Philosophy of science
Sushchin, M.A. (2024). Defense of Integrative Pluralism in the Cognitive Sciences. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1–15.
This article considers the opposition between the pluralist and unificationist stances in the philosophy of cognitive sciences. The choice between pluralism and unificationism is important both in terms of discussing the current methodological practices and with respect to the debates about the future of the cognitive studies. As a starting point, the author takes his own idea of theoretical complexes. One of its most significant normative consequences is theoretical pluralism. There have been a number of skeptical arguments against pluralism, including the fear of generating many useless theories and dissipating of efforts, as well as the doubts about the differences between pluralism and relativism. One of the most recent objections states that integrative pluralism implies a tension, an instability, if one prioritizes the epistemic quality of explanatory depth. The author addresses each of these objections in turn. The constructive variety of pluralism is distinguished from unbridled pluralism and relativism by its commitment to the idea of improving explanatory, predictive, and other characteristics of a theory through the presence of alternatives and their collisions, mutual criticisms. Integrative pluralism does not entail instability, since the values of unification and explanatory depth cannot be prescribed to the cognitive sciences ex cathedra, without taking into account the character of the cognitive process revealed in empirical studies. The pluralist stance appears to be incompatible with radical projects of unification of the cognitive studies, though there are many opportunities for more moderate integrative initiatives. One such initiative is the recent idea of integrative experiment design, which involves constructing a space of experiments for a particular problem. Testing theories by selectively sampling points in this space and then updating them accordingly may be a key to the integration of experimental observations.
theoretical complexes, characteristics of a good theory, relativism, unified theory, unification, unificationism, proliferation, integrative pluralism, cognitive sciences, philosophy of science
Ontology: being and nihility
Vorob'eva, E.Y. (2024). The Mother Archetype as a substantial constant of socio-anthropological metaphysics. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 16–28.
In the era of deconstruction of modern metaphysics, the search for unshakable supports of hyper-changeable existence is still relevant. The research problem can be defined as the need to consider archetypes as metaphysical categories of socio-anthropological systems that can set ideological frameworks for concepts that comprehend the changing picture of the world. Worldview universals expressed in ontological and other philosophical categories arise from the constructs of mythological consciousness that precede rational systems and are their “general existential” projections. But it is possible to determine the features of national archetypes only in comparison with other cultural and historical systems. We set the task to consider the archetype of the Mother as a substantial constant of Russian civilization. This archetype is interpreted as a stable phenomenon of the collective unconscious, which has a system-forming influence on the philosophical picture of the world in conditions of uncertainty. Images of the collective unconscious are an integral part of the picture of the world and penetrate the structure of existence. A researcher of archetypes sooner or later comes to ascertain their multi-layered nature, rooted in substantial depths. Despite social changes, the challenges facing the people and the country remain the same as hundreds of years ago. And the answers to these challenges remain the same, based on the properties of the Mother archetype in general, and the features that form the civilizational archetype in its universal and unique dimensions. It can be argued that the image of the Motherland is a manifestation of the main characteristics of the archetypes of the Mother-Raw-Earth and the Mother of God. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the ontology of the Mother archetype, associated with the very existence of civilization and culture of Russia.
Motherland, Mother of God, Mother-Syra-Earth, symbol, archetype, Orthodoxy, The palimpsest method, metaphysics, Socioanthropology, Russian culture
Philosophy of history
Gorokhov, P.A. (2024). Ivan the Terrible as a problem of Russian Philosophy of History. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 29–48.
The purpose of the article is to consider the historiosophical ideas about the personality of Ivan IV the Terrible and his role in the history of the Russian state. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved: 1) the assessments of the largest historians and philosophers, whose works formed historiosophical ideas about the figure of Ivan the Terrible and, thereby, influenced the historical consciousness and memory of Russian society, are studied; 2) the images of Ivan the Terrible in fiction are considered; 3) the contribution of artists and sculptors to the historiosophical assessment of Ivan the Terrible is considered. Historians, philosophers and public opinion mutually influenced each other, dialectically shaping the image of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in an effort to create the most objective representation of him. The role of literature and fine arts is significant, but writers and artists draw images of the past and give them a historiosophical assessment based on the works of historians and philosophers. The methodological basis of this research is historical-philosophical and comparative-historical analysis, as well as a cultural approach. The figure of Ivan the Terrible is considered through the prism of public consciousness and some works of Russian literature and art. Due to the vastness of the topic, the author used the most characteristic and significant examples illustrating the evolution of historiosophical ideas on the figure of Ivan the Terrible. Even during the life of Ivan the Terrible, there were three main assessments of his personality and deeds that continue to live to this day: 1) impartial and accusatory, 2) uncritical and glorifying, and 3) neutral and objective. Through the personality of Ivan the Terrible, historians and philosophers considered such important historiosophical problems as the relationship between the people and state power, politics and morality, the role of personality in the historical process. The assessment of Ivan the Terrible largely depends on the historiosophical approach to the problem of the role of personality in history, which is followed by historians, philosophers, writers or artists.
