Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Specificity of Ñharacters in the System of Spiritual Ñoordinates of Eduard Spranger (continuation). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 337–341. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66378
Constructing man is a paranoid desire of out time. It appears that a human being can be modelled. Like in a song, «I made you from what there was». But post-modernists do not remove from the agenda the problem of human wholeness. The main point is different: if man is not «disintegrated», the collected image of man will display its well-known conventionality, stereotyped nature. And this is no good. Human fragments should acquire some plasticity, readiness for unexpected combinations. A character that for many centuries was described as individuality makes way for a «dividual», an autonomous fragmentary entity. In this article, the author continues critical analysis of human typology developed by E.Spranger as an expression of some human value or another. The German scholar believed that transformation of education would discover this potential. But the value orientation that engenders this character has proven to be more essential.The author uses methods and principles of philosophical anthropology. He takes into account many attempts at creating classifications of human characters. He analyzes psychological conceptions, too. In particular, the characterology of E. Spranger is compared with the typology of social characters offered by E. Fromm.Spranger’s characterology becomes a subject of critical analysis for the first type in Russian literature. The author points to the arbitrariness of the principle from which the German philosopher proceeds when he describes various spiritual attitudes underlying some way of life or another. As a rule, one of such attitudes prevails in activities of a particular individual. Singling out fundamental values, to which a human being is oriented in his behaviour and which finally predetermine him, Spranger does not take into account that in each of these spheres there can often be found individuals with directly opposite psychic properties and specific traits. In the article, his principle is characterized as abstract. The article shows that analysis of market orientation by E. Fromm gives a more detailed understanding of the economic man.
personality, culture, calculation, exchange of goods, utility, labour, market orientation, economic man, spirituality, depersonalization
Ontology: being and nihility
Loshchits I.V. (2015). Ontological Argument in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Theoretical Aspect. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 342–354. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66379
The article is devoted to the theoretical issues related to the phenomenon of ontological argumentation in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. The author of the article tries to find a unified form of the ontological argument that would be a general form for all historical variants of ontological argumentation. The author also offers a classification of different approaches to the problem and describes the main conceptual disagreements between supporters and detractors of ontological argumentation. The author also focuses on the origin of the ontological concept of God as the central element of ontological argumentation and its relationship with a posteriori argument of God's existence. The main references were the works of the medieval and new European authors as well as contemporary Russian and foreign researchers. Conclusions: 1. The author finds a unified form of the ontological argument and describes the main properties of ontological argumentation. 2. Different historical forms of ontological argument critics have been classified as the eight main types. 3. The author defines important conceptua grounds for supporting and critisizing the ontologica argument in terms of mind and being, thought and reality. 4. The author has analyzed the ontologica definition of God, proved that that definition was rational and discovered the sources of that concept in ancient philosophy as wel as works written by the aforesaid authors.
ontological argument, God, Middle Ages, New Times, theology, metaphysics, Anselm of Canterbury, Descartes, Kant
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Zaytseva L.A. (2015). Quantum World and Vacuum of Ideas. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 355–363. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66380
The research subject is the quantum world being formed and the fact that there are no concepts that could describe it. The quantum world is replacing the classical world and post-modern world. The classical world was based on the philosophy of Enlightenment. The post-modern world is based on the ideas of post-modernistic philosophy. However, at the present moment there are no concepts that could constitute the paradigm of the quantum world. The quantum world is described as the world that denies universal standards and questions the common sense. 'Quantum' means a strange, difficult, instable, uncertain and multidimensional world. The quantum world brings a whole number of actors to the international arena and all these actors follow their own interests. The author of the article makes an attempt to outline the countours of the quantum concept through the analysis of the problems creating it. The research method is the modeling. Taking into account that the quantum world hasn't been formed yet, it is partly viewed as a 'black box' which can be studied only through analyzing the arising problems. The author of the article also uses the idealization method when the aising problems are deliberately exaggerated. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the countours of the quantum world are outlined by analyzing these problems and related values. In particular, the author describes the following properties of the quantum world: instability, uncertainty, multidimensionality and artificial nature of the quantum world. These properties create problems that have important social consequences. The author also underlines that the quantum world can change the system of values completely. The quantum world means a transfer to post-economic values and 'new seriosity'. All this would certainly change the life style of people as well.
