Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Transformation of Text into Ideology. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 423–428. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62645
Texts often take shape of ideology. This is why it would be right to raise a question about whether ideology
can be a scientific concept. According to Paul Ricoeur, the term ‘ideology’ has a wrong interpretation. This causes a
number of wrong beliefs. Only precise semantic framework established as a result of ‘accurate description’ can sole
such wrong beliefs. Paul Ricoeur refers this methodological approach to phenomenology (or so called semantic phenomenology).
philosophy, phenomenology, discourse, text, wrong belief, methodology, cogitation, social critics, Paul Ricoeur, semantics.
Value and truth
Koptseva, N. P. (2013). Truth in Plato’s Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 429–436. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62646
Based on the analysis of Plato’s dialogues, the author describes Plato’s idea of truth that is directly related to
such philosophical category as ‘being’. Plato was the first philosopher to distinguish the three definitions of truth: 1) truth
as the feature of being; 2) truth as the feature of human knowledge; 3) truth as the feature of human existence. In Plato’s
dialogues love for truth determines all the aspects of true existence of human. Dialectics of search for truth cause the
tripartite interpretation of the term: 1) truth is the content like the ‘pure’ (self-identical and everlasting) being; 2) truth
is the feature of knowledge aimed at either this ‘pure’ being (when the truth is knowledge) or appearing and disappearing
(formation) of items (opinion); 3) truth is the feature of human existence in the world as shown in Plato’s philosophy
of state. Plato’s philosophical concept of truth serves as an example for further search for truth at all stages in history of
Western philosophy.
philosophy, truth Plato, dialogues, ontology, gnoseology, being, value, absolute truth, dialectics.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Popkov, V. V. (2013). Alexander Bogdanov’s Science and Faith. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 437–448. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62647
The author of the article views some fundamental ideas of Alexander Bogdanov’s empiriomonism from the
point of view of their development throughout the history. The author of the article suggests the interpretation based
on ideas of modern constructivism. The author also gives evaluation to tectology as the general science and the first
attempt of Russian philosophers to present philosophy as a science that has a structure. Alexander Bogdanov outlined
the main contours of the paradigm shift in the perception of the dual subject-object world.
philosophy, duality, inter-reference, constructivism, substitution, difference, self-reference, meaning, tectology, empiriomonism.
Social dynamics
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2013). Pyotr Berngardovich Struve About Economic Europeanisation of Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 449–462. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62648
The article is devoted to the system of Pyotr Berngardovich Struve’s views on economy and the model of capitalization
of Russian economy presented by Struve during him being interested in Marx (or so called ‘legal Marxism’).
This model and Struve’s ideas still retain their theoretical and practical significance and stay in tune with today’s
problems of Russia’s modernization.
philosophy, social modeling, modernization, economic system, economic growth, public policy, social progress, capitalism, populism, legal Marxism, conservative liberalism.
Political philosophy
Kuchinov, A. M. (2013). Approach to Analyzing Political Developments Through Their Relation to Socio-Cultural
Dynamics as an Alternative to ‘Political Culture’ Approach. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 463–475. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62649
The given article views theoretical aspect of studying the influence of socio-cultural factors on political
developments. The author of the given article describes the limitations of the ‘political culture’ approach that prevails
in Russian and foreign political science today. Since the mentioned approach is not sufficient, the author proves
that it is necessary to view dynamics of interaction between political developments and socio-cultural factors over
time because culture and politics have always been dynamic phenomena. The author also makes a summary of how
this issue relates to such social phenomena as dynamics of political regimes, influence of ethnic, linguistic, socialstratification
and religious features on political developments, influence of the level of common wealth, geographic
determinism, political and other cultural rituals, international relations, negotiations, identity, separatism, influence
on educational policy, up-bringing and etc. The author of the article also talks about practical application of studied
theories to solving topical issues of modern policy.
cultural studies, culture, cultural dynamics, political culture, political developments, social dynamics, socio-cultural dynamics, socio-cultural factors, theory of culture, theory of politics.
