Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Philosophical Brotherhood. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1593–1596. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67218
This is the review of the encyclopedic dictionary 'Philosphers of Modern Russia' (content by M. Bakhtin published in St. Petersburg in 2015). The above mentioned encylopedic dicionary is not the first attempt to provide insight into philosophers and philosophy from the point of view of the development of the latter throughout the history. In this regard, we can't keep from mentioning Pyotr Alekseev's contribution to publishing editions of this kind. Those editions excelled in strict academic manner and well developed manner of materials selection and evaluation. The encyclopedic dictionary the author is talking now does not withstand competition with the previous editions. The dictionary lacks complete data about the most famous philosophers and the material selection has a random nature as the author says himself. Gurevich bases his research on strong experience in writing encyclopedia obtained during the Soviet times. He follows traditions of the best glossaries our academic literature is so rich with. The reviewer approves of the editor's attempt to provide comprehensive and extensive research which would allow to describe different sides of the historical and philosophical process. Unfortunately, such interesting idea has led to creation of the 'intermediate' kind of dictionary. It is more likely to be the groundwork for a future substantive edition that will provide a better picture of the life of the philosophical society in our country.
ethics, political philosophy, history of philosophy, social philosophy, theory of knowledge, philosophy, aesthetics, science, philosophical anthropology, culture
Ontology: being and nihility
Kuz'min A.V. (2015). Ontological Options for Developing Early Cosmological Models and Creation of Zodiacal Constellations. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1597–1607. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67219
The article is devoted to the research of the ontological option for creating zodiacal constellations. Special attention is paid to the formation of the octopartite (prezodiacal) and final duodecimal (zodiacal) models. The latter had been already created during the period of recorded history. In his article Kuzmin develops the concept of 'zodiacal writing' and 'existence writing'. He also touches upon the interrelationships between different zodiacal models and their role in the process of creation of the Cosmos model or so called armillary sphere. In his research Kusmin also provides evaluation of astronomy as an independent scientific and academic discipline. The researcher has used the method of the comparative analysis of sources referring to the subject of the research as well as the critical analysis of previously published Russian and foreign researches. Kuzmin has also made an attempt to re-enact the history of the creation and description of zodiacal constellations based on the critical analysis of Russian and foreign researches. Based on the results of the analysis, the author also tries to answer the question whether there could be pre-zodiacal and zodiacal models of Cosmos. The main conclusion of the article is that duodecimal Zodiac was created as a result of a stepwise process that lasted for a considerable period of time and had started in the VIth century BC. The final stage of the process was recorded during the period of recorded history. At the final stage Zodiac was also 'split' into the two inequal terms, Zodiacal constellations and Zodiacal signs.
ontology, world model, zodiacal model, octopartite zodiac, duodecimal zodiac, cosmos, Zoroastrianism, Zurvan religion, armillary sphere, astronomy
The new paradigm of science
Rudnev V.P. (2015). The Problem of Truth and False in the Narrative Ontology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1608–1617. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67220
Narrative ontology is the philosophical concept the author of the article has been developing for many years. The main idea is that truth and false are considered to be illusory and replaced with the questions 'What will happen?' and 'Where is all this going to?'. Neverthetheless, the search for truth is also quite an obvious issue for narrative ontology and truth is viewed as the truth in a fictional discourse, the truth in an everyday expression, the Truth starting with the capital letter 'T', and the truth starting with the small letter 't'. In this research Rudnev also introduces his concept of the 'collapse into the truth' when a person falls into the illusion of the truth as if it were a well. The scientific novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic science Rudnev creats a new model of reality based on the ideas of narrative logic and the theory of meaning. Technically, this model is based on the mebius strip which the author thinks to be simultaneously moving in two opposite directions, i.e. towards accumulation of information ('along the life path') and accumulation of entropy ('against the life path'). In this research Rudnev has used the methods of everyday language philosophy developed by Moore, Wittgenstein, Austin and other analytical philosophers. The main conclusions of the present research are the following: 1. Truth and false are illusionary concepts created by our mind, in fact, we exist in the two parallel worlds of truth and false. 2. Narrative ontology is based on the main postulate that the meaning can be found on the mebius strip simultaneously unfolding in the opposite directions. 3. The problem of 'living against the life path' means that we live in the two opposite directions of time, towards accumulation of entropy and accumulation of information.