classical world, post-modern world, instability, multidimensionality, innovations, superposition, post-economic world, artificial world, new seriosity, creativity
The rational and the irrational
Zhirtueva N.S. (2015). The Mystical Phenomenon in Philosophy, Natural Science and Theology of the XXth - XXIth Centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 364–374. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66381
The research subject of the present article is the mystical phenomenon in modern philosophy, natural science and theology. Zhirtueva underlines that the interest towards mysticism is a result of the search for the way out of the anthropocentric cultural crisis as well as of a number of findings in the sphere of modern physics and psychology that have made the global academic community to revise their views. The author of the article notes that so far there hasn't been a single-value estimate of the phenomenon of mysticism. The author examines views on mysticism in materialistic and idealistic philosophy, classical and post-classical science, secular and theological religious studies. The research methodology involves a comparative philosophical and theological analysis. The following research methods have been used: comparative-analytical method, analysis and synthesis, inividuation and generalization. The main results of the research include the following solutions of the aforesaid problem. 1. Classical philosophy and science view mysticism as an illusion of consciousness and therefore deprive it of the right to be the theme for a scientific research. 2. Modern non-classical science draws an analogy between the modern scientific picture of the world and the experience of immanent mystical traditions demonstrating that it is possible to combine science and mysticism. 3. Theology approves of the true experience of transcendent immanent (antinomic) mysticism. The author also outlines a distinct differentiation between mystical perception and scientific cognition.
the mystical phenomenon, Absolute, phenomenal world, immanent mysticism, transcendent-immanent mysticism, subject-object relations, egocentric consciousness, enlightened consciousness, quantum physics, holographic universe
History of ideas and teachings
Chernyy A.A. (2015). Philosophical Legacy of Nikolay Markov as a Reflection of Cultural Development of the Russian Society in the Second Half of the XXth Century. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 375–383. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66382
The article is devoted to the cultural and educational aspects of the development of philosophical ideas of the thinker of the XIX century Nikolay Markov. The author of the article decribes the history of his becoming a philosopher, religious figure and a teacher. Proceeding from conditions of the cultural and educational development of Russia of that time, the emphasis is made on the specifics of interpretation of philosophical concepts and terms at the different historical periods. The author proves that conceptual provisions of Nikolay Markov coincided with the leading philosophical views of those times. In his research the author has used the methods of historicism and comparison. These methods allow to carry out the analysis of influence of being on the development of philosophical ideas of Nikolay Markov and a role of his philosophical and educational doctrines in the history of philosophy and culture of Russia.Using these methods the author will be able to achieve the following goals:1. To investigate the conceptual grounds of Nikolay Markov's philosophical doctrines revealing ideological fullness of history of philosophical and educational development of Russia in the second half of the XIX century.2. To demonstrate that the philosophical culture of Russian people has always been the real treasury from which thinkers adopted ideas for the development of philosophical concepts of their own educational development.Conceptual grounds of Nikolay Markov's philosophical doctrines were based on the best ideas of the leading European philosophers and teachers. They help us to open ideological fullness of history of philosophical and educational development of Russia of the second half of the XIX century. In addition, these philosophical ideas reflet the influence of being on the development of philosophical doctrines in Russia. Therefore, his philosophical ideas have a large scope of philosophical, educational, cultural and esthetic views on various aspects of their perspective. The philosophical culture of Russian people has always been the spokesman of human wisdom both for Russians and foreigners that is brightly reflected in Nikolay Markov's philosophical ideas and concepts. Therefore the philosophical culture of Russian people is the real treasury from which thinkers take ideas for the development of their own philosophical concepts.
