Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Phenomenology of religion as world relations. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1609–1612. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68508
The traditional to the sector of Professor V. K. Shokhin edition of almanac “Philosophy of Religion” (2014-2015 / edited by V. K. Shokhin. M.: Nauka – Vostochnaya Literatura, 2015. 590 p.) can be considered as precious heritage for the multidiscipline experts. It can be useful for the professionals in the area of philosophy, theology, religious studies, as well as wide audience of readers interested in philosophical-religious topic. Multiple foreign and Russian specialists were attracted to this work. The author uses the principle of historicism, which allows analyzing the spiritual experience of different eras, establish dialogues between the most remarkable representatives of the philosophy of religion. Almanac gives an idea about the status of large-scale research work in the area of philosophical knowledge. The chapter of almanac, which reveals the correlation between philosophy and mystical experience with consideration of the modern approaches and historical contexts, contains undoubtedly scientific novelty. This chapter is the arsenal of the in-depth ideas and revelations associated with mysticism. The publication presents polemics on the issues of historical orientation, as well as debatable topics of the modernity. The chapter dedicated to the translations of classical works can be truly considered priceless.
Meditation, Contemplation, God, Faith, Esotericism, Mysticism, Spiritual experience, Theology, Philosophy of religion, Religion
Philosophy of religion
Nesterkin S.P. (2016). The problem of determination of personality in Hindu spiritual and historical traditional. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1613–1618. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68332
Based on the Tibetan Buddhist scholastic literature, this article examines the approaches towards determination of personality in the Hindu Orthodox and non-Orthodox religious-philosophical schools. The work reviews the terms that serve as a personality marker (in the texts of sutra and schastra), as well as analyzed its main definitions. Significant attention is given to the analysis of the non-Buddhist views upon personality, as (1) constant, (2) single, and (3) independent. Argumentation of the Buddhists who criticized such views is revealed. The author determines that Buddhism in contradiction to the thesis of “heterodoxy” teachings regarding the presence of selfishness (Tibetan bdag) of personality, proposes the statement about in unselfishness (Tibetan bdag med), and provides analysis of interpretations of this notion in various Buddhist schools. This research in methodological aspect is built on the analysis of reference texts in the context of living philosophical-religious tradition of Buddhism. The conclusion is made that the denial of selfishness of personality in Buddhism must be understood on the context of polemic of Buddhism with the non-Buddhist religious-philosophical traditions. Objections of the Buddhists are aimed not against the personal principle as such, but rather erroneous in their opinion understanding of personality as the subject of liberation, developed in Orthodox and non-Orthodox Hindu spiritual traditions.
Madhyamaka, Scholasticism, Tibetan philosophy, the Gelug, identity, personality, Buddhism, Mahayana, Buddhistic soteriology, Dharma
Theological foundations of being
Akimov O.Yu. (2016). Apophasis as revelation of the value of being in the works of V. V. Rozanov. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1619–1624. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68326
The subject of this research is the study of V. V. Rozanov’s texts as a peculiar way of achieving the being, realized as the understanding of style of things – their inner form, associated with the human perception, which allows the thinker to see the world as collected (attained) integral (order, meaning) on one hand; and as deprived of its integrity individual, which in its absolute expression represents the beginning of the chaos. The real world, living and undefined, in Rozanov’s understanding is the irrational combination of these beginning that preside over the life of mortal man. The reconstruction of V. V. Rozanov’s apophasis is being realized with the help of dialectical method; reconciliation of the two antagonistic beginnings is performed through the third, which is defined by the mutual coexistence of the first two. Thus, the animosity between the heavenly and earthly in Rozanov’s works finds its resolution in the phenomenon of family. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the thinker’s texts using the apophatic method. It allows demonstrating not only the inner logic of separate fragments of Rozanov’s texts, but also mark their conceptual dominant understanding of the being as emptiness, the filling of which in various situations leads to either supremacy of the absolute order (divine being defining the world as the harmonic whole), or supremacy of the chaos (irrational beginning of the world associated with Paganism). Their interaction, in Rozanov’s opinion, is valuable a priori.
