Mikhalchenkova I.V..
The challenges of translating English, Italian and Russian psychological terms
// Litera.
2025. № 3.
P. 24-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2025.3.73605 EDN: MUQWVC URL:
This article explores English–language terminological units within the field of psychology and addresses the challenges faced by translators when translating psychological texts from English into Russian and Italian and vice versa. The primary objective of this study is to identify the specific problems involved in translating psychological terms from English into Russian and Italian, as well as to propose possible strategies to tackle these challenges. The article presents terminology utilized in English, Russian and Italian, along with examples of borrowings from English into these languages. It examines various translation options for the same term through the lens of English-language psychological terminology. The relevance of this article is underscored by the active integration of specialized psychological terms into everyday language, the increasing interest in psychological research, and the rising demand for translation services in this domain. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the primary reason for the difficulties encountered in translating psychological terms from English into Russian and Italian is the translator's inadequate understanding of the conceptual content of the terminological units. Additionally, the translator's lack of knowledge regarding the foundational ideas, concepts, and theories of specific psychological schools and approaches further exacerbates the issue. Consequently, this hampers the process of selecting equivalent terminological units in the target language and ultimately diminishes the quality of the translation. It was found that most of the difficulties discussed in this article are typical for translating scientific psychological texts from English into Russian, whereas a translator working with the English-Italian language pair faces such challenges much less frequently.
psychological discourse, terminological system, terminology, term, psychology, psychological term, translation, English, Russian, Italian
Koptev D.A..
Russian-to-English interpreting and translation of constructions with the predicative nado
// Litera.
2025. № 2.
P. 241-251.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2025.2.69850 EDN: BOFVII URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of strategies for translating constructions with the predicative nado (надо) into English. The object of this work is the predicative nado (надо). The subject of the study is analysis of the features of Russian-English interpreting of constructions with the studied lexical unit. The purpose of this article is to highlight recommendations for improving the quality of translation of constructions with the word nado (надо) by presenting the most frequent and adequate interpreting strategies for constructions with the studied predicative. The study provides a detailed comparison of translation options for constructions with the studied word, analyzes and discusses the distinctive aspects of various strategies in interpreting and written translation, pays special attention to the lack of a unified translation tactic, and also highlights some imperfections of the existing options. The methodology includes a continuous sampling method to form a corpus of examples of constructions with the studied lexical unit and their translations from transcripts of Russian-English interpreting and written translations of public political speeches, and corpus analysis techniques for processing and outputting the results. The study identifies the main strategies for translating constructions with the studied word and presents their refined descriptions. The novelty of the study is that this work is the first to examine Russian-English interperting of constructions with the predicative nado (надо), and also to compare it with written translation. The results of the study allow to analyze the identified translation strategies and come to certain conclusions. In addition, the results obtained may be of interest both for writing scientific papers on related topics, and for beginning and practicing translators, including courses for teaching theoretical and practical translation, textbooks on practical aspects of the language.
public speaking, omission, imperfect translation, written translation, corpus research, political discourse, necessity, modality, predicative, interpreting
Kuraleva T.V., Lekomtseva I.A..
Dichotomies in Translation Studies and Translator Training
// Litera.
2025. № 2.
P. 252-260.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2025.2.69913 EDN: EYJTCQ URL:
Translation theory, although a young science, has deep roots dating back centuries, with the dichotomy between literal and free translation evident since the time of St. Jerome. This paper examines the evolution of this basic translational dichotomy across different theoretical frameworks, including formal equivalence, dynamic equivalence, communicative and semantic translation, foreignization, domestication, etc. The authors also highlight the differences between the theoretical concepts. Furthermore, the paper focuses on how the translation dichotomies may be applied in practice. To this end, the study delves into how the dichotomy manifests in student English-Russian translations, specifically focusing on achieving functional equivalence. The point of departure for the analysis is J. Houses’s definition of covert translation. Analyzing translations of a scientific text by first-year master's students, the paper reveals challenges in achieving covert translation. The methods employed in the paper are the following: a componential analysis; a translation analysis, a corpus-based analysis; literature review, and retrospection and interviews. Scientific novelty is related to the application of basic theoretical concepts in practice, namely, in the practice of teaching translation. Moreover, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of existing theoretical approaches to describe the opposing translation strategies: word-for-word and sense-for-sense translation. In addition, the authors argue that translation errors are caused by an incorrect approach to the translation process itself. The interviews revealed that students often view translation as a replacement of source text units with translated text units, ignoring the overall translation strategy. The results highlight recurring collocational errors, indicating a source language-dependent tendency. The conclusion emphasizes the need for a pedagogical shift toward functional perspectives in translation training, suggesting avenues for future research on translator training.