culture, education, philosophy, metaphysics, history, religion, ethics, ontology, theology, gnoseology
Value and truth
Spektor D.M. (2015). Evolution: the Attempt of a Positive Ontological Interpetation. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 384–401. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66383
The drivers of human evolution are still one of the darkest points in the anthropogenesis theory. From the point of view of the representatives of positive science, human is a part of nature and therefore unconditionally obeys the laws of nature. The obvious axiom of philosophy is that human has a single essence. In his article Spektor raises the following question: what are the reasons why human has such an essence? Therefore, the research subject of the present article is a theoretical justification of the reasons of the unity of humankind. Noteworthy that such reasons can be found in actual conditions of the descent of man. The research methodology involves monism as the most general principle as well as methods of dialectical logic combined with the analysis or critics of references. The author shows that a sucessive scientific interpretation of the question about the unity of the mankind brings us to the following conclusion: human has to adjust to a very singular environment. This is the kind of environment that has a high level of the internal coherence so all the living creatures have to mutually adjust to one another. So human evolution is a type of specific universalization and constant competition inside their environmental niche. These are the external drivers of 'hominization'. The internal drivers include the initiation of the defensive insinct that have been going on for thousands of years.
anthropogenesis, evolution, mankind unity, adaptation, homo sapiens sapiens, evolutionism, initiation, cult, sacrifice, culture
The history of humanitarian science
Tlostanova M.V. (2015). Postanthropocentric antihumanism/vs an other humanism as a humanism of the other. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 402–412. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66384
The article offers a comparative analysis of largely Western post-anthropocentric antihumanism in its main versions – reactive, technocratically apologetic and critical, and the non-Western humanism as a reiteration of the importance of humanist premises that have never been fulfilled in relation to liminal subjects of modernity deprived of their right to be considered human. The author discusses in detail the intersections and divergences between the Western theories of affect and the decolonial geopolitics and body-politics of knowledge, being, perception, demonstrating that many “discoveries” of the affective turn have been long ago represented in the non-Western theorizing remaining unknown or non-legitimate in the eyes of the mainstream scholarship. This problem has become particularly acute in the context of the discussion of the human, natural and animal, the decentration of the human being as a species and the erasing and destabilizing of the seemingly stable modern boundaries and hierarchies between the human and the natural. The second part of the article focuses on the further problematization of the border between humans and animals in the frame of the so called “autistic regard” which may be expressed both in the form of a scientific experiment and in the form of a performance which is often more successful.
Sylvia Wynter, body-politics of knowledge, being and perception, the affective turn, an other humanism, Braidotti, Post(anti)humanism, autistic regard, liminality, ethnohumanism, the other
Philosophy of religion
Trofimova Z.P. (2015). The Problems of Religion and Humanism On the Pages of the American 'Religious Humanism' Journal. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 413–420. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66385
In her article Trofimova examines the problems of humanim and religion on the pages of the American 'Religious Humanism' Journal. In her research Trofimova focuses on the 1970 - 1980s of the XXth century because it was the time when liberal religious views of different theologists and secular philosophers of the late XIXth - early XXth centuries revived and were revised. Those views covered such issues as the essence and nature of religion, human and the meaning of his existence, the relationship between humanism and religion, the place of religion in the changing world and so on. This article is the first one in the academic literature to analyze the main philosophical and theological theoretical issues raised by theologists with different views and beliefs on the pages of the journal. The articles published in the journal reflect the two tendencies in the development of religious-humanistic theories: the attempt to create a 'new' religion of the humanity that would interwine religious concepts and humanistic ideas, on the one hand, and the commitment to traditional religious beliefs. The results of the analysis of the ideas of modern religious humanists demonstrate the heterogeneity of philosophical and religious movements in the USA.
