History of ideas and teachings
Ivonina, O.I. (2017). M. O. Gershenson as a Historian of Russian Intelligentzia : pro et contra. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 1–14. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21891 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21891
The article traces the evolution of M. Gershenson's creativity as a pioner of intellectual biography studies. His publication in the "Landmarks" , formulated the political credo of Russian conservative liberalism, put the author in row with such outstanding Russian thinkers like N. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, V. Ivanov, G. Florovsky, G. Fedotov and others.The conclusion was made that Gershenson 's historical conception allows us to consider him one of the founders and the first historian of the "Russian idea".His sociopsychological portrait of Russian intelligentzia became a basis of the subsequent reasoning of Russian religious historiosophy about the alternatives of Russian intellectual history and fates of its creators.The synthesis of intellectual history and psychology proclaimed by M. Gershenson, extended the subject field of research the history of social and political idea of Russia, carried out the deep revision of world view bases of Westerner sand Slavophiles as two poles of "Russian Europeism" .
historiography, conservative liberalism, Slavophiles, Westernizers, Russian Intelligentzia, intellectual history, personal history, M. O.Gershenson, historiosofy, Russian Idea
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S., Smirnov, A.V. (2017). Philosophy in the battle for survival (interview of the editor-in-chief of the journal, Professor P. S. Gurevich with Director of the Institute of Philosophy of RAS, Academician of RAS A. V. Smirnov). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 15–22. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.22237 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=22237
The interview is dedicated to the work of the new director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Academician Andrey Vladimirovich Smirnov. At the present stage, science as a whole and particularly philosophy is undergoing the battle for survival due to decrease in funding. At the same time, scientific department must search the extra-budgetary allocations, and hold the course towards youthification of the staff composition. The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences has moved to a different building. It required strong effort of the director and the team to ensure the continual activity of all of the departments, preserve the traditions, and advance in all fields of the institute’s activeness. Answering the questions of the editor-in-chief of the journal “Philosophy and Culture”, A. V. Smirnov gives special attention to the actual achievements of the staff members over the recent year and favorable atmosphere of the Institute. The director of the Institute of Philosophy of RAS for the first time reasons on the specific events that took place throughout the year. However it is not a report, but rather an attempt to analyze the general direction of the activity of the Institute, its leading vector, and strategic plans. The Institute not just preserved the achievements of the previous years of work of this academic facility, but also ensured the breakthrough towards the considerable theoretical achievements that demonstrate the major role of philosophy in social life, as well as reveal the new opportunities of high reputation of the philosophy and philosophical reflection.
Human, Science, Cognition, Quintessence of the era, Theoretical dissociations , Culture, Religion, Phenomenology, Consciousness, Philosophy
Methodology of philosophical learning
Smirnov, S.A. (2017). Anthropological turn: its meaning and lessons. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 23–35. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.22058 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=22058
The article provides an overview of contemporary interpretations of the phenomenon which has received in the scientific literature the name of anthropological turn, and applicable to the whole line of research, concepts and practices, the authors of which are authors such as M. Scheler, M. Bakhtin, M. Heidegger, and others. The author considers different interpretations to explain this phenomenon. The article concludes that the anthropological turn is not confined to philosophical and scientific direction of philosophical anthropology. It is a paradigm shift in the thinking of a man and the search for a new language for the development of a new anthropological discourse. This change does not mean the "death of man". It means re-orientation of basic reference points of human existence and recovery of the original ontological foundations of anthropology, on the one hand, and filling a living anthropological content of human ontology, on the other hand. The article explains that virtually all of the authors of anthropological turn were searching not for a new concept of human, but rather his place, and the new way of reasoning on this matter. They were not looking for the final formulization of the essence of a man, but that specific type of existence, which makes the human a human being. In this sense, the representatives of the turn worked on human navigation in dual sense: as the search for human place and the word about him. The specificity of the place consists in the fact that it is not ontologically predetermined and prepared far in advance. This metaphysical spot each is consistently equipped with certain type of practices and thinking. And thus, the word about human each time is structured based on his cognitive, symbolic grounds and landmarks.