cross-linguistic correspondences, collocational errors, equivalence, student translations, word-for-word translation, free translation, functional equivalence, translation dichotomy, translation theory, source-language dependence
Bakhturina I..
Repetition in the essay "The Tragic Feeling of Life" by M. de Unamuno and its reflection in the translation by E.V. Garaggi from Spanish into Russian
// Litera.
2025. № 2.
P. 136-144.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2025.2.73424 EDN: KGXHQF URL:
The article examines the cases of the use of different types of repetition in the essay "The tragic sense of life among people and nations" by the Spanish writer of the 98 generation Miguel de Unamuno and the importance of this stylistic means for the reader's perception of the text of the work, as well as the great importance it has for the analysis of the writer's individual authorial style. In addition, the paper considers various options for transferring repetitions in the translation of an essay from Spanish into Russian. The material for this study is the original text of Miguel de Unamuno's essay "The tragic sense of life among people and nations", as well as the translation of the above-mentioned essay into Russian by E.V. Garaji in the 1997 edition. In the process of analyzing repetitions in the work of Unamuno, we used the linguostylistic method, which is most suitable for studying the functional of repetition in the text of the essay. The basis for the structure of the work was the classification of repetitions by N. T. Golovkina. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that repetition in the author's works has never been the subject of independent scientific research before, and also in the fact that the translation considered in the work has never been considered in the context of translation theory before. In the course of the research, we were able to draw the following conclusions: in M. de Unamuno's work, repetition is one of the key stylistic means, and repetitions occur in the text at several linguistic levels – morphological, lexical and syntactic. In addition, we drew attention to the fact that since the translation of the work was part of a philosophical study, more attention was paid to the substantive part of the essay text, which led to the loss of some repetitions in the work and could affect the reader's perception of the text.
Spanish literature, linguostylistic analysis, Spanish, stylistic repetition, tragic sense of life, Unamuno, translation studies, translation, stylistics, essays by Unamuno
Vigna-Taglianti J..
Specific features in the translation of science fiction (as exemplified by the Italian translation of A. and B. Strugatskii’s short story “Forgotten Experiment”)
// Litera.
2024. № 12.
P. 24-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72581 EDN: THVSRO URL:
The paper examines specific features emerging in the translation of science-fiction works from Russian into Italian. The Italian translation of the short story “Forgotten Experiment” by A. N. and B. N. Strugatskii is used as an example. This short story was not selected randomly, but accurately chosen as the first work by the authors published in Italy in 1961. Some features were identified as specific of sci-fi translation. A certain similarity between sci-fi and technical translation can be observed, for example, in the use of scientific and pseudoscientific terminology, as well as original neologisms and occasionalisms, realia and irrealia (also defined as quasi- or pseudorealia). Other features should be considered too, such as rendering the authors' scientific and philosophical conceptions and writing style. The methods of contextual and comparative analysis were used to locate passages in the text that pose specific translation challenges, while the analysis of translation shifts allowed us to determine how the translator tried to overcome them. It should be noted that, despite the growing academic interest towards science fiction, the combination of Russian and Italian remains unexplored, thus substantiating the novelty of the current study. The results of the contextual and comparative analysis of the Italian translation of the short story “Forgotten Experiment” led us to the following conclusions: despite being made by an experienced translator of literary fiction and poetry such as Raissa Naldi, the translation under study cannot be considered adequate since it does not render properly the previously identified features of sci-fi translation. In particular, too many textual elements were omitted, the terminological system is not uniform, the scientific and philosophical conception and writing style are misrendered. This proves that such features should be taken into consideration when translating science fiction in order to obtain a satisfactory result.
writing style rendering, translating neologisms, translating realia, world building, translation criticism, translation adequacy, translation shifts, science fiction translation, science fiction, comparative analysis
Liu S..