religion without God, atheism, morals, secular humanism, religious humanism, Unitarianism, humanism, religion, religion in the USA, secular
Pris' I.E. (2015). About the Explanatory Gap Problem in the Philosophy of Mind. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 421–429. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66386
The paper introduces the explanatory gap problem in the philosophy of mind. A review of the mainapproaches to the problem shows that the traditional materialism/physicalism encounters the principaldifficulties. The article introduces the explanatory gap problem gap in the philosophy of mind. The author provides a brief review of the main approaches to the problem. The author focuses on attempts to overcome physical approaches, on the one hand, and critics of dualism, on the other hand. For example, Blok offered the definition of implicit physical phenomenal concepts. Papineau admitted that phenomenal concepts had a singular nature. Levin spoke of the concept of acquaintance. Varela offered to extend the scope of the traditional science and developed so called neuro-phenomenology. The research is based on the method of comparison of the main approaches to solving the explanatory gap problem. Preference is given to phenomenal realism. The author demonstrates that the traditional materialism/physicalism encounters the principal difficulties when solving the explanatory gap problem. At the same time, property dualism is an essential concept only a non-metaphysical version of naturalistic phenomenal realism, or nontraditional contextual naturalism/physicalism of Wittgenstein type may compete with.
explanatory gap problem, hard problem, psycho-physical identities, physico-physical identities, phenomenal concepts, conceptual dualism, phenomenal realism, physicalism, property dualism, neuro-phenomenology
Skiperskikh A.V. (2015). Politicization of a Style in Clothing: Outfit of a Rebellious Man as the Exterior Level of Protest. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 430–437. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66387
The research subject is the preferences in clothes of a rebellious person. According to the author, a protesting person does not only tend to political opposition and active oppositional activity. Such a person also demonstrates his right to have an alternative opinion when choosing clothes and often challenges social standards. The author of the present article tries to find out whether there is a correlation between a protesting activity conducted by a citizen and his preferences in clothes. According to the author, clothes help such a person to demnstrate a protesting political writing and create a protesting political text. To the author's opinion, the best research method here is the method of political hermeneutics that allows to interpret political texts. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that man's opposing tendencies can be demonstated in his clothes. Clothes convey protesting political messages. The results of the analysis show that protests have been aestheticized at all times and in all cultures.
power, protest, exterior level of a protest, political text, political writing, political discourse, esthetics of a protest, rebellious person, cothes, dandy
Philosophical anthropology
Popova O.V. (2015). 'To Be a Body' or 'To Have a Body', 'To Be a Project' or 'To Have a Project' . Philosophy and Culture, 3, 438–445. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66388
The article is devoted to the main models of physicality in ethics and philosophy. The author of the article describes the following approaches ('paradigms') to the concepts of 'body' and 'physicality' in modern philosophy: 1) the 'paradigm' of existence (existential or holisti approach to body); 2) the 'paradigm' of possession (instrumental or functional concepts of body); 3) the 'paradigm' of construction (body as a project or a technological artefact). Each model involves particular standards and sets a certain type of formation of anthropological borders and anthropological norms. By applying the historical-philosophical approach and ethical analysis, the author demonstrates that in a life of a modern man there is always the dialectics of existence, possession and construction. The author concludes that at the epoch of the intensive technological development, body technologies created as a result of the external socio-cultural transformation of the biotic substrate ('physicality') are gradually turning into the body techologies that are the results of the symbiosis between life and technology. Potential integration of biotechnologies into a human body that have the effects of socialization and education creates new forms of 'self-care'.
