Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Image of the Enemy. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56764
Review: the article contains the author’s thoughts on a very old human stand in opposition between “us” and “the other”. Based on history of world religions and psychological
theories, the author analyzed the origins of the “image of the enemy” in the world culture and human mind.
Key words: psychology, philosophy, history, religion, image of the enemy.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Sultanova, M. A. (2009). Counterculture as a Type of Axiological Radicalism (Wwoodstock Has Turned 40, so Wwhat are the Results?)
. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56765
Review: the author made an attempt to interpret the experience
of the counterculture in Europe during the last decade. The author described the systems of value and attitudes specific for this counterculture and their impact on public mind in the modern world. Key words: philosophy, cultural studies, values, radicalism, counterculture, youth, meaning of life.
Social philosophy
Reznik, Yu. M. (2009). Personalism against Sociocentrism (Person-Centered Theory of the Civil Society: provability). Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56901
Review: the conflict between civilizations, Western and Oriental in the first place, Christian and Muslim worlds, is nothing else but just another ideologeme hiding the process of limiting personal freedom and of degradation such basic human values as “life”, “freedom”, “happiness”, “well-being”, “children”, “family” and “safety”. Key words: philosophy, civil society, personalism, sociocentrism,
civilization, ideologeme, freedom, personality.
The new paradigm of science
Knyazeva, Helena N. (2009). The Future Created by Man. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56902
Review: the article describes the main ideas and key conceptions of the modern transdisciplinary field of knowledge, — studies of the future. The author clarified the meaning of a few new terms such as ‘images of the future”, “alternatively possible future”, “creation of the future” instead of just touching on such topics as fortune-telling or “co-evolution” as an art of living together and creating the future together. The author also studied the prospects and possible limits of applying methods and technologies
of social constructivism to social management. “creation of the future” instead of just touching on such topics as fortune-telling or “co-evolution” as an art of living together and creating the future together. The author also studied the prospects and possible limits of applying methods and technologies
of social constructivism to social management.
Myths and modern mythologies
Chindin, I. V. (2009). Deposition of Valery Brusov’s Theurgy. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56903
Review: the October Revolution provoked all kinds of reaction
from the Russian cultural elite at the beginning of the 20th century. In this article the author analyzed what one of the leaders of the symbolic movement, Brusov B. Ya., thought of the social cataclysm. By using the context of the symbolic esthetics, the author also described how the poet’s creative views developed.
Key words: philosophy, symbolism, mythology of culture, deposition, theurgy, logo myth, decadency, mythology, Brusov.
Philosophical anthropology
Sershantov, P. B. (2009). The Change of Anthropological Epochs. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56904
Review: the article is devoted to the change of anthropological conceptions and paradigms over the past century. The author
introduced and analyzed such religious terms as “truly Orthodox movement” and “movement against the codes”. By the example of the latter, the author showed the conflict between anthropological views related to self-realization and “practices of the self” performed by an insane man and virtual man.
Key words: philosophy, anthropology, religious studies, apocalypse, virtual world, unconsciousness, confessions, globalization, mysticism, ecstasy.
Man and mankind
Rudneva, E. G. (2009). The Problem of Man in the Philosophy of A.J. Ayer. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56905
Review: the name of the British philosopher Alfred J.Ayer (1910-1989), an outstanding representative of neopositivism, is well known in Russia. But whereas his views on epistemological
problems are given enough attention, his philosophic and anthropological ideas have been less known.
Review: the name of the British philosopher Alfred J.Ayer (1910-1989), an outstanding representative of neopositivism, is well known in Russia. But whereas his views on epistemological
problems are given enough attention, his philosophic and anthropological ideas have been less known.
Kirsberg, I. V. (2009). About Scientific “Uncertainty” of the Religious Phenomenology and Possibility to Make it Scientifically Exact. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56906
Review: having shown in this brief review the decline of the religious phenomenology, the author suggested his own conception of what could revive the religious phenomenology
as a science and discipline, — Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology.
Key words: philosophy, phenomenology, epoché, reduction, empathy, eidos, religious studies, science, modernization, fact.
Nikitina, N. P. (2009). About Descriptive and Evaluative Nature of Philosophy of Art. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56907
Review: the article shows that the philosophy of art (esthetics) operates ideas with the “double meaning” (or descriptive and evaluative ideas, in other words). This is what esthetics, ethics, theory of law and other “regulatory sciences” have in common.
Such “double meaning” sayings speak of what “there is” and what “there should be” at the same time. This is why the idea of truth cannot be applied to most of the conceptions of philosophy of art. The author classified the main forms of descriptive and descriptive-evaluative ideas of esthetics. It is shown that, contrary to Ludwig Wittgenstein’s views, using statements with the double meaning does not oppose to regular, or “factual”, meanings of such statements. The latter are also compatible with “truly evaluative statements” which are quite often used in the philosophy of art (according to Alexander Baumgarten, Gary Graham, Beardsley and others).
Key words: philosophy, esthetics, philosophy of art, descriptions, evaluations, descriptive and evaluative statement, classification of descriptive-evaluative sayings with the double meaning, the idea of inconsistency of descriptive and descriptive-evaluative sayings, false idea of the merely “regulatory” function of art, dependence of values and norms on activity.
Political philosophy
Poltorakov, A. Yu. (2009). “Memory the Comrade”: Political Functions of Memory in History. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56908
Review: in the modern world the paradigm of memory in history has acquired the role of a very complex social and cultural phenomenon. “Historical memory” still remains a good tool for handling a political struggle (“historical content”
of ideologies and “historical material” for building political myths and ideologemes). In the context of the social and cultural development, “historical memory” is becoming a new political goal, some kind of the “social health”. The information society provides a wide range of opportunities
for manipulating “historical memory”: since there is so much information (or “information noise”) around us, it is becoming more difficult t define what is necessary to remember and what is better to forget. “Historical memory” plays the double role, of a tool and a goal of policy. Now it is also becoming a political value and gaining ontological, gnoseological and ethical meaning.
Key words: information society, memory in history, national identity, ethic and national self-consciousness, “policy of memory”, social communication, “social health”, totalitarianism,
values, civilization.
Philosophy of law
Katsapova, I. A. (2009). Social and Cultural Understanding of Legal Reality. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56909
Review: legal reality was initially viewed in individual and social psychologies which understood law as a social formation taking many forms. In terms of social management,
law and legal consciousness are needed to keep just and peaceful living community. This very well corresponds with I. A. Ilyin’s saying that all history can be viewed as the history of developing of legal consciousness.
Key words: philosophy, law, social and cultural, life-sustaining
activity, social relations, creation of norms, system, legal consciousness.
History of ideas and teachings
Davtyan, N. A. (2009). Modest Charm of Everyday Life or Wwhat Zarathustra did Say. Philosophy and Culture, 8. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56910
Review: the article defines the “iconic” figures we often recall when we philosophize about everyday life. Researchers
of common life such as Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida and Bourdieu, were greatly influenced by Marx. According to the author, modern authors admire all forms of everyday life. The author analyzed Nietzsche’s revolution against Everyday
life and noted that post-modernists viewed common life as a “remainder” which is left after industrial, political and ideological phenomena.
Key words: philosophy, everyday life, human worlds, post-modernism, individual, being, power, commonness, meta textuality.