Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Your Turn, Director! . Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1757–1761. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67254
The Philosophy and Culture Journal has been published for eight years by now. The Journal was included in the list of readings recommended by VAK (The Higher Attestation Commission). The Higher Attestation Commission has approved the status of the Journal again this year. During these years the Journal has become popular in almost all regions from Lvov to Vladivostok, from Odessa to Murmansk. The number of the manuscripts in editor's hand is the best proof of that. The editors office does not even have an opportunity to promptly publish all the articles received. The editorial board consists of famous foreign and Russian scientists. To a certain extent, the Journal contents demonstrate what is happening in Russian philosophy. In this article Gurevich analyzes the events referring to the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leader in this branch of science in Russia. The author bases his research article on modern interpretations of the philosophical process bringing forth a wide scope of researches in different fields, from epistemology to Oriental studies. The author of the article also discusses prospects of Russian philosophy after the Institute of Philosophy has been moved to another building, a new director has been selected, a wide-ranging discussion on further development of philosophy has been held at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the academic community of the Russian Academy of Sciences has offered to declare the year of 2017 to be the Year of Philosophy.
post modernism, Islamic studies, morals, ethics, intellectual atmosphere, reforms, philosophy, mind, sense logic, civilization
Ontology: being and nihility
Nedugova I.A. (2015). The Concept of the Human Self's Object-Related Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1762–1766. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67255
The present research is devoted to the concept of human object-related identity that is based on the movement of thought through objective layers to the point of the 'non-object' as a form of objectivity 'thinning' and the 'all-in-all' relation of Self to Object. Genesis of the human self's object-related identity and culture involve development of the cultural concept based on the principles of analyzing the human self's object-related identity. The object-related identity of Self undergoes the four stages of identity formation: instrumental Self, sign-oriented Self, symbolic Self and utmost sign-oriented Self. The last transformation of Self includes the release of consciousness from being captured by Object (the 'nothing-in-all' relation) and achievement of the 'all-in-all' relation, i.e. the state of 'potential Self'. The methodological basis of the research implies the non-linear layered method that combines phenomenology, hermeneutics, substantive dialectics (Plato and Hegel) and concept analysis of human identities. The researcher views the human's object-related identity as the process of transformation through objective layers. The author's model of human Self's object-related identity gives an opportunity to carry out gnoseological, ontological and cultural hermeneutical analysis of the dialectics of consciousness and culture. The concept gives an opportunity to conduct the object-related analysis of human existence in philosophy, cultural research, social philosophy and other branches of humanities, in particular, to analyze cultural processes as well as processes of development of the human Self's object-related identity.
dialectics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, culture, consciousness, objectivity, human, identity, substantiality, nonlinearity
Space and time
Ursul A.D. (2015). Vector of Futurization: Turn to the Research of the Future. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1767–1776. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67256
In his research Ursul describes peculiarities of the future and makes a proposal about possible researches of this phenomenon which does not yet exist. The author views the turn towards the future in different activities as the futurization process. The researcher also discusses the principle of temporal integrity that acts as some kind of the 'time conservation law' and reflects the need for taking into account the relationship and quantitative parameters of the three worlds of time (the past, the present and the future). From the point of view of the principle of temporal integrity the futurization process of human activity means improving the temporal strategy of such activity. The anticipation phenomenon is aligned with accelerated futurization including anticipatory reflection and development. It is underlined that global catastrophes can be prevented only as a result of anticipatory decisions and actions which significantly boosts up interest in researching the future. The researcher has mostly used futurological prognosis, noospheric and other methodological approaches to researching the future as well as synergetic, probabilistic, evolutionary historical and interdisciplinary approaches, principles of temporal integrity, globalism and cosmoglobalism. According to the author, there are spontaneous futurization and deliberate futurization, the latter being related to the definition of futurization as an intentional activity feature, which is illustrated by the transition towards sustainable development and noospherogenesis. Special attention is paid to the types of futurization as anticipatory activities and anticipatory development, which increases interest in futurology, prognosis, foresight and other researches of the future. The author demonstrates that the movement of time from the past to the future through the present called 'the arrow of time' is conditioned by the inflation phase of the Big Bang, the 'birth' of the Universe and further expansion thereof. It is underlined that the inflation period demonstrated the super-fast and therefore anticipatory futurization. Noteworthy that there are new arguments proving this hypothesis today.
