Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Freud endless and shimmering. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 625–628. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67841
This article is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Sigmund Freud. On May 6, 1856 the world welcome one of the most renowned and successful researchers of human psychics Sigmund Freud. His name was firmly written into psychology, philosophy, and medicine. Paradoxicality of this consists in the fact that this person was not a physician in natural sense although he received medical education. Moreover, he was not a philosopher, and according to the word of Carl Jung, he did not possess a necessary philosophical competence, and had a rather skeptical attitude towards this area of knowledge. But at the same time, Freud became a founder of an independent philosophical direction – psychoanalysis. None of the philosophical direction of the previous century has passed by this name. Many philosophers rejected his ideas, but most often they continued to expand his discoveries. Freud was not a psychologist, but his name is associated with a radical reformation within the humanitarian knowledge – emergence of one of the five directions of the world psychology. As a clinical psychologist, he introduced into the world practice the principles of healing, which gained universal recognition. The author bases on the principle of historicism, attempting to evaluate Freud’s contribution into the humanitarian cognition, according to the impact of his doctrine upon the modern science and culture. The article attempts to demonstrate the importance of Freud’s heritage for many areas of modern science, as well as to reveal the greatness and limitation of his doctrine, considering the discoveries that gained recognition in the late XX – early XXI century. Quite often we can hear that Freud’s doctrine has outlived itself. In this regard, we should note the approach of J. Lacan, who was trying to preserve the psychoanalytical tradition which was under a threat in the middle of XX century. The author focuses his attention on the main achievements of Freud’s concept/
Psychology of the masses, Dreams, Illusion, Personality, Psychosexual development, Psychics, Culture, Unconscious, Psychology, Philosophy
Methodology of philosophical learning
Prokhorov M.M. (2016). Being and/or mystification. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 629–649. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67842
The subject of this research is being and its reproduction in various worldview forms, ant/or its mystification. The research is divided into four key problems. The first one is the combination of being and its mystification on the example of the works of V. A. Kutyrev: recognizing being, he denies the ontological meaning of dialectics which represents a so-called second layer in determination of being, expressing it in the system of universal categories that form an “attributive model of any object”. The second – is an analysis of the attempts of imagining “technologization” (emerging from theory into practice technocratic reasoning) as an exit beyond the boundaries of posing and solution of the main question of philosophy. The third – is the examination of differences in the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical beliefs, which determine the specificity of each of the stated forms, predestining their ability or inability towards reproduction of the characteristics of being, in other words their mystification. The fourth one restores the ontological content of procedural categories and their methodological importance. Special attention is given to the principle of unity of the historical and the logical. The author believes that currently the fundamental values of dialectical-materialistic methodology are put behind by the conjuncture circumstances, the applied value of the falling under the authority of the capital and officialdom of knowledge, which becomes a commodity. Scientific novelty is characteristic to all four parts of the article and consists in the following:
The ontological content of dialectics as a second layer in determination of being becomes restored; history of humanity is considered to be the third level of determination of being in its highest form;
The philosophical foundations of technologization and technocratic thinking, shifting from the theoretical level into practical level are being defined;
An analysis of the qualitative differences within the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical outlook is being presented.
The connection of technologization with the religious and idealistic beliefs, enclosed in the principle of transcendence, is being revealed.
dialectic of irreversibility, philosophical, religious, mythological, technologization, mystification, being, comparison, transcendental idealism, post-modernism
Philosophy of knowledge
Iferov R.G., Titlin L.I. (2016). Antinomic monodualism of S. L. Frank as a logical-philosophical system. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 650–660. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67843
The most complete and explicit expression of the S. L. Frank’s epistemological views is the concept of “antinomic monodualism”. The subject of this research is the examination of the logical-philosophical aspect of this concept, while the object is the works of S. L. Frank: “The Subject of Knowledge. On the Foundations and Limits of Abstract Knowledge” and “Incomprehensible. Ontological Introduction into the Philosophy of Religion”. If viewed from the logical-philosophical perspective, Frank starts his concept with the “Subject of Knowledge” in a form of “law of continuity”, and finishes with the “Incomprehensible” in a form of “antinomic monodualism”. The author conducts the analysis of the classified position of Frank’s concept; for the first time the philosophical system of Frank is examined in the logical-philosophical aspect, and as a result, his logical-philosophical system is being explicated. In this regard the antinomic monodualism represents a underdeveloped form of neo-classical modal multivalent logical-philosophical system. Due to this fact, the formulation of the question on the comparative analysis of antinomic monodualism and other modal logical-philosophical systems, can be considered justified.
