses (SMB) as a factor of sustainable urban development. Under the “green city” and “sustainable city” the authors mean the balanced social, economic, and technical co-development. Moreover, the author present an original matrix for forecasting development of small and medium business in the Republic of Tatarstan until 2020, which allows making effective decisions by the branches of government responsible for development of small and medium-size businesses the region. An assessment is given to the established levels of risks in the activity of small and medium businesses based on probability method, with consideration of forecasting data presented in the official sources: GRP and financing of small and medium businesses in the Republic of Tatarstan. The research allowed concluding that in order to meet the planned targets on increasing the portion of SMB in the GRP with a preset amount of funding, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of measures on subsidization of SMB. The authors believe that it must become the main priority in the measures on subsidization of SMB across not only the region, but its capital Kazan in particular.
evaluation, the development of enterprises, forecasting, measures of financial incentives, support, entrepreneurship, efficiency, sustainable development of the city, green city, factors
Financial planning and forecasting
Novikova, E. (2019). The problems in information and analytical support of the operational analytics within the budgeting systems of Russian businesses. Finance and Management, 1, 28–40.
The subject of this research is the unstructured sequence of information flows, which manifests as the key element within the system of analytical support of budgeting in modern businesses. Thus, we can currently observe a rapid increase in the number of economic subjects, which view the management process as the process of transformation of disaggregated big data into the structured and readable information flows for managerial decision-making. At the same time, in a market environment, special value gains the analytics of information by separate categories (products, clients, departments, etc.), rather than the company as a whole. The scientific novelty consists in determination of peculiarities of information and analytical support of budgeting in modern business in the context of evolution of analytics from descriptive to prescriptive. The conducted research allow concluding that the implementation of operational analytics into the budgeting system of Russian businesses may encounter certain difficulties associated with the material and technical support of data collection, information technical processing of information flows, organizational work conditions of business as a system, and influence of human factor. As a result, the author formulates a set of solutions for the aforementioned problems, as well as control criteria as a transitioning stage towards the concept of operational analytics.
information support problems, operational analytics, budgeting system, budgeting, information gathering, information and analytical support, information flow, information, big data, accounting
Financial monitoring
Ananikyan, D.S. (2019). Migrant remittances and contradiction in the Monterrey approach . Finance and Management, 1, 41–46.
The subject of this research is the private remittances of economic migrants sent to their home country from the developed countries and accepted by the international community in accordance with the Monterrey Consensus as a resource of economic development and growth of the receiving countries’ economies, which concentrate only on the growth rate of the volume of incoming funds, rather than their origin. Attention is focused on the assessment of adequacy of the Monterrey approach in the aspect of the possibility of withdrawal of “gray” and shadow economic zone of remittances with participation of both, “donor” and “recipient” countries. Overall, the Monterrey approach seems inadequate in the assessment of monetary transfers as a source of growth and development, without differentiation. As a result of this research, the author determines the failure of only the technical regulation of the tariffs of international transfers within the framework of concept of incentivizing them as a growth resource (Monterrey Consensus). They become such only in exercising the 40 FATF recommendations, ILO Recommendation No. 86, as well as national labor, migration and tax legislation of the country of origin. The results of this research can be useful in devising measures for Russian financial regulation and oversight, as well as analytical assessment of the financial potential of the market of financial remittances.
development source, paralegality, migrant, economic, Consensus, the Monterrey, FATF, remittance, payment system, cross-border transfer
The science of financial law
Efremov, E.I., Konstantinov, N.N. (2019). Scientific theoretical foundations of the methodology of spatial differentiation of the types of subsoil use. Finance and Management, 1, 47–55.
