Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Diverse and Searching Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 957–961. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66779
The article is devoted to a very complex anthropological and social phenomenon - identity. The author of the article studies the need for self-identity as the core and deep need which is rather difficult to be satisfied. However, Gurevich states that most of the previous concepts of identity turn to be unacceptable. For example, the belief of the modern period that both a stone and human want to be what they are predetermined to be seems to be rather disputable. Nowadays human often denies his identity, gets dissolved in social anonymity and gravitates towards the zero self-identity. In his article Gurevich shows that identification is a difficult, contradictory and paradoxical process. In his research the author has ued the methods of philosophical anthropology as the science that has already developed certain principles of the analysis of particular social and anthropological issues. The author also relies on the historicity principle focusing on the fundamental changes in the interpretation of this phenomenon. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that therein the author provides a synopsis of the problems associated with the identity phenomenon. The author emphasizes that identity is a purely human need and formed by human relations to a great extent. In this regard, identity is not a substance that starts to disappear as many authors write about. In this article Gurevich analyzes identity as the individual phenomenon first of all. However, he also demonstrates that aspiration for self-identity is typical not only for individuals but also for countries, cultures and civilizations. Special attention is paid to the 'divided consciousness' of human and identification paradoxes.
individuation, sociality, need, self-identity, civilization, culture, identity, image, identification, divided consciousness
Ontology: being and nihility
Faritov V.T. (2015). Nietzsche's Perspectivism , Philosophical Theory of of Discourse and Transgression. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 962–968. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66780
The subject of the study is the philosophical theory of discourse in terms of the conceptual development of Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas. The author examines the relationship between perspectivism of the German philosopher and such concepts of modern ontology as discourse and transgression. The article makes explicit the ontological meaning of the concept of discourse. In particular, the author studies the role and place of transcendence and transgression prospects in the discourse. Much attention is paid to the interpretation of the basic teachings of Nietzsche (the will to power, the superman and morality) from the perspective of the contemporary philosophical discourse theory. The author has used the set of methods developed by non-classical philosophy and social sciences and humanities. The author has also used several methodological provisions of hermeneutical and poststructuralist approaches. The main result of the study is the explication of the relationship between the contemporary philosophical discourse theory and the conceptual development of Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas. The author demonstrates that there is a certain relation between the concept of discourse an perspectivism of Nietzsche. The author also identifies the specific role of the phenomenon of transgression in the theory of discourse and in the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche. The concepts of discourse and transgression are being presented as ontological phenomena.
transgression, transcendence, perspective, Nietzsche, perspectivism, discourse, metadiscourse, will to power, superman, way of being
Spectrum of consciousness
Rudnev V.P. (2015). Notes on the Thought Theory (On the Philosophical Interpretation of Late Beethoven). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 969–976. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66781
In his article Rudnev offers us to think of the philosophical thought as the proposition denying the previous philosophical thought which has become the ordinary proposition. In other words, a philosopher needs to say something new which has never been said before. For example, providing that insanity is the inability to stay among things (Ludwig Binswanger) and thought is the absence of thing (Wilfred Bion), it could be suggested that insanity is the place where the thought is being born. From this point of view, any thought is the pathological process. This corresponds to the theory of Tim Crow about homo sapiens originating only after the development of the schizophrenia gene or Yury Lotman's words that the ability of mind to think is, in a sense, the ability of human to become insane. However, all these provisions disagree with the other thought of Bion according to whom thought is also related to the ability to endure frustration. The ability to endure frustration allows to create thought as the mean that makes frustration more endurable. In his article Rudnev offers his own research method which he has been developing for many years and which he has called psychosemiotics of the pathographic text. The scientific novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that Rudnev views the thought theory from the point of view of psychoanalytical and design-analytical concepts offered by Ludwig Bingswanger and Wilfred Bion. Thought is one of the alternative responses of a child to frustration. A child has the choice either to cry or to think. The second reaction leads to the development of thinking.