deanthropologization, anthropological discourse, re-orientation, anthropological navigation, human being, man, philosophical anthropology, anthropological turn, meta-anthropology, radical anthropology
Ontology: being and nihility
Dragel', L.V. (2017). Conceptual and procedural principles of justice. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 36–44. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.18035 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=18035
This article examines the universal and private justice. Private justice is the share of juridical, economic, and other sciences, while general justice is the problem of philosophy. The subject of this research is the principles of justice, which reflect the characteristics of the universal justice. The author suggest a comparative analysis of the conceptual and procedural principles of justice. Understanding of the principles of justice finds its reflection from the perspective of ontological and deontological approaches. In first case, the principles of justice are perceived as the justice itself, and thus are viewed as the highest value and public welfare. In second case, the principles of justice can be viewed as the granted, in other words, not as justice itself, but rather the means that lead to it. The method of this research lies in reflection in form of analysis of the notion of “principles of justice”, as well as comparative analysis of the conceptual and procedural principles of justice. Comparing the procedural and conceptual principles of justice, the first seems more proper, because it gives a chance to everybody to take part in achievement of justice; in addition to that, the procedural principles of justice are considered to be more organically connected with the development of society, and do not push it.
Institutions, Freedom, Procedure, Equality, Duty, Society, Value, Welfare, Principles of justice, Justice
Spectrum of consciousness
Gasilin, A.V. (2017). Intuitionism of Henri Poincaré: the experience of biographical reconstruction. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 45–56. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.19103 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=19103
This research represents the experience of biographical reconstruction of scientific knowledge strategy of the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. The subject of the article is the intuitionism of Henri Poincaré as a conceptual core of his philosophical science. The key goal of this work is to describe the distinctness of Poincaré’s intuitivistic method based on his biography and scientific materials. The initial point of the research lies in the thesis about the deep interconnection between the cognitive and personal peculiarities of a specific scholar, inherent to him scientific method and sphere of academic interests. During the course of this research, the author analyzes the interconnection between the characteristic specificities of Poincaré’s perception and way of thinking that form the particularity of this academic style, and the key ideas of his philosophy of science, such as concept of convenience, conventional nature of the truth, juxtaposition of the two strategies of mathematical knowledge – analytical and intuitivistic. Analyzing Poincaré’s life experience, the author determines special cognitive structures – synesthesia, muscular sensation, macroscopic conceptual optics. The latter explain the distinctness of intuitionism of Henri Poincaré, as well as its difference from the traditional methods of scientific cognition. The research demonstrates that the universal methods of scientific cognition depend on the specific outlook of a certain scholar and his cognitive abilities.
relativism, paradigm, intuitionism, intuition, biographical method, philosophy of science, philosophy, gestalt psychology, Poincare, philosophy of mathematics
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Ivonina, O.I. (2017). Pyotr Chaadayev about the religious vector of Russian history. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 57–68. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21718 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21718
The subject of this research is the philosophy of history of Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev as the founder of “Russian idea”, the problematic of which was principal in reasoning of the representatives of the Russian sociopolitical thought regarding the place of Russia in world civilization, its sociocultural and national identity. Alongside the assessments of the vector of Russian history as a whole and its separate stages, the subject of the analysis is also the character of author’s discourse, which united the perception of history as the synthesis of historical narrative and philosophy of history, fine intuition, and rational analysis. Methodology of research of Chaadayev’s works as the most remarkable representative of Christian historicism suggest the application of interdisciplinary approach, principles of intellectual history, comparative culturology, and retrospective political science. The scientific novelty is defined by specification of the stages of creative evolution of P. Y. Chaadayev, conclusion on similarity of the worldview and theoretical-methodological basis of the delegates of two movements of the “Russian Europeanism” represented by the Westernizers and Slavophiles. Accent is made on the difference of the heuristic value of methodology of P. Y. Chaadayev’s history for the assessment of historical fates of the European and Russian people.