sustainable development, forecasting, arrow of time, worlds of time, futurization, inflationary futurization, future, temporal integrity, anticipatory reflection, research of future
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Golovushkin D.A. (2015). Theocratic Project of the Russian Old Believers in the Mid XVIIth Century and Orthodox Renovationism of the Early XXth Century: Social Utopia or Civilizational Alternative? . Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1777–1782. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67257
In his research Golovushkin reveals the meaning and historical definition of the socio-political projects of the two brightest forms of Russian Orthodox reformation - the movement of Old Believers of the mid XVIIth century and Orthodox Renovationism of the early XXth century. Researchers traditionally view these phenomena as opposite vectors: Renovationism is usually associated with novations and modernization and Old Believers are associated with fundamentalism and commitment to doniconian Russian Orthodoxy. However, despite these beliefs, their historical path, religious projects and socio-political concepts have much in common which points to some important intersection points and regular patterns of the Russian church and socio-political history. Methodologically, the research is based on historical phenomenology of religion which considers history of religions (discriptive discipline) and phenomenology of religion (comparative and interpretative disciplien) as the two interdependent aspects of religious science combining the methods of empirical study and theoretical analysis of collected empirical data. This approach demonstrates that the movement of Old Believers in the mid XVIIth century and Orthodox Renovationism of the Early XXth century are the expression of not only a new type of religion, religious ethics and morals but also transformation of the political culture of the Russian society and crisis of the theocratic paternalist model of the Russian government. Developing the concept of the 'free theocracy' state where church, government and society are an entity and participate in creation of the Kingdom of God on earth, Old Believers and Renovationists tried to find both the civil way to legitimize the ruling power and the algorithm for building the 'true Orthodox civilization' in Russia. Double failure of that socio-political project had a significant impact on the following civilizational development of the Russian society. The result was the crucial church dissents and reinforcement of the vertical structure of the paternalist secular power, for church schisms do not only initiate changes but also bring traumatic experience, make people fear transformations and encourage political and religious conservatism and anti-dynamism attitudes.
Old Believers, Orthodox Renovationism, religious fundamentalism, theocracy, Old Believer schism, Renovationist schism, Christian state, secular state, paternalism
Tradition and innovation
Brodskiy A.I. (2015). Trauma and Construct in National Self-Conscience (The Case Study of the History of Eastern European Jewish Communities of the Late XIXth — Early XXth Centuries). Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1783–1793. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67258
The object of the research is the processes of national identity formation. The research is based on the history of Eastern European Jewish communities of the late XIXth - early XXth centuries. In his research A. Brodsky examines the role of psychological trauma in the process of national identity formation as well as the importance of such psychological factors as exclusion, repression and sublimation. Special attention is given to the processes of assimilation and self-isolation of nations in the course of their cultural development. Those processes were identified by such terms as Haskala, traditionalism, modernism, spiritual and political Zionism in the history of European culture. The author proceeds from the constructivist views on the process of nation's formation which, according to the author, can be completed with some provisions of psychoanalysis. The paper demonstrates that in both individual and national development early psychological trauma results not only in different painful symptoms and complexes, but also is a necessary moment in the development of self-conscience. National self-conscience reacts to traumatic circumstances in the two ways: firstly, through self-denying and desire to assume “a foreign identity”, i. e. assimilation; then if the first step was unsuccessful it comes to self-isolation and regression to its early states. However the stage of assimilation doesn’t go unnoticed and in the course of the following self-isolation process culture uses principles of the construction of meanings, which have been obtained at the stage of self-denial. Both self-denial and self-isolation are neurotic reactions of a nation to traumatic circumstances. However, cultural development is impossible without these reactions.
assimilation, Haskalah, Jews, Europe, cultural exclusion, psychology, ideology, nation, self-isolation, psychological trauma
Social philosophy
Kochetkova L.N. (2015). Philosophy of Information in the Information Society. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1794–1800. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67259
The subject of the present research is information as the reason and content of global transformations in the fields of science, technology and human existence. The author shows that information has ceased to play a supportive role and has become the main resource of social development. In this regard, in this paper the author proves the legitimacy and necessity of the information approach to the analysis of the surroundings. The author examines the relationship between the development of information, the emergence of post-industrial information society and the changes in lifestyle of a person. In this article, the author relies on the work of classical philosophical thought and modern scholars, analyzes the works of Russian and foreign philosophers. The article uses the methods of comprehensive analysis of the social reality, ascent from the abstract to the concrete and substantiation of the theoretical conclusions by empirical data. The content of the article is presented in the form of problem definitions. The author substantiates the conclusion that, despite the rapid development of specific science about information (information science), technically, information is not studied sufficiently and information studies do not provide a complete understanding of the role and importance of information in society and life of an individual. It is still necessary to answer a philosophical answer to the question "What is information and how information can be used for the benefits of a person, minimizing the negative effects of informational development?" The author emphasizes the need for the development of philosophy of information, focusing on the meaning, content and value of information in the modern information society. The article presents specific features of knowledge, which arises in the process of obtaining and interpreting information.