frustration, thought, , Beethoven, thing, proposition, psychopatology, Bion, Binswanger, Frege, Tim Crow
Natural philosophy
Shiravand M., Nigomatullina R.M. (2015). Explanation of the Grounds of Understanding Environmental Crises Through Comparing Philosophical Views of Francis Bacon and Mulla Sadra. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 977–985. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66782
One of the main problems of post-modernism is environmental crises. This global disaster has many factors. Before emperical and biological crises there have been crises of knowledge. Meanwhile, it is very important and necessary to take into account the role of opinions and philosophical schools in the manifestation of these crises and their philosophical solution. According to the authors, Francis Bacon's views and philosophical ideas are ones of the main factors of understanding environmental crises. On the other hand, views and philosophical views of Mulla Sadra have a high potential of solving these crises. The purpose of the present research is to explain the role of cognitive grounds in the following three spheres, scientific methodology, anthropology and epistemology of environmental crises and their philosophical solutions. Based on the authors, in order to overcome environmental crises caused by unbalanced relations between human and nature, it is necessary to perform a revolution in the three fields, methodology, anthropology and world view, so that such a revolution leads to the reconstructionof these three fields in accordance with what transcendent philosophy has to offer. From the point of view of such transcendent conceptualization, all three concepts - methodology, human and nature - are sacral. Nature is the relic, human is the connecting link between the world of dictation and the world of creation and a defender and keeper of the relic, and science and scientific methodology are the sacral instrument and a connecting link between nature and human. Only in this case nature and human interact and science with scientific methodology appear to be a sacred instrument of the healer of nature but not a sword of a crazy man.
environmental, Francis Bacon, Mulla Sadra, crisis, environment, philosophy, understanding, knowledge, being, existence, truth, nature
Connection of times
Sokol'skaya L.V. (2015). Culture-Historical Process and Acculturation. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 986–996. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66783
In her article Sokolskaya studies the role of acculturation as a form of cross-cultural contact in the historical process. Historical process is defined as a progressive process of the development of culture from the lowest to the highest forms. Historical reality confined in particular spatial and time limits is being studied by the researcher as a complex structural integrity determined by the interaction of the variety of cultural phenomena and processes. Providing that the process of the development and functioning of culture of any community is the interaction of cultural achievements with cultural elements of other nations than acculturation is the trigger of cultural sustainability and self-development. In her research Sokolskaya has applied general and specific scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, comparative, structure-functional, historical, systems and synergetic methods. According to the researcher, the cross-cultural communication of different societies and communities is in fact unlimited. It can unfold as a neverending development and creation of new meanings in the mind of everyone who gets in contact with a representative of this or that cultural community. Based on the results of the research, the author of the article concludes that acculturation is a durable cross-cultural interaction of different societies when cultural systems take each other's features, become somewhat 'alike' and create a new integrity with absolutely new features.
culture-historical process, cross-cultural contacts, acculturation, cultural interaction, assimilation, separation, marginalization, integration, culture, culture of a community
History of ideas and teachings
Tsendrovskiy O.Yu. (2015). Nietzsche's System of Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 997–1007. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66784
The author of the present article makes an attempt to demonstrate a stable consistency and structure of Nietzsche's philosophy and emphasizes the fact that the dominating interpretations of this philosophy are rather unsatisfactory. The famous provision about Nietzche's teaching being poetically inconsistent, incomplete and contradictory is proved to be wrong. The author underlines that in order to develop the right understanding of Nietzche's philosophy, it is necessary to view it as a coordinated doctrine. Nietzche's philosophy is being reconstructed by the author through successive analysis of the main points of Nietzche's teaching (metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of history and culture, psychology, ethics, aesthetics and politics). Systematic interpretation and solution of so called 'contradictions' of Nietzche's philosophy are possible only within the framework of hermeneutic philosophy. The focus on the context and peculiarities of the concepts Nietzche operated and the principle of interpreting each fragment as the part of his entire legacy lead to the conclusions that are absolutely different from traditional studies of Nietzche. The irreversible relation between the key terms and theses of Nietzche's teaching becomes obvious. According to the rules of philosophical architecture, his metaphysics of the will to power creates the basis for all his provisions and statements including gnoseological, ethical, aesthetical or other issues. This sets a new goal both for an individual and society, the highest forcefulness and magnificence like human, and allows to find efficient methods to achieve this goal. Meanwhile, the academic literature rarely offers such an analysis and even rare researches that can be actually found in literature do not meet their goal objectives.
