Innovations, innovative activities
Ilina, S.A. (2016). Business Mechanism for Commercialization of Innovations at Small and Medium Enterprises and Evaluation Algorithm. Finance and Management, 4, 111. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20750 Retrieved from
The object of the research is the business mechanism. The subject of the research is the commercialization of innovations at medium and small enterprises. The present research has a purpose to define gaps in the current business mechanism of commercialization of innovations at small and medium enterprises, to offer improving measures, and to develop the algorithm for assessing efficiency of the improved mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises. The author also analyzes the nature, contents and structure of the business mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises, and describes legal grounds private mechanisms are based on. Within the framework of the research Ilyina has used the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, argumentation and other methods of formal logic. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers her own definition of the business mechanism of innovation commercialization. She defines five basic private mechanisms in the structure of the business mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises. The author also defines the main problems of the current business mechanism of innovation enterprises at small and medium enterprises and offers measures to improve it. The author develops the algorithm for assessing the efficiency of the improved mechanism of innovation commercialization at small and medium enterprises.
assessment of a mechanism's efficiency, mechanism assessing algorithm, innovation activity, innovation enterprise, medium enterprises, small enterprises, innovations, commercialization, commercialization of innovations, business mechanism
Question at hand
Akopdzhanova, M. (2016). Determination of the Status of the Joint Stock Company: New Legislation. Finance and Management, 4, 1217. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.15905 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is to examine the changes made to the current Russian legislation on joint stock companies, legal aspects of its application based on the data of short stories, as well as their role and importance for the regulation of civil turnover, improve the effectiveness of the enforcement of legislation by the participants of economic relations. This article examines the procedure of recognition of the joint stock company as a company having public status, as well as how changes are made to the appropriate status. Based on the characteristics of the status of the recognised rules of alienation of shares and equity securities of the company, convertible into shares. The methodological basis of the study was a set of General scientific and special methods of attainment of objective socio-legal reality in the study area: methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, formal-logical method. In the research process were defined function and legal value, legal consequences of the change of status of a legal entity (joint stock company). In this article attention is also paid to consideration of the types of legal liability, occurring in case of violation of the order of the activities of joint-stock company.The conclusions of this article can be useful for law enforcement agencies, students, graduate students, and all those interested in jurisprudence.
joint stock company, securities, status, shares, law, right of pre-emption, disposal of shares, the transaction, responsibility, charter
Question at hand
Novichkova, O.V. (2016). Diversification of Credit Risk by Application of a New Banking Product. Finance and Management, 4, 1824. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.16958 Retrieved from
Commercial activity of the organizations of the Russian banking sector is subject to risks which differ in a big variety and rather high level in comparison with a portfolio of these risks at the banks functioning in the countries with stabler and developed economy. Mainly, it is caused by complexity of an economic situation in Russia, imperfection of its banking system. Inevitability and importance of risk in banking predetermine need of complex studying of all its aspects as an obligatory element of the economic researches preceding the beginning of bank activity or which are carried out in its process. One of the most important in this system is risk management. Risk it is possible and it is necessary to operate, using various methods allowing to predict approach of a risk event and to soften its consequences in a certain degree. The research subject is bank risks and a control system of them; the work purpose – disclosure of the main approaches to classification of financial risks of bank, methods of an assessment and management of them, and also definition of ways of their minimization.Monographic research, analysis of structure and dynamics, methods of the economic analysis, methods of the statistical analysis. The analysis is carried out and the directions of minimization of financial risks of commercial bank are defined. On the basis of the revealed features introduction of a new banking product, namely providing leasing transactions on acquisition of agricultural machinery that will allow to reduce the level of credit risk as the main component of financial risks of the organizations of the banking sector is offered.
