Ontology: being and nihility
Skorodumov, D.A. (2017). Materialistic theology of A. Badiou criticized by S. Žižek: between death and resurrection. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1–10. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.21586 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21586
The subject of this research is the question of balance between the existence and nothingness using the example of materialistic theology of A. Badiou and S. Žižek. The article reveals the meaning of why the event of resurrection of Christ is important to A. Badiou, as well as view of S. Žižek upon the positive event as just another version of ideology. For Badiou, resurrection becomes a universal power, which allows a human to obtain identity, while for S. Žižek, such identity becomes a duplication law, which the event attempted to get rid of. He sees the power of liberation in nonexistence or death. Methodological base applies the phenomenological method, which considers the theological abstractions without resolving the question about their existence or nonexistence. Author’s main contribution into this research is the comparative-analytical conclusions regarding the positions of the philosophers. It is determined that these positions are affinitive to each other and follow a single goal – to release a man; but due to various theoretical tasks – dispute with Nietzsche in Badiou’s situation, and opposition to ideology in S. Žižek’s case – they choose different methods.
ideology, resurrection, death, Žižek, Badiou, Death of God theology, event, Apostle Paul, discourse, God
Spectrum of consciousness
Gizha, A.V. (2017). Consciousness in ontocosmic perspective of goal setting. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 11–22. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.20310 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=20310
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of consciousness (rational life) within the worldwide context of its teleological status. The article provides general contours of the phenomenon of consciousness based on determination of its orientations at the scale of Universe from the perspective of immanent goal setting. The author clarifies the three key positions that pertain to: 2) specificity of philosophical theorization; 2) exposition of typical perception of consciousness; 3) achievement of awareness of choice in the area of conceptual discrepancies. The need for the preliminary acquisitions derives from the methodological demand of cognizing the axiomatic foundation and conditions of the due substantiation of the suggested positions. The main results consist in explaining the logical-conceptual basis of certain interpretations of consciousness, their critical verification, as well as explication of assertion of the ontocosmic teleology of consciousness. In its development, consciousness is set by the factor with cosmic meaning, which directly forms the further evolution of the Universe. The dominant aspects lies in the reached moral component that complements and naturally completes the Hegelian unity with the theoretical and practical idea respectively.
Universe, creative development, anti-entropy, Ontocosmic perspective, evolution of matter, consciousness, intention, nature, thinking, categorical generalization
The new paradigm of science
Golovashina, O.V. (2017). Self-organized criticality of the actor-network theory. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 23–31. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.21658 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21658
The subject of the research is a comparison of actor-network theory with the theory of self-organized criticality. Despite the fact that the analyzed theories belong to different scientific fields (sociology and physics, respectively), they both represent a discourse of the non-linear world, and focus main attention not on the entities (objects), but interactions between them. The author turns attention to the individual components of the reviewed theories, as well as their function and heuristic potential as a whole. The author demonstrates that the actor-network theory alongside the theory of self-organized criticality manifest as a new language for describing the asymmetric universe, as well as underline the role of minimal impact that can lead to a maximal result. However, the self-organized criticality represents an explanatory meta-theory aimed at determination of the universal laws, which contradicts the principle of irreduction, insisted by the supporters of the actor-network theory. This article is first to pursue correlation between the two aforementioned theories.
actor, argument, Bak, Latour, synergetics, theory of self-organized criticality, actor-network theory, pink noise, philosophy of science, new scientific paradigm
Connection of times
Khusyainov, T.M. (2017). From labor society to employment society. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 32–40. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.21525 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21525
The problem of employment is one of the most fundamental in the development and functioning of human society. Therefore, the concept of "work" as a specific kind of human activity is rightfully occupies a central place in the most philosophical, sociological and economic theories. This article discusses the problem of correlation between the concepts of "work" and "employment" and their place in human activities. For many centuries, the concept of "work" and invest in its value has changed significantly, it transformed itself with human labor. In this work, the author, using a variety of sources, makes an attempt to define the conceptual and terminological apparatus. Through comparison of general scientific methods, the author divides the concept of "work" and "employment". Based on the analysis of classical and non-classical labor theory is the assumption that the transformation of society in the labor employment society. While the society of the past could be described as the labor society, at the more recent stage it became an employment society. In addition, the author suggests perceiving the work acitivy from three different perspectives: socio-philosophical, sociological, and economic.