gnoseology, Nietzsche, reevaluation, nihilism, ethics, aesthetics, history of philosophy, philosophy of culture, political philosophy
Social philosophy
Deryabin M.L. (2015). Body as an Agrammatical Message. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1008–1016. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66785
In his article Deryabin views body as the message rendered at the pre-grammatical level, i.e. the agrammatical message. Discovery of this type of message allows to see human in a new light as an ambivalent creature who combines the natural biological and social beginnings. As a rule, the statement that human has a dual nature takes a research to biological and anatomic features of human. However, by no means these features reveal the essential or conceptual (social) nature of human. The present research discovers the dual nature of human in messages rendered by human body, i.e. through social and communication expressions. The natural (biological) state of human and human body is being viewed as some kind of a message conveying social meanings. These meanings are important and should be understood by both human and his surroundings. Essential features of human body can be discovered when human body demonstates its limits (birth, dead body, sportsman, disabled or Paralympian body). This allows to discover the borders of possible messages from human body. The researcher views different states and transformations of human body as well as their influence on the agrammatical message of body. In his article Deryabin underlines the importance of the environment around human body in the process of creation of an arammatical body message.
The researcher shares his views on the communicative abilities of human body and meanings that human body represents through existence. According to the author, the research of human body as an agrammatical message could lead to the revision of some provisions of such applied sciences as sports economics, Olympic and Paralympic Games.
agrammatical message, agrammatism, body, physicality, social meaning, sport, Paralympic Games, communication environment, sportsman, disabled person
Political philosophy
Mochkin A.N. (2015). Myth and Politics in the Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1017–1027. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66786
In his article Myth and Politics in the Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzche Mochkin analyzes the integrative approach to studying the unprecedented phenomenon of the Paris Commune Friedrich Nietzche witnessed himself. The Birth of Tragedy is a very important work in Friedrich Nietzche's creative legacy because it does not only present the new philosophical teaching of the philosophy of life but also offers a new approach to understanding the classical Greek heritage since the times of the Weimar classicism, new interpretation of the value and role of art in the life of Greeks, so called 'aesthetic preservation', new interpretation of Schopenhauer pessimism in terms of Friedrich Nietzche's philosophy of life and, most importantly, attempt to solve the problems of the social development, assessment of social justice and the role and meaning of Enlightenment rationalistic solutions opposed to the traditional interpretation of social justice as it is presented in myths of the ancient times, in particular, personal social justice of a very contradictory mythological image of Oedipus or the prince Hamlet. In his research Mochkin also underlines that the Birth of Tragedy is the only holistic, devoted to one topic and complete essay of the philosopher which nevertheless presents all the proceeding scope of Nietzche's philosophical searches and insights. This is the work in which the philosopher shares his social and political attitudes and his conservative views on German social reality of the 80th of the XIXth century. For the first time he viewed ancient myth and politics as the symbiosis of political mythology and mythological politics completely opposing to Gründerzeit that was spread all over Germany as a result of multi-billion reparations from conquered France after Franco-Prussian War of 1871.
philosophy, art, conservatism, liberalism, myth, modernism, justice, postmodernism, tragedy, traditionalism
Philosophy of history
Korolev S.A. (2015). Russia and Byzantine Law: Cancelled Pseudomorphosis?. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1028–1042. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66787
The article discusses the process of reception of Byzantine law in Russia as part of the first Russian pseudomorphosis. Considerable attention is paid to the attempt of legal reforms undertaken by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich shortly after the beginning of the Christianization of Russia. In particular, the replacement of the traditional vira (fine) as a punishment for murder and "razboynichestvo" with the death penalty is the subject of analysis. The comparison of the two components of the first Russian pseudomorphosis: religious (Christianization) and legal (transformation of laws and practices, the introduction of the ecclesiastical courts, and so on) was carried out. Methodologically, the author relied on traditional methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization as well as the principle of historicism. In his paper Korolev has widely used the conclusions of domestic and foreign philosophers, historians, legal experts and religious scholars resulting from their work on the matter. The author concludes that the legal norms and principles of Byzantium borrowed and adapted in Russia was extremely fragmented. Byzantine law was taking root primarily through the church and the ecclesiastical court. Pseudomorphosis turned out to be a successfully acting, effective mechanism in some areas, especially in religion, and not completely held in others. As a result, the Russian legal system developed not so much by pseudomorphic borrowing but grew out of the old "barbaric" customary law adopting Byzantine rules only partially.