truth, false, narrative ontology, reality, sense, mobius strip, information, entropy, Bion, life
Information and ideas
Baeva L.V. (2015). Phenomena of E-Culture as Heterotopic Spaces. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1618–1625. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67221
The object of the research is the phenomenon of e-culture represented through both creation of virtual analogies to actual or 'alive' culture and generation of new information phenomena based on information technologies (Internet, electronic libraries, virtual museums, distance education, social networks, computer games, etc.). The importance of studying these phenomena grow as their role in the life of human and society excels replacing previous kinds of socialization, communication, education and recreation. The main research method used by Baeva in her research is Michel Foucault's concept of heterotopic spaces and his heterotopia principles allowing to analyze complex structures and 'other' reality objects as cultural phenomena of different epochs. This method allows to see the products of e-culture as performing special functions for human and culture as well as to uncover their otherness, multilayeredness and hypertextuality. The author of the article has studied temporary, ontological and anthropological aspects of heterotopiae at the age of information and described peculiarities of these phenomena versus classical phenomena. The purpose of the research is to provide better understanding of the essence of e-culture and e-cultural phenomena as well as to develop the theory of heterotopia as part of the modern philosophical discourse.
computer games, social networks, electronic libraries, cyber, e-culture, heterotopia, virtualization, space, communication, time
Connection of times
Gatiatullina E.R. (2015). Hellenistic Skepticism and the Postmodern Identity Crisis. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1626–1637. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67222
Philosophy of history usually considers differences between epicurean, stoic and skeptical directions in Hellenistic philosophy whereas ancient skepticism localized in Pyrrho;s teaching and his followers’ doctrine is often viewed as a certain kind of relativism and agnosticism. The author makes an original attempt to pay attention to their common features that, probably without being critical for their epoch, become essential in historical perspective and allow us to view an interesting dialogue of epochs partitioned by about two millenniums. Taking into account that ancient world is the origin of Neo-European mankind, contemporary society, being is built on post-modernistic truth demonopolization, is rooted in Hellenistic epoch, the undoubted philosophic merit of which was the review of the relationship between thought and reality, nature and criteria of true knowledge. Hellenistic philosophy, being characterized first of all by “internal emigration”, out-of-the-way, even not anthropological, but “existential” turn of philosophical thought, individualistic and eudemonistic directions, in many ways anticipated modern epistemological, ethical and socio-philosophical ideas. Meanwhile its representatives viewed in broad historical context will turn out to be not “marginal” thinkers of their epoch but true prophets of the world’s philosophical thought.
post-modernism, Hellenistic epoch, phyrrhonism, skepticism, stoicism, epicureanism, epistemology, philosophy of science, contemporary society, identity
Philosophy of science
Solonenko Ya.A. (2015). Causality Category in Classical and Contemporary Sciences (Epistemological, Synergetic and Socio-Cultural Aspects). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1638–1647. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67223
In this research Solonenko analyzes one of the important but understudied scientific issues in modern philosophical literature - the problem of causality. The author of the article traces back peculiarities of studying causality at all historical stages of scientific developing including classical, nonclassical and postclassical periods. In the course of analyzing causality, the author touches upon the the main three aspects of the problem, i.e. epistemological, synergetic and socio-cultural aspects. According to the author of the article, the analysis of these three aspects allows to privde a better insight into the contents and definition of causality as well as to understand the role perfomed by causality in the history of science in general and at the modern postnonclassical stage in particular. Based on researches of the Academy member V. Stepin, doctors of philosophy V. Arshinov, V. Budanov and other modern authors, the author of the article applies the systems-evolutionary method and synergetic methodological paradigm. As a result of long scientific inquiries at the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXIth centuries and after appearance of the synergetic methodology and paradigm in nonclassical science, all the previous causative concepts on the world were reviewed and the contemporary or so called postnonclassical stage started in scientific research and theoretical interpretation of causality. Based on the synergetic methodology, non-linear (or probabilistic) causality was discovered in contemporary postnonclassical science, the most brilliant examples being the quantum objects of the physical microworld and self-developing evolutionary systems of nature and society.