post-industrial society, information society, information technology, philosophy of information, information, philosophy, information approach, knowledge, science, semantics of information
Political philosophy
Chernovitskaya Yu.V. (2015). Transformation of the Concept of Genocide in Modern Society. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1801–1811. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67260
In her article Chernovitskaya analyzes the growth of the political, social, economic and other genocide practices in the world, their acceptability and emergence of new violent practices which underlines the conceptual crisis of the term 'genocide', its controversial and contradictory nature. This emphasizes the need for creating an objective criterion for defining genocide. Chernovitskaya underlines how important it is to move from the principle of political premeditation in determining genocide to the principle of the system regularities, according to which the political, economic and social changes combined with the negligence of the ruling regime lead to massive destruction of the group, despite the fact that the destruction of the group is not directly intended. At the same time, at the present stage of developmet of human society the most dangerous feature is becoming the tendency towards transformation of direct genocide into indirect kind of genocide. This tendency is manifested in delibirate economic interventions aimed at changing the cultural and historical environment, in biological interventions aimed at changing the natural environment, and etc. Widespread modern technology does not only brings a person beyond his physical abilities, but also reduces the responsibility of management systems and distorts the concept of responsibility leading to gradual weakening of personal moral responsibility.
directed change, genocide, tendency towards transformation, intention, system regularities, indirect genocide, violent practices, technologies, moral responsibility, conceptual crisis
Characteristics of society
Silichev D.A. (2015). Cultural Policy of Post-Soviet Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1812–1823. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67261
The subject of the article is the research of the process of developing new cultural policy which is a component of the transition period of Russian society from socialism to capitalism. The research reveals illustration and consequences of the transition period in policy, economy, and culture. The researcher observes general decline in the cultural level, bringing down of the high level of culture to the level of service sector and consumption, degradation of moral, aesthetic and legal environments in society. Social and economic context of developoing a new cultural policy is also analyzed in the article. The negative consequences of culture and art commercialization are given. The legal basis of cultural policy is shown. The basic models of cultural policy are described. The author of the article researches cultural policy in individual sectors of culture. The author also focuses on the analysis of cultural and business partnership. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach that allows a comprehensive consideration of the object under study and on the comparative analysis of cultural policy of the post-Soviet Russia versus cultural policy of the previous Soviet period. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that, first of all, the author represents one of the first researches in that field in which the development of tje new cultural policy in the post-Soviet Russia is considered comprehensively and profoundly. The scientific novelty is also determined by the fact that the research is conducted in a wide international context considering and at the same time enriching accumulated theoretical groundwork in that field. The author of the article also provides an original and partially new definition of cultural policy. The researcher comes to the conclusion that so far the transition period has been causing more losses than benefits and that the efficiency of the cultural policy will depend on the attraction of new business entities. At the end of the article the author concludes that commercialization is the main threat for culture and art.
commercialization of culture, culture and economy, cultural policy, Constitution and culture, culture and government, culture, transition period, subject of culture, legislation and culture, social partnership
National character and mentality
Lipskiy V.N. (2015). Nikolay Berdyaev about Dualism of National Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1824–1831. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67262
The research is devoted to the contradictions of national identity. Nikolay Berdyaev offered a number of antinomies through which contradictory nature of national identity can be viewed. The first antinomy is about passion and intolerance specific for the Russian mind. The researcher demonstrates how passion and intolerance are manifested in various spheres of Russian life. The other antinomy sounds like 'Russia is the most ungoverned country in the world', on the one hand, while on the other hand Berdyaev saw Russia as the country with the most rigid government structure. Methodologically this contradiction was determined by the influence of the East and West which, in its turn, contributed to the development of the Russians' 'messianic consciousness'. Dualism of national identity is an interesting topic not only from the point of view of history taking into account the fact that today's Russia is at another 'turning point' just like in Berdyaev's times but also because Berdyaev's idea about the relationship between national and European values will allow to take another look at what is happening in our country today.