transformation of society, social-labor structure, employment society, labour society, employment, labour relations, work, social processes, social dynamics, social institutions
Picture of the world in natural science
Oleinikov, Y.V. (2017). Verification of the environmental and worldview insights of V. I. Vernadsky. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 41–52. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23517 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=23517
In the early XX century, V. I. Vernadsky put forward a number of scientific and philosophical ideas of worldview character, which concern the understanding of qualitative change in the way of transforming the material world by a human, essence of environmental crisis, and associated with it adjustment of the place and role of a separate individual in the nature and society. Such ideas, as a result of the dominant within the academic community physicalism, have not been duly appreciated. At present time, these ideas obtained a sensuous-visual embodiment in practice, so the time for their verification has come. The methodology of verification of the environmental and worldview insights of Vernadsky suggests comparing the considerably antecedent perceptions of the academician with the empirically observed realities of evolution of the current socio-natural Universe and their theoretical substantiation based on the contemporary fundamental discoveries and achievements of the specific natural and social sciences in the context of practical changes of the existence of mankind. Drastic transformation of the moving forces and evolutionary trends of the current planetary socio-natural Universe unambiguously confirms the forecasting importance and righteousness of the antecedent environmental and worldview insights if Vernadsky, and priority of the Russian-Soviet scholar and philosopher in substantiating such insights for the revision of the overall previous ideas about the place and role of human in the nature and society, values, priorities, and social organization of social life, system of education and upbringing, etc. Confirmation of righteousness and conceptual ideas gives grounds for accepting them as the foundation for establishment of the integral worldview paradigm, relevant to current trends of evolution of the socio-natural Universe.
insight, philosophy, science, evolution, Universe, man, society, nature, paradigm, worldview
Political philosophy
Skorokhodova, S.I. (2017). I. S. Aksakov about «Serbian tribe» and the Slavic question.. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 53–64. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23433 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=23433
The article considers the views of I. S. Aksakov on the Slavic question through the prism of those events and processes that most clearly, clearly, passed on the territory of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia. Based on the works of the philosopher and journalism of the second half of the XIX century. It shows how heterogeneous in its political sympathies was the Serbian society: its «top» almost invariably gravitated toward the West, and the common people was the representative of the «Russian party». The idea that in the Russian society of the period, although there was no unequivocally positive attitude to the Slavic cause, the idea of a special vocation for Russia as a guardian of justice and balance throughout the world was much more prevalent. Considering and analyzing the philosophical and political ideas of Aksakov associated with the Slavic theme, the author applies the principle of historicism and integrity, as well as personal approach suggesting that views of the philosopher cannot be separated from or adequately perceived outside the context of his spiritual and practical life. A dialogical paradigm is used that allows comparing his ideas with the views of other thinkers. It is alleged that Aksakov influenced the socio-political atmosphere with his philosophical and political articles and speeches, exacerbating interest in the Slavic issue. Conclusions are drawn that the Slavic theme, which the Slavophiles deepened in their work, remains relevant at present time; for the majority of Russian philosophers of the XIX century is inherent deep intuition in cognizing the universal.