leasing deals, risk minimization mechanisms, diversification of credit risks, risk management, sustainability of a banking sector, risk portfolio , financial risks, financial results of activity, expenses, profits
Financial politics
Botkin, I.O., Pytkin, A.N., Syatchikhin, S.V. (2016). The Mechanism of Managing Local Budgets On the Basis of Socia Partnership. Finance and Management, 4, 2535. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20907 Retrieved from
The article is devoted to the questions related to the condition of local budgets in Russia and established methodological approaches to managing the social sector. The authors anaylze the process of managing local budgets. They ntoe that the current Russian system of local budget management do not allow the adoption and execution of quality management decisions which would improve the financial condition of municipal units. This creates the need to develop a mechanism of local budget managment. The purpose of the present research is to develop a mechanism of managing local budgets taking into account social partnership. Distinguished feature of the offered mechanism is the introduction of particular elements that ensure coordination of the process of decision making and execution of management decisions in the sphere of local budgets, in particular, stages of the process of alignment of interests, coordination methods and instruments and improving institutions. In their research the authors have used the dialectic method, systems' approach, methods of theoretical substantiation, scientific abstraction, generalization, comparison and interest matrix. The authors describe the current condition of local budgets in Russia, analyze established methodological approaches to managing the social sector, demonstrate their relation to modern practice of managing social finances in Russia and develop the mechanism for managing local budgets taking into account social partnership aimed at ensuring coordination of the processes of decision making and execution in the aforesaid sphere. As a result of the research, the authors conclude that implementation of the aforesaid mechanism will allow to ensure adoption and execution of management decisions aimed at improving the financial condition of municipal units.
municipal reform, inter-budget transfers, finances organisation, local budget, local finances, fiscal federalism, tax policy, budgetary policy, managing social finances, inter-budget relations
Financial monitoring
Botkin, I.O., Pytkin, A.N., Khisamova, A.I. (2016). Procedural Guidelines for Assessing the Financial Capacity of an Enterprise. Finance and Management, 4, 3651. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20887 Retrieved from
To develop development strategies and make competent management decisions, it is necessary to have a fair presentation of peculiarities of a modern enterprise, completely fulfil one's obligations and fund investment projects. At the present time researchers and experts use a number of methods for assessing the financial capacity that can provide an overall evaluation of a company's financial status. However, these methods consider financial indicators only for the accounting period and do not cover dynamics of financial indicators over years which does not allow timely notice and record and rate positive or negative tendencies in the finances management. The purpose of the present research is to develop methods for evaluating the financial potential of an enterprise and make procedural guidelines about how to develop it. To obtain valid results, the authors have used such research methods as the monographic method, logical and comparative analysis, analytical grouping of data, methods of the absolute and relative values. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors combine two criteria within the framework of one evaluation method. These criteria include the value of the financial indicator and the growth rate of the financial indicator. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors have described three categories of the financial potential: high, medium and low. The method was tested based on the analysis of 50 industrial enterprises. As a result of their evaluation, the authors have defined the main financial and economic problems faced by enterprises at the marco- and micro-levels and make procedural guidelines aimed at developing the financial capacity of enterprises. The method developed by the author can be used to evaluate the financial capacity as well as to develop the theory of evaluating the financial status and financial capacity of enterprises.
financial capacity of an enterprise, financial independece, financial stability, rating evaluation method, return on assets, financial indicators, financial accounts, managing finances, financial resources, finances of an industrial institution
Investments and investing
Petrushina, L.O. (2016). The Information Support of the Business Investment Attractiveness Economic Analysis. Finance and Management, 4, 5266. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20657 Retrieved from
The research aims on the identification and removing the disadvantages of modern treat-ments to forming the relevant information support of the business investment attractiveness eco-nomic analysis. The validity and the exhaustiveness of the data that is valuated have the great im-pact on the managerial decision making process quality inside the organization and on the risk level that investors outside have. The economic conditions are rapidly changing, creating new tasks and new tools that causes the accounting, collecting and processing of information adaptation to new requirements. The text highlights the main problems of the relevant information support of the business investment attractiveness economic analysis forming including the actuality of Russian accounting statements, their exhaustiveness for describing non-quantitative characteristics of the business examined, factors and risks determining the organization development, which could be important for the investment decision making process. To improve the information support of the business investment attractiveness economic analysis is possible by means of using the IFRS or the transition to reporting on sustainable development. Such forms of reporting have the more clarity, expose the qualitative business characteristics, and involve the information about determining fac-tors and risks. The research results are in the sphere of the great number of users interest. It could be the financial departments workers, the business head, top-managers, creditors, investors, and also the employees of the state Supervisory bodies. Considering the external conditions instability, new treatments to forming the information support of the business investment attractiveness valuation promote the decreasing of the risk level connected with the investment choice, the growth of trust among the investment process parties, the investment inflow, including the foreign investing, the economy stabilization.