Byzantinism, Idealism, Romanticism, Vector of the Russian history , Pyotr Chaadayev, Russian idea, Historiosophy, Catholicism, Slavophiles, Modernization
Tradition and innovation
Faritov, V.T. (2017). Transcendence and transgression in philosophical discourse . Philosophy and Culture, 2, 69–80. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.18631 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=18631
The main goal of this article consists in examination of the place and role of ontological prospects of transcendence and transgression within the philosophical discourse. Special attention is given to the specificity of philosophical language. The article traces the modification of character of the philosophical terminology due to the dominance of the prospect of transcendence or transgression. It is demonstrated that both ontological prospects of transcendence and transgression within the space of philosophical discourse neutralize the private, regional discourses in their claim towards the exhaustive definition of the meaning of existence. The main result of the conducted research lies in determination of ontological status of the prospects of transcendence and transgression within the philosophical discourse. Transcendence suggest exceeding the limits of the subject certainty of the language and continuation towards something that does not have positive certainty. Transgression reveals the flexibility and openness of the boundaries of any existential-conceptual certainty.
Hegel, philosophy, border, ontology, perspective, transgression, transcendence, discourse, Nietzsche, neutralization
Philosophy of language and communication
Nilogov, A.S. (2017). Philosophy of language and anti-language of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 81–96. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.16789 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=16789
This article examines the philosophy of language of the Austrian logician and philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein from the perspective of the new interdisciplinary knowledge – the philosophy of anti-language. The subject of the philosophy of anti-language is the examination of foundations and limits of semiotic nomination in human language and dependence of the cognitive process from anti-language. On the example of such Wittgenstein’s notion as the individual language, the author demonstrates that its full conceptualization is possible only in the context of anti-language methodology, while within the framework of linguistic philosophy and philosophy of language of Wittgenstein himself, such notion appears to be stillborn. As an additional argumentation, the principle of ontological relativity, proposed by the American logician, mathematician, and philosopher W. Quine, is being involved. Simultaneously, the author substantiates Sapir–Whorf hypothesis of linguistic relativity, which originates from the thesis that existential/metaphysical/worldview (but usually the ordinary) picture of the human world can also justify the choice of the corresponding language (for nomination and communication). The article is first to introduce into the philosophical discourse such postulates as the postulate of ontological noncompetitiveness (non-transparency, relativity) before the language, as well as the postulate of linguistic noncompetitiveness (non-transparency, relativity) before the being, due to which the questions of narrow-linguistic philosophy can be elevated up to the level of the problems of the philosophy of language and anti-language.
Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, Linguistic relativity, Individual objective reality, Principle of ontological relativity, Individual language, Silence, W. Quine, Philosophy of anti-language, Philosophy of language, L. Wittgenstein
Information and ideas
Dzhigan, M. (2017). Prospects and relevance of transition from the information economy towards knowledge economy. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 97–104. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21884 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21884
This article reviews the dangers associated with the transition from information society towards the “society of knowledge”. The author conducts a comparative analysis between the notions of “information society” and “society of knowledge”, as well as examines the issues pertaining to their economic and technological development. In addition to that, the article introduces the notions of “knowledge economy” alongside the key stages of its development; “dangerous knowledge”, because of which the society of knowledge can pass onto the society of risk; and “information economy”. Initially, the author compares the notions of “information society” and “knowledge society”, and later determines their similarities and differences. The conclusion is made that over the recent decades, we can notice a significance increase in the multiplicity of information risks, the sources of which is the society, nature, and human; and this can lead to the transition from the “society of knowledge” towards the society of risks. Also, due to implementation of a complex of systemic measures of science and education, as well as support of the government in global knowledge economy, Russian can take a worthy place.
