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«Philosophy and Culture» (18+)

¹ 6, 2024
Published since
2013 year

Philosophy and art
P. 1 - 10
P. 11 - 37
Philosophy of religion
P. 38 - 60
The dialogue of cultures
P. 61 - 73
Philosophy of religion
P. 74 - 92
Philosophy of technology
P. 93 - 103
Philosophy and art
P. 104 - 122
Philosophy and culture
P. 123 - 139
The new paradigm of science
P. 140 - 152
Tradition and innovation
P. 153 - 162
Social philosophy
P. 163 - 181
Philosophy and culture
P. 182 - 193
Philosophy and art
P. 194 - 208
P. 209 - 218
P. 219 - 226
Philosophy of science and education
P. 227 - 235
Contents details