Linguistic and Cultural Untranslatability of Translating Russian Folktales Into Chinese From the Perspective of Translation Hermeneutics
// Litera.
2024. № 11.
P. 247-263.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.11.71426 EDN: QRMRKX URL:
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First Peer Review:
Second Peer Review:
Third Peer Review:
Russian folk tales are of great cultural and literary value. Language used in these stories often performs specific aesthetic and didactic functions, while fictional character created in these works have become a part of the national culture, which distinguishes Russian folktales from other texts. However, this also makes it difficult to translate such stories into foreign languages, in particular, Chinese, main cause of which lays in the problem of untranslatability. The object of this study is Russian folktales in Russian-Chinese translation combination, the subject is the cases of untranslatability in translating Russian fairytales into Chinese. Methods of description, comparison and categorization are used in this research. While translating “The Magic Swan Geese”, “The Realms of Copper, Silver and Gold” and “Father Frost” into Chinese, author of this study divides the showed untranslatability into four categories – phonological and stylistic untranslatability, lexical and grammatical untranslatability, cultural untranslatability of precedent words and cultural untranslatability of abstract concepts – and suggests specific solutions to improve the translation text in each situation. Firstly, it’s important to preserve the plot and distinctive characters instead of the form of source language or the rhythm of the original text. Secondly, when translating such foreign culture-loaded words as Baba-Yaga, the Magic swan geese or Father Frost, translator should understand the main characteristics of these images or personas in the Russian cultural context. Simple transcription is inappropriate. Last but not least, the translation work is also positively influenced by extra-linguistic factors, such as the friendly exchange between countries. In conclusion, the purpose of translating Russian folktales into Chinese is not to completely overcome the problem of untranslatability, but to better understand the meaning of the original text and reproduce it for the Chinese readers.
translation studies, translator's choices, Russian folktales, Russian-Chinese translation, linguistic untranslatability, cultural untranslatability, untranslatability, hermeneutics of translation, understanding, literary translation
Avagyan A.A..
Special Features of Tourism Text Translation from Russian into English
// Litera.
2024. № 11.
P. 264-274.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.11.71526 EDN: QSDMES URL:
The active development of international tourism contributes to a steady increase in demand for high-quality translation of tourist texts explaining the importance of research on the common problems of their translation into foreign languages. The research subject is the specific features of translating tourist texts from Russian into English. The research objective is to identify the key features of tourist text translation. The article examines the stylistic features of tourism discourse texts which are the most difficult for translation from Russian into English. A definition of the international tourism discourse is given, popular types of tourist texts are listed, and common ways of translating these texts into English are pointed out: creative translation, descriptive translation and translation by searching for functional analogues. The author used the methods of generalization, content analysis, systematization of data from recent studies on this topic and comparative analysis of Russian and English tourist texts. The research novelty lies in the systematization of the works of Russian linguists devoted to the problems of translating tourist texts and in the proposed ways to eliminate possible mistakes. The key problems of translating tourist texts include underestimation of translation in tourism and translation by non-specialists often using machine translation, mistakes in translating terminology, ignoring the genre of the source text and insufficient adaptation of the translation text to the target audience of another culture. It is proposed to create new Russian-English and English-Russian dictionaries of tourist terms, train translators in special courses for translating tourist texts, providing them with knowledge of key concepts in tourism at least in their native language and experience in translating these concepts into a foreign language, and teach students majoring in linguistics to translate tourist texts. It is noted that translation methods and strategies depend on the text genre.
linguocultural peculiarities, target audience, adaptation of the translated text, terminology of tourism, English language, Russian language, translation, tourism discourse, tourist texts, means of expressiveness
Moralova L.V., Abaeva E.S..
Translation of catch phrases in an audiovisual text
// Litera.
2024. № 11.