destruction, Apophasis, death, life, sublation, vacuum, antinomy, being, thing, devaluation
Ontology: being and nihility
Vetushinskiy A.S. (2016). On the way to symmetry: how did the ontology become flat. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1625–1630. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68509
The author refers to the new ontologies that attained the name of “flat”, among which are the ontologies of Latur, Deslandes, Harman, Bogost, Bryant, Morton, and others. However, the author believes that it is not enough to just describe the peculiarities of this new type on ontologies (which have already been done by the representatives themselves), but also demonstrate why and in what ways the non-flat ontology transformed into the flat, in other words, how the flat ontology fits the general philosophical context. The author suggest examining the flat ontology as one of the four basic ontological schematisms, which are the four different versions of the answer to the question “what is?” As a result, the author determines that the flat ontology emerged due to the denial of the assumptions that lie in the foundation of the three ontological schematisms (Parmenidean, ascent, Democritus’ descent, Kant’s medium that sets up and down). As demonstrated by the author, all of these schematisms originated from the clear in one or another way vertical. The refusal of it became the cause that the new ontology holds just the horizontal.
object, beings, being, correlationism, speculative realism, object-oriented ontology, flat ontology, ontology, symmetry, asymmetry
Space and time
Spektor D.M. (2016). Eternity of space and time, and their transformation. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1631–1638. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68510
The subject of this research is the transformation of time and space (transformation of time into space). Substantiation in this case is the reduction to the core, which allows restoring the contours of the phenomena, space-time in their certainty and distinction to the preceding. As the historical-logical “foundation”, the author establishes the specific state that reconciles with “eternity”, and at the same time with the typical integral sacred. It is demonstrated that the most essential side is the transformation if the “internal” and “external”, at the same time, things such as states correspond to the “space” of the external and “time” of the internal that have developed within them. The method of the research is substantiated by the analysis and reconstruction of the notions of “time” and “space” in their transformation; the most significant feature of this method is the gradual reconciliation of the anthropological and logical forms (category of own-Other, connected by the logically transgressive transition). The scientific novelty lies in formulation of the category of “transformation” that is historically preceding to attribution of dyads of reciprocal of internal/external and time/space. The author is first to review the space and time as sub specie aeternitatis of pragmatic outcome and transcendental sensibility. The latter in its unconditionality (transcendental antinomia) suggest the possibility of correlation of the dyads in form of external-spatial (antagonism forces) and internal-timely (dramatism of feelings).
biography, practice, ritual, transport, handling, space, eternity, Time, linearity, subject
Cycles and tides in the global world
Bagrova E.V. (2016). Philosophical analysis of the importance of artificial and natural in structural crises and social development. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1639–1644. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68511
The subject of this article is the philosophical analysis of the artificial and natural in structural crises and social development. The goal of this work consists in the answer to the question about preservation of the natural component in social development and crisis phenomena, as well as role of the natural within modern social dynamics and anthropogenic crises. The author also analyzes the achievements in the area of overcoming crises and leveling of the cyclic fluctuations. The important part of the conducted analysis consists in the philosophical bases of economic theories that are associated with the cyclic development and crises phenomena. For the purpose of obtaining the set task, the article examines the key concepts of the leveling of cyclic fluctuations and practical results of their realization. In the result of this research it is determined that when humanity learns to overcome the structural crises of misbalances of the same type, the unresolved philosophical alongside moral-ethical issues, change the form of origination of the crises, but its conceptual content remains consistent. Naturalness of the crisis phenomena that takes its roots in human nature, in many ways supersedes the leveling of the cyclic fluctuations. Moreover, only the crises associated with the current level of development of society and technologies are relevant during the each of the eras of social development.
