Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). From Hegel to Marx, from Marx to Baudrillard. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 179–182. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67500
The subject of this research is the transformation of perceptions about labor from Hegel to Baudrillard. The article illustrates that Marxist interpretation of labor was based on the Hegel’s analysis of this phenomenon – that a man finds his essence in labor, which expresses release from nature and return to it. According to Marx, the main characteristic of people is their ability to embodiment (objectification) and realization of themselves in the product of their work; only by the virtue of this act of objectification, individuals find themselves capable of grasping their efforts and acquire self-conscience. Thus, the ability to voluntarily experience your own labor as a process of self-realization, forms a decisive prerequisite for good life. But this prerequisite is being destroyed by the establishment of capitalistic way of production, because wage labor deprives persons of the ability to control their work. Capitalism in such way presents a social form of life that opposes a man to its essence, by depriving him of the hope for a good life. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that the classical interpretation of the works of Hegel and Marx is being compared to the modern and post-modern views upon transformation of the entire social reality. Such outlooks allow looking at our reality from a complete different angle. Particularly, according to the opinion of Baudrillard, labor remains a human need, but in a different sense; it becomes equivalent to leisure.
trud, chelovek, otchuzhdenie, simulyakr, opredmechivanie, tvorchestvo, simvol, proizvodstvo
Philosophy of knowledge
Baksanskiy O.E., Korzhuev A.V. (2016). Philosophical methodological reconstruction of the early stages of development of natural science in light of the theory of scientific revolutions of Thomas Kuhn. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 183–190. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67501
This article makes an attempt to reviews the scientific revolution in physics of the XVII century in the context of ideas, proposed and substantiated in the book of the Western philosopher Thomas Kuhn “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”; main attention is focused on the process of creation of Newton’s mechanics as an antipode to the mechanics of Aristotle, and the world system of Ptolemy. The author illustrates such theses of T. Kuhn as the “change of paradigm and anomaly”, “duration of the change of paradigm”, “constructiveness of the scientific crisis”, and others. Philosophical concepts of Galilei, Copernicus, and Newton are being analyzed as a methodological system. As testified by the history of mathematical and physical sciences, natural scientific knowledge during the process of its rapid development often experiences crises, which are accompanied by the reconsideration of the main fundamental positions and approaches towards the description and research of the basic concept of the universe, paradigm bases, role of one or another prerequisite constructs of the new discoveries, correlation between separate fragments of knowledge associated with the reframing of the earlier determined and established in the conscience of the scientific society logical-conceptual links.
krizis aristotelevskoi paradigmy, nauchnaya revolyutsiya, metodologicheskaya refleksiya, krizis estestvoznaniya, nauchnaya paradigma, smena paradigmy, anomalii, T. Kun
The rational and the irrational
Kuz'min A.V. (2016). The Greek Zodiac and Possibility the Zoroastrian map of the constellations. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 191–197. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67502
The article is devoted to the study of ontological possibilities Zoroastrian map of the constellations. Special attention is paid to comparative interpretation reconstructed by P. Apian Zoroastrian map of the sky and the traditional map of the Greek sky. The article also discusses the final stage of formation 12-membered of the Zodiac, is developing the concept of “zodiac recipe.” The article also assesses the graphic reconstruction 1533 as the source, reflecting the essence of the tradition of the constellations formed during the period of cultural contact media astronomical knowledge of Ancient Mesopotamia with representatives zarvanytsia religious traditions.The paper uses a comparative analysis of the sources related to the subject of research, critical analysis of previously published works of domestic and foreign researchers.In the first article shows the possibility of the existence of Zoroastrian map of the constellations and the possibility of its influence on the formation of the Greek tradition of the constellations. The main findings of the article are that the fixation of the Zodiac in his finished (actually today), occurs during the interaction between the Zoroastrian and Mesopotamian culture.