epistemological aspects of causality, cause-and-effect relations, indeterminism, neo-determinism, non-linear determinism, probabilistic causality, non-linear causality, causality, synergetic aspects of causality, socio-cultural aspects of causality
Political philosophy
Omelaenko V.V. (2015). Philosopho-Historical and Socio-Political Thought of Timofey Granovsky as a Source of Formation of the Russian Society's Self-Consciousness. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1648–1654. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67224
The article is devoted to the analysis of creative work, educative and teaching activities of a famous Russian historian, professor, dean of the Faculty of History and Language Studies at Moscow University Timofey Granovsky (1813 - 1855). Special attention is paid to the views on the historical process and philosophy of history. Based on the memories of his contemporaries, the author of the article demonstrates the highly important role of teaching activities and educative projects of Timofey Granovsky in the formation and development of the liberal philosophy and politics in Russia. Using the method of social and historical re-enactment, the author describes the social and political environment in Russia of the XIXth century. This allows to explain it was Granovsky who became the main figure of enlightenment and Westernism that was just budding in Russia. Analysis of Timofey Granovsky's views and his educative activity demonstrates that he was a liberal philosopher. Based on the analysis of recently published researches, the author of the article shows that Timofey Granovsky's legacy is still of great current interest and importance to researchers in the sphere of Russian social studies.
Timofey Granovsky, philosophy of history, philosophical club, educative activities, liberalism, Westernizers, Slavophiles, Alexander Herzen, Boris Chicherin, Moscow University
Self-consciousness and identity
Yakovleva E.L. (2015). Electronic Nomad as a New Kind of Personal Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1655–1664. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67225
The object of the research is human and the subject of the research is the analysis of a new kind of human identity that has appeared as a result of electronic infrastructures and networks created by these electronic infrastructures and capturing one's personality. The fact that there are so many kinds of electronic devices today has a certain impact on human existence. Human becomes a so-called electronic nomad who has no home but constantly moving throughout space. Electronic microlandscape that claims to reach the macrolevel is based on the combination of natural and artificial worls, however, the distinction between them is so vague that it creates certain ambiquity: on the one hand, electronic devices depend on a nomad and help him out, on the other hand, it subdues him and creates numerous disturbances which generates a special sphere existing according to its own rules. This creates contradictions in nomad's behavior that has dialectically interrelated extravert and introvert modes. Thus, a nomad appears to have a chimerical but not inclusive personality. He is estrangedly included in the new reality by the means of high technology, however, this new reality is an illusory copy of reality and claims to play a dominating role in a nomad's life. Moreover, his inclusion into the reality is also 'flickering'. Solution of numerous problems arising for an electronic nomad can be made through reconstruction of axiosphere and appealing to traditions and searches for the meaning of life. The author of the article discusses this problem in the form of a narrative using semotical, dialectical and phenomenological methods which allows to describe peculiarities of a modern personality. The novelty of the research is based on the fact that the author analyzes a new kind of personal identity defined by the author as the 'electronic nomad'. The main provisions and conclusions of the research can be used in scientific, teaching and practical activities as well as social work and interpretation of different kinds of social situations and attempts to solve personality issues.
person inclusive, road, homelessness, traveler, nomad, electronic nomadism, identity, exclusion, flicker of life, chimerical personality
The dialogue of cultures
Nikonova S.B. (2015). To Dialectics of the Idea of Nation. Review of the International Likhachov Scientific Conference 2015. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1665–1670. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67226
The article is devoted to the review of the International Likhachov Scientific Conference held on 14-15 May 2015 in St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences. The main problem of the conference was the global challenges of the modern world and national interests. The author of the article analyzes the main questions of the reports and speeches and makes conclusions about the main trends of the discussion. As a key moment of the discussion the idea of the nation is revealed. This idea is complex and self-contradictory due to the specifics of its formation and history of the development in modern society. The article includes a description and analysis of selected reports and synthesizes them to identify the problems of the dominant ideas. The main conclusion of this review is that the main idea of all the reports and approaches is the idea of internal instability, and contradictions of the idea of nation which requires a thorough theoretical analysis of all situations connected with national interests.