Russia, blood feud, pseudomorphosis, Christianization, religion, law, reception, court, death penalty, Byzantium
Philosophy of liberty
Parkhomenko R.N. (2015). Modern Concepts of the Idea of Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1043–1054. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66788
This is the final article in a serious of articles including the last two articles (Parkhomenko, R. N.. The Concept of Freedom in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy // Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 5. - P. 701 - 708; and Parkhomenko, P. N.. The Idea of Freedom at the Age of Renaissance and Modern Times // Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 2. - P. 227 - 238) devoted to the genesis of the idea of freedom and liberalism in Western philosophy. In the present article Parkhomenko discusses associated concepts in the philosophy of the contemporary period. The research methodology includes both Russian and foreign sources as well as data collected by the author during scientific trainings at different German universities. The brief review of the origin and development of the idea of freedom in West European philosophy provided by the author in all his three articles demonstrates that the thoughts on human freedom permeates all periods of human spiritual history being the consequence and reflection of the actual historical situation in the society. The researcher also makes an attempt to systematize different branches of contemporary Western liberalism including utilitarianism, liberal equality and libertarianism.
idea of freedom, human, politics, West, law, society, libertarianism, liberalism, utilitarianism, liberal equality
Axiology: values and relics
Il'in A.N. (2015). Individualism as the Value Cultivated by Consumer Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1055–1067. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66789
In his article Ilyin critically re-evaluates individualism as the main value advertised by consumer culture. The researcher analyzes the connection between the growth of individualistic attitudes and the decline of moral values. Individualism is being viewed as themain factor of social automization and deconsolidation. The following hypothesis is being proved: 1) individualism leads to the loss of family values, solidarity, patriotism, interest towards politics and socially important issues that stand above an individual; 2) individuation is associated with the substitution of serious social issues with personal interest. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research involves recent researches of Russian scientists working in the sphere of sociocultural and cultural-philosophical approaches. Individualism is the main value of consumer culture. According to the author, the growth of individualistic practices has a destructive influence on personal and social existence. Consumer culture cannot be considered to be an affluent or morally healthy type of culture. The author of the article also touches upon the problems of the dialectics of the individual and collective in culture and postulates the principle of unity between the personal and the social.
consumer culture, individualism, good morals, deconsolidation, atomization, consumer society, value, collectivism, individuation, freedom
Dasein of the human being
Chesnokova L.V. (2015). Existential Fear and Drive to Abyss: the Concepts of Tiefe and Abgrund in German Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1068–1074. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66790
The subject of the research is the two most important German concepts, the concept of the depth (Tiefe) and the concept of the abyss (Abgrund). These concepts have had the in-depth analysis in most spheres of German culture, language and philosophy. These are ambivalent concepts. On the one hand, the abyss arouses fear in a man, on the other hand, it beckons him. German culture traditionally presents the drive to the abyss both figuratively, i.e. to the depth of creative searches, and literally, to the depth of earth. This drive to the depth that has been reflected in mythology and religion, literature and art, science and industry, is associated with the vertical model of German culture, ups and downs of spirit. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article involves the cultural-philosophical approach which views national culture as the sphere of formation and functioning of concepts. The researcher has used the method of the conceptual analysis (as it was offered by Yu. Stepanov) allowing to define the culturally important features of the described concepts. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher has conducted the cultural-philosophical concepts of Tiefe and Abgrund and defined their role for German culture. The researcher has also described the main factors influencing the development of these cultural concepts and demonstrated their crucial role for German culture.