karta sozvezdii, grecheskii Zodiak, mesopotamskii Zodiak, Avesta, Zoroastrizm, zervanitskaya religiya, goroskopnaya astrologiya, drevnyaya astronomiya
History of ideas and teachings
Koval' O.A. (2016). Anthropological value of passions in rationalistic metaphysics of René Descartes. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 198–205. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67503
The most complicated problem in Descartes’s metaphysics is the problem of combination of two diverse substances – thinking and extension – in one and indivisible person’s constitution. A solution of this problem proposed by Descartes was not satisfied his contemporaries and even became the main argument in favour of disclaimer all Cartesian system. The article attempts to show that Descartes’ interpretation of passions as the unity of mind and body turns out reasonable and very actual interpretation for modern philosophy, especially in connection with widely debated discussions which take place around the problem of body. To carry out the declared task, it was required to reconstruct an anthropology of Descartes which was positioned by him as the leading philosophical discipline. That is why a complex historico-philosophical and culturological methodology – including along with standard approaches of scientific research hermeneutics and structuralistic techniques of textual analysis – is applied in the article. The concept of passion considered as the principal moment of the Descartes’ anthropology allows us to supplement his traditional idealistic understanding of the person as the thinking substance and – connecting together body and consciousness which were divorced in ego cogito – to return to initial psychophysical unity of human being. Cartesian tactics of substantial division anthropologically appears not as the fundamental metaphysical principle, but as the supplementary methodological way of logical and discursive projecting of reality.
telo, soznanie, myshlenie, protyazhenie, Rene Dekart, psikhofizicheskaya problema, antropologiya, substantsiya, dualizm
Philosophy of science
Knyazev V.N., Fedorin V.V. (2016). Development of genetics and philosophical-ethical understanding of human. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 206–213. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67504
The subject of this research is the cultural-historical and philosophical-ethical aspects of the establishment and development of genetics. For more than to millenniums, various philosophical schools were differently interpreting the place of human in the world. The relevance of this topic is justified by the importance of the analysis of genetic ideas within the philosophical understanding of a human. Rapid development of genetics, bloom of biotechnologies generates today. and even clearly in future, the research of multiple worldview and methodological questions that contribute in to the philosophy of science. Scientific novelty in the philosophy of science consists in the ability of a researched to professionally analyze the achievements of the modern science in the aspects of worldview, epistemological, methodological, and sociocultural importance. The author determines the significance of genetic researches for explanation of the correlation between biological and socio-cultural factors in studying of the human conscience. Researches on the genetic structure of a human and their social consequences are being analyzed. All of these researches are extremely important for the future of humanity. Main conclusion consists in the following: human cognition does not seem possible without philosophical reasoning of the problems of study of biological foundation of psychics, as well as without the further in-depth understanding of interrelation between genetic and social in a human.
filosofiya biologii, priroda cheloveka, geneticheskoe konstruirovanie, filosofiya nauki, proekt Roberta Grema, evgenika, izmeneniya cheloveka
Social philosophy
Bitinayte E.A. (2016). Hindu sources of M. K. Gandhi’s concepts on ideal society. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 214–222. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67505
The research’s object is the model of ideal society by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. This one is part of his project of proper development for India. Author analyzes the key ideas of his project and depicts traditional Hindu components in his social philosophy. Gandhi represents development of society as process of permanent creating the auspicious external conditions for people's spiritual development. Gandhi's model of ideal society is presented as interim stage at the path to the finish goal of Hinduism – moksha (spiritual freedom). Based on analysis of the categories, author investigates the content of the most important Gandhi's terms («true civilization», Ramarajya, Swaraj, Sarvodaya) and relations between them. Comparative approach helps to determine correlation of Hindu and Western ideas in Indian philosopher's model of ideal society. Firstly in Russian science is investigated the question about sources of different ideas, determined Gandhi's model of society, based on a justice. As a result in his project of social development is found both universal ground, applied to any society, and national component, applied to India.