P. 75-85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.11.71252 EDN: HUJWRE URL:
The article discusses the problem of interlinguistic and intercultural transfer of winged words (catch phrases) in an audiovisual text of the Soviet period. The source of the material is the Russian motion picture "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" and its translation into English (subtitling), the material is 34 winged words (catch phrases) which were selected with verification based on Internet sources. The purpose of the research is to study the methods/techniques of transferring catch phrases in audiovisual translation (subtitling) from Russian into English, as well as to analyze the results obtained from the point of view of preserving the characteristics inherent in catch phrases and preserving the national cultural component. The main methods are the method of continuous sampling, the method of comparative analysis, the method of contextual analysis, etc. The direction of the translation (Russian-English translation) and the approach chosen by the authors indicate the novelty of the research. Having analyzed the translation of catch phrases, the authors made observations regarding the methods/techniques used which contributed to conveying meaning and complying with the norms of audiovisual translation, as well as to the conclusions that a partial loss of cultural information may occur during translation and that in a situation where a film subsequently becomes a precedent text, postediting may be required, as the conditions of how the text/part of the text functions in the linguoculture of the original language change. The results may be of interest to specialists in the field of audiovisual translation, as well as to philologists, linguists, and to ordinary readers who are interested in translation studies and/or cinematography.
national-cultural specifics, Soviet films, motion pictures, contextual analysis, comparative analysis, subtitling, winged words (catch phrases), Russian-English translation, audiovisual translation, precedent texts
Serezhin G.A..
Difficulties in translating youth slang from English into Russian
// Litera.
2024. № 11.
P. 275-286.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.11.69467 EDN: QVCOIH URL:
This paper discusses youth slang in the English language. The subject of the study is a number of difficulties in adapting and translating youth slang into Russian. The research material was based on slang units from the film «8 Mile», which are most often found on the Internet. For a complete analysis and understanding of the phenomenon being studied our own definition of the concept of «slang» is presented and the main difficulties of translation are highlighted. The functions of youth slang are regulated by standards. They, unlike a literary language, do not have a written encoding and live in the minds of native speakers. For a comprehensive and detailed description theoretical research methods and a comparison method were used. The selection of material was carried out using the continuous sampling method. This article aims to show different definitions of slang, an attempt is made to give our own definition of the concept of slang and to highlight the main problems that can mislead a novice translator when translating such lexical units. The novelty and significance of this paper are due to the complexity of the correct transmission of American youth slang, which is one of the most interesting language systems of modern linguistics. The following works that formed the basis of this scientific research should be mentioned. The theoretical basis of this article is the research of E. Partridge, I. R. Galperin, V. A. Khomyakov, I. V. Arnold. They managed to find a theoretical basis for the concept of slang. In the practical part, methods for describing slang units were used: comparative analysis, generalization, induction, continuous sampling. The research material was based on slang units from the Curtis Hanson film «8 Mile» with Eminem in the title role.
transformation, translation methods, translation adequacy, equivalence, text, speech, culture, translation problems, the English language, youth slang
Pak L.E., Marus N.D..
The problem of the transfer of onyms in the modern discourse of video games (based on the material of the game Disco Elysium)
// Litera.
2024. № 10.
P. 82-94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.10.71956 EDN: ELAGFL URL:
The work is devoted to the specifics of the transfer of semantic and pragmatic features of proper names or onyms. Onyms are a special category of lexical units with a number of specific characteristics that require detailed work by linguists in their (onyms) transmission. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the features of the transfer of proper names from English to Russian in the modern discourse of video games. The object of the research is the modern discourse of video games in English and Russian. The subject of the study is the semantic and pragmatic features of the transfer of proper names from English to Russian. The source of the material of this study was a video game product in the RPG genre "Disco Elysium". Proper names in the context of the events of the game are of particular importance for immersing the recipient in the plot of the work, as they reveal the details of the plot and the world as a whole. Therefore, it is important to correctly convey the meaning of the name so that the correct pragmatic effect is produced. To achieve this goal, a three-stage structure was developed to identify semantic and pragmatic correspondences of synonyms in the language of the source text and the translated text. The novelty of the designated topic lies in the fact that for the first time an analysis of the features of the transfer of onyms from English to Russian, a description of translation strategies and tactics when working with proper names within the framework of video game discourse is carried out. Having analyzed the work of domestic and foreign scientists we understand a complex multidimensional phenomenon that functions inside a video game and a significant near-game space. From the analyzed material, it can be concluded that the greatest difficulties are caused by the transfer of aliases, or names associated with abstract concepts. The differences are manifested at the semantic, stylistic and pragmalinguistic levels. It is important when working with these units to convey the main nominative meaning of the original and its hidden meaning. The main translation techniques for transferring proper names from English to Russian, in this case, are semi-scaling, transliteration and functional substitution. The transfer of other names that are not marked with the above features does not cause difficulties. Transliteration, transcription, calcification and the creation of a neologism are used.