antinomy, dualism, patience, humility, intolerance, national identity, life, death, mission, values
The dialogue of cultures
Spirova E.M. (2015). Russian Traditions of the Philosophical Concept of Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1832–1840. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67263
The subject of the research is the evolution of cultural philosophical views in Russia. Russian philosophy of culture has solid philosophical traditions. Generally speaking, Russian philosophy has a wide scope of cultural and philosophical issues such as culture and civilization, cultural diversity, equality or hierarchy of cultures and hierarchy of values in culture. Throughout the XIXth century spiritual attitudes and dominating worldview tendencies had been changing. Russian philosophy underwent the periods of Romanticism in the 20s - 30s of the XIXth century, Slavophilism and Westernism of the 40s- 50s and passionate nihilism and materialism of the 60s. In the 70s Vladimir Solovyov started his preachment about the universal all-encompassing unity and integral knowledge. In the second half of the century the development of the social thought was associated with the Narodniks movement. Even though those were absolutely incompatible prerequisites, the philosophers had the same goal to teach a man his own ways of life based on the principles of human nature. In the course of her research Spirova has used the methodology of history research. In addition, she based her research on cultural and philosophical classical works that connected cultural issues with the overall process of social progress. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article examines Russian traditions developed in the sphere of philosophy of culture. The author shows that in Russia philosophy of culture often preceded European philosophy in stating particular issues of historical development. Long before Oswald Spengler, Nikolay Danilevsky raised the question about cultural diversity and historical fate of different cultures. Konstantin Leontyev discovered crisis processes in culture long before that topic was acknowledged by European philosopher. The author of the present research also demonstrates diversity of cultural philosophical themes in Russian philosophy.
philosophy, culture, civilization, history, crisis, petite bourgeoisie, spirituality, culture-historical types, particularity, cosmopolitism
Value and truth
Turkin S.V. (2015). Truth and the Sacral. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1841–1851. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67264
The article is devoted to the relationship between the concept of truth and the concept of the sacral including the relationship between these concepts through history. In his research Turkin touches upon the origin of the concept of truth in Parmenides' philosophy and further development of this concept in Plato's works. In this regard, the researcher analyzes etymology of the Greek word ἀλήθεια (truth) and how definitions of truth are related to properties of the sacral. Special attention is paid to similar properties of the sacral and truth, mutual influence of these two concepts in relation to the modern processes of the world's 'unspelling' and development of quasi-religions and para-religions. In his research Turkin has used the phenomenological approach. In addition, he has aplied traditional philosophical and linguistic methods including abstraction, comparison, generalization, analogy, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, modelling, language analysis, comparative and historical methods. It is shown that there has been a close relationship between the concept of truth and the concept of the sacral since the moment when the concept of truth was first created. The author of the article defines the most essential properties that these two concepts have in common. He concludes that each truth is either sacral or quasi-sacral. He also establishes that changes in the definition of one concept have had a direct influence on the definition of the other concept. In this regard, the researcher also analyzes the relationship between narcissism as the utmost subjectivization of the sacral and solipsism as the utmost subjectivization of truth.
Durkheim, Plato, Parmenides, narcissism, quasi-religion, ambivalency, secular, sacral, false, truth
Philosophy of religion
Bychenkova K.V. (2015). Reconstruction of Primitive Beliefs in Anthropology of Religion. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1852–1860. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67265
The purpose of the article is to trace back peculiarities of the concept of mana based on the historical references created as a result of development of the anthropology of religion in the XIXth - XXth centuries and to describe specific features of this phenomenon thereupon. For this purpose, Bychenkova suggests that the following tasks should be solved: to define mana as the primitive religious concept, to describe the role of mana in the development of the relationship between magic and religion and to consider the possibility to classify the belief in mana as the 'minimum religion'. The thematic justification is determined by the significance of identifying primitive concepts and beliefs as the primary religious systems as well as the importance of interpreting the belief in mana from the point of view of the anthropology of religion. The subject of the research is the analysis of preanimistic beliefs in the anthropology of religion. Methodological basis of the research. In her research Bychenkova has used general scientific methods such as systems approach, dialectics, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, extrapolation, modelling, analogy, induction and deduction; methods of religious research such as causal analysis, historicism (genetic approach and comparative historical research), typological method, phenomenological method, hermeneutical method and structure-function analysis. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the following: the author 1) has summarized different kinds of preanimistic beliefs found in literature as well as their names in different cultures; 2) has described the archetype of impersonal foce in the Ancient World beliefs; 3) has described the archetypes of mana in folk religions and artwork; 4) has offered the Russian translation of extracts from such works as Codrington Robert H. The Melanesians: Studies in Their Anthropology and Folk-lore; Durkheim E. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life; Jones William. The Algonkin Manitou; McGee W. J. (William John). The Siouan Indians; Marett R. R. Anthropology; Radin Paul. Religion of the North American Indians. The conclusion of the research is that belief in impersonal force spread all over the world can be viewed as one of the historically initial forms religious beliefs. Developed religions do not completely overcome the concept of impersonal force but involve it as one of the components of a new, more complicated system of beliefs. The facts provided in the course of the analysis prove that ancient beliefs in impersonal force are still present in the form of archetype in later religions, thus defining many important components of mythological and religious consñience and even public conscience in general.