sarvodaiya, svaradzh, moksha, «istinnaya tsivilizatsiya», obshchestvennoe razvitie, M. K. Gandi
Political philosophy
Tsendrovskiy O.Yu. (2016). Images of the New Beginning: socio-political ideal of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 223–235. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67506
Nietzsche’s socio-political thought and proposed by him all-encompassing reformation of culture and society is subjected to a thorough examination and reframing. In the first part of the article, the author determines a theoretical base of the project of structuring a new society of New Beginning and follows its strict genetic link with the metaphysics, philosophy, history, ethics, and anthropology of the thinker. The second part is dedicated to the reconstruction of Nietzsche’s ideal state and detailed narration and analysis of his core principles. In the conclusion, Nietzsche’s image of the future and its alternative scenarios is being described. The topic of the article despite the scientific traditions of Nietzsche studies is being examined from the systematic positions. It allows eliminating the gaps that exist almost in all of the researches in this area: calling Nietzsche’s political thoughts “naïve”, fragmentary, and inconsequent, they do not attempt to reconstruct the socio-political ideal of the philosopher, rather list his opinions on various near-political issues. The main conclusion consists in the fact that Nietzsche definitely had a vivid idea about the society of the New Beginning, with the following key theses: Nietzsche’s state possesses a hierarchical social structure and free mutually-opposite vertical mobility between social categories; is polytechnic with no discrimination; is multicultural and pluralistic; is global in its aspirations, etc.
Nitsshe, Novoe Nachalo, nigilizm, pereotsenka tsennostei, preodolenie nigilizma, politicheskaya filosofiya, etika, filosofy budushchego, sverkhchelovek, Novoe vremya
Characteristics of society
Lanovskiy M.F. (2016). Deliberative model of bioethics: humanitarian convergence or social technique for the liberal communities? . Philosophy and Culture, 2, 236–244. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67507
This article is dedicated to the examination of the modern bioethics from the perspective of its methodology and public practice. The author briefly describes the history of emergence of bioethics and gives characteristic to its current state. Initially, bioethics was forming as an area of knowledge tightly linked to the academic philosophy, philosophy of medicine and natural science, and in addition to that based on the practices of discussion. However, in the last two decades bioethics is substantially growing under the influence of new actors – socio-political and economic structures. The discussion processes become a dominant way of solution of the acute problems of biomedicine, being realized among broadest audience. The author illustrates how the socio-political procedure of deliberation becomes a methodology of the modern bioethics and supersedes its philosophical concept. At the same time, two modi of deliberation established within the socio-political sphere, are suggested for the interpretation of the processes in the modern bioethics: “democratic deliberation” and “authoritarian deliberation”. The author demonstrates what flaws are hidden in the “democratic deliberation” and the ideology of consensus, promoted in bioethics.
bioetika, bioeticheskie problemy, konsensus, kazuistika, obshchestvennoe obsuzhdenie, obshchestvennaya politika, deliberativnaya demokratiya, avtoritarnaya deliberatsiya, eticheskie komitety
Philosophy of religion
Yarkova E.N. (2016). Religious culture as an object of cultural studies: the experience of typology . Philosophy and Culture, 2, 245–255. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67508
The object of study is the religious culture as a form of culture. The author examines religious culture as a phenomenon of culture rather, than an epiphenomenon of religion. He allocates such types of religious culture as: traditionalism, utilitarianism, creativism. In his vision of such destructive phenomenon as religious extremism is semantic attribute of traditionalist religious culture. Partially it is overcome in utilitarianism and removed in the religious culture of creativism. Algorithm development of religious culture presented by the author as a dialectic triad, where the thesis is religious culture of traditionalism, antithesis is religious culture of utilitarianism and synthesis is religious culture of creativism.The methodology of research represents a synthesis of such research procedures as: method of semantic and axiological reduction, in which the researcher cutting off external formal aspects of religious culture explicates their internal informative value-semantic characteristics; and method of ideal typing, aiming at the construction of mental models of religious culture, to serve as its tools of cognition.Scientific novelty and originality consists in development of culturology approach to the study of religious culture, aimed at identifying some general types of religious culture. Use as a tool for cultural study generated by the author of the typological triad: traditionalism, utilitarianism, creativism, allows you: to debunk the widespread tendency for categorizing of such destructive phenomenon as religious extremism as attribute of any concrete-historical religion; to identify universal for different religions, the semantics of this destructive phenomenon; to develop certain universal semantic antidotes to semantically neutralized this phenomenon. The author puts forward the idea that semantic antidote traditionalism is utilitarianism, shook traditionalism revived extremism and terrorism, suppressing these destructive phenomena is carried out within the framework of creativism, to eliminate the opposition of traditionalism and utilitarianism.
