Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Can N. M. Karamzin be considered a philosopher?. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1483–1486. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68319
Thus article is dedicated to N. M. Karamzin as a philosopher. Indeed, first and foremost, he was a historian, as well as writer. However, he did not hesitate to refer to him as a philosopher. And in the author’s opinion, he has all the reasons to call himself a philosopher. N. M. Karamzin introduced the word “identity” into the Russian speech. It does not quite seem like a big achievement. In the XVIII – early XIX centuries many humanitarians were fascinated with creation of words. But the word “identity” invented by Karamzin, met the in-depth demands of the Russian, as well as European philosophy. The categorical discourse already contained the words “individual” and “individuality”. And now, it was the time to signify a person as a specific, highest measure, carrier of the high spiritual and social qualities. For the first time in history, Karamzin is characterizes as a philosopher. He did not just introduced a new word into philosophy, but the definition of “identity” reflected a drastic turn not only in Russian, but also European philosophy. After Karamzin, the Russian philosophy has referred to the topic of personality, which led to establishment of the personalist philosophy in Russia.
Freedom, Integrity, Spirituality, Socialization, History, Identity, Individuality, Individual, Human, Personality
Space and time
Zima V.N. (2016). To the question on ontological content of the category “created eternity” (in the context of the problem of interpretation of solution of the question about temporal status of the “beginning” and nomological level of created being in Eastern Patristic). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1487–1497. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68272
The object of this research is the category of created eternity, which is viewed in three main aspects: as a category of ontology, by means of which the metaphysical distinctness of the created being is expressed within the framework of the Christian creationism, as well as the original intuitions are revealed in the context of the traditional for philosophy temporal problematic; as the subject of reflection in theological-philosophical tradition of the Eastern Patristic; as the subject of reflection in the modern research on history of philosophy and philosophy of science. The subject of this work is the question about the ontological and referential content of this category. The author suggest to examine this issue in the context of the problem of interpretation by the contemporary researchers of such ways of solution of the questions of temporal status of the “beginning” and nomological level of the created being, which were proposed in the Eastern Patristic. The category of created eternity is simultaneously analyzed from the two perspectives: as the subject of historical-philosophical examination, and history of ideas. The notion of the “created eternity” is viewed in the oneness of etymological, logical, and historical approaches, and for the first time it became the subject of systematic analysis. The author determines and analyzes the trend of a so-called extensive understanding of the ontological content of the created eternity, which is present is the modern research of the problem and associated with examination of the category of the created eternity primarily from the perspective of the philosophy of ideas. In the context of solution of the question about the temporal status of the beginning and nomological level of the created being, the author for the first time analyzed the opinion of the Russian philosopher and Patrologist V. I. Nesmelov associated with the interpretation of the suggested by St. Gregory of Nyssa solution to the problem of temporary sequence of the six days of creation. Based on the example of the analysis of the views of Gregory of Nyssa, it is demonstrated that such opinion cannot be considered appropriate. The conclusion is made that the extensive interpretation of the ontological content of the category of created eternity does not find its foundation in the authentic tradition of the Eastern Patristic.
Nesmelov Victor, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, eternity, time, Greek Patristic, the created eternity, metaphysics, ontology, the created being
Value and truth
Maksimov L.V. (2016). Knowledge and values in the structure of humanitarian disciplines. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1498–1505. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68306
The subject of this research is the equivocal – simultaneously value and cognitive – status of humanitarian disciplines. Despite the obvious presence of the value component in composition of these disciplines (notably, presence not only as the object of cognition, but also as the scholar’s own value position), the are usually qualified in the philosophical-methodological literature as the branches of knowledge, specific sciences (compared with other sciences). The article gives a different interpretation of the structure and functions of humanitarian disciplines. It is demonstrated that in this field have practically established the two interrelated and formally inseparable, but in essence, discordant types of intellectual activity: alongside the humanitarian sciences, which describe and explain the realities of human existence, it is also the value-normative doctrines, which suggest and rationally substantiate certain life orientations of the people. The methodological foundation lies in the non-cognitivist approach that stands for the beyond cognition specificity of the value-normative phenomena of consciousness, as well as their profound irreducibility to knowledge. This approach formed in the last several decades as the alternative to the traditional cognitivist paradigm that interprets human mentality in general as the area exclusively of the knowledge and cognition. The important practical result of discrediting of the cognitivist paradigm consists in the radical retargeting of the methodology of ethical upbringing: rejection of the traditional “educational” orientation (according to which, the values are retransmitting through the transfer of “knowledge” of good, duty, etc.; in other words, by means of moral edifications) in favor of the more efficient methods of psychological and socio-deterministic impact upon the souls of the educates.
