Regulations of the government and municipal orders
Tsybulskaia, V.I. (2018). Particularities of Applying the Risk-Oriented Approach to Controlling Purchases In Terms of Antimonopoly Compliance. Finance and Management, 1, 1–7.
The article is devoted to the activity of supervising agencies that control the sphere of purchases by state companies and corporations from the point of view of their using the risk-oriented approach. The author of the article analyzes the term 'compliance' and clarifies the definition of antimonopoly compliance as a system of measures undertaken by economic entities in order to comply with the regulations regarding purchases as well as leverages used by the state to render timely control measures. Antimonopoly compliance is defined as a two-level system which elements need to be further developed at the micro- and macro-levels. In the course of her research the author has used such methods as analysis and synthesis which allows to summarize the research results as well as the method of abstract modelling that allows to present the mechanism of involving supervisory agencies into the compliance system. The main conclusion of the research is that the author describes a practical opportunity for implementing the risk-oriented approach to carrying out control activities in the sphere of purchases taking into account aforesaid advantages thereof. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author also offers a matrix of risk for practical implementation. As a result of the research, the author describes risk criteria, methods to define risk groups and particularities of the influence of control authorities on relevant groups of state companies and corporations.
criteria for evaluation, state-owned company, budgetary system, risk-oriented approach, efficiency, state control, public administration, antimonopoly compliance, procurement, management of risks
Financial monitoring
Ivko, D.G. (2018). Estimating Russian Company Value: Risks Related to Using the Method of Market Multipliers. Finance and Management, 1, 8–22.
In his article Ivko analyzes the method of market multipliers in estimating the value of a Russian company. Through his research Ivko gives an answer to the question whether this method is actually beneficial. The research involves the analysis of 46 Russian companies operating in 9 economic sectors. The author also touches upon opportunities and validity of applying multipliers of peer companies, advantages and disadvantages of that method. According to the researcher, there is enough ground to apply the method of peer company multipliers in case we want a fast estimation, or as an additional method to prove the company value that was calculated using other methods (revenue-based or cost-based). Through caculation and evaluation of the correlation coefficient for a number of economic sectors of the Russian Federation, the author defines a relationship between volatility of share price and volatility of price multipliers P/E and P/B and analyzes the force and direction of that relationship. The researcher also provides an evaluation of possibilities and validity of applying multipliers of regional peer companies to evaluating the Russian company values for the period since 2006 till 2016. The results of the research described in this article prove that the peer company method creates serious risks i evaluating the Russian company value which may result in an incorrect and very different from the 'expected by the market' company value. All economic sectors have their own history of development, structure specifics and particularities of price formation. To reduce the risk of using the multiplier method, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary regional analysis of the existing correlation and analyze volatility of share prices and indicators that reflect the results of the company's activity for the period. The calculations may then answer the question whether the multiplier method should be used and to what degree the results can be 'fair' and 'right' for the company.
correlation, share price, volatility, valuation, multiplier, market approach, coefficient of determination, company value, comparisons, Risk
Tax law
Kolesnikov, Y.A., Sarkisyan, A.K. (2018). Set-off of Tax Liability Claims During Bankruptcy of Credit Organisations: Anbalysis of Law and Judicial Practice. Finance and Management, 1, 23–30.
The subject of the research is the analysis of laws, and practical implementation of these laws, regulating the performance of tax liability by a taxpayer. The object of the research is the implementation of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provisions to legal relations arising in the process of set-off of tax liabilities. The authors of the article examine such aspects of the topic as analysis of the institution of good faith of a taxpayer including actions that cause unjustified tax benefit and performance of tax obligations and actions of credit organisations that support performance of these obligations by a taxpayer. The methodological basis of the research is the research methods, in particular, general research methods (logical method, systems analysis, deductive method, analytical method, generalisation) and specific research methods (comparative law, formal law, etc.). These methods allowed to study legal phenomena from the point of view of their interaction and interdependence, define tendencies and make generalisations and conclusions. The main conclusions of the research include the authors' recommendations on how to improve tax laws including introduction of the provisions of the judicial practice in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The authors also offer their own definition of taxpayer's good faith, describe specific features and evaluation criteria thereof. These conclusions may serve as the basis for further researches as well as teaching law and finances.
judicial practice, banks, bankruptcy, good faith, tax duty, Russian Federation Tax Code, taxes, set-off of claims, legislation, Sentral bank
Economic control and management
Naugolnova, I.A. (2018). Consolidated Accounting of Production Costs and Calculation of the Cost of Production in Industrial Enterprises with Small-Scale Production and Order Production Type. Finance and Management, 1, 31–39.
In her article Naugolnikova describes the features of the cost formation and cost accounting at industrial enterprises with small-scale production and order production type. The author also touches upon specific calculation of the cost of industrial products by applying job-order product costing method depending on the specializatin of an enterprise that may be a technological, substantive, or a mixed type. The author reveals the problems of the process of calculating the cost of production with long production cycle in terms of management and accounting. The content of calculation articles of industrial enterprises is also provided. The methodological basis of the research includes methods such as logical, structural, functional analysis, and statistical and economic-mathematical methods. The author analyzes the dynamics and final finance indicators of the engine-building factory 'Kuznetsov' located in the Samara Region. The author describes drawbacks of applying the standard costing method and emphasizes the need to apply the margin approach to defining the cost of sales, assortment policy and volumes of sales based on the example of the Kuznetsov Factory.
contribution margin, margin approach, long production cycle, order production, small-scale production, industrial enterprise, costing, cost accounting, breakeven point, engine building
Taxation of organizations
Izvekov, S.S. (2018). The Correspondence Between Penalty Fee Based on the Tax Law and 'Moratorium Percents' Based on the Bankruptcy Law. Finance and Management, 1, 40–44.
Legal regulation of Russian enterprises' bankruptcy attracts attenion of many researchers, however, they mostly focus on theoretical and practical issues that may arise in the process of applying bankruptcy procedures set forth by the law and quite rarely discuss such questions as the bankruptcy tax regime. The correspondence between tax and levy laws and bankruptcy laws have never been a matter of complete research before even though certain aspects have been analyzed in some researches. The present research is based on the method of comparative law. In his research Izvekov describes contradictions of the bankruptcy laws and tax and levies laws anduses such methods as legal modelling to solve the problem. The author has developed theoretical and practical recommendations on how to achieve the aforesaid objecttive in the spheres of tax legislation and bankruptcy legislation. The research results can be used by authorized authorities and arbitration courts as mechanisms of performing tax obligations modified according to the order set forth by the Bankruptcy Law. The researcher also makes recommendations on how to improve the provisions of the tax law and bankruptcy law that provide for the fiscal interest of the state.
bankruptcy law, settlement agreement, insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidated damages, moratorium, penalty fee, tax, obligatory payment, legal source