underworld, Angst (existential fear), Abgrund (abyss), cultural studies, concept of culture, German culture, national mentality, Tiefe (depth), Gothic art, Faustianism
Philosophy and culture
Korotkikh V.I. (2015). Philosophical Text in Terms of Contemporary Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1075–1085. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66791
The article is devoted to the transformation of the form and style of philosophical writing in culture over the past two centuries. The author of the article demonstrates the crucial importance of appealing to the experience of discussing the relationship between thought and word in philosophy after Kant, describes new factors influencing philosophical provisions in culture and emphasizes the need for the analysis of the relationship between conceptual and expressive means in the philosophy of Kant, German romanticists and Hegel. In his research the author has used the methods of historical and philosophical reconstruction and analysis, comparative historical and sociological methods and defined the main trends in the evolution of philosophical methods and the means of their expression in philosophical texts. The researcher proves the methodological and stylistic singularity of the Phenomenology of Spirit where the search for a new image of the authentic language of philosophy is based on studying the 'experience of mind' synthesizing the material obtained through spiritual human activity. The author underlines that these are the nettlesome issues for the philosophical community today due to the changed social and information environment as well as the need to find a new image of philosophical writing and communication within the philosophical community.
nature of philosophy, concept of philosophy, thought expression problem, means of artistic expression, aesthetics of German romanticism, philosophy and poetry, contemporary information environment, social context of philosophy, individual nature of thought expression
Philosophy and art
Zhukovskiy V.I. (2015). Creation of Artwork: Features of the Process. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1086–1095. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66792
The process of creating an artwork as a playing interaction between an artist and art material is the subject of the current research. Appealing to this problem is an attempt to find effective methods of investigation of artistic ideas objectified in the work of fine arts. The author investigates the concepts of “interaction” and “playing”, defines the ontological status of playing and interaction as nonmaterial existence, and analyses the “artificiality”, “finesse” and “ordeal” of an artist and art material in the course of playing interaction. Animism as a ritual "attribution" of supernatural spiritual features to inanimate objects is claimed to reside in the creative dialogue (playing interaction) between an artist and a material of art. The chosen theme required the philosophical analysis of the range of connected problems which include: the problem of the ideal, language nature, visual thinking, and life meaning phases of an individual attitude to the world. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the creative dialogue (playing interaction) is studied through the language communication process and the scheme of acting that is an operation determined by both the peculiarities of the material and the “finesse” of the artist being the master of the language of the subject. The author concludes that objectified work of art as a result of interaction between the artist and the material to be an integral of features of finite and infinite poles of interaction. Thus, the artist engaged in the process of creating of the ideal interaction with the material of art creates new world of feelings. He is able to bring a work of art out of nowhere.
language, creative dialogue, interaction, play, art material, material of art, artist, artwork, work of art, operation, animism, the problem of the ideal
The stream of books
Fatenkov A.N. (2015). Philosophy of Life Near the Horizon of Death (Re-Reading «Time Mortido» by Vladimir Kutyrev). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1096–1099. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66793
Responding to the book 'Time Mortido' written by Vladimir Kutyrev, largely sharing its spirit and rethinking some of its provisions, the author gives a sketch of the philosophy of life in relation to the contemporary human situation. Agreeing with the conceptual core of the book, the author develops his position as the antithesis to the famous expression about 'the starry sky above me and the moral law within me'. In opposition to this expression, the author provides the requirement of the 'dictatorship of conscience' and the 'rowdies of conscionable nature' and focuses on viewing the horizon as the place where the sky and earth comes together and life is separated from death with the thin line. In terms of the question about the quantitative relationship between people and items, Vladimir Kutyrev's point of view is interpreted by the author as the 'counter-malthusianism'. In his article Fatenkov critisizes religious sympathies of the author of 'Time Mortido' but understands his statements about the technological threat to humans and the rescue nature of real alive beauty. Taking into account contemporary trends in demography and technology, Fatenkov analyzes different scenarios of the further development of events. At the end of his book Vladimir Kutyrev makes a rather stimulating conclusion that it is too early to die!
death, nature, human, philosophy, Vladimir Kutyrev, «Time Mortido», life, counter-malthusianism, face, beauty