anthropology of religion, primitive beliefs, minimum religion, mana, impersonal force, North American Indians, animatism, magic, taboo, preanimatism
Toporina E.A. (2015). Aesthetic Peculiarities of Artistic Interpretation of Russian Classical Literature. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1861–1866. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67266
The article is devoted to some peculiarities of interpreting Russian classical writings when they are being transferred to other art forms. Much attention is paid to cinematography. Toporina has described such peculiarities as specific nature of the literary, cinema- and theatrical languages, the problem of defining the artistic interpretation (transfer), style, detail, national literary tradition, aesthetic component of a literary writing, problems of traditionalism and novelty as well as the role of personality in Russian literature. These peculiarities are defined through analyzing particular materials, i.e. modern artistic interpretations of Russian classical literary works. When writing her article, Toropina has appealed to classical fiction as well as literary, aesthetical and philosophical researches devoted to the problems of theoretical and artistic interpretation of texts. Conclusions: the researcher shows special features of a classical text as a source of active creative understanding in an artistic intepretation; describes peculiarities of artistic interpretation of classical literature as the way to convey the deepest meanings of classical literature through other artistic forms; examines peculiarities of artistic interpretation of Russian classical literature based on the analysis of particular artwork; attempts to analyze whether modern interpetations of classical literature are adequate.
world perception, human, realism, national literary tradition, artistic interpretation, Russian classical literature, distance, theatre, cinematography, compliance
Philosophy and culture
Nikiforova A.S. (2015). Theoretical Bases of the Synthesis of Arts in European Culture of the Second Half of the XIXth - Early XXth Centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1867–1876. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67267
The article considers the synthesis of arts as a phenomenon that has spread to different areas of culture and art in the second half of the XIXth — early XXth centuries. It was during that period when the other visual language and new forms of perception of art were formed. In her article Nikiforova analyzes the basic sources of the idea of Gesamtkunstwerk and various forms of its realization: mythologizing as a special way of thinking, ontologization of art, the desire to go beyond the purely artistic imagery, aesthetic dimension of humanism, synthetic thinking and universalism of the artist. Particular attention is given to the historical and cultural context throughout the XIXth century, beginning with the views of the Jena Romantics, Wagner’s theory of music and ending address to the creativity of Art Nouveau artists and innovators of the theater scene. The investigation also considers the problem of emergence of new forms of artistic creation. The analysis of the key trends reveals the importance of the idea of synthesis of arts for culture in a broad perspective: from philosophy, poetry and literature, architecture and fine art to design, new trends in the theatre research and cinematography.
symbolism, Richard Wagner, German Romanticism, philosophy of culture, synthesis of arts, Art Nouveau, myth, synesthesia, cinematography, design
Philosophy and art
Maslova V.A. (2015). Review of the Problem of Art's Conceptuality in the Culture and Aesthetics of French Symbolism. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1877–1885. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67268
The subject of the research is the problem of art's conceptuality in the aesthetics of French symbolism and description of actual contradictions. This topic is discussed by using the methods of classification and analysis of the degree of scientific development of the problem in Russian and foreign scientific and practical researches which, on the one hand, complete one another and, on the other hand, allow to define specific features of each aspect. The author of the article analyzes different approaches to studying the art of symbolism as well as describes undeveloped aspects of the topic. The main research method used by the author is the retrospective analysis. The method is used in order to see and understand the logic of the development of French symblolism as well as why it had such a strong impact and was so intensively studied by different branches of science. In her research Maslova underlines the complexity of analyzing the problem and developing the single concept of art in French symbolism. This proves the importance of the present research and allows to combine different scientific approaches to the problem. Having described, classified and analyzed the main Russian and foreign scientific researches on the research topic, Maslova offers her own procedure for developing the methodological basis of the research concerning methodological, methodic and prognostic grounds. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher describes the cause-and-effect relationship between actualization of some specific features and themes of French symbolism at the end of the XIXth and XXth centuries and emphasizes the complexity of the categorical framework in the aesthetics of French symbolism.
retrospection, problem, approach, conception, art, analysis, French symbolism, symbolism, aesthetics, symbol