Metaethics, Reductionism, Non-cognitivism, Cognitivism, Values, Knowledge, humaniora, humanities, Humanitarian sciences, Humanitarian disciplines
Ideology and psychology of the masses
Zhemchugova O.A. (2016). Contrariety of the superhero image in the modern mass culture. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1506–1510. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68308
The object of this research is mass culture; the subject is the superheroic discourse that originated in comics – the key textual structures of mass culture. The author examines the ambivalence of the superhero characters, which on one side, represent hope for the rescue from external threats, and on the other side, a symbol of internal threat coming from those to whom society usually trusts. The contemporary superheroic discourse poses the questions of “otherness”, spiritual self-growth, as well as attainment of personal identity. The author detects the key controversies in the image of superheroes based on three directions: form, content, and development. It is determined that the look of a superhero symbolizes its superhuman status, and also places him outside the framework of society. The inner content of the superheroic image is filled with contradictions between his identities, as well as inevitably includes the antagonistic images. The development of superhero can never be complete – he is forced to always be at the stage of initiation, shifting between the divine and human identities.
superhero, narrative, comics, myth, textual structrures, mass culture, hero, identity, symbol, image
Ontology: being and nihility
Vetushinskii A.S., Galanina E.V. (2016). The ontology of video games: objects, worlds, and environment. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1511–1516. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68309
,Video game became an imperative part of the modern culture, which at the present stage finds its application in education, science and business, as well as training of cosmonauts, military officers, and medical personnel. We can also see video games exhibited in museums of modern art, and of course, they are studied in universities all over the world. In this sense, the authors attempt to cognize the philosophical aspect of video games, namely the ontology. Because without the description and analysis of the ontology of video games, it is impossible to understand their structure, as well as which ontological and gnoseological positions they are based upon. However, the authors believe that there is no single ontology, considering that there are different apprehensions of video games. Thus, the authors suggest referring to the three main ontologies of video games: the first one views them as the cultural phenomenon; the second – as the virtual words; and the thirds – as the mediator between a human (gamer and developer) and gaming platform, the interaction of which, as a matter of fact, makes the video games possible.
gamer, virtual worlds, digital culture, game studies, flat ontology, ontology of video games, computer games, video games, game developer, gaming platform
Cycles and tides in the global world
Goncharov V.V. (2016). Social development in interpretation of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1517–1523. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68354
This article is dedication to examination of social development in interpretation of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism. The author substantiates the position that between the notions of “globalization” and “social development” there is a link that allows accumulating the achievements of socio-philosophical concepts of the past and modernity regarding the question of determination of the basis of organization and activity of the society, as well as directions of its development. The accumulation of socio-philosophical knowledge allows identifying the global constitutionalism in the context of social development as systemic, carrying progressive character, process of globalization of socio-political, state-legal, and financial-economic organization and activity of the society on the international and national levels; while globalization itself as a natural status (stage) of development of the government-organized society of the capitalist era (its imperialistic stage). The conclusion is made that the social development within the framework of philosophy of the global constitutionalism, is completely subordinated to the logic of preservation and development of the world capitalist system, which allows retaining power and property in hands of the global ruling elites represented by the global ruling class.
neoconservatism, Marxism, neoliberalism, global constitutionalism, philosophical concept, interpretation, social development, free market, human rights, democratic values
Man and mankind
Akimova M.A. (2016). “What is human?” The experience of actualization of metaphysical aspect of interrogation. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1524–1533. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68353
The solution of the question “what is human” was not a trivial task for the philosophy. But outside the philosophical context, nontriviality of the aforementioned question manifests at the stage of perception of the essence of interrogation, particularly as a result of the inherent specificity of formulation. The presented question in essence is an abstract interrogation about the “abstract-universal”, the idea of which until today does not have an unambiguous and generally recognized definition. The article analyzes separate aspects of the problematic of search for the answer to one of the fundamental philosophical questions of modernity – “what is human?” The author attempts to actualize the philosophical-anthropological discourse in the part of metaphysical dimension of human nature. During the course of conceptualization of the narrative of the Holy Scripture, we can trace the foundation of the alternative vector in determination of the essence “human”. The original approach towards reading the text of the Holy Scripture serves as the impulse for actualization of the metaphysical aspect of the scientific discourse regarding the “problem of human”. The notion of “possibility” in the presented by the author interpretation, is able to perform the functions of the connecting link between the basic concepts of such scientific disciplines as philosophy, sociology, political science, etc.