Internet discourse, videogame discourse, transcription, Disco Elysium, proper name, onym, pragmatics, semantics, semantic-pragmatic features, translation loan
Wang Q..
Translation strategies for interpreting lexemes introducing speech in Chinese translations of novels by F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy
// Litera.
2024. № 10.
P. 95-107.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.10.71951 EDN: ELALUQ URL:
This article is devoted to the study of translation methods of direct speech lexemes from Russian into Chinese on the material of F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” and L.N. Tolstoy's “Anna Karenina”. The author relies on a previously conducted comparative study of the repertoires and frequency of lexemes introducing direct speech in the Russian original texts of these two novels, and describes the methods of translation, comparing the strategies of translators in different versions of translations of classic Russian novels. The most famous translated versions of F.M. Dostoevsky's and L.N. Tolstoy's novels in China are selected for analysis. This article analyzes the translations of the novel “Crime and Punishment”, translated by Ru Long (汝龙), the joint translation by Zhu Haiguan (朱海观) and Wang Wen (王汶), and the novel “Anna Karenina”, translated by Cao Ying (草婴), translated by Yu Dawei (于大卫). The study found that stylistic adaptation is often used in Russian-Chinese translation. It is noted that “说” and “道” are widely used in literary works - translators add these words, which meets the requirements of completeness and adequacy. It is noted that adverbs become a common means of conveying internal and external qualification of action in translations, which allows to convey the meaning of the text in accordance with the narrative norm of the Chinese language. Comparing the translations of “Crime and Punishment” and “Anna Karenina” into Chinese through the “mirror” of translation allows us to examine the manner of introducing direct speech in both writers and see that its difference creates more (when translating F.M. Dostoevsky's novel) or less (when translating L.N. Tolstoy's novel) difficulties in translating the speech frame and sometimes prompts translators to different solutions.
Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, novel, characteristics, translation, dialogue, verb, Chinese language, direct speech, phraseologies
Zigmantovich D.S..
Destabilizing factors in simultaneous interpreting (using the example of oral syntactic features in speeches delivered by French politicians)
// Litera.
2024. № 9.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.9.71636 EDN: VWKRYB URL:
Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is one of the most complex types of cognitive and communicative activity. Such factors as the simultaneity of speech perception and speech production, multichannel nature of data received for processing, high speed of interpreting, etc. dictate the need educate highly qualified interpreters. This also indicates the importance of determining the criteria that must be taken into account while selecting speeches for the step-by-step mastering of the technique of SI. The subject of the study of this article are the factors influencing the handling of information in the process of simultaneous interpreting and embodied in the individual syntactic features of the speaker's speech. These features determine speeches' translatability and can either represent some destabilizing factors for simultaneous interpreters, or contribute to a more accurate and high-quality interpreting. The author analyzes the syntactic features inherent in the speeches delivered by two presidents of the French Republic – N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande. The article provides a comparative analysis of written texts and delivered speeches and a linguistic analysis of the text in order to identify syntactic features and to describe the impact they can have on the work of interpreters. The author of the article came to the conclusion that the analysis of such features can help in the selection of authentic speeches at the initial stage of mastering the technique of SI and for practicing and automating certain skills at a more advanced level or in the selection of speeches for intensive training in the language combination "French – Russian". The results of the research can be used in the study of texts produced by other speakers and / or in other languages. The results of the research can find application in educational and pedagogical activities, as well as in real interpreting practice.
French, interpreting didactics, speech compression, destabilizing factor, syntax, syntactic features, orator, simultaneous interpreting, interpreting, French political discourse
Uryupina A.D..
Functioning and translation of English and Russian architectural terms in academic discourse
// Litera.
2024. № 8.