investment attractiveness valuation, investment attractiveness analysis, integrated report, sustainable development, IFRS accounting statements, analysis information support, economic analysis, investment attractiveness of an organization, investment analysis, definition of investment attractiveness
Invitation to a debate
Synieokyi, O.V. (2016). The Reconstruction of Release Chronology of Vinyl Records and CDs in the Domestic Record Industry with the Scientific Description of the Evidence of Counterfeiting (The Examples of Foreign Rock Music 1970 -1990's). Finance and Management, 4, 6795. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.16859 Retrieved from
The analysis of foreign rock music in the domestic concept of recording the example of the best examples of records issued in the Soviet period «The Melody Firm», and «first wave» CDs in the 1990’s. The author proceeds from the fact that Filofoniya (collection of recorded music) is an important element of audiovisual culture, consumer version of the phonographic products. In this article shown as phonographic products with recordings of the best representatives of foreign rock music (and not the least illegal!) Formed in the Soviet, and then – in Russian, the special socio-cultural stratum of society with their specific rules and traditions. Methodological priorities are the comparative-historical methodology of musicology and theory of social communications. In the study of individual features in the article used a structured approach, descriptive method, hierarchical and faceted classification methods, the method of terminologic, logical-conceptual methods and motivic analysis. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that as a result of generalization of quantitative and qualitative indicators released in the Soviet Union Western carriers with recordings of rock music for the first time comprehensively substantiated the thesis of a clash of two cultures – the phonographic and philophonic, happened in the Soviet-Russian sector of the global musical space. A number of positions reviewed by the author, many enhanced with new fact-finding. As a result, the main result of the study is to identify the patterns of development of the recording of rock music on the stages of production and consumption of media products in the phonographic period from early 1970’s until the end of the 1990’s.
bootleg DVDs, label, audio recording, series, The Melody Firm, rock group, CD (Compact Disk), flexible plate, minion, giant disk
Economic control and management
Radchenko, Y.I., Aksenova, A.V. (2016). On the Question about In-Process Implementation of Technically Based Performance Standards . Finance and Management, 4, 96101. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.16058 Retrieved from
The article is devoted to the in-process implementation of technically based performance standards. It is an important topic due to the fact that changes in the process of labor and production management are reflected in worktime standards. These standards may be reviewed as a result of new equipment or technology being improved or implemented, or other activities increasing the growth of labor productivity as well as in case of operating physically or morally outmoded equipment. The authors of the article describe the procedures for reviewing and adopting new time and performance standards. They also provide the necessary legislative and regulatory framework in the sphere of performance standards. In the course of their research the authors have used a set of general and special research methods such as dialectic method, method of formal logic (aristotelian method), comparative analysis, analysis of research literature and legal documents, and analysis and generalization of data about production process and components of the production process depending on particular penal enforcement procedures. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that there is no single approach to labour standards of direct workers and implementation of technically based performance standards at different enterprises of the Russian Federation. The main contribution to the topic is that the authors provide a detailed description of the need to implement technically based performance standards and give relevant statistics. They also describe procedures for implementing performance and time standards and reviewing current standards which may create the basis for new standards at production enterprises.
rate of development, regulations time, law, Labour Code, GDP, production, labor, rationing, Ministry of Labour, labor productivity
Economic control and management
Izmailov, A.M., Bazhutkina, L.P., Yakhneeva, I.V. (2016). Developing Entrepreneurial Entities under the Conditions of the Information Knowledge Environment. Finance and Management, 4, 102111. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20631 Retrieved from
In this article the authors view the concept of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial entities as well as development of entrepreneurial entities under the conditions of the information knowledge environment. The authors analyze the term 'information-knowledge environment', describes particularities of the information knowledge environment and offer their own interpretation of the term that defines the main tendencies and factors of the information knowledge environment development and its influence on entrepreneurial entities. The authors also distinguish between knowledge and information. The subject of the research is the development of entrepreneurial entities under the conditions of the information-knowledge environment. In their research the authors have used the method of the ascent from the abstract to the concrete which implies conditional dismembering of a research object and describing its features using a number of terms and characteristics. The authors have also used the method of analysis. They have analyzed the term 'information-knowledge environment', defines features of the information-knowledge environment and offers their own interpretation of the term 'information-knowledge environment'. They also outline the main trends and factors of the development of the information-knowledge environment and its influence on entrepreneurial entities as well as describe differences between knowledge and information.