God-likeness, Creation, Creation, “Human in general”, Human, Individual, Human essence, Ontology, Possibility, Holy Scripture
Philosophy of knowledge
Il'in S.E. (2016). The establishment of time of the emergence of knowledge on socialization as a research problem. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1534–1540. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68362
This article is dedicated to the questions of reflection over the historical aspects of the study of socialization. The discussion is focused on the search of such event from the history of research though, which can signify the conception of the group of knowledge on the corresponding phenomenon. Due to the fact that the present literature substitutely names several facts that can claim to the status of the initial, the author attempts to conclude the alternative metatheoretical hypotheses under the unified logic, within the framework of which the mentioned in each case events represent rather stages, than the origins of the study of socialization. Thanks to the general scientific methods of comparison and classification, the observed metatheoretical theses can be integrated into the six mutually complementing groups. The following conclusions are made during the course of this work: firstly, the author claims the need for a particular consideration of the conceptual load of criticism, which result in the reflection over the knowledge on socialization; secondly, it is suggested to problematize the use of the metaphor of emergence in realization of this reflection, as well as attracts other metaphors in the context of reference to the regularities of evolution of the authentic data on socialization, which would not directly refer to the idea of the beginning.
Metatheorizing, Idea of the beginning, Metaphors in reflection, Problems of reflection, Reflection over knowledge, History of the research thought, History of cognition, Evolution of knowledge, Conception of knowledge, Knowledge on socialization
Philosophy of science
Naumova T.V. (2016). Science and the state in modern Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1541–1550. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68363
The problem of science and the state in society is not new. But the special relevance it has acquired today in the light of changes in the socio-political and cultural situation in modern Russia. Especially when you consider that the problem of the relationship of the state towards science in modern Russia is widely discussed in Russian scientific literature. That is why this topic has been chosen as an object of the current study.The article focuses on the such issues as funding of scientific research; the creation of new research centers; position of academic and University research in the Russian scientific space; criteria of estimation of scientific activity; the level of citation of scientific publications; measures of promotion of the further development of Russian science and the role of government in supporting it.Analyzing this theme, the author has relied on theoretical generalizations contained in the works of Russian researchers. In addition, there has been used the method of sociological analysis, empirical method and statistical analysis based on the data of concrete sociological researches, conducted by Russian scientific and educational structures.Implementation of the problem of relationship of the state towards science in the modern Russian realities will help to clarify the methodological approaches to the definition of such concepts as: scientist in the conditions of market transformation of society, social and professional status of the scientist, the specific criteria of the prestige of scientific work. Moreover, it is to a certain extent will help to study the possibility of changing research policy in order to further development of domestic science.
Citation, Publishing activity, Prestige of the scientific work, University science, Criteria of efficiency, Academic science, Size, Financing, State, Science
The dialogue of cultures
Grishatova Yu.L. (2016). Italian Renaissance in the mirror of Russian Renaissance. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1551–1562. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68364
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of the Western European Renaissance in its interpretation by the Russian philosophy and culturological thought, as well as examination of the phenomenon of Renaissance in application to the Russian history of culture. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the views of the Russian philosophers and researchers upon the phenomenon of the Western European Renaissance in general, and its connection with the Russian historical and cultural tradition. The Renaissance culture was being thoroughly examined by the Russian philosophical scholars, art and literature experts, and historians. At the same time, their assessments at times strike by their originality and non-traditional research approach, as well as are quite ambiguous and ambivalent. The author attempts to analyze the fundamental these on the topic of Western European Renaissance altogether, and clarify in which way the Russian view and interpretation of Renaissance differs from other, particularly classical European vision. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the Russian philosophical thought contains a specific and critical opinion regarding the phenomenon of Renaissance, and the researchers of Russian culture often raised a question about its correlation with the history of Russian culture and art. It is no coincidence that particularly acute interest towards the Renaissance emerged within the Russian thought in the early XX century, when Renaissance has become one of the head topics of contemplation among the Russian philosophers, and art community of the Silver age. The bloom of the cultural and philosophical thought of the early XX century and the “Silver Age” of the Russian literature are evaluated as the Russian Renaissance, which concurred with the general European era of modernism.
Religious consciousness, Folk culture, Humanism, Prospect, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Cultural memory, Russian Renaissance, Silver Age, Aesthetics of the Renaissance
Nedugova I.A. (2016). Intentional structure of experience. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1563–1570. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68365
The subject of this research is the objective-energy structure of consciousness. The goal of this work is the formulation of the mechanism of determination of the onto-gnoseological grounds of objective consciousness as the means of constructive overcoming of the distorted forms of “Self” in human existence. The establishment of the integral structure of consciousness will provide an opportunity of conducting a gnoseological and ontological analysis of the objective determinism of culture and consciousness. It is defined that the formation of the holistic core of identity of the human Self must be built on the basis of reflection that considers context, includes a maximally ideal and distracted from the usual perception thinking. The identity suggest overcoming the “attraction of subject” and simultaneous establishment of the Self upon it as the permanent presence and highest order (identity of the fourth order). The result of this research consists in revelation of the forms of the distorted objective core of identity of the human Self as the condition for formation of the illusionary consciousness. The author formulates the model of the concept of the objectively determined existence, which is applied in philosophical, culturological, socio-philosophical, and other humanitarian studies for the analysis of cultural processes, as well as processes emerging in transformation of the objective identity of the human Self.
