Al- Anbagi S..
Business letter in the system of modern interpersonal communication (based on Russian and Arabic business correspondence)
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 8.
– P. 9-16.
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Abstract: The object of the study is the features of modern business correspondence in Russian and Arabic; the subject of the study is the place of modern Russian and Arabic business documents in the system of interpersonal communication, the features of expressing the author’s personality in a modern business letter. Attention is drawn to those transformation processes that are found in modern business writing in accordance with the change in the degree of manifestation of the author’s personality in it. Strengthening the personal element in a business letter is associated with the processes of democratization of communication, humanization of society, informatization of the communicative space. The scientific novelty of the study lies in revealing the specificity of the author’s image in modern business letters, reflecting the linguocultural characteristics of native speakers of Russian and Arabic.
The research was carried out on the basis of general scientific methods of observation and description, analysis and synthesis using special linguistic methods (structural, typological, comparative, method of component analysis), as well as functional and psycholinguistic approaches.
As a result of the study, it was revealed that in Russian and Arabic business letters the tendency to enhance the personal nature of correspondence manifests itself to varying degrees. Modern Russian business letters use a whole range of linguistic means, including the syntactic level, with the help of which the correspondence is given a personal, informal character. These are incentive, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, introductory words, definitely personal and two-part sentences. In Arabic business writing, the personal element is shown by authors occupying high positions, while the rest try to compose business letters in an impersonal manner. A conclusion is drawn about the connection of the observed features with Arab cultural traditions, with the predominance of the collective over the personal in Arab culture.
Keywords: addressee, author, interpersonal communication, Arabic language, Russian language, business correspondence, business letter, official business style, personal character, email
Shaklein, V. M. (2011). Differentiation of the Russian language in the context of the development of new information technologies. News of the South-Western State University. Series: Linguistics and pedagogy, 1, 52–55.
Kirillova, O. N. (2021). Means of speech etiquette of electronic business writing. Innovations. The science. Education, 45, 1605–1612.
Satuchina, T. Yu. (2023). The factor of social distance that determines the variability of business Internet communications (based on emails). Virtual communication and social networks, 2-2, 76–79. doi:10.21603/2782-4799-2023-2-2-76-79
Litvyakova, T. A. (2021). Evolution of etiquette frameworks in Russian business writing (using the example of appeal). Science and education in transport, 2, 332–334.
Litvyakova, T. A. (2022). Emotional intensity as an important element of written communication (using the example of a business letter). Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University
Al- Anbagi S., Shaklein V.M..
Specifics of syntactic structures of Russian business writing (compared with Arabic)
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 140-148.
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Abstract: The object of the study is the syntactic features of modern Russian and Arabic business correspondence; the subject is the specific features of the syntax of modern Russian business documents, which become more obvious in comparison with Arabic business writing. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the features characteristic of Russian business writing at the present stage of its development, and comparing these features with the features of Arabic business letters. Also a certain novelty is the connection made by the author between the history and culture of Russian and Arab official business correspondance styles and the transformations that they are actively occurring. One of the author’s tasks was to find out why new features of business correspondence, spreading under the influence of globalization, manifest themselves differently in different languages.
The study was carried out on the basis of structural-semantic, comparative and functional approaches using methods of component analysis of the text of letters, interpretation of their structure and content, observation, description, comparison.
Syntactic structure of modern Russian business writing is currently actively developing. The personal nature of a business letter increases, the ways of expressing imperativeness change, the level of emotionality increases, and all of the above is reflected in the types of syntactic structures used. In Arabic business writing, transformations are less pronounced, which is due to the history of its development and the characteristics of Arab culture. In electronic business correspondence, the syntax of Russian and Arabic business letters has similar changes. It is concluded that Russian and Arabic business writing are influenced not only by globalization processes, but also by their original ancient history, as well as Russian and Arabic culture, which determines the differences in the syntactic structure.
Keywords: email, imperativeness, personal character, Arabic language, Russian language, business correspondence, business letter, official business style, syntax, syntactic constructions
Maidurova, Yu. V. (2009). National features of speech etiquette in business writing (based on the material of Russian and English languages). Bulletin of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy, 1, 85–90.
Karaban, N. A. (2006). Communicative and pragmatic aspects of the implementation of the category of politeness in the official business style of the Russian language: abstract dis. ...cand. Philol. Sci. Volgograd.
Fedyurko, S. Yu., & Androsova, O. A. (2007). Main characteristics of a business letter. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2, 105–106.
Kuzmina, E. Yu. (2009). Principles of organizing a common sentence-statement in official business style: abstract dis. ...cand. Philol. Sci. Vladivostok.
Mikhailova, A. V. (2003). Innovations in the official business style of the Russian language of the newest period (based on the genres of contract and proposal letter): abstract. dis. ...cand. Phi
Galankina I.I., Perfilieva N.V., Perfiliev A.K..
The variety of models of terminological units of the hydraulic engineering industry and the sphere of state and municipal procurement
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 26-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69596.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69596
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Abstract: The relevance of the study lies in clarifying the terminological status of newly formed units and describing the variety of ways to replenish terminological systems. The subject of the study is the models of terminological units of hydraulic engineering and procurement for state and municipal needs. The aim of the work is to represent the methods of derivation in the language of hydraulic engineering, as well as to identify and classify specific terminological combinations of these industries.
The conducted research also made it possible to clarify the criteria for assigning terminological names to the following classes of words: term, quasi-term, pre-term.
Practical significance implies the application of the results in the compilation of databases and materials for teaching professional communication in foreign languages.
The perspective of the study is a contrastive analysis of these terminological systems in two or more languages in order to clarify the translation of terminological units. The structural features of the terminological units are determined using contrastive analysis. The selection and comparison of terminological units were carried out on the basis of a solid sample of normative documents from the studied industries. The statistical analysis data demonstrated the frequency of formation of two-, three-, four-, etc. terminological names in hydraulic engineering and in the field of procurement. Practical significance implies the application of the results in the compilation of databases and materials for teaching professional communication in foreign languages.
The conducted research allowed us to conclude that the accuracy of expressing the concepts of the new sphere of procurement for state and municipal needs is achieved through verbose models, the components of which are combined by an obligatory valence. The peculiarities of the hydraulic terminological system are the absence of five-, six- and seven-component models, which is largely compensated by the wealth of derivational means and is due to the "age" of this industry.
The novelty of the work is determined by several factors: firstly, the terminological status of the quasi-term and pre-term is clarified, and secondly, the criterion of mandatory valence is justified to determine a verbose combination of words as a stable terminological name.
Keywords: models of terminological units, terminological phrases, semantics, terminology system, valency, quasi-term, preterm, term, procurement sphere, hydraulic engineering field
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