entrepreneurship, economic systems, socio-economic systems, knowledge, information, entrepreneurial environment, information environment, system, medium formation, business environment
Economic control and management
Izmailov, A.M., Bazhutkina, L.P., Yakhneeva, I.V. (2016). Peculiarities of Managing Changes at Pharmaceutical Business Entities. Finance and Management, 4, 112123. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20629 Retrieved from
The present article is devoted to business structurse as socio-economic systems that function in the pharmaceutical sector. The authors provide information about market shares held by the leading pharmaceutical companies in 2015. Business entities and structures are being viewed from the point of view of socio-economic systems. The subject of the research is the development of the microlevel of socio-economic systems (business entities) taking into account peculiarities of the pharmaceutical sector. The authors provide a description and classification of peculiarities of such business, define the term 'socio-economic system' and describe particularities of managing changes in pharmaceutial business entities. The authors have used the method of the ascent from the abstract to the concrete that implies conditional dismembering a research object and description of all its features using a number of terms and characteristics. The main results of the research are the following: systematization of pharmaceutical business entities according to three indicators (market, economic and political-legal; description of pecularities of managing changes at pharmaceutical business entities (complex structuralization, integrativity, possible elements with different targets, goals and development paths); and division of the research subject into two parts: pharmaceutical business entities and environment as well as description of the intensivity of interaction between these entities and environment.
pharmaceutical industry, entrepreneurship, economic systems, socio-economic systems, knowledge, control, entrepreneurship, system, medium formation, business environment
Economic control and management
Plaksunova, T.A. (2016). Condition of the Labor Market and Labor Potential Under Modern Conditions of Russia. Finance and Management, 4, 124134. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20615 Retrieved from
The object of the research is the modern labor market in Russia and the subject of the research is specific features of the market development, tendencies and problems. The author of the article analyzes economic activity of the population, levels of employment and unemployment as well as its general potential, time-related underemployment, and underused labor in Russia's economy. The author describes areas for developing the government's labor resources policy taking into account defined tendencies and forecasted problems arising as a result of import substitution and innovative way of economic development outlined by the government as 'strategic'. The author conducts an analysis of statistical data provided by official reports of different authorities by using such research methods as summary, grouping, comparison, analysis of dynamics, etc. The main conclusions of the research are the following. Analysis of actual data has demonstrated that for the Russian economy it is quite typical to underuse labor resources in different ways such as: unemployment, involuntary economic inactivity, clear and hidden underemployment. At the present time the main factor that hinders effective development and use of labor resources is the disrepancy between demand and offer for qualified labor and particular specialists in different regions. Taking into account the process of import substitution and increasing innovative production by Russian manufacturers, it should be expected that requirements for a potential worker will be significantly increased which, in its turn, will sharpen the problems of employment and unemployment.
problem of employment, employment policy, underutilized labor, employment, unemployment, import substitution, workforce, labour market, potential unemployment, economic activity of the population
Regional economy
Melezhechkina, Y.Y., Or'kina, T.G. (2016). Assessment of Tax Security in the Republic of Mordovia. Finance and Management, 4, 135142. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.17408 Retrieved from
in their research the authors underline that there is not enough research devoted to the indicative analysis of regional tax security. The fact that there is no stable tax system, indicators or treshold amounts, complete theoretical or practical basis for analysing tax security proves the need to conduct an in-depth research that involves an indicative analysis in this sphere. The authors present a set of indicators to describe the status of tax security in territories whch can be assessed based on the analysis of open information sources. Using the aforesaid indicators, the authors have carried out analysis of tax security in the Republic of Mordovia over the period since 2010 till 2014. The authors use indicators calculated based on the Russian Federation data as treshold values. In the course of the research the authors have also used general research methods and methods of indicative analysis. The information basis of the research involves data of the Federal Tax Service of Russia as wll as Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Mordovia. As a result of the research, the author proves the need to extend a set of tax security indicators taking into account indicators used in foreign practice, in particular: integrated complete value-added tax rate; tax wedge; and tax elasticity ratio. The authors also carried out an assessment of tax elasticity based on the data for the Russian Federation and Republic of Mordovia over the period since 2010 till 2014. Results of the analysis of the indicators for the Republic of Mordovia prove the fact that there is a high rate of taxpayers' debt and low independence of a regional budget.
