Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Philosophical Traditions of Understanding Human. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 141–143. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62324
Philosophical understanding of human has a long history. The human issue did not appear in philosophy right
away but it does not mean that the question about the essence and meaning of human existence has been asked only
by modern philosophers. However, the concept and image of human have changed with time. Philosophers viewed
human quite differently at different epochs. During Antique times, for instance, human viewed himself as the element
of the existing order defining human existence. Eternal and cosmic elements as well as the objective purpose and universal
norms stay above the subjective-voluntaristic ephemeral elements.
philosophy, microcosm, human, gnostic human, Christianity, cosmos, Antique times, anthropological question, mind.
Methodology of philosophical learning
Prokhorov, M. M. (2013). Connection Between Existence and History as a Principle of Philosophical Ideology. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 144–154. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62325
The author of the article raises a question about renovation of philosophical ideology. It is achieved through
implementation of the unity of existence and history as the foundation of the philosophical picture of the world, human
and human’s attitude to the world. It is shown that being a human ability, consciousness is interpreted in the history
of philosophy not only in comparison with the existence but also as a part of this or that type of human’s attitude
to the world that reflects his subjective position from the point of view of contemplative, activist and co-evolutional
attitude to the world. The author describes the profound meaning of the objective concept of existence and how it
developed and affected human and his consciousness towards overcoming of his subjective attitude to the world. The
author gives the three definitions of existence: substantial, attributive and historical. The author also proves the connection
between human activity and existence/its development and explains that estrangement of human activity
from the existence development may lead to an anthropological catastrophe.
philosophy, world perception, existence, history, principle, unity, substance – attribute, substance – subject, constructivism.
Spectrum of consciousness
Trunov, D. G. (2013). The Technique of Phenomenological ἐποχή. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 163–162. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62326
The article is devoted to the implementation of the phenomenological concept of ‘reduction’ or ‘epoche’ described
by Edmund Husserl. First the author gives the definition of this phenomenological concept and then shows how
this concept is being implemented. Special attention is paid at the verbal expression of this phenomenological concept.
philosophy, phenomenology, reduction, term, cogitation, Husserl, grammar, Ingarden, language, quotations.
Philosophy and culture
Fatenkov, A. N. (2013). Individualism: On the Other Side of Prejudice. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 163–170. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62327
The author clarifies the idea of individualism and compares it with the ideas of altruism and egoism, collectivism
and liberalism. For this purpose the author analyzes the opposition ‘Self-and-the Other’ and defines different types
of collectivism depending on their socio-cultural grounds and consequences. Referring to Ernst Junger, the author also
describes the liberal basis for total mobilization and stresses out the positive role of individualism as a strategy of a
responsible human existence as well as its importance for modern Russia.
philosophy, human, Self, the other, individualism, egoism, altruism, collectivism, fellowship, liberalism.
National character and mentality
Amelchenko, S. N. (2013). Deconstruction of a Mental Code of Russian Culture in Terms of Globalization. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 171–181. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62328
Traditionally, philosophers who study Russian mentality focus on typical contradictions and ‘unsurpassable’
binarity viewed by Lotman as the source of destruction of Russian culture and by Kondakov – as the opposition which
made it possible for the culture to exist till late XX. At the same time, the phenomenon considered has stable harmonious
properties, too. These properties form the mental code of Russian culture. This code has become the axiological
and conceptual costant of Russian culture and created the unique nature and successive development of Russian culture throughout the history. To study the code, the author suggests to use deconstruction as a research method,
because it allows to reconstruct its hidden mechanism and to change its configuration according to a new historical
environment. This approach, combined with the methods of structuralism and psychoanalysis, has shown that binarity
was typical for the structure of the mental code only at early stage of its development. Now the mental code consists
of the three elements which allows Russian culture retain its entirety as well as to keep a decent position in the multicultural
in conditions of globalization.
philosophy, Russian culture, mental code, structure, function, the must mode, identity, reconstruction, destruction, deconstruction.
Chesnov, Ya. V. (2013). Game, Woman and Mathematics. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 182–196. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62329
The author of the article analyzes the philosophical meaning of a Caucasian myth about a hunter living with
the huntress. To understand the meaning of this myth, the author studies myths of the ancient Egypt, Rome as well as
modern customs and beliefs. Based on this analysis, the author describes the origin of the game of dice. Numerological
reduction of a woman to one is typical for the thought lying in the basis of mathematical deduction. Zero and addition
are more typical for later patriarchal traditions.
philosophy, Caucasian myth, huntress, numerology, life span, internal body, knowledge, prognosis, game of dice, dactylonomy, magic.