religiya, tsennosti, smysly, tsennostno-smyslovaya reduktsiya, traditsionalizm, utilitarizm, kreativizm
Religions and religious renaissance
Gavrilova Yu.V. (2016). The role of religious syncretism in the modern society. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 256–261. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67509
The spiritual sphere of society is being subjected to the transformation process in modern conditions of its existence. The structure and function of both individual religions, and whole religious systems change the most actively. The main features of the present stage of the evolution of religion is its total syncretization, involving changes in the specificity of traditional, classical functions of religion. The article examines the functioning of religious syncretism at the present stage of development of society. It is noted that the syncretic religions perform all the functions of “clean” non-syncretic religions, but supplement them with a number of features. The author analyses the specific character of impact of religious syncretism on various spheres of social and spiritual life. The article reveals some peculiarities of manifestation of religious syncretism in multiethnic regions.The study of religious syncretism of functions is based on a functional approach. Attention is drawn to the fact that syncretism should be considered both as a process and as a result of this process. Therefore, the specificity of functioning of syncretic religions can be revealed by using the method of comparative analysis. Comparative approach allows comparing the functioning of religious syncretism in different conditions of its manifestation. The social role of syncretic religions emerges from functions of religious syncretism. The study of functions of religious syncretism allows concluding that religious syncretism influence on our society both positively and negatively. This feature of religious syncretism functioning in the modern conditions of society’s existence arises from factors of its origin, terms of its manifestation, and various forms of existence. It concludes that syncretization of religions in modern society increases, and the processes of formation and dissimination of syncretic religious teachings and cults acquire total character.
religioznyi sinkretizm, religiya, religioznye sistemy, religioznoe soznanie, funktsii, sfery bytiya, polietnicheskie regiony, faktory
Sibiryakov V.N. (2016). Concepts and approaches to aesthetic interpretation of sound recording. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 262–267. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67510
Expanding the traditional concept of musical sound recordings, the author introduces it in the context of contemporary aesthetics. The article considers the most significant scientific concept of sound recording's study, where the subject of research is the genesis of its aesthetic and artistic characteristics.With the installation of the aesthetic interpretation author explores concepts of "aura", "absolute music", "the dialectic of the general and specific ontological regularities of sounding matter", "creative simulation" et al., and also offers a variety of methodological approaches to the study of the sound recording art. Analyzes and correlates local and foreign research, which related to the topic of sound recording, in order to identify the most significant patterns in this process. In the art of music in the Age of Technical Reproduction there is resumption of in its aura of a qualitatively new form. The modern stage is also characterized by an alternative perception contrary to the traditional music listening experience. The novelty of the presented analysis consists in the interpretation of the artistic phenomenon in the sound recording system of philosophical and aesthetic reflection that provides the key to understanding of many things in musical science and offers substantial interest in the theory of art of the XX and XXI centuries.
estetika, absolyutnaya muzyka, kontseptsiya aury, embient, filosofiya zvuka, esteticheskaya interpretatsiya, slukhovoi opyt, zvukorezhissura
Philosophy and culture
Khoruzhiy S.S. (2016). Cosmic liturgy as an ecological principle of the Orthodox culture. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 268–274. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67511
This article is prepared based on the report made on the First Altai Forum “Codevelopment of the Society, Human, and Nature in the Context of Dialogue of Civilizations” (Altai Republic, May of 2014). This research discusses the principles of the attitude towards the environment and ecological problematics, contained in the foundations of the Christian doctrine, as well as those established in the world of Eastern Christianity. The reframing and reconceptualization of the notion of anthropocentrism in its correlation with the notion of theocentricism and christocentricism is being conducted. The precise identification within the range of all types of anthropocentrism of those which corresponds with Christianity and Orthodoxy, leads to a new perspective on the issue of “Christianity and ecology”. It is demonstrated that in the paradigm of Christian anthropocentrism, designation of a human includes a certain cosmic mission – activeness, turned onto the entire created world and aimed at transformation of its being. Further analysis reveals that this cosmic mission is isomorphic in its essence towards the ministry of a priest who performs liturgy, and therefore can be interpreted as a “cosmic liturgy”, the ideas of which were expressed by Maximus the Confessor back in the VII century. Based on that, the conceptual links between the ecology and asceticism are being determined.
