Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Psychokenet in Cyberspace.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 5–8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57875
Wondering about the process of informatization of the modern society, the author distinguishes
such terms as ‘intellectualization’, ‘education’ and ‘informatization’. It is underlined that even though the
modern humanity lives in the epoch of information, it does not give us enough grounds to talk about true,
spiritually-based, intellectualization of the society.
philosophy, human, society, cyberspace, intellectualization, psychokenetics
Philosophical anthropology
Fatenkov, A. N. (2010). Depreciation of a Psychophysical Subject: Materializm and Idealizm from the Point of View of a Hylozoist.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 9–14. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57876
Idealism and materialism are viewed as the extreme points, the opposites of an initially predetermined
(by the Ancient World and the East) and essentially true hylozoistic paradigm. Successively
matching with existentialism, hylozoism conceptually opposes to depreciation of human as a psychophysical
philosophy, human, subject, psychophysical, depreciation, idealism, materialism, cynicism, hylozoism, existentialism
Self-consciousness and identity
Konovalova, T. A. (2010). Phitomorphic Images of Slavic Architecture in the Conception of the
‘Garden City’.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 15–22. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57877
The article describes phitomorphic images in Slavic architecture and the perceptions of the after-
life. The article is aimed at summing up and analyzing the role and place of phitomorphic images in
Slavic architecture and perceptions of the after-life and defi ning the symbolic meaning of images as well
as their origins. For the purpose of her study the author uses works by other scientists in ethnography,
Russian mythology, history, language studies and architecture.
cultural studies, phitomorphic, images, forest, trees, fl owers, paradise, hell, garden, garden city
Ontology: being and nihility
Rodzinsky, D. L. (2010). Non-Existential Nature of the Mystical World Perception.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 23–32. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57878
The article considers the essence of the mystical perception of the world and its connection with
the basic sciences of philosophy: anthropology, ontology, gnoseology and ethics. The author attempted
to compare the positive and negative aspects of the mystical ideology. The author also showed a possible
mechanism of ‘breaking’ the mind of human into derivates.
philosophy, mysticism, anthropology, perception of the world, ideology, existence, non-existence, mind, god, pantheism, Gnosticism
Theological foundations of being
Serzhantov, P. B. (2010). Religious Movement against Post-Human.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 33–42. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57879
The article is devoted to apocalyptical movement against codes. Based on the author, this movement
fi ghts against virtual human life and against human turning into post-human. The author of the article
analyzes confessional denominational religious movement against codes. The author concludes that
among numerous communities and organizations participating in this movement, the major role is given
to the Protestant fundamentalism and truly-Orthodox movement.
philosophy, anthropology, religious studies, apocalypse, virtual world, confessions, globalization, mysticism, fundamentalism, technology
Social philosophy
Rozin, V. M. (2010). Social and Humanitarian
Technologies.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 43–55. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57880
The author describes how the term ‘technology’
developed through time. He gives a broad
defi nition of technology including such contents
as managing development, technological innovations,
socio-cultural dependence. The author also analyzes what social technologies and social engineering
means and discusses peculiarities of the
humanitarian studies used in social technologies.
philosophy, technology, knowledge, managing, engineering, truth, effectiveness, practice, anthropology, science
On top of the wire
Mekhed, G. N. (2010). Metamorphoses of Post-Industrial
Society: Knowledge Society or Information
Society?. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 56–62. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57881
The article considers the issues of development
of the post-industrial society and a new
stage of it, - transformation to information society.
Most of the focus is on defi ning and differentiating
between terms of ‘knowledge’ and ‘information’.