Austria-Hungary, the Balkans, Serbian tribe, idea of Moscow Tsardom, idea of German unity, Djordje Petrovic Karađorđe, Aksakov, Turkey, Vasily Ostrozhsky, Slavic theme
Gasilin, A.V. (2017). Revision of phenomenological method in the early philosophical essays of Jean-Paul Sartre. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 65–76. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.21262 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21262
The subject of this research is the phenomenological method of Jean-Paul Sartre, presented in his early philosophical essays. The author leans on his works “The Transcendence of Ego”, “Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions”, “The Imaginary: A Phenomenological Psychology of the Imagination”. The main goal of this article consists in revelation of peculiarities of Sartre’s understanding of phenomenological method in the context of genesis of his own philosophical methodologies. The author introduces an analysis of Sartre’s theories of emotions and imagination, as well as definition of magic consciousness within the problem of genesis of Sartre’s philosophical anthropology and philosophy of consciousness. During the course of this research have been determined the methodological invariants of Sartre’s phenomenology, topics of interest, and rudiments of concepts inherent to his full-fledged philosophy. The results are reflected in the following theses: 1) Sartre’s reasoning carries mostly visual character; 2) in the foundation of his psychology lies the differentiation of rational and magical modes of consciousness; the magical implies the human ability to instantaneously transform the world through emotions and imagination; 3) Sartre’s perception of magical modes of consciousness forms the conceptual core of existential anthropology, which had definitively established during the mature period of his philosophical works.
imagination, affect, intentionality, gestalt psychology, phenomenology, Husserl, Sartre, magic, consciousness, approach
Pyrova, T.L. (2017). Word and image: aesthetic features of Russian religious hip-hop. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 77–87. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23525 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=23525
The subject of this research is the Russian religious hip-hop, while the object is its aesthetic peculiarities. Analyzing the materials from the interviews with hip-hop artists, song lyrics, and visual imagery of video recordings, the author determines the aesthetic borrowings and specificities of such music genre. The article refers to the key terms of postmodernist aesthetics, focusing on the cultural borrowings, metaphors, and cliché in the narrative and visual content of the analyzed hip-hop material. As the theoretical framework is used the neo-pragmatist approach of Richard Shusterman. Main conclusion consists in the following: borrowing the established images of hip-hop culture and religious narratives, the Russian religious hip-hop adds its original aesthetic peculiarities, but only in the sound effects, as for example, noise of bells. Although, there is a world entrenched tradition of hip-hop studies. This article is the first to introduce examination of the Russian religious hip-hop and its aesthetic features. In addition, special interest presents the selected by the author methodology for analyzing the visual imagery.
aesthetic features, hip-hop, visual semiotics, discourse, neo-pragmatism, religious hip-hop, Russian hip-hop, aesthetics, philosophy, Hip-Hop studies
Philosophy and culture
Spirova, E.M. (2017). Phenomenon of culture as an object of conceptualization in the post-Soviet period. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 88–99. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23546 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=23546
This article analyzes the approaches towards the phenomenon of culture and cultural policy in Russian during the post-Soviet period. This stage of the Russian history undergoes criticism in the national literature, however, such approach is considered one-sided. Particularly, the phenomenon of culture became an object of intense theoretical interest. Culturology was included into the educational curriculum. Its origination in Russian can be regarded as a substantial achievement of the humanitarian thought. The discipline aroused interest towards the realities of culture alongside the multiple cultural phenomena. The author applies the method of historicism, which allows comparing the theoretical concepts pertaining to culture in Soviet and post-Soviet periods. For the first time in national literature, an attempt is made to trace the history of cultural-philosophical reflection in Russia – from the classical works of A. F. Losev, M. M. Bakhtin, and V. S. Bibler to emergence of the new discipline in program of the state educational standards. The author tracks the milestones of establishment of the culturological knowledge and its relation to the philosophy of culture. Special attention is given to the critical analysis of the Eurocentrism, which narrows down the horizons of the historical-cultural process. The author also attempts to reveals the essence of cultural policy in Russia in the post-Soviet period. It is worth noting that such experience attracts interest in many foreign countries, particularly Chine. The article contains critical assessment of multiple parties of this policy.