Space and time
Sevastianova, S. S. (2013). Time and Space in Screen Music Theatre. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 197–209. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62330
Space and time in screen music theatre is viewed as the synthesis of verbal (libretto), musical and graphical
presentations of space and time. In screen music theatre space and time follow the main esthetic laws. They appear as
conditional, inseparable categories. Space and time continuum is oriented at emotions, however, the reality or metaphor
of a chronotopos can be stressed out depending on the genre or a director’s intention. In new conditions music
plays are changed and structured according to new cinematographic principles. Stressing out this or that property
leads to changing another property, for instance, time stop (emotional time in music) is usually accompanied with
changes in the visual imagery, in this case expansion of the emotional space is caused with the narrowing of the visual
space (when the image is enlarged). Space and time continuum in music plays has a mosaic pattern and is realized
through various metro-rhythmic properties. The relation between space and time creates the audio-visual counterpoint
that defines the esthetic phenomenon of screen music theatre.
philosophy, time, space, screen, music theatre, convergence of time layers, time parallelism, time stops, author’s and plot’s space, real and conditional space, inner monologue.
The new paradigm of science
Fetisova, E. E. (2013). Neo-Acmeism as a ‘Cultural Paradigm’ of XX Century (Cultural Memory, Esthetic Platform,
Literary Groups, Transformation of ‘Semantic Poetics’). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 210–218. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62331
The article illustrates particular features of Neo-Acmeism in terms of intra-text communication with Neo-
Classicism and Acmeism. The author gives a classification of the main trends in Neo-Acmeism including non-traditional
and alternative ones. The author also analyzes the foundation, conception, poetics of Post-Realism and Neo-Classicism.
The author defines the three trends of ‘semantic poetics’ and analyzes the variety of ides, styles and tendencies
that create the prospect of new discoveries on the paths of Russian and word literature.
cultural studies, semantic poetics, literary schools, paradigm, Neo-Classicism, Neo-Acmeism, Neo-Traditionalism, Post-Realism, trends in literature, communication.
Philosophy and art
Popov, E. A. (2013). Meta-Theory of Russian Modernism: Social Situation and Art in XX Century. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 219–225. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62332
Russian Modernism of XX century is a phenomenon with many layers. Traditional approach to studying Russian
Modernism has created the point of view based on which Modernism is a completely new phenomenon for a Russian
social situation. Resulting from changing the grounds and grounds of classical art and culture, it is completely
alien to socio-cultural reality. At the same time, opposition to the classical culture and art is not the only feature of
Modernism. Modernism created new cultural forms which could have become the fact of Russian culture of the first half of XX century. Creating its own meta-theory, Modernism appealed to contradictory social situation in Russia but
at the same time it focused on different forms of culture. Therefore, Russian Modernism is viewed in the article not only
as a system of philosophy, but also as a meta-theory combing the main features of culture in XX century.
philosophy, Modernism, values, symbols, culture, life, creativity, art, form, Avant-Garde.
Spiritual and moral search
(2013). Interview Dedicated to the Anniversary of M. N. Gromov. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 226–234. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62333
The ‘Philosophy and Culture’ Council of Editors congratulates to a famous Russian philosopher Mikhail Nikolaevich
Gromov on his 70th anniversary and wishes him long life and creative success. The interview is taken and written
down by Gurevich, P. S.
philosophy, interview, anniversary, creativity, congratulations.
Spiritual and moral search
Gromov, M. N. (2013). Taurida’s Civilization Mission. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 235–242. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62334
The author of the article discusses the role of Antique Taurida for today’s Crimea and the process of civilization
in Russian history. The author underlines the importance of Southern vector in this process and touches upon
Chersonesos and Koktebel as the two cultural symbols of Taurida.
philosophy, civilization, culture, Southern vector, influence of Antique times, Byzantium influence, Cyril and Methodius, legacy, Silver age.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Human Life World. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 243–259. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62335
Life world is the central problem of phenomenology. It is, in fact, the phenomenon clarifying the meaning of
human life in all its entirety and diversity. Husserl was the first in history of philosophy to create the problem out of
something which used to be regarded as something obvious and natural. This is why the practical side of human existence
was not studied at all before Husser. A. L. Nikiforov’s work represents the experience of productive interpretation
of this term and describes how to base on this concept in cognitive activity.
philosophy, life world, phenomenology, meaning, entirety, diversity, world view, life experience, secularism, truth, language.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Will a Human Being Stay Unchanged?. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 261–262. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62336
Modern futurology covers a highly impressive scope of problems. Special attention is given to the problems
of science, technics and technology.
philosophy, futurology, institution, social, society, economic, social, development, human.