khristianstvo, pravoslavie, buddizm, ekologiya, ekologicheskoe soznanie, sinergiinaya antropologiya, antropotsentrizm, liturgiya, isikhazm, askeza
Philosophy and art
Skorokhodova S.I. (2016). Aesthetic ideas of Y. F. Samarin and N. V. Gogol. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 275–281. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67512
The subject of this research is the fundamental philosophical aesthetic ideas of Y. F. Samarin and N. V. Gogol. The author determines the characteristic to both scholars ways for solution of the problem of transcending the boundaries of art, which is most significant in Russian culture. From the thinkers’ perspective, the art has to express “national beginning” and serve it: encourage constructive powers, harmonize relationship within the society, and other. Samarin was a creatively gifted individual, while Gogol, especially in his later years, was leaning towards religious-philosophical reasoning of the world and human. Thus, the analysis of various texts (letters, articles, creative oeuvres) and correlation of the aesthetic views of the philosopher and writer are justified. According to Samarin, Gogol captured and expressed in his works main features of the Russian national character. Particularly, the remarkable Gogol’s laugh is the representation of Russian folk spirit. The author concludes that views of Samarin and Gogol on art and its role in life coincided in many aspects. They both believe that there is no that of human without that which is truly national, but the meaning of the Russian art is in its global calling.
Samarin, iskusstvo, narodnoe nachalo, tvorchestvo, muzyka, smekh
Philosophy of law
Paleev R.N. (2016). Max Weber on law and morality. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 282–288. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67513
The subject of this research is the legal concept of Max Weber, who among such classics of sociology as Karl Mannheim and Vilfredo Pareto, dedicated more attention to the problems of law and morality. When the scholars thought of the reason why capitalism emerged in the West, the came to the conclusion that it is all because of our “greed for gain”. German philosopher believed the “strive for entrepreneurship”, as well as the most financial profit, in its essence has nothing to do with the capitalism. This strive is characteristic to all social groups and professions of all times, and all over the world, where is a slight chance to make more profit. Similar naïve ideas about the essence of capitalism belong to those truths, which should be rejected once and for all back at the initial stage of studying history of culture. According to Weber, the cause of emergence of capitalism is the protestant ethos – a specific code of moral ideas that are connected with poetization of labor, asceticism, and moral purity. The article is first to analyse Weber’s legal ideas and their correlation with morality. The author demonstrates how the ascetic Protestantism affected the modern entrepreneurship. One of the main components of the modern capitalistic spirit and spirit of the entire modern culture – the rational lifestyle based on the idea of professional calling – appeared from the spirit of Christian asceticism.
Veber, pravo, pravoporyadok, asketizm, sotsiologiya, affekty, ekonomika, khozyaistvo
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Human triumph . Philosophy and Culture, 2, 289–292. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67514
This article reviews a remarkable monography by V. I. Samokhvalova “Superhuman: image, metaphor, and program” (M., 2015), in which the author based on the significant philosophical material attempts to substantiate Nietzsche’s idea of Übermensch (superhuman). This problem is examined in traditional doctrines, various religious systems, myths, and modern cultural perceptions. It is evident that this topic has an outstanding background story, but at the same time it attained many stereotypes, free interpretations, and various meanings. Today, the notion of superhuman could be understood very differently – from the idea of perfection of a human, all the way until human brain replacement with a silicon chip. The author bases on an extensive philosophical tradition, including the modern transhumanism, and also applies hermeneutic method that allows revealing hidden meanings in the well-known philosophical texts. Even recently, with regards to a human, we could hear exceptionally funeral motifs. Philosophers were ecstatically describing the human demise not only as a topic of philosophical anthropology, but also as a flickering anthropological given. Human died not only as an animal, but also as a historical creature, human dissolved in everything that surrounding him – nature, society, technologies. However, the topic of a living, bodily, and almost immortal human gradually became evident in even post-modernistic philosophy.
chelovek, sverkhchelovek, Nitsshe, inomernyi chelovek, antropologicheskaya mera, filosofiya, smysl, stradanie, filosofskaya antropologiya