Knowledge economy, Information economy, Russia, Information risks, Society of risks, Dangerous knowledge, Technological progress, Economic development, Society of knowledge, Information society
Connection of times
Iakovlev, V.A. (2017). Purposeful rationality of Aristotle’s metaphysics. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 105–115. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21676 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21676
The subject of this research is the key positions of Aristotle’s metaphysics. The work reconstructs the important rational creative approaches of Aristotle’s teaching from the perspective of their influence upon the modern philosophy and science. The author highlights the methodological, ontological, and epistemological creative approaches, which played a big role in development of the philosophy and science. The importance of entelechian causality and its interpretation in science is particularly underlined. Out of the four known causes (beginnings) of existence, entelechy is perceived as the inner strength (energy), which contains a goal and dispositionally suggests the result. The work applies the method of historical reconstruction of the conceptual and meaningful core of Aristotle’s theory, as well as the method of hermeneutic interpretation of its main positions in light of the modern science. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that in Aristotle’s teaching the author determines and reconstructs the new influential creative approaches to rationality – the structural stages of establishing the analytical discourse, systemic causational substantiation of the universe and purposeful programs of its development. It is demonstrated that in modern science the information approach that is directly associated with the interpretation of Aristotle’s purposeful causality gains ever increasing value.
science, method, causes, hermeneutics, programs, analysis, creative approaches, metaphysics, rationality, entelechy
Social philosophy
Vyalykh, V.V., Nevolina, V.V. (2017). The role of Hubris syndrome in formation of the system of value and management culture of modern authoritarianism. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 116–122. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21108 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21108
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of Hubris syndrome, viewed as one of the characteristics of authoritarian governing. Special attention is given to the analysis of the role of public interests in establishment of ethical and organizational culture of hubristic ruling. The cause of this correlation lies in the fact that the commonness of interests forms the foundations for identification of the subject and object of governing in the process of theirs social interaction. The author concludes that Hubris syndrome represents a typological property of any regime, but its manifestations under the conditions of authoritarianism gain its own specificity. The Hubris syndrome phenomenon is important for examination of the authoritarian thinking, as well as authoritarian personality in general. It allows understanding the mental, worldview, and other determinants that have impact upon the formation of authoritarian type of governing. In addition to that, such phenomenon did not receive sufficient reflection within the Russian social philosophy.
authoritarianism, culture, identification, will, governing, Hubris syndrome, power, politics, consensus, competency
Philosophy of religion
Fedorova, M. (2017). Laughter as a religious phenomenon. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 123–135. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21966 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21966
The subject of this research is laughter as a religious phenomenon. An attempt is made to analyze the symbolic value of laughter in religious practices and myths, as well as determine the role and place of laughter in religious experience of a man. The connection between the laughter and religious can be vividly traced in the phenomenon of ritual laughter, separate aspects of laughter culture of the Ancient and Medieval times alongside the myths of mass culture of modern society. This article interprets laughter as interlink between the sacred and the profane clusters of being, or in other words, hierophany. Examination of laugher as a religious phenomenon is conducted from the perspective of phenomenology, primarily hermeneutic-phenomenological method of M. Eliade: his concepts of crypto-religion and homo religiousus. The selected methodological approach allows assessing the role and value of laughter in the field of religious experience of a modern man from the new perspective. Special importance this problem gains in light of the new (postmodern) religiousness and mass culture: active processes of neo-mythologization of consciousness, establishment of laughter as the key aesthetic principle chance the boundaries between the sacred and the secular.
postmodernism, mythological consciousness, culture of humour, ritual laughter, religious experience, laughter, phenomenology of religion, religious phenomenon, new religiousness, theology of laughter
Philosophy of love
Sudakov, A.K. (2017). Philosophy of love in Kant’s “Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime”. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 136–150. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21977 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21977
This article analyzes the perception of “doctrinal” Kant about the anthropology of gender and love using the material of “Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime”, the aesthetic concept of which focuses on the impression from the subjects, feeling of joy and dissatisfaction, organic unity with mind, imagination and ethical consciousness related to the vital attraction that knows various levels of culture. The research is based on the earlier conducted analysis of the philosophy of love in Kant’s “Lectures on Ethics” (Mentzer). Having a form of essay, this work allows examining the various types of “benevolence” in its synthetic integrity and living unity, rather than abstraction and detachments, as it later would be in the “Critique of Judgment”. Kant’s anthropology, ethics, aesthetics, and philosophy of culture are intertwined into inseparable whole. Inclusion of the dimension of culture into this topic allows Kant noticing in the “goal of the nature”, which is pursued by the individuals and genders expect the natural element of continuation of bloodline, the cultural moment of mutual ennoblement and sublimation in beauty. Namely by this fact the Kant’s metaphysics of love drastically differs from metaphysics of Schopenhauer. Thus, in communication of genders, as in other relationships, various forms of benevolence are perceived as the existing in organic unity. The healthy or deviating forms of such communication and mutual influence are substantiated in ideas of early Kant as dominant maxims of mutual upbringing. This leads the thought of Kant to formulization of a specific form of ethical-aesthetic deduction of marriage, which favorably differs from the presented by Kant-moralist and philosopher of the “strict law”.