historical memory, tyranny, literature and art, politics and morality, individual in history, people and power, philosophy of politics, Ivan the Terrible, social consciousness, philosophy of history
National character and mentality
Terzic, A., Kovalev, A.A. (2024). Changes in traditional values in Russia: modernization and retreat. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 49–69.
Globalization tendencies in harmonizing social norms and their impact on social values can lead to significant clashes between modernization and tradition. This dynamic is particularly evident in Russia, where certain social groups exhibit varying degrees of resistance to these changes, reflecting a broader societal tension. Russian society is deeply rooted in conservative values such as security, solidarity, universality, and traditionalism. These values are often positioned in opposition to the more liberal and individualistic West-European cultural model, creating a clear cultural divide. The study investigates the extent to which the Russian value system diverges from other European national cultures and explores whether substantial changes in the Russian mentality have occurred under the pressures of globalization. To address these questions, the research draws on empirical analysis of quantitative data from the European Social Survey, which included Russia in 2006 and 2016. This data provides a solid basis for understanding the evolution of social values in Russia over the last decade. Additionally, the study examines recent public policy shifts in Russia that increasingly emphasize the importance of traditional society as a crucial safeguard for the nation's sovereignty and security. Ongoing political, economic, and cultural confrontations between Russia and the West have intensified the discourse on the perceived threat of Western cultural norms. Despite observable trends toward more open and individualistic lifestyles in Russia, the research findings suggest that the changes in mentality remain modest. This highlights the resilience of traditional values in maintaining Russia’s cultural identity and state sovereignty, even amid strong globalizing forces.
Western European culture, Social changes, Mentality, Conservatism, Russia, National sovereignty, Globalization, Cultural identity, Modernization, Traditional values
Tradition and innovation
Chang, X., Potekhina, A.E. (2024). Communicative consciousness and principles of environmental design in the experimental project "Stone. Inversion. Vessel". Philosophy and Culture, 11, 70–89.
The article is based on the analysis and summary of the design process of the work of the Chinese author "Stone. Inversion. Vessel". It examines three key aspects of the development of environmental design. Firstly, it is a combination of modern technologies with aesthetic representations of traditional Chinese culture. Through the study of the project, it is demonstrated how traditional Chinese art can be combined with modern technologies when creating a design object. Secondly, the project highlights the features of the development of design in the modern era. It is characterized by problems of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, which can be mitigated through interdisciplinary integration with the use of the latest technologies. Environmental design, thanks to the multifaceted concept of "environment", meets the conditions of development of the modern era. Thirdly, the article focuses on the fact that the communication of the subjects of the creative process is based on the images embodied in a specific project. Environmental design as an interdisciplinary field is based on the methods of different scientific fields, since the environment that changes under the influence of human activity is not the same. In the proposed article, the author uses the art criticism method when describing blue-and-green landscape painting, and also assigns a large role to the communicative method of sociology developed by the American scientist Harold Dwight Lasswell. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author was able to show the possibility of a harmonious combination of modern 3D modeling technologies with the traditional Chinese art of blue-and-green landscape painting (青绿山水 qīng lǜ shān shuǐ). In other words, a planar image turns into a design object, with the help of which can be realized various spatial combinations. Through artistic thinking, one can enjoy not only the functional, but also the aesthetic possibilities of the design object. So, in the described project, the author focuses on the imagination of the observer, forcing him to climb a mountain peak, but inside the building. This is how communication takes place between the author, the "viewer" and the project itself. The image is the basis of communication between various objects of the environment involved in the design process. The creative process combines the material (functional) and spiritual (image-induced) needs of a person. Environmental design, through the synthesis of spiritual and material, establishing communication between design objects and integrating disciplines through the prism of an image, explores how design affects human activity.
Communication, Short film, Exhibition, 3D modeling, Shan shui, China, Traditional art, Modern technologies, Environmental design, Image