The author makes an attempt to thoroughly defi
ne and analyze the term ‘information’ taking into
account the growth of importance of information
processes in social and political life.
philosophy, society, knowledge, information, post-industrial, interpretation, communication, rationality, technologies, ideology
Philosophy and culture
Lavrenova, O. A. (2010). Semantics of a Cultural
Landscape: from Geographical Images to
Signs.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 63–72. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57882
The semantics of a cultural landscape, the
language of space, is full of culturally created senses
of geographical space and landscape, knowledge,
ideas transformed in the form of characters and relations
between them, can act as a «modeling package
of culture». Using a close connection between
a geographical image and a sign, relationships between
elements in the system can be restored. It is
the system that defi nes mentality of culture. Unique
pattern of meanings, with their coordinates in geographical
space, creates the ultimate structure of
the cultural landscape of the country.
cultural landscape, semantics, geographical images
Cycles and tides in the global world
Shugurov, M. V. (2010). Dynamics of Global Processes
in the Context of Axiological Transformations.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 73–86. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57883
The article is devoted to the problem of
formation of a universal system of values in the
context of globalization. The author analyzes institutionalization
of civilization identity in a modern
world. Much attention is paid at axiological aspects of modernization of communication between state institutions, nations and personalities at a global level. It is concluded that there is a certain need in activation of philosophical refl ection in the process of globalization of values in a pluralistic format.
philosophy, globalization, policy, humanity, values, collaboration, civilizations, pluralism, culture, identity
The dialogue of cultures
Zhimbeeva, S. I. (2010). The Problem of Adequate
Interpretation of Bases of the Other Culture.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 87–93. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57884
Environmental problems have the world
outlook bases. The author contemplates this problem in a context of bases of the two cultures, European and traditional non-European, showing distinctions of the initial beginnings.
philosophy, nature, culture, interpretation, China
Philosophy and art
Petruseva, N. A. (2010). Post-Serialism and Experimental
Postmodernism: Condition of
New Music.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 94–104. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57885
Today scientists have come to conclusions
that just like a stylistic revolution, serialism became
a powerful outcome of the tonality crisis and
have been the main force of organization of musical
modernism throughout several decades. The
article is devoted to the stdy of the two antagonistic
movements of the avant-garde in music, - post-serial
modernism and experimental postmodernism.
The author shows that these conceptions can effectively
interact but they become useless when they
are disunited or only enter an antagonistic contradiction
with each other.
cultural studies, modernism, postmodernism, serialism, post-serialism, aleatory music, Boulez, integration, deconstruction
Maksimov, L. V. (2010). Epistemological Origins
of the Kant’s Ethical Absolutism.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 105–111. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57886
The article is devoted to the analysis of
the connection between Kant’s epistemology and
ethics. The Kant’s idea of ethical absolutism is in
essence a consequence of the erroneous interpretation
of morality as a special sort of “knowledge”
and, accordingly, a result of the illegitimate insertion
into an ethical discourse the apriorist and constructivist
philosophy, ethics, absolutism, epistemology, gnoseocentrism, cognitivism, empiricism, apriorism, constructivism, ethical naturalism
Philosophy of death
Izotova, I. S. (2010). Death Theme in the First Bunuel’s Films.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 112–118. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57887
The article provides a brief research on
the problem of death in the fi rst Bunuel’s fi lms (“Un
chien andalou”, 1929, “L’Âge d’or”, 1930, “Las Hurdes.
Tierra sin pan”, 1932). The author concludes
that the director’s preoccupation by the problem of
death, expressed with naturalistic and sexual images
and aggressively built narration, results not
just from French model of surrealism, but has its
own deep grounds in Spanish culture, surrealistic
by itself.
philosophy, death, Spanish culture, surrealism, cinema, Eros, de Sade, Bunuel
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Phenomenology of a Responsible
Person.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 119–123. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57888
This is a review of the book ‘Way to Recognition.
Three Essays’ by Paul Ricoeur. The author
describes the essence of Ricoeur’s study based on a
multiple meaning of the word ‘recognition’. Special
attention is given at the connection of terms ‘recognition’
and ‘self-recognition’.
philosophy, personality, recognition, identity, identifi cation, otherness
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). After Kant: at the Approaches
to the Philosophy of Human.. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 124–128. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57889
This is a review of a monograph ‘Neo-
Kantianism: German and Russian: between Theory
of Knowledge and Criticism of Culture’ in which the
authors studied the importance of Neo-Kantianism
for modern epistemology, philosophy of science,
philosophical anthropology and other philosophical
disciplines. It is underlined that it is the fi rst time in
history that Neo-Kantianism is viewed in the context
of Russian and German philosophical conceptions.
philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of culture, anthropological philosophy, Kant, Neo-Kantianism