nation, nationalism, dialectics, dialogue of cultures, philosophy of culture, modernity, economy and culture, globalization, conflict, critical analisys
Myths and modern mythologies
Vlasova V.B. (2015). Social Mythology and Modernization of Contemporary Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1671–1681. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67227
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of social mythology under the conditions of modern globalization and cultural modernization processes. The main interest of the researcher is focused on the peculiarities of the mythological consciousness structure that restore archaic formations of modern social practices as their value orientations. Vlasova analyzes constitutive elements of mythological world perception and what had enrooted those elements in human activity since ancient times till our days. The researcher describes particular social and historical situations that created the 'fertile ground' for reproducing social mythology in rational creativity of a modern subject. The methodological basis of the research involves comparative analysis of the myth making process in the present and the past, social-psychological description of mythtellers from the point of view of their existence in particular socio-cultural circumstances. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views the problem of mythological orientation both in yesterday's and today's practices, analyzes pluses and minuses of the role of myth at all times and explain that duality. Conclusions: social mythology is irremovable from the culture creation process because a subject must have emotions, moods and imagination. Being the source of ethnomental archetypes, mythology preserves unique features of individual cultures opposing to unifying tendencies of the modernization process. Modern alienation of the global culture results in distorted functions of mythology while eliminating its causes.
social mythology, overall cultural globalization, modernized consciousness, mythological world perception, functions of myth, peculiarities of myth making, ideological manipulation, mythologization of reality, modern mythologems, prospects of myth making
Sochilin A.A. (2015). Development of the 'Morals' Concept in the European Philosophy of the XVIIth Century. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1682–1690. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67228
The object of the research is the development history of the terms of European moral philosophy. The subject of the research is the transformation of ethical terms in the XVIIth century which started the process of formation of a modern definition of 'morals' and assimilation of traditional concepts and semantics of moral philosophy. In his research Sochilin examines theoretical, textological, historical-philosophical and institutional contexts of this process. He also describes the origin and historical dynamics of such terms as 'morals', 'ethics', 'moralitas', 'moralia', 'jus naturale', 'lex naturalis', 'honestum', 'honestas' and 'rectitudo'. The research methods include linguistic and general humanities methods such as analysis of the semantic extension of the aforesaid terms, their morphemic analysis and contextual analysis. The researcher relates these terminological transformations to conceptual changes in European moral philosophy. As a result of the research, the author clarifies etymology of the terms 'morals' and 'ethics' and compares them to their Latin and Greek originals. The author explicates similarities and differences in their origin, concludes that the term 'moralitas' has a crucial importance for the formation of today's definition of morals and describes the theoretical grounds thereto. He defines the two interdependent philosophical traditions the aforesaid process was part of (natural law tradition and Thomist tradition with primary Aristotelian ethic terminology) and outlines the scope of texts of the XVIIth century the process could be seen in. The author has also summarized historical dynamics and developed the five-level program for further research.
Latin, ethics, morality, history of concepts, history of moral philosophy, Francisco Suarez, morals, Hugo Grotius, natural law, Samuel Pufendord
Guzha E.A. (2015). The Meaning of Fashion: Verbal and Visual Aesthetical Communication. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1691–1698. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67229
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of fashion in contemporary culture. In this research Guzha gives a philosophical and aesthetical definition of fashion, examines the meaning and importance of such terms as 'aesthetic experience' and 'aesthetic knowledge' and analyzes the verbal and visual levels of aesthetic communication in fashion. The author also studies the manners in which aesthetic perception of fashion is achieved and excessive aesthetic meanings are conceptualized in individual aesthetic experience. The author describes the main concepts on the matter and defines semantic codes transmitting aesthetic communication at nonverbal and verbal levels. The methodological basis of the research involves the philosophical-aesthetic modus of the communication theory, philosophical and aesthetic analysis of the fashion phenomenon from the point of view of verbal and visual aesthetic communication. The scientific novedlty of the research is caused by the fact that the author applies the aforesaid methodology, which is exclusively innovatory for such kind of research, provides a detailed description of the communication levels determined and views implicit and explicit levels of aesthetic messages in modern fashion industry. The following expressive kinds and means are described at the visual level: colour, silhouette, composition, rhythm, ornament, style making process, eclectic and stylization. The analysis of the verbal level of aesthetic communication focuses on the rhetoric of fashion magazines and advertising companies.