modal logic, multivalent logic, non-classical logic, logically-philosophical system, S. L. Frank, philosophical logic, history of Russian philosophy, Russian philosophy, antinomic monodualism, antinomism
Connection of times
Gusev D.A. (2016). Nil novi sub sole or Epicureanism as ancient positivism. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 661–672. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67844
Is there progress in the history of philosophical thought? Have the previous philosophical ideas and systems within the coordinates of the current state of philosophy been overcome, or we should talk only about the multiple variations of one and the same, on the grand scale, content? The subject of this research is the Hellenistic philosophy in its correlation with the modern epistemological constructs. The object is the philosophical ideas of the Epicurean school considered as a remote predecessor of positivism of the brink of the modern era and contemporary history. Special attention is given to the comparative and cross-cultural analysis of reflection of the theoretical knowledge on Epicureanism and positivism. The main conclusion consists in the complex of statements, according to which the philosophical constructs that most certainly historically belong to modern era and contemporary history, have been created and expressed approximately two thousand years earlier. The antique Epicureanism not just supersedes the positivistic tradition in the history of philosophy, the beginning of which is traditionally attributed to the origin of the modern era, but it also fairly thoroughly covers it, not yielding in its philosophical content to the “genuine” positivism.
Truth, Theoretical level of cognition, Empirical level of cognition, Minimalism, Epicureans, Scientific thinking, Positivism, Philosophy of science, Hellenistic civilization, Antique skepticism
Picture of the world in natural science
Volkov D.B. (2016). The problem of mental causation: review of the newest researches. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 673–682. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67845
The subject of this research is the modern analytical philosophy and the problem of mental causation in particular. This problem consists in combination of persuasion in the causal closedness of the world with the idea that mental conditions are causally effective. The problem of mental causation is tradition in the history of philosophy; it has been raised even back within the framework of dualistic ideas of Descartes. The modern analytical philosophers have made a significant contribution into its solution. The author also examines the solutions for the problem of mental causation in the context of local interactionism, emergentism, and teleofunctionalism proposed by Russian and foreign philosophers. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author explores the most contemporary approaches towards solution of the problem of mental causation, which yet have never been thoroughly examined within the Russian or foreign history of philosophy. The author also presents a new argument for criticism of the local interactionism, as well as his own interpretation of the teleofunctional solution of the problem of mental causation.
Mental, Over-determination, Emergentism, Argument of causal trajectories, Teleofunctionalism, Supervenience, Psycho-physical problem, Causal closure, Local interactionism, Mental causation
Social philosophy
Chep'yuk O.R. (2016). Sociocultural phenomena in the conditions of economic self-organization. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 683–688. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67846
The subject of research is a critical concept of "alienation", which was popular in social philosophy. In the rame of the Hegelian tradition it was regarded as a part of the dialectical mechanism that should facilitate the transition to a new organization of society. In XX century the concept of "alienation" has evolved, going beyond political economy and purchasing a humanistic interpretation. The author proposesto re-consider the phenomenon of "alienation", which acquired the immaterial, subjectivist elements. It allows to speak of it as a symbol of the relationship, and not as a real mechanism. The study observed a balance between the traditional dialectics and methods of modern science of self-organization. The author embarks to the concept of "entropy of social processes", illustrates the scientific narrattion by various statistical examples. The novelty of the study consists in examination of the question of "alienation" in the context of science on self-organization. Then it can be interpreted as a deviation to the very critical state, in which the behavior of the economic system becomes unstable and under the influence of some random factors can radically change. In this sense, the dialectic prediction about the impact of "alienation" in the course of social history can not come true, if the system transforms into a state of chaos, and "alienation" itself will not become a mechanism, but only a symbol of a particular stage of historical development of the society.