mutual influence of the genders, beautiful, goal of nature, education, ennoblement, love, taste, Kant, family, integrity
Fetisova, E.E. (2017). Philosophy and romantic aesthetics of the “Sixtiers”: stoicism of A. Kushner. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 151–161. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.21809 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21809
This article from the perspective of ontological prerequisites of the establishment of philosophical platform of neo-Acmeism, examines the formal-conceptual and genre innovation of the poets-“Sixtiers” on the example of their prominent representative A. Kushner. The work analyzes the peculiarities of functionality of neo-Acmeism within the external communication with traditional Acmeism, psychological realism, as well as determines the ontological dominants in works of the “esoteric circle” of the “Sixtiers”. The author reveals the features of psychological realism and their latent presence in the discourse of neo-Acmeist doctrine. The aspects of Stoicism in Kushner’s poetry, as well as the evolution of his outlook in correspondence with the three stages of philosophical doctrine of the Stoics, are being reviewed in detail. As the meaning-making and genre element of the poetic system of “Sixtiers” are considered not just the categories of time and space, but also a distinct poetic philosophy and its components in the center of which is the teaching of Stoics. The conclusion is made that within the poetic system and dynamic structure of a single “neo-Acmeist text”, we can trace not just the synthesis of literary directions – Acmeism, symbolism, historical and psychological realism, various timely plans, but also a gradual complication of the cultural “codes” and genre “valence” that enter the difficult dialogue relations or relations of mutual substitution with each other. Neo-Acmeism of the “Sixtiers” transforms the concept of the world as an “aesthetic phenomenon” (Schopenhauer) into the principle of mystical energetism, cognizing the noumenal world through the “mystical enlightenment”, and often, by the effort of the author’s fantasy. A. Kushner’s romantic stoicism is shifted into the neo-Acmeist philosophical-cultural paradigm, and revealed as the synthesis of the elements of modernism and realism: his poetry combines the mystical world, prophetic intuition about the events in the Universe, dichotomy of the “real and irreal”, as well as clarity, historical specificities, attention to feelings and emotions of a “little man”, memory of the “useful past” inherited from the psychological realism.
Cultural memory, Esoteric circle, Lyrical character, Oneirosphere, Synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, Neo-Acmeism, Romantic aesthetics, Sixtiers, Psychological realism, Stoicism
Philosophy and culture
Rozhkova, N. (2017). The idea of all-encompassing unity in the context of modern culture. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 162–169. doi: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.19002 Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=19002
The subject of this research is evolution of the idea of all-encompassing unity, while the object is the forms of the idea at different stages of civilizational development (mythology, philosophy, art, mass culture). The author examines the transformative potential of the idea of all-encompassing unity and its special importance under the conditions of elevation of the global problems. The history of this spans several centuries, which testifies to its universality and exceptional value for the humanity. The article underlines that actualization of the idea of all-encompassing unity takes place in crisis, transitional eras. Analysis of the mythological, philosophical, and literary sources allows making conclusion about the panhuman importance of the idea of all-encompassing unity, as well as reveal its constructive potential. The scientific novelty lies in argumentation of the following position: new forms of the idea of all-encompassing unity emerge during the crucial stages of cultural development, change of paradigms, systems of values, and types of culture.
cultural value, worldview, idea about the unity , mass consciousness, philosophy, mythology, idea of all-encompassing unity, civilizational crisis, planetary humanism, all-encompassing unity