P. 241-251.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.8.71385 EDN: WVWHGP URL:
The study provides the analysis of architectural terminology in English and Russian in academic discourse. The object of the study is the terminological system of architecture. The subject of the study is the specifics of the use, functioning and translation of English and Russian architectural terminology in academic discourse. The classification and systematization of architectural terms, their hierarchical structure and functional types in academic texts are considered. In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of the architectural sublanguage is emphasized, which intersects with terms from the fields such as engineering, architecture, construction, art and design. The paper also identifies existing difficulties and problems that arise when translating English and Russian-language architectural terms, including differences in the linguistic structure of languages, semantic ambiguity, the need for a high degree of specialization of the translator for the correct interpretation of the term, the use of idiomatic and figurative language to describe some architectural terms, etc. The study uses a comprehensive methodology, in particular, methods of comparative and component analysis, as well as methods of corpus linguistics used to study semantic fields, hierarchical relationships and functional types of terms. The research results emphasize the importance of standardization of architectural terminology, understanding of cultural and historical background, as well as technical knowledge to ensure effective communication in the global architectural community. Analyzing the corpus of texts, including dictionaries, architectural reviews and academic articles, the author explains how specific terms function in academic discourse. This study makes a special contribution to the development of linguistic research in the field of architecture, offering an in-depth analysis of semantic fields and their role in structuring architectural vocabulary. The novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of the functioning and translation of architectural terms, which allows to identify the difficulties associated with the interdisciplinary character of the terminology. The results of the study will be useful not only for teachers and translators, but also for international experts in the field of architecture.
English terminology, translation, terminology systematization, LSP, academic discourse, architectural terminology, architecture, terminology, term, Russian terminology
Liu J..
The "machine translation + post-machine translation editing" model on the YiCAT platform: using the example of the discipline "Stylistic post-machine text editing" for first-year graduate students of the Higher School of Translation of Moscow State University
// Litera.
2024. № 8.
P. 90-99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.8.71506 EDN: MYZKDK URL:
In this article, the author analyzes the process of machine translation and post-machine editing by Chinese students in classes on the discipline "Stylistic post-machine text editing" using the YiCAT translation platform, which uses a model of combining machine translation and post-machine editing in order to organize the educational process and allocate study time. In 2017, the Russian government approved the "Digital Economy Plan of the Russian Federation", as a result of which the digitalization process gradually penetrated into all scientific spheres. The author of the article concludes that Russian universities should pay more attention to teaching machine translation and post-machine translation editing. In addition, the article presents the idea that the translation departments of modern universities should focus on the introduction and application of translation technologies and the latest translation tools in the framework of teaching translation skills. There are only a few hundred articles in Russia dealing with the specifics of machine translation. Most of them are devoted to the study of existing limitations, development opportunities and ways to improve machine translation systems. At the same time, there are extremely few articles dealing with the features of post-machine editing of the translation text. The number of such articles does not exceed several dozen. Thus, there are many challenges in the field of post-machine translation editing research that should be addressed as soon as possible so that the field of post-machine translation editing can correspond to the era of artificial intelligence. At the same time, Russian universities should pay attention to the teaching of disciplines involving machine translation tools and post-machine editing skills. Large translation faculties should actively use translation technologies and machine translation tools in the classroom, add new academic disciplines implying the familiarization and application of such technologies and tools by students, as well as integrate such disciplines into the framework of existing training programs for specialists in the field of translation. All this will allow universities to form a reliable basis for the education of modern and qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the new era.
translation activities, learning translation skills, the era of artificial intelligence, Higher School of Translation, the new translation model, specialist training plan, translation platform, Chinese-Russian machine translation, post-machine translation editing, A new era
Li J..
Translation of non-equivalent vocabulary in Chinese political speech into Russian
// Litera.
2024. № 8.