self-organization, labor, social indifference, economic crisis, social philosophy, entropy, alienation, synergetics, creative economy, quality
Political philosophy
Tishchenko N.V. (2016). A prison metaphor within the modern Russian political discourse. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 689–698. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67847
The subject of this research is the prison metaphor in the Russian political discourse. The importance of metaphor in political statements and the dynamic of metaphoric preferences in the modern Russian political discourse are being demonstrated. The author determines the cultural-historical and philosophical aspects of the connection between the discourse of authority (both, official and oppositional) and the statements characteristic for prison culture; the social and cultural consequences of such interaction are also being detected. During the analysis of the literary and philosophical texts, two types of interpretation of the prison culture characteristic for the Russian culture, as well as their influence in the modern political discourse, are being detected. The author substantiates the methodology of defining the political metaphor, classification of metaphors, as well as distinguishes metaphorical models, which help interpreting the modern political reality. On the examples of speeches of the political figures of the XX-XXI centuries, the author emphasizes the typical ways of expression, within the context of which the prison metaphor is being used. Scientific novelty consists in challenging an entire list of debatable issues associated with the historical-cultural prerequisites of the formation of various types of political discourse, including foreign which attempts to interpret the Russian reality. The author defines the various strategies of application of a prison metaphor within political discourse, depending on its historical realities and ideological orientations.
Political figure, Ideology, Human rights, Image of prisoner, Prison culture, Prison, Statement, Methodology of research, Metaphor, Political discourse
Self-consciousness and identity
Tsygankov A.S. (2016). National identity and structuring of historical memory: from “unity” to “dispersion”. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 699–706. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67848
This article conducts the analysis of the processes of commemoration implemented in the city-hero Volgograd in the post-war period, as well as their correlation with the projects of national identity. Based on the examination of memorials erected in the Soviet and post-Soviet period, dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who died during the Battle of Stalingrad, it is stated that the process of commemoration are grounded due to the presence of the project of national identity within the collective conscience of the society, which is genetically structured into the concept of “ideal society”, or social duty. This project is a so-called goal of historical development, which defines not only the vector that substantiates the possibility of existence of the historical path within social conscience, but also the process of structuring of historical memory. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, memory begins to be subjected to “dispersion”, which manifests in the processes of commemoration and their results. This process of “dispersion” of historical memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, which started the commemoration during the post-Soviet era, is based on many projects of national identity created by separate nationalities, representatives of regions and individuals, thus establishing new personal or collective identity outside the total Soviet project.
World War II, social conscience, social identity, spiritual life of society, monument, the Battle of Stalingrad, commemoration, historical memory, national identity, Ibárruri
The history of humanitarian science
Tereshchenko T.S. (2016). Images of black people in the art of Antiquity. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 707–714. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67849
The subject of this research is the images of black people in the art of Antiquity, and the object is the compositions of antique art (vase painting, sculpture, small statuary). The author carefully examines the key components of interpretation of the images of black people: characteristic peculiarities of their appearance, plots and roles in which they are portrayed; types of art compositions in which they exist; their transformation within time. The article also thoroughly analyzes the versions of interpretation of their semiotics, determines the general trends in interpretations of the images of black people that are common to different historical eras and types of arts. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of the images of black people in the context of general cultural and general historical transformation, with attraction of English, German, and French scientific sources, as well as in detection of their common and universal characteristics. The author makes the following conclusions:
An absolutely unique role of black people in the art of Antiquity: they were the only kind of Others, whose images existed not only in vase painting, but also in small statuary, jewelry art, and numismatics; they existed in the Greek art of all times: Antiquity, Classics, Hellenism, as well as they were portrayed as warriors, servants, or associated with theatre, rituals, and witchcraft;
Complexity and ambiguity of the interpretation of semiotics of their images;
An ultimate stability of the scheme of representation of black people which outlived the Antiquity.