Axiology, Social dynamics, Cultural policy, Cultural progress, Eurocentrism, Carnival, Dialogue of cultures, History, Philosophy of culture, Culture
Philosophy and art
Kovtun, S.P. (2017). Human and superhuman in Lars von Trier's film “Melancholy" (dialogue with F. Nietzsche). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 100–112. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.19719 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=19719
The article is devoted to the analysis of the philosophical bases of artistic images of the film "Melancholy" of the Danish director Lars von Trier. Reception of Friedrich Nietzsche’s metaphysical categories of and some aspects of his philosophical style are proved in semiotics space of the film. Artistic images and a plot of "Melancholy" are considered through a prism of F. Nietzsche’s philosophical reflections about eternal return, "life" as a will to the power, Christian culture and the superman. Cultural polyphony of L. von Trier’s piece of screen, ambiguity of possible interpretations of his artistic images, an apocalypse as implicit understanding of rescue are investigated. In the process of the detailed analysis of the movie material F. Nietzsche’s value of ideas about original life and the person for judgment of the modern society state is shown. It is revealed that L. von Trier’s metaphorical designs not only immerse the recipient in Nietzschean attitude, but also generate new connotations of some categories of F. Nietzsche’s philosophy. So the will to live (power) proves as the will to death that corresponds to intensions of modern culture.
salvation motif, Christianity-, will to death, will to live, apocalypse, superman, eternal return, F. Nietzsche, Melancholy, Lars von Trier
Philosophy of science and education
Rostovtseva, M.V. (2017). Managing the process of social adaptation. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 113–119. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23473 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=23473
The subject of this article is the practical aspect of the process of social adaptation, associated with finding the control mechanism over such process under the specific life circumstances. The author examines the problems of adaptation of the first-year university students, as well as suggests a new approach towards studying of this process at each stage: activation, search, and result. The criteria of adaptedness as a result of adaptation process, which consist in the internal satisfaction of its outcome and socially approved motivational orientations of the subject of adaptation are being reviewed. The conclusion is made that the task of managing social adaptation is quite laborious, but can be realized in practice. For achieving productivity and increase in quality of education of the students, it is necessary to systematically, using the activity approach and its various aspects, examine the social adaptation process stage-by-stage. It is essential to understand how an individual resolves contradiction that lies in foundation of the adaptation process, as well as builds his relationship with the social environment. Due to this, it will be possible to selectively correct, direct, and improve the vector of his adaptation. In order to understand how an individual resolves contradiction and determine the key mental characteristics of the subject of adaptation can be realized by using the already development methods of research for identification of the existing and potential adaptive resources, specificity of adaptive strategies, and objective (environmental) and subjective (personal) assessments of the efficiency of adaptation.
Education, Adaptive strategies, Result of adaptation, Subjective assessments, Adaptedness, Educational environment, Individual, Contradiction, Management, Social adaptation
Translations of philosophy classics
Korostichenko, E.I. (2017). Hans-Jürgen Greschat. Religion as a phenomenon. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 120–128. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.21973 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21973
This article intriduces a translation of paragraph “Religion as a phenomenon” presented in the chapter “Approaches” of the book “Religion in Religion in Light of Theology: Research, Experience, and Existence” (2008) by the renowned German theologian Hans-Jürgen Greschat. The author, whose works have not yet been translated into the Russian language or brought into focus of studies by Russian researchers, was mentored by Friedrich Heiler – one of the most accomplished theologians of the early XX century and classicists of the phenomenology of religion. Translation of the original text is accompanied by remarks of the interpreter, which contributed into the deeper and fuller narrative of H. – J. Greschat’s position that explain the correlation of his theses with other concepts. In this work, Greschat refers to the issues of methodology of religious studies. Analyzing the phenomenological approach as a whole, including its application in studying the religion, Greschat claims that it is the most appropriate way, out of the three possible variants, for examination and description of the religion that he provides in the aforementioned chapter.
Gerardus van-der Leeuw, Friedrich Heiler, religious studies, religion, phenomenology of religion, Edmund Husserl, phenomenological approach, phenomenology, Hans-Jürgen Greschat, Eugene Gendlin