This article examines the problems of interpretation of scientific theoretical foundations of the methodology overall, as spatial differentiation of the types of subsoil use in particular. The authors analyze and assess the characteristics and key functionalities of the methodology of the research process. Spatial attention is paid to the scientific essence of the methodology. Methodology, as a complex social phenomenon that reflects certain position of understanding, has yet to be unambiguously explained in the ontological aspect, and definitions and functionality are not clearly developed, since the key traits in various historical periods and political-economic states of society have constantly changed, which justifies the relevance of this research. Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions were made: 1) with transition of humanity into the postindustrial era of its development, accompanied by informatization of society, globalization of economy, transformation of the role of science in society, etc., the concept of methodology is included into all processes of practical activity of a human and society; 2) scientific research that attempts to achieve new objective or subjective result requires scientific theoretical methodology; 3) methodology of spatial differentiation of the types of subsoil use implies the examination of the system of principles and structuring of theoretical and practical activity of a human and society, contributing to differentiation of the basic types of subsoil use.
scientific research, theory, subsoil use, essence, economy, method, methodology, social transformation, differentiation, assessment
Accounting and standards for financial statement
Gudkov, A.A. (2019). Accounting control system and vectors for its optimization on the example of tourism industry. Finance and Management, 1, 56–67.
The subject of this research is the accounting control system operating at micro and macro level, as well as possibilities of its optimization for tourism industry. The author carefully examines such aspects of accounting control system as its proper identification and operating principles at various levels, as well as structural elements and functions. Special attention is given to the practical aspects of optimization of accounting control system in tourism industry at the macro level, intended to ensure due development of the industry under the current geopolitical and socioeconomic circumstances. The author’s main contribution into the research of operating principles of the accounting control system consists in its new interpretation depending on the level of performance, as previously it has been analyzed only with regards to a particular enterprise. The scientific novelty lies in the formulation of optimization measures of accounting control system for tourism industry to incentivize its development.
tourism incentives, tourism, financial statements, accounting and analytical system, accounting control system, control, accounting, analysis, tourist firms, tourist infrastructure
Accounting and standards for financial statement
Popov, A.Y. (2019). New approaches towards definition, recognition, and evaluation of unfinished capital investments in accounting and financial reports. Finance and Management, 1, 68–78.
The subject of this research is a set of theoretical and practical questions related to definition of unfinished capital investments (investments in fixed assets), conditions for recognition of such assets in accounting and financial reports, as well as evaluation of these objects of accounting in terms of recognition. The analysis is conducted from the perspective of the current accounting legislation, project for planned introduction of the federal accounting standard “Unfinished capital investments”, as well as international standards of financial reports, the convergence with which is the most relevant trend in development of national accounting science. The scientific novelty lies in theoretical-methodological substantiation of the principles and regulations for definition, recognition, and evaluation of unfinished capital investments in accounting and financial reports, formulation of measures for improving the legal framework to regulating the indicated object of accounting, and recommendations on adaptation of accounting policy of economic subjects for planned implementation of the new accounting standard.
The recognition of an asset in accounting, Actual costs, Acquisition value, Investment assets, Tangible non-current assets, Unfinished capital investments, Fair value, Payment deferment, fixed assets, Search assets
Financial markets
Zavrazhskii, A.V. (2019). The analysis of Russian and foreign experience of professional liability insurance for healthcare providers. Finance and Management, 1, 79–90.
The goal of this work is the examination of practical experience of insurance use form protecting national and foreign healthcare providers from professional liability risks. The subject of this research is the types, methods and terms of professional liability insurance of healthcare providers in Russia and abroad. Despite the heightened risk of liability in the conditions of insufficient funding, the national clinics are reluctant to use insurance products for protecting their interests. At the same time, in the economically developed countries, purchasing insurance is one of the intrinsic attributes of healthcare activity; a direct role in this regard is played mutual insurance companies and specialized healthcare associations. In the course of this research, the author analyzes the main types of professional liability insurance – tort liability insurance and no-fault liability insurance. The article reviews the national legislative acts applicable to possibility of healthcare liability insurance, as well as determines a number of regulatory discrepancies and contradictions that impede proliferation of healthcare insurance coverage. The research results define the key merits and demerits of the use of models of commercial and mutual insurance for covering the indicated risks. The author’s special contribution consists in the analysis of foreign experience of healthcare liability insurance, considering statistical indicators, key actors, obstacles and development prospect of the Russian market of healthcare liability insurance.
regress, insurance market, tort liability, mutual insurance, medical error, professional liability insurance, healthcare, P2P-insurance, insurance fund, compulsory insurance