The dialogue of cultures
Kuznetsov, YU. V. (2013). Multiculturalism and Prohibition of Ad Hominen Argument in Academic Discussion. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 476–487. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62650
The article studies prospects of transformation of the scientific rationality concept into prohibition of ad
hominem argument, the latter entering into conflict with the wide spread ideology of multiculturalism that denies
orientation at a universal subject. In the course of the analysis the author discovers the following two scenarios:
implementation of anti-global tendencies in the form of antiscientism and another expansion of borders set forth by
scientific rationalism.
philosophy, ad hominen argument, multiculturalism, rationality, globalization, argumentation, antiscientism, mainstream culture, academic discussion, universal and unique.
Myths and modern mythologies
Maydanov, A. S. (2013). Dynamics of World and its Subjects in Vedic Cosmology. Part 2 (Final Part). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 488–498. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62651
Indian Vedas show that their authors had a quite established concept of the cause and the driver of any natural
phenomena, in other words, its actor and subject. Actors of cosmological processes and phenomena were Gods who
had a number of cosmic functions allowing dynamics and unity of the world. The author of the article describes such
heaven bodies and associated gods as Sun, Earth, Moon and some stars and planets from this point of view. The author
describes the genealogy of such gods and their relations as world actors. The diversity of features of heaven bodies
made the Vedas authors to invent diversified deification. The author of the article suggests a certain logic scheme for
analyzing gods’ images. This scheme includes a number of different hypostases of gods: description of their appearance
and spiritual image, cosmic and social functions and real referents. Analyzing the main gods from this point of
view, the author concluded that mythological images were synthetic mental constructs consisting of components of
different epistemological value. Myth-makers also shared their views on certain important universal characteristics
of the reality such as the law of universal circulation, both natural and social space, time and movement within the
Universe. In his article the author shares his logic of understanding the reality that is typical for the initial stage of any
cognitive process including scientific one.
philosophy, Universe, Sun, gods, time, movement, thinking, imagination, real, fictious.
Self-consciousness and identity
Tischenko, N. V. (2013). Freedom and Non-Freedom in Literary Texts: Discourse Analysis of Writings Devoted to
GULAG. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 499–509. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62652
The purpose of the article is to define the strategies of opposition to the influence of prison sub-cultures on social
and discursive practices in Russian culture. A good example of such opposition was found in texts under one theme ‘reflexive
discourse’ that included texts written by Russian authors as memories about their time in GULAG. Using the discursive
analysis method, the author defined the key signature of the reflexive discourse ‘prison — freedom’ that has the three
levels of conceptual connotations. Analysis of these connotations allowed to identify the strategies of opposition to escalation
of prison and criminal values in a society. Comparison of discursive practices described by literary texts and social
practices shows that a project of reflective discourse appeared to be unclaimed in Russian culture. It was not realized in
social practices and therefore became part of the discursive historical archives. The author of the article describes certain
contradictions of reflective discourse that hinders from its influence on social practices. First of all this is the latent
shift of reflective discourse expressions to criminal traditions which couldn’t have been avoided under GULAG conditions.
Secondly, this is also the fact that the spread of knowledge about prison sub-culture has had a distorted effect — society
hasn’t formed a negative attitude to prison sub-culture but formed a heroic image of a convict.
cultural studies, sub-culture, GULAG, discourse, practice, freedom, non-freedom, reflection, opposition, prison.
Philosophy and art
Zhukovsky, V. I. (2013). Creative Process: Artist and Art Material From the Point of View of their Ingenuity, Affectation
and Temptation. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 510–515. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62653
The article is devoted to the creative process as some kind of a dialogue between an artist and art material
when, combining ‘ingenuity’, ‘affectation’ and ‘temptation’, the artist can create being out of non-being. The author of
the article analyzes qualitative characteristics of a master creating art work. It has been affirmed that a relationship
between an artist and art material is based on play that provides certain environment for creating art work.
philosophy, creative process, artist, art material, ingenuity, affectation temptation, art work, mastery, dialogue.