tax authorities, taxes, levies, shadow economy expansion, Republic of Mordovia, economic security of a region, tax risk, taxable capacity, tax security, indicators of tax security
Regional economy
Svechnikova, N., Konopatskaya, E., Pogorelova, E. (2016). Study of the Knowledge Transfer Processes in the Context of Information Society Development. Finance and Management, 4, 143160. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20882 Retrieved from
The subject of study are knowledge transfer processes in the Russian Federation. Object of research are the human and physical capital development processes in the context of the information society development. The relevance of the research problem due to the small achievements in the field of creation of innovative technologies in leading areas of economic activity and low level of commercialization of results of scientific-research sector. The goal of the article lies in the study of the processes of knowledge transfer in the Russian Federation, to identify their impact on regional innovation ecosystem in the context of information society development. The leading method of the research is the verification of models of human capital as a factor of information society development, enabling to reveal regularities of its formation for the Russian Federation and the countries with developed market economies. The main results of this work are: the analysis of processes of information society development as the fundamental element of formation of regional innovation ecosystems; verification of implemented models of human capital development; the processes of human capital formation as a factor of information society development in the regions in dynamics; the processes of knowledge transfer in the context of information society development. The article can be useful in the formation of scientifically sound long-term strategies and medium-term programs of information society development at Federal and regional levels.
verification of the model, econometric modeling, human capital, physical capital, information society, innovation ecosystem, knowledge transfer, non-linear regression, correlation and regression analysis, factor analysis
Budgeting process
Sergienko, N.S. (2016). Regional Experience of Liquidity Management of the Unified Account of the Budget. Finance and Management, 4, 161172. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.17773 Retrieved from
The object of research is the mechanism of liquidity management of unified budget accounts in the Russian Federation through the compilation of cash plan, placing the available balance on bank deposits. The subject of research is the technology of the single budget account, used in the execution of the budget. The author details the theoretical and practical aspects of the free residue of the budget on a single account of the regional budget. Particular attention is paid placement technology in bank deposits available balance the budget. The experience of some Russian regions based on the study of dynamics of revenues from accommodation residues. The methodological basis is based on scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and in the special (economic and mathematical and statistical). A key conclusion of the results of the study: to improve the mechanism for placing the free balance on the single account of regional budgets require union members such procedures and consolidation at the legislative level criteria for the selection of financial institutions participating in the offering, in order to minimize the risks involved. The novelty of the study is that research of regional experience virtually not represented in scientific articles of economists in the Russian Federation. The practical significance of the research results is the possibility of using the proposed variant of the interaction of the Federal Treasury and the financial authorities of the Russian Federation.
clear balance, distribution, liquidity management, principle of cash unity, liquidity, single treasury account, single budget account, budget risks, budget, treasurer's office
Taxation of organizations
Kazhaeva, V.G. (2016). Corporate Property Tax as an Instrument for Expanding Energy Efficiency of the Russian Economy. Finance and Management, 4, 173180. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.17415 Retrieved from
The article is devoted to the problems of the fiscal expansion of energy efficiency as part of the Russian economy. In her article Kazhaeva analyzes indicators of energy security over the period since 2009 till 2013. She describes rare instruments that are used as tax incentives to increase energy efficiency in Russia based on the effective legislation. Special attention is paid to the property tax privilege granted for buying energy-efficient equipment as a very important instrument for encouraging energy-efficient modernization of basic assets. Based on the anaysis of data, the author defins the main problems arising in the process of encouraging energy-efficient Russian economy at the present time. The research has been made using the indicative assessment method and economical statistical methods. To develop recommendations on how to improve tax incentives for investments into energy-efficient production, the author analyzes experience of foreign states. As a result of her research, Kazhaeva makes conclusions about sector-specific privileges that do not cover the spheres of production and energy distribution; the fact that taxpayers do not demonstrate a demand in these privileges because the share of taxpayers using privileges granted for energy-efficient production out of the general number of taxpayers is too low due to limited knowledge about privileges and benefits. The author emphasizes the need to pay more attention to alternative energetics. According to the author, this will have a positive effect not only on energy security and contribute to the sustainable development of Russia's economy.
