Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). “Placelessness” of a human. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56186
the author described the situation in the modern society in terms of atopy (destruction of the social space) and achrony (loss of time). Accepting the obvious importance of personal autonomy, the author of the article however emphasized on the extreme of such “atomization” of a human in the modern world, -the loss of social identity.
social philosophy, society, culture, atopy, achrony.
Spiritual and moral search
Serjantov, P. B. (2009). The conception ‘Saplings religion’ is conformably to the rock-motion. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56187
the author is analyzing religious forms of rock-motion, applying to the subculture of heavy metallists and the approach is ready, descrying them as the saplings religions. Relatively of the religion of black-metallists the author comes to the deduction, that Satanists which is characteristic of them and Satanism is the saplings religion which is subject to the transformations in the prophecy scenarios of the development protest of the religion pagan and unblack-metallists.
rhilosophy, philosophy, religion, subculture, comparativistic, anthropology, psychology, consciousness, trance, sociology.
Philosophy of science and education
Kamaldinova, E. A. (2009). Advanced training: Utopia or reality? . Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56188
we are now witnessing what had seemed incredible until recently: enormous decline of the general and professional cultures’ levels in a new generation of graduates. However, if we take a closer look at it, we shall understand that it is quite predictable but not incredible at all. We should only question now, could we have expected a different outcome of the present governmental policy?
education, training, teaching, philosophy of education, teaching technologies, models of educational process.
Social philosophy
Kucheryavenko, O. I. (2009). Family from the philosophical and psychological points of view. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56189
the author analyzed the history of the social institution – family. The author underlined that there were various approaches to that social and cultural matter and discussed S. Fraud’s, A. Adler’s and E. Fromm’s conceptions.
family, psychoanalysis, humankind, family relations, authoritarianism, psychotherapeutic practice.
Cycles and tides in the global world
Spirova, E. M. (2009). Great relocation or the white man’s destiny . Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56190
throughout many centuries the white man has been considered the lord of Earth. Superpowers and economic giants have been mainly located in the Northern hemisphere, inhabited by the white population and ruled by white leaders. However, the white men have gained their control over the most parts of Earth just recently. They started to gain it 300-400 years ago when Europeans went beyond the borders of their own continent. Europeans discovered the New World, immediately conquered the Indians and occupied both North and South America. They became familiar with the trade route to India without touching Islam reigning in the Mediterranean region and continued to colonize Asia and Africa.
globalism, humankind, relocation, history, race, great power statehood, neo-conservatism.
Philosophy of history
Korolev, S. A. (2009). Modernization and demodernization in the Russian history. Part 2. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56191
the author analyzed modernization processes in Russia in the 20th century, in particular, Stolypin’s land reform, Stalin’s modernization in the 30s, Gorbachev’s perestroika and post Soviet modernization in 1991-1998. According to the author, Russian modernization is not just the process ongoing in the split society, it is also an inner contradictory process causing and deepening that split and, finally, it is an attempt to overcome that split, such an attempt being forced in most cases. History shows that radical modernization aggravates the split of the society and provokes archaization, the latter is either caused by the modernization itself or arising from the conformists’ reaction to it. “Soft” or gradual modernization does not solve the problems the government and the society are facing but creates basis for future crises. In the perspective, modernization in Russia may benefit from building a compromise model which would achieve the balance between the government’ and the civil society’s interests.
modernization, demodernization, reform, archaization, split, traditionalism, liberalism, disciplinization, governing technologies.
The dialogue of cultures
Svinina, A. S. (Paris) (2009). First principle of history. . Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56192
the author of the article, French director of documentaries, told about her work on the film about Marina Tsvetaeva. She touched upon the general issues of history, discussed traditions as the first principle of history and analyzed a special kind of the social practice, - the memorial one. The article contains interesting facts about Marina Tsvetaeva’s life.
culture, philosophy, history, past, art, power, testaments, emigration.
Philosophical anthropology
Samohvalova, V. I. (2009). Creativity as the choice, identity and justification of a human. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56193
advancing and challenging world inevitably reaches new stages in its development, creating new objects, systems and phenomena as a result of both actions and chances and self-organization process. Human is the only species who aims at creating something new: it is the way he answers the questions asked by the world around, and it is the way he answers the questions he asks himself and the world in return. However, even the “accidentally” created new phenomena ought to be somehow expressed.
creativity, self identity, beauty, truth, cognition, human being, creator.
Myths and modern mythologies
Rodzinskiy, D. L. (2009). Dike as one of the images of the antique understanding of fate . Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56194
the article is devoted to the image of sovereign cosmic power personified in the goddess of justice, Dike. She is the guarantee of the universal order. Corresponding virtue of a wise man is just her psychic projection which he consciously and often unconsciously puts into his life. Such a wise man’s actions and thoughts reflect the harmony of the higher and lower spheres Dike, the goddess of justice, is the keeper of.
Dike, fate, virtue, cosmic space, justice, fatality, custom, requital, metron, Heraclitus.
Samohvalova, V. K. (2009). Main aspects of aesthetics . Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56195
the author tried to characterize the main challenges of aesthetics, i.e. the issues which have always provoked debating in history of philosophy. Such debates have often covered the main aesthetical definitions but also touched on philosophical and moral themes, such as: are genius and villainy compatible? What is the relation between beauty and mysticism? and so on.
aesthetics, philosophy, cultural sciences, the beautiful, beauty, mysticism, the sublime, feeling, harmony, measure, ideal, aesthetic experience.
Philosophy and art
Chindin, I. V. (2009). Socialism beyond the revolution or prolegomenon “bard and rock songs” of A. Beliy. . Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56196
analyzing the creative work of A. Beliy, the author of the article did not find special thoughts on myths, its origin and nature there. However, according to the author, the “life creation” conception, offered by the poet, gives ground to view it as the specific idea for creativity. That is the reason why A. Beliy emphasized the idea of personality creation as one of the “first creation” acts.
philosophy, aesthetics, art, life, creative work, symbolism, myth, mythological, culture, reality.
Philosophy of technology
Kevin Kelly (2009). Out of Control. The new biology of machines, social systems and the economic world (Part 2).. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56197
this is the continuation of the book by an American sociologist Kevin Kelly. There he drew a parallel between Darwin’s natural evolution believing that people descended from monkeys and his “artificial” evolution according to which people were the prototypes of self-controlling and self-constructing machines.
robot, machine, mind, body, natural evolution, artificial evolution.
History of ideas and teachings
Fatenkov, A. N. (2009). Defense of this world: thinking with Milan Kundera. Philosophy and Culture, 2. Retrieved from https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56198
The article is some kind of a philosophical excursus into Milan Kundera’s works. Thinking with the Czech writer and being oriented at the existential canon, the author discussed the semantic nuances of a number of fundamental metaphysical ideas: transcendency, transcendentality and immanence; subjectivity and objectivity; eternity, immortality and eternal come back.
Milan Kundera, of this world, transcendency, transcendentality, immanence, subjectivity, objectivity, eternity, immortality, eternal come back.