level of technological development, social wellness, leveling of cyclical fluctuations, crisis management, civilizational pendulum, cyclic development, crisis, artificial, natural, bubbles
Westerners and Slavophiles today
Krasikov V.I. (2016). Rhapsodists of tradition in the modern Russian philosophical community: “Contextualists”. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1645–1653. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68512
The object of this article is the Russian philosophical community, which includes the character thinks and their groups who claim the orientation towards the native culture and peculiarities of Russian mentality as their identifying distinction. The subject of this research is the history of emergence of these thinkers and groups in post-Soviet Russia, their forming institutions, and history of relations with the other intellectual groups. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the historical roots of these newly established traditions, their representation within the academic and educational institutions, as well as specificities of theoretical platforms of their leaders. The methodology is based on the approach, according to which the network structure of relationship between the intellectuals defines the generally important space of intellectual attention, which is structured upon several competitive positions. The main result of the conducted research consists in description of history, theoretical peculiarities, composition and institutional representation of the three intellectual directions among the “contextualist thinkers” – “conservative revolutionaires”, “Orthodox immanenists”, and “existentialists of tradition”.
archeomodernism, Russian mentality, historiosophy, existentialists of tradition, Orthodox immanentists, conservative revolutionaries, Slavophilism, Contextualists, synergetic anthropology, existential cultural studies
Axiology: values and relics
Kletskin M.V. (2016). The interpretation of value relation in ancient history and modern era. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1654–1663. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68513
The subject of this research is the understanding of the category of “good” in philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, and Stoic Zeno. The author examines the establishment of praxeological perception of the value relation in philosophy of the modern era. Realization of the new task of the research suggest resolution of the question regarding nature and essence of the value relation, as well as place of the unconscious reasoning in formation of the existential being. It is necessary to illustrate the causes for establishment of the peculiar ancient perception of good as the highest “idea” of being overall, as well as formation of the content of the notion of “value” in the New European philosophy. The main conclusion consists in the following position: in ancient worldview, a man did not create the world around himself, but rather God, nature, and logos through the man, who instead of consolidation of his authority over nature, was forced to subordinate to the compulsion of necessity. The author also presents the idea that value is the attribute of any subject of existential being, because the soul embodies its immanent demands within them, as well as creates them as the tool for realization of telos.
Being, Telos, Axiology, Unconscious, Value relation, Good, Aristotle, Plato, Stoicism, Value
Philosophical anthropology
Prorokova M.N. (2016). “Scared Sociology of Roger Caillois”. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1664–1672. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68514
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the fundamental for the entire French sociological school as a whole, including the sociological college, the founder of which was Roger Caillois, notions of sacred and profane. Reviewing this dialectical dyad in the context of various spheres and conditions of life the society (holiday, carnival, war, game), Caillois comes to the conclusion that the very attempt of demarcation of the sacred and profane areas is extremely important for the formation of public and religious consciousness of a human and all of the processes of socialization. According to Caillois, sacred and profane depict for the individual and the society the spheres that are holy or cursed, allowed or prohibited, experienced or unexperienced, in control or beyond control of the human influence. The goal of this work consists in the reconstruction of views of the French thinker upon the questions associated with sacred and profane, as well as their impact upon the establishment of the social and religious consciousness. There are very few extensive research within the Russian humanitarian science that are dedicated to such complicated and ambiguous phenomenon as the sacred or holy. Therefore, the analysis of understanding of the phenomenon of an important for the philosophical thought of the XX century persona pf Roger Caillois represents great interest and value. Correlation between the sacred and the secular in R. Caillois’ concept reflects the correlation between the freedom of will (profane, familiar, and usual for a human area, his “living world) and fate, providence, and tradition formed beyond the personal will of an individual (sacred) – the area of the highest and incomprehensible, simultaneously tempting and terrifying. Unlike certain contemporaries, particularly his colleague Georges Bataille, Caillois assesses the separation of the spheres of sacred and profane as a positive phenomenon, which is the guarantor of stability and carries constructive functions for the human community.