energy-efficient equipment, alternative energetics, fuel and energy resources, energy consumption, property, encouragement, energy efficiency, privilege, tax, energy security
Taxation of organizations
Bobrova, A.V. (2016). Factor Analysis of Tax Efficiency. Finance and Management, 4, 181190. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20606 Retrieved from
The subject of the research is the assessment of the degree to which taxes influence financial indicators of company's performance in the process of tax optimization. The assessment involves division of the factor model into two elements: assessment of the influence of taxes on profits and expenses of an economic entity and assessment of the infuence of taxes on one another. The purpose of the research is to perform a quantitative analysis of the influence of taxes on company's financial indicators and analyze the mutual influence of taxes on the optimization process in order to make a grounded decisin about tax planning and to abstract from an activity performed by a company and taxation scheme used by them. The methodological basis of the research involves principles and methods of calculating tax optimization criterion that reflects the effect expected from tax planning. The basic optimization criterion was compelted with the ratio taking into account factors and specific features of taxpayer's activity and structure of taxes payable. When making the final formula of a universal criterion the author takes into account the optimization sign that reflects situations when the decrease in the amount of some taxes leads to the growth of others. The result of the research is the calculation of the ratio according to the universal criterion formula for an existing company and description of regular patterns of taxes influencing one another in the process of tax optimization. Taxes are classified into groups according to the evaluation factor of optimization practicability: taxes needed to be optimized in a mandatory manner; taxes that may be optimized if there are certain conditions allowing to achieve a high financial and time effect; and taxes that should not optimized at all. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers the evaluation factor of the influence of taxes on company's financial indicators when calculating the economic effect expected from tax optimization; defines groups of taxes according to calculated evaluation factor of the optimization practicability; and suggests the system of interaction of taxes in the process of tax planning. The author also gives recommendations on how to record the evaluation factor of the influence of taxes on company's financial indicators according to the formula of calculating the economic effect expected from optimization depending on the choice of taxes for optimization of a company using general scheme or simplified scheme of taxation or refusal from ineffective schemes of optimization and calculation of mutual influence of taxes in the process of tax planning.
profit, enterprise, factor model, tax structure, mutual influence of taxes, tax planning, efficiency, expense, revenues, taxes
Financial markets
Knyazheva, O.V. (2016). Consumer Lending Under the Conditions of the Crisis of 2014-2015. Finance and Management, 4, 191196. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.16550 Retrieved from
Consumer crediting shows a prominent aspect in the decision of social problems. As creditors not only banks and the credit organizations, but also the trading companies, also citizens or the enterprises on whom citizens work in this case can act. During crisis in economy the disturbing phenomena are observed. In given article the situation in the market of crediting in Russia in conditions of crisis is considered, the basic tendencies of the market of consumer crediting are analyze. Objective of the given work is not only the analysis of the market of consumer crediting of the Russian Federation now, but also consideration of expediency of decision-making on a capture of the credit in realities of economic and political conditions on a world scene. Dynamics of interest rates under consumer credits during crisis 2014-2015 is investigate, variation of volume of crediting of physical bodies is considered. As a result of research answers to questions on are given how to act to citizens during economic instability, and whether it is necessary to take the consumer credit at present time. The author reveals dynamics of volumes of crediting of physical bodies in the first quarter 2015. The consumer credit is the convenient economic tool. The market of consumer crediting shows high paces of growth though gradual delay of an increase of the given parameter recently is observe. It is possible to assume, that data about decrease in paces of growth are connected with decrease in growth of GDP, strengthening household debt load, to introduction of additional requirements to capitals of banks, a disparity economic and political situation, uncertainty of the population in tomorrow. The author makes a conclusion that now the population should refuse short-term loans as external events on political and financial arena can assist reduction of wages, and it, in turn, can turn back the extremely negative consequences.