Tinyakova, E. A. (2013). Esthetic Characteristic of Labor Activity as a Factor of Civilization Development. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 516–522. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62654
The article is devoted to the relation between axiological, cultural, sociological and economic professional
values. The author pays attention at certain contradictions in life sustaining potentials of this profession. Esthetic
image of profession is associated with the acting skills. At a modern stage of development of human labor activity,
there is a growing need in ‘playing’ this or that profession, i.e. creating the esthetic channel for professional skills. It
strengthens economic and social status of professions.
philosophy, praxiology, labor activity, society, master skills, profession, esthetic image, anthropological development of human, cultural contradictions, civilization development.
Spectrum of consciousness
Oleshkevich, V. I. (2013). Sociology and Culturology of Psychological Knowledge (Based on the Example of Soviet
Psychology). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 523–532. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62655
The author of the article studies Soviet psychology from the point of view of sociology and culturology of psychological
knowledge or implementation of historical approach to Soviet psychological concepts. The author shows
that Soviet psychology was based on ideology and studied Soviet human in particular. Analytical reconstruction of
cultural and historical grounds of psychological knowledge is performed mostly on the basis of research conducted at
Moscow School of activity psychology. The main purpose of the article is to show an essential need in such an analysis.
cultural studies, sociology, psychology, knowledge, psychotechnic, phenomenology, formation, experience, analysis, society.
Philosophy of religion
Koren, R. V. (2013). The Holy Trinity Dogma: Philosophical and Theological Methods of Studying it and Their Consequences. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 533–545. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62656
The article is devoted to the philosophical and theological interpretation of the fundamental Holy Trinity
dogma. It is shown that philosophical methodology allows to expand the borders of knowledge and to raise accuracy.
The latter allows to conduct analysis of sufficiency of sources and grounds of Orthodox Dogmatics. The author of the
article also shows that the presence of the two sources at once, Holy Bible and Apostolic Holy Tradition creates contradictions
for the main Holy Trinity Dogma. There should be the three sources of Dogmatics. Using the complementary
principle, the author shows that the third source should include the Words said by Jesus Christ when alive. Such source
can be the Sermon on the Mount or Gospel of Thomas.
philosophy, theology, dogma, Holy Trinity, trinity, knowledge, methodology, grounds, sources, Sermon on the Mount, Gospel According to Thomas.
History of ideas and teachings
Spiridonova, YU. V. (2013). Genesis of International Protection of Cultural Heritage in 1930’s. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 546–557. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62657
1930’s laid the foundation for international protection of cultural heritage — the one UNESCO based his activity
on. The main feature of this period was an attempt of a complex solution of any issues in this sphere. The author of the article
analyzes the main initiatives of International Council of Museums that took the form of conferences, charters, international
legal acts as well as unrealized projects of international conventions in the sphere of cultural heritage protection. The author
also traces back prerequisites for formation of the international system of memorial protection since XIX.
cultural research, memorial, archeology, protection, restoration, thievery, war, landscape, norm, convention.
The lectern
Smirnova, G. E. (2013). Comparative Analysis in Socio-Cultural Area Studies. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 558–564. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62658
As a method of research, comparative analysis is widely and efficiently used in all humanitarian and natural
law sciences. Socio-cultural area studies is not an exception, either, because this method allows not only to definer
regular patterns and particular features of a developing region but also to trace back how the same socio-cultural
factors or processes are transformed under the influence of the regional specifics. The article also describes the targets
of comparative studies in scientific research and inter-disciplinary grounds for socio-cultural area studies, defines the
main principles and stages of comparative analysis in area studies and research. A good example of a comparative
analysis method in socio-cultural area studies is the comparison of terms ‘homeland’ in Russian and English cultures
of XVIII. This term takes the first place in any nation or mentality and it is one of the most important instruments of
self-identification. Without reconstruction of the meaning, content and evolution of the term ‘homeland’ it would be
impossible to describe the history of culture and mentality of any nation.
cultural studies, area studies, socio-cultural area studies, socio-cultural research, research methods, interdisciplinary, comparative analysis, comparative studies, methodology, teaching.