Otherness, vase painting, Ancient Greek art, art of Antiquity, black people, Other, images of the Other, figure vessels, Roman art, applied art
Philosophy of religion
Korotkov V.O. (2016). Purpose of a Christian in the concepts of Protestant ideologists. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 715–720. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67850
This article is dedicated to the issue of purpose and predestination of a person in the works of the founders of the Protestant movement in Christianity – Martin Luther and John Calvin, as well as their followers. Their ideas laid the foundation for a new outlook not only on Christian religion, but also on a man as the central object of religious views. Based on the idea of philosophical anthropology, the author attempts to more objectively examine the origins of Protestant outlook on predestination of a man and individual, and in accordance with this idea, present the concept of salvation of the soul. Characterizing the components of the issue of human predestination, the author attempts to reveal the spiritual and material aspects of becoming of a true Christian (homo Christianus) within the perception of the Protestant Church. The novelty of this research consists in a comprehensive examination of this issue. On the basis of analysis of the works of Protestant ideologists – Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jacob Boehme, and Philipp Melanchthon, the author explores the doctrine of predestination, the issue of self-cognition and human cognition of God, essence of a man as an instrument in the hand of God.
homo christianus, salvation, destination, predestination, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Protestantism, knowledge, Reformation, religion
Spiritual and moral search
Khoruzhiy S.S. (2016). Hesychasm and Phenomenology. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 721–729. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67851
The field of philosophical problems generated by the study of the hesychast mystico-ascetical practice is structured into three principal domains: Hesychasm and Phenomenology, Hesychasm and Energy, Hesychasm and the Anthropological Unlocking. The first of these domains is analyzed, in which problems of methodology, epistemology and heuristics of spiritual and philosophical experience are collected. Comparative study of hesychast and phenomenological (intentional) experience demonstrates that these two kinds of experience possess close resemblance and structural parallels. Namely, the triadic structure of the way of spiritual ascension in hesychasm corresponds to three stages of the phenomenological act of the grasping of the intentional object (phenomenological reduction – intentional grasping – noesis). The hesychast principle of soberness (nepsis) is characterized as a specific modus of consciousness, which coincides with intentional consciousness in all principal features.
phenomenological reduction, intentionality, anachoresis, ascesis, hesychasm, phenomenology, philosophy, noesis, soberness, attention
Philosophy and culture
Dmitrieva E.V. (2016). Value and creative work as the components of religious culture. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 730–737. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67852
The object of this research is the religious culture and peculiarities of its implementation within the framework of such essential components as value, creative work, and freedom. The subject is the creative process and hierarchy of values in a specific form of their existence in the context of this type of culture. Creative work and value are examined as the fundamental components of culture as a whole and religious culture in particular. The author demonstrates the conditionality of the creative and value components of religious culture by the religious faith. Religious work in Christianity is represented in two of its varieties the divine and the human, the common essence of which is marked as the nearing of the divine and the human, their correlation based on the New Testament axiom “in His image and His likeness”. In creative process, a human who continues the work of the Creator, expands the limits of the being he is accustomed to, and determines the anthropomorphical essences of “universal doing”. The values of religious culture are imperative and ostensive, but can also have an axiological form of “eternal and saving soul” values as orienteers of structuring the work based on the unconditional requirements of the Absolute. The definition of specificity of religious culture through substantiation of the specific existence of the creative and value components within it, comprises the scientific novelty of this research. The specificity is religious culture is being clarified on the example of Christian Orthodox culture, which gives the key towards understanding the peculiarities of Russian culture.
basic components of culture, levels of freedom, freedom, creation, value, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, religious culture, culture, religious dogma
Philosophy and art
Fetisova E.E. (2016). Mythological hermeneutics of Neoacmeism. Nietzschean eschatology . Philosophy and Culture, 5, 738–752. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67853
This article is dedicated to the examination of mythopoeia of Neoacmeism within the framework of its philosophical and creative platform. Mythology is being viewed as the ontological core of “semantic poetics” of the Renaissance Acmeism, which reconstructs the original philosophy of the adherers of Acmeism and Neoacmeism, oriented at existentialism of N. Berdyaev, dialogism of S. L. Frank, and representatives of the “philosophy of life” (F. Nietzsche, W. Dilthey, G. Simmel, H. Bergson), gnoseological, anthropological, and historiosophical ideas of V. Solovyov. The author gives definition of Neoacmeism as a philosophical-cultural phenomenon of the XX century and an integral paradigm in the context of its mythology and mythopoeia; as well as follows its genesis, historically oriented on Antiquity, dialogues of Socrates and Plato, creative evolution and boundaries, “synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, which in turn supposes the detailed analysis of the poetic texts of Acmeism and Neoacmeism by the virtue of philosophical hermeneutics. This article is an attempt to build a philosophical-cultural paradigm of Neoacmeism, as well as a certain universal methodology of hermeneutic analysis of poetry in the context of synergetic co-existence of philosophy and philology (literary studies) within the space of the unified ontological discourse. The fundamentally open nature of the worldview ideas of Neoacmeism significantly complicates the task of the integral reconstruction of the creative heritage and mythology of its adherers. The author concludes that in Acmeistic works there is an integral philosophical system which could be compared by its importance with the concepts of the great creators of philosophy. Such system, the core of which consists in the specific author’s mythology, becomes a value-conceptual constant of Neoacmeism, justifying the successiveness and uniqueness of its development as an integral research strategy, which again and again allows reconstructing Neoacmeism as a philosophical-cultural paradigm within the constantly changing historical context.