private loans, banking sector, exchange adjustments, loan interest, facility, key interest rate, consumer lending, crisis, gross domestic product, debt load
Financial markets
Rozanova, L.I. (2016). Problems of Microfinance Services Market Regulation: Territorial and Functional Aspects. Finance and Management, 4, 197214. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.18953 Retrieved from
The subject of research is the process of microfinance services market development and methods of its control. The relevance of the chosen subject is due to the divergence of goal-setting and tseledostizhencheskoy function in the formation of the legal framework for the effective functioning of the financial services market in the region. Featuring in the last decade an exponential upward trend, however, the market mikrofinsovyh services in its development has generated a lot of problems in lending to the insolvent population. Avalanche-like growth of arrears contributed to the emergence of informal collectors of services beyond the civilized ways of forced debt collection. The reaction of the individual regions on the increase in social conflicts in this regard was to ban the activities of collectors that the media was seen as a manifestation of separatism. At the same time the root cause of conflicts that arise to return the debt many consider unreasonably high interest rates, which make loans to microfinance institutions, offering first streamline their activities. The article focuses on the positive scenario of the development of services in the field of microfinance, taking into account the historical Russian and foreign experience.The methodology is based on the use of the subjective approach based on the analysis of economic phenomena, where the economic entity acting on the world, serves as the starting point, and an object of economic analysis is the behavior of the subject of the economy, in particular the microfinance market institutions. At the same time the need and usefulness of the services provided by the subject is seen as a major category. Also applies a positive and normative analysis, which represented the basis of the first vision of economic processes and phenomena as they are, and at the base of a second - what should be. Because the processes and phenomena develop and improve or go away from the life that is in constant dialectical movement, the inner connection of phenomena that exist in reality and in their development, are studied with the use of the dialectical-materialist approach.According to the study, we can conclude that we should proceed from the interests of the regions, and at the heart of regulatory mechanisms should be territorial and functional differentiation of the activities of various financial market institutions, contributes to a more effective control in regulating the microfinance services market. Only strict restrictive norms will contribute to the effective development of the microfinance services market and curb opportunism of economic entities of the microfinance market, when the alleged statutory objectives are untrue and at odds with the social objectives of welfare improvement. The element of novelty of this study is the change in the methodological approach to defining the field of activity of institutions of microfinance market.
activities of collectors, microfinance institutions, credit cooperatives, poverty reduction, values and norms, development of small business, availability of financial services, market localization, territorial and functional differentiation, financial market
Financial markets
Filichkina, Y.Y., Morozova, G.V. (2016). Research of Russian Market of Mortgage Housing Crediting Under the Conditions of Crisis. Finance and Management, 4, 215224. doi: 10.7256/2409-7802.2016.4.20743 Retrieved from
In this article the authors examines the nature of mortgage lending. The object of research is the market of mortgage housing crediting in the conditions of crisis. The subject of research is a set of economic relations developing between participants of the market of mortgage lending. In the result of the analysis of mortgage lending the main problems: the difficult economic situation in the country, high interest rates on mortgage loans, insufficient stimulation of demand and supply in the mortgage market, the low level of development of the market of securitization of loans, etc. Main research methods are a systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, document analysis, comparative analysis, statistical data analysis. Conclusions scientific novelty. As a solution to these problems is proposed to develop the interaction between government and participants of the mortgage lending market by improving the legislative framework of the mortgage market, formation of conditions and programs that stimulate supply and demand in this segment of the financial sector, improving infrastructure, bringing additional financial resources of subjects of the Russian economy on the market of residential mortgage loans. The statistical base of the study served as indicators of the market of housing (mortgage housing) lending the Bank of Russia.
outstanding debt, interest rate, borrower, creditor, housing construction, model lending, housing credit, source of financing, securitization, mortgage bond