body, physicality, philosophy of body, ethics of physicality, anthropological borders, cyborgization of man, self-care, construction of man, designing of man, body-oriented researches
Spiritual and moral search
Nilogov A.S., Neretina S.S. (2015). The Paths to Universals (the Conversation Between A. S. Nilogov and S. S. Neretina Within the Framework of the Project 'Who Creates Philosophy in Russia Today'). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 446–456. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66389
The conversation with S. S. Neretina has been recorded within the framework of the editorial project 'Who creates philosophy in Russia today' and devoted to the modern trends of the Russian philosophical thought. The conversation referred to the works written by S. S. Neretina, A. P. Ogurtsov and other Russian philosophers who discussed the status of Russian philosophy and problematic philosophical self-identification. S. S. Neretina believes that one of the most essential features of cogitation is the probability so evauation of this probability should be the main goal of modern philosophy. During their conversation A. S. Nilogov and S. S. Neretina used the methods of historical analysis that allowed to define the tendencies in understanding philosophy and the history of philosophy. They also used the hermeneutic approach that allowed to describe the contemporary situation in Russian philosophy. S. S. Neretina insists that man himself creates forms of communication that are not established by traditions. Our contemporaries have initiated the creation of social networks, some kind of democracy where everyone has a right to speak out. This is the hidden-outspoken democracy and a new form of philosophy.
philosophy, Russian philosophy, democracy, universals, Ogurstov, Bibikhin, conceptualism, double-interpretation, medievalism (medieval philosophy), thropology
Philosophy and culture
Kuznetsov A.M. (2015). The Concepts of 'Culture' and 'Civilization' as a Mean of Problematisation of Modern Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 457–468. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66390
In his article Kuznetsov studies Leslie White's concept of culture and the definitions of civilization and culture offered by a Russian philosopher Merab Mamardashvili. The analysis of these authors' opinions make modern specialists pay attentino to the difference in the analysis levels. Kuznetsov discovers the main contradiction of Leslie White's theory (universal and multilineal cultural evolution). This conclusion as well as the results of the analysis of 'culture' and 'civilization' definitions offered by different authors have created grounds for the author's approach to the analysis of culture and civilization as a multilevel form of the anthropological universum. The research is based on the principles of complementarity, classification strategy and the main provisions of the systems paradigm including the classical definition of the structure and a number of provisions of social constructivism. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the deconstruction of the practice of using the concepts of 'culture' and 'civilization', discovery of their contradictions and ways to overcome these contradictions. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author analyzes Leslie White's theory of culture from the point of view of the systems paradigm, compares Leslie White's theory to Merab Mamardashvili's concepts of civilization and culture and offers to return the initial integrative meaning to the concepts of culture and civilization but also to compare these concepts at the different levels of interdisciplinary research.
interdisciplinarity, culture, civilization, concept, Leslie White, Merab Mamardashvili, cultural studies, systems paradigm, multilineal, consciousness
Philosophy and art
Kuvatova V.Z. (2015). Compositional Models of the Early Christian Catacomb Painting. Semiotic Analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 469–476. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66391
This article is focused on Roman Early Christian catacomb painting of the pre-Constantinian and early Constantinian period (III – 1st half of the IV century). It attempts to examine the impact of syntactic connections in the iconographic models of the Early Christian catacomb painting on the symbolic meaning of such models. The characteristics of the Early Christian catacomb painting make it an interesting subject for the semiotic approach. The limited amount of the visual citations of the Bible and other Early Christian texts in the pre-Constantine and early Constantine period allow to trace sustainable compositional patterns. Meanwhile, the relative flexibility of the compositional models (as compared to sarcophagi, e.g.), on the one hand, and a considerable amount of thematically isolated architectural areas (cubicula, arcosolia, loculi), on the other hand, predetermined the intense use of syntactic instruments for the development of semantic schemes. The specific characteristics of the Early Christian art stipulated the employment of the semiotic method as a principal research strategy. The semiotic method is not very popular among the Russian art historians. Meanwhile it offers wide opportunities for the study of art symbolic systems and the Early Christian art, in particular.
semiotic analysis, semiotics of art, semiotic method, Roman catacombs, funerary art, late Antiquity, catacomb painting, Early Christian art, composite laws, symbolic images