Myth of Modern Times, “Antimyth”, “Myth of Akhmatova”, Cultural paradigm, “Semantic poetics”, Philosophical hermeneutics, Anthropocentrism, Ontological concept, Mythology, Neoacmeism
Philosophy of law
Malinkin A.N. (2016). Collecting of orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF by private parties in Russia: cultural criminology research. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 753–762. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67854
The subject of this research is the legal and moral consciousness of Russian phalerists who collects orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF, as well as the established about them public opinion. Due to the existing criminal law, the activity of this group of Russian phalerists is illegal, therefore, their historical research carry an anonymous and confidential character. Within the established by the government public opinion, this part of the phaleristic community is demonized and marginalized. The author proves that phalerists collecting the orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF do not pose a threat to the veterans nor the government; on the contrary, they are the potential helpers from the civilians in preservation of the historical memory, cultural values, and patriotic upbringing of the youth. The author determines the conflict between the normative and the practical levels of collection consciousness, expressed in two dilemmas, as well as defines the ways for its elimination. He demonstrated that the dilemma of legal awareness that emerged under the influence of the Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and makes to choose between the lawful behaviors and collecting orders and decorations of RSFSR, USSR, and RF, although being quite real, is imaginary in it essence; and the moral dilemma which makes to choose between the clean conscience and the desire of the fame of others, is illusionary in its essence. The author concludes that the abolition of the Article 324 of the CCRF in its current state or editorial changes that are capable of transferring it into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation decriminalizes the activity of tens of thousands of collectors and legalizes the discourse on all Russian decorations. Legalization of the discourse on Soviet and Russian decoration phaleristics is necessary from the historical, cultural, and ideological points of view. It will dilute the criminogenic fields in the economics of culture, revitalize the social moral, and produce a long-term effect of the intergeneration solidarity.
Social ethics, Moral consciousness, Legal consciousness, Intergeneration communication, Historical memory, Patriotism, Discourse on state decorations, Criminal law, Cultural criminology, Collection of orders and decorations
The stream of books
Samokhvalova V.I. (2016). In the space of sounding meaning (peer reviews on the E. N. Shapinskaya book “Music for All Times: Classical heritage and Contemporary Culture”). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 763–767. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67855
The new book by E. N. Shapinskaya book “Music for All Times: Classical heritage and Contemporary Culture” is dedicated to the study of the problem of musical heritage as an intrinsic part of human culture. Based on the example of Russian and foreign opera classics, the author examines the philosophical problems of universal character, contained in the great compositions of the past and preserving their importance today. The book simultaneously contains the analysis of the actual place of musical art within modern culture, as well as the substantiated statement on the necessity and irreplaceability of such experience that is given to men by culture and culture alone. At the same time, the author of the book reveals what means used the great masters to cover the problems of the government and its reforms, freedom and responsibility, choice and realization of life’s goal. The material of the book includes not only the theoretical reasoning and author’s conclusions, but also his personal observations, impressions from spectacles and concerts, and recordings of interviews with details of art. The space of musical experience in Shapinskaya’s interpretation appears as space of formation of a concept, and this allows a man to attain an indispensable intellectual and emotional experience, and provides prospects for personal development.
Aesthetic education, Space of development, Musical expressiveness, Cultural heritage, Other, Image, Concept, Musical experience, Musical art, Modern culture