Prohibition, Return, Myth, Ritual, Religion, Society, Anthropology, College of sociology, Profane, Sacred
Toporina E.A., Ter-Gukasova T.A., Khominskaya V.M. (2016). Modern interpretation of classical art: the crisis of understanding?. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1673–1680. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68515
The subject of this research is the modern interpretation of classical art. The authors refer to the issues of understanding of the classical art, adequacy of conveying its meanings, experiencing the art and communication with it, value aspect of art works, as well as question of tradition and innovations in modern perception of the classical art. These problems are reveals through the reference to the practice of modern art – multiple movie and theatrical production of the classicism. The authors attempt to answer the question what is the modern interpretation of art, by analyzing the position of the classics in modern art and basing themselves on the works of philosophers, aestheticians, critics, literary scholars, and members of art community. Based on the analysis of “life” of the classicism in modern cultural-aesthetical field, the authors demonstrate the crisis of its understanding, rather than the attentive perusal realized by the contemporary means. Today, any re-interpretation of the composition can find (and finds) its justification and explanation. It is associated not only with the factors that should be viewed through the prism of development of the art, innovations, search of the new forms, but also more extensively – as a sustainable trend of confrontation of “non-classicism” with the traditional classical art. Such confrontation to a considerable degree causes the “crisis of understanding” of the classical artistic legacy and its interpretation in the modern art.
Value, Artistic legacy, Tradition, Dialogue, Theatre, Cinematography, Distortion, Understanding, Modern interpretation, Classical literature
Philosophy and culture
Lukash A.V. (2016). Contradictions of the social-labor relations at the present stage of sociocultural development. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1681–1685. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68516
The subject of this research is the social-labor sphere, and the objects is the controversial trends in labor relations under the influence of the global sensory culture. The author demonstrates that labor as the integral social institution deflects the accumulated in society controversies, reveals their nature and genesis. It is illustrated that labor is able to raise the spirit and mood of the time, value dominants, prevailing behavioral orientations within it, as well as better understand the behavior of the subject of history, regardless of whether a person is involved into the labor relations or not. The author leans on the methodology of sociocultural fluctuations, which allows establishing the correlation between the dominant values and status of the social institutions. The main conclusion consists in the following: social form of labor at the current point in development of the society, which primarily reflects the values, ideals, and stereotypes of the behavior of sensory culture, is not adequate to the challenges of time or capable of resolving the pressing issue of present time: productive employment of population.
attitudes, values, contradictions, employment, sociocultural developmen, sensory culture, social-labor relations, labor, economy, ideals
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2016). To hear the meaning and the secret chord of the universe. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1686–1692. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68517
This material is associated with examination of the meanings and values of the European culture and characteristic to it controversies and antagonisms. The author leans on the two books, which came out this year in the list of publications by Svetlana Yakovlevna Levit – “Self-consciousness of Culture and Art. Western Europe and the United States” and “Art and Culture of Europe during the Renaissance and Modern Times. Compilation of Works in honor of Vsevolod Matveevich Volodarsky”. Special attention is given to the chrestomathy that represent the cultural-philosophical works of the Western thinkers. The author highlights the activity of Renata Aleksandrovna Galtseva, who throughout many years collects, comments, and studies the classical works of the Western philosophy of culture. She also reveals a great experience of the cultural-philosophical reflection. The prepared by her compilations significantly expanded the space of the research work in the area of philosophy during Soviet times. They have an undisputable value even today, since they allow defending the dignity of academic thought, responding to the spiritual-historical shifts, as well as achieving mobilization of the spirit of the European philosophy. The authors of the book “Art and Culture of Europe during the Renaissance and Modern Times” touch upon various cultural aspects of the aforementioned decades. They carefully and attentively examined different processes, topics and documents of this time, contributing into the study of cultural potential of the era. These works are not only the collection of the important texts, but also a meaningful cultural campaign that is called to defend the great acquisitions of the philosophical classics due to the transformation of cultural-philosophical ideas during the crisis era.
Art, Myth, History, Creative work, Archetype, Game, Mind, Civilization, Culture, Philosophy