Intentionality, Reflection, Illusion, Existence, Consciousness, Culture, Hermeneutic circle, Identity, Self, Thingness
Philosophical anthropology
Vdovina I.S. (2016). P. Ricœur. Introduction: Antinomicity of human reality and the problem of philosophical anthropology (translated from French by I. S. Vdovina). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1571–1582. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68366
In the center of Paul Ricœur’s article are problems of philosophical anthropology, studied through the prism of antinomicity of human existence. The inner antinomies of a human, in the thinker’s opinion, are the most specific and demonstrative: voluntary and involuntary, action and trial of impact, autonomy and vulnerability, ability and fragility. Paul Ricœur attempt to examine them dialectically, focusing attention on the two-sidedness of human desire, which is rooted in human love for himself, and simultaneously, open to the limitless horizon. In this regard, the philosopher refers to the notions of character and happiness, which testify to the disproportionality of human in practice: character is the individual way of action that is realizes by a human because of his freedom; happiness is the final point, towards which human aims his motivation. Ricœur is a bright representative of the reflexive philosophy that is based on the ideas of phenomenology and hermeneutics, and at the same time, uses in its research the resources of the sciences about human: ethnology, history, economics, sociology, linguistics, etc. In his teaching, the French thinker raises a question about human, his specificity, and wholeness. He examines human reality taking the path from the myth, philosophical formulations of Plato, Pascal, Kierkegaard to Kant, and then modernity. Although Ricœu considered realization of the project of philosophical anthropology the “project of a lifetime”, but rarely used this term.
Culture, History, Action, I-self, Spiritual, Vital, Reason, Sensibility, Human, Philosophical anthropology
Philosophy and culture
Gibelev I.V. (2016). Sacral and technical: image of the boundaries of cultural pluralities. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1583–1588. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68368
The discussion of cultural pluralities causes difficulties in cultural philosophy, as well as philosophical anthropology, because the ontological status of plurality eludes the explaining and understanding examination. In such case, the criticism remains comprehensible. The positive interpretation will be considered accomplished, if concentrate on the boundaries of cultural pluralities. Explication of the phenomenon of boundary in the space of cultural pluralities is associated with understanding of interrelation between the sacral and technical spaces. They are subject to examination in the post-historical horizon, which change the ontological status of their boundary if compared to the classical culture. The two given by Aristotle fundamental definitions of boundary (boundary as differentiation-synthesis and boundary-limit) transform the connection between the technique and sacral into the hybrid unity. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of a positive review of the cultural pluralities, formed by the intersection of sacral and technical spaces within modern culture. Such original spaces require the determination of a specific scale of their analysis. As the scale and simultaneously mechanism of the analysis, the author uses the concept of boundary. The work provides the description of a number of phenomenological signs of the boundary between the sacral and technical.
Post-apocalypse, Post-history, Technical, Sacral, Cultural plurality, Plurality, Machine and apparatus, Ontological status of the boundary, Phenomenology of the boundary, Boundary
Philosophy and art
Apaeva A.Yu. (2016). Martin Heidegger about the phenomenon of space in art. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1589–1594. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68367
This scientific article represents a philosophical research of the notions of space and art. The author perform the explication of the phenomenon of space and its relation to art through the interpretation of a number of work by Martin Heidegger, namely one of his late essays “Art and Space”, in which attention is turned to the art of sculpture. A new method of interpretation of this Heidegger’s work is presented. In reconstruction of Heidegger’s ideas, the author determines a hermeneutic circle that is depicted with the references to the poetic expressions of Goethe. Thanks to the motion in this circle, the space of art is being comprehended as the space of creation (place), space of reception (area), and space of existence. For the clear understanding of the essence of space of art, Heidegger conducts a step-by-step destruction of the usual phenomenon to the initiate phenomenon. The authors followed the revealed path of Heidegger’s thought. The true essence of space is discovered in the “protolanguage” of poetry, considered by Heidegger as art as a whole. In the word, Heidegger contacts with the matter itself, or it comes through the word in its form. This research is of theoretical importance due to revelation of such crucial notions as art, space, creature, place, and truth.
Poetry, Sculpture, Existence, Truth, Creation of art, Thing, Area, Place, Space, Art