fashion, semantic code, aesthetic communication, aesthetic experience, aesthetic knowledge, visualization, verbalization, expressivity, style, play
Philosophy and culture
Lyusyy A.P., Nilogov A.S. (2015). Textological Concept of Russian Culture (Conversation of Aleksey Nilogov with Alexander Lyusiy). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1699–1723. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67230
The conversation with Alexander Lyusiy has been recorded within the framework of the editorial project 'Contemporary Russian Philosophy' and devoted to the modern trends in Russian philosophy and cultural studies. The culture expert Alexander Lyusiy offers his own research methodology - textological concept of Russian culture or the theory of local texts/supertexts. The aim of the concept is to create an important way of socio-cultural personality and society identification at the modern stage of Russia's history, i.e. to arrange for the 'search of models to structure the reality and creation of new entrances into this reality, which would allow to solve important tasks for human and society'. In his conversation Nilogov has used the methods of textological analysis offered by Lyusiy as well as the hermeutical approach allowing to interpet the current situation in Russian philosophy and cultural studies. Alexander Lyusiy proves his textological concept of Russian culture based on the examples of Crimean, Moscow, Siberian, Altai, Ural, Volzhsk, Samara and other regional supertexts. Thus, a text becomes a synonym of 'readability' of this or that cultural environment. Gnoseological (cognitive) metaphor of a text/supertext allows to analyze the human habitat as the sign-oriented sybmolic reality called semiosis, or, more properly, semiocenosis.
Lyusiy, cultural studies, Russian philosophy, Crimean text, Moscow text, philosophy of culture, elitocracy, semiosis, semiocenosis, geosophy
Philosophy of law
Katsapova I.A. (2015). Globalization and National Identity: the Point of Intersection (Philosophical and Legal Aspects). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1724–1733. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67231
This article is devoted to very important contemporary problems, i.e. international relations, legal relations at the level of international law and universal values. The author analyzes the concept of the global community from the point of view of universal values and human rights. She also proves that nowadays we are experiencing the crisis of the political and legal sphere including the crisis of legal and legislative state policies through the shaken balance between the supremecy of law and legislation. The author of the article suggests that we should return to philosophical and legal problems including the so-called national idea and view these problems in a different light as the human right to a decent existence. The main methodological principle used by the author of the research is the combination of legal and philosophical approaches to the problems of law and legal reality as well as the historical method. The author of the article views modern civilizational processes from the point of view of philosophy and legal studies which is apparently not only a topical issue but also a rather new and understudied topic. Modern practices of international development demonstrate the need for us to return to a very important branch of knowledge, philosophy of law, as an alternative to the technical approach to the law making and law enforcement processes established by today's legal science.
human rights, political crisis, right, globalization, national idea, the people, nation, international law, international relations, human
Philosophy of science and education
Shipovalova L.V. (2015). The Modern Idea of the University and the Possible Legitimation of Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1734–1741. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67232
The subject of this article is the problem of the legitimation of philosophy and the importance of philosophy at a modern university. The aim is to understand the place of philosophy at a University determined in terms of various purposes of this institution – on the one hand, the use, effectiveness and efficiency; on the other hand, the search for truth. The first purpose is associated with private interests and the second one is associated with universal values. The researcher has used the methods of problematization and contextualization. A modern problem of the university is the ambiguity of its target orientation. Looking for a solution to the problem requires an appeal to the origin of the classical university and its philosophical basis: Humboldt’s provisions about the university reform and Kant’s justification of the role of the Faculty of Philosophy. The conclusion is that philosophy, following the interests of truth, is uniquely capable and, in fact, should carry out criticism as the definition of the boundaries and conditions of use for any knowledge any regulations. Such analysis allows to describe interaction of private and public interests as the purposes of a University and legitimizes a specific role of philosophy. This is a relevant issue for modern times.
faculty of philosophy, university, science, education, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Immanuel Kant, autonomy, private interest, modernity, criticism