P. 124-137.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.8.71478 EDN: ODLREK URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of ways to translate the speech of the Chinese political leader into Russian. The author focuses on the transfer of Chinese-language lexemes with deep cultural meaning by means of the Russian language in the translation of speeches of the political leader of China. As a result of the research, the methods of translating neologisms, specific concepts, national realities, proper names in the speeches of the Chinese political leader into Russian were described. With the increase in contacts between China and Russia in the political sphere, the need for Chinese-Russian translations, including speeches by political leaders, has increased. They embody the features of national political discourse, serve as an example of the linguistic implementation of basic political principles and state ideology. All equivalent vocabulary in the political speech of the Chinese leader can be translated into Russian, while the choice of the translation method determines the degree of translation equivalence. The study of the Russian translation of non-equivalent vocabulary in Chinese political speech was carried out in stages using comparative analysis, semantic component analysis, with the help of which lexemes containing cultural information were selected, and analysis of translation correspondences. The equivalence of the translation and the original text was also assessed using specific examples, and preferred ways of translating non-equivalent vocabulary were identified. The scientific novelty of the study described the ways of translating neologisms, specific concepts, national realities (including paroemias), proper names in speeches of the Chinese political leader into Russian. It was found that when transmitting proper names (in the form of transcription), specific concepts, the images of which can be understood by the recipient, the use of direct translation is widespread, which allows to achieve equivalence of content. When transmitting neologisms and nationally specific realities, idioms, proverbs, sayings, as well as specific concepts based on which images do not correspond to the Russian language picture of the world, descriptive translation is used, which allows achieving primarily functional equivalence. All the non-equivalent vocabulary in the Chinese leader's political speech can be translated into Russian, while the choice of the translation method determines the degree of translation equivalence.
translation theory, political translation, language tools, translation methods, Russian language, Chinese language, equivalence, non-equivalent vocabulary, translation, political speech
Feng W., Perfilieva N.V..
Characteristics of Chinese translation of drug names in advertisements
// Litera.
2024. № 6.
P. 129-139.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.6.70976 EDN: KZYACH URL:
In recent years, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation among countries in the medical field has become increasingly important. Cooperation continues to develop, and more and more foreign products are appearing in the pharmaceutical market. This has led to an increasing interest in changing drug names to another language, especially Chinese. This article analyzes four methods for translating traditional Chinese medicine terminology in advertising: phonetic method, semantic method, hybrid method, and semantic method, while considering the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine. The research object is the particularity of translating foreign medical terms into Chinese. This article aims to analyze the methods of translating medical terminology into Chinese. In addition, a new translation method – a semantic approach with the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine – has been proposed. The research materials include medical terms and their Chinese translations. This article provides an example of a method for translating medical terminology into Chinese and proposes a new method for translating medical terminology – a semantic approach that takes into account the unique characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine.People have found that names translated using phonetic methods are usually associated with Latin words. When using semantic methods, select these hieroglyphs to indicate the exact action of the drug. The use of hybrid methods to translate drug names not only preserves the sound of the original language, but also includes information about the usefulness of the product. When translating into Chinese, English words with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics are usually added. When translating European drug names, considering the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine, the reality of Chinese language and culture is often added to make the operation of drugs easier for consumers to understand. Translation is usually supported through visualization, which refers to Chinese idioms and traditional cultural images.
Drug name, hybrid methods, semantic methods, phonetic methods, medical terminology, traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese, medical advertisements, translation methods, Translation details
Cai J., Han C., Chen P., Grabelnikov A.A..
Formation of national image and translation practice of Chinese political discourse in the context of the digital age - on the example of Chinese diplomatic communiqués
// Litera.
2024. № 6.
P. 227-243.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.6.70791 EDN: DKZHEI URL:
This study aims to analyze the impact of Chinese political discourse translation practices on the formation of state image in the digital era, using Chinese diplomatic documents as illustrative material. Diplomatic documents, including diplomatic communiqués, play a crucial role in political propaganda and international communication, holding significant strategic value in international relations. Analyzing the processes and strategies involved in translating diplomatic documents allows for a deeper understanding of how different translation methods influence the portrayal of a state. The accuracy and cultural adaptation of diplomatic translation directly affect the perception of Chinese policies and the image of the state by foreign audiences. While literal translation may preserve the accuracy of the original, it does not always convey cultural context and political intentions. In contrast, free translation and cultural adaptation contribute to a better understanding and acceptance of political information and the state's image by the target audience. Thus, the translation practice of diplomatic documents is not only a linguistic process but also a crucial strategy for shaping the state's image. This study employs textual analysis methods and is grounded in translation theory to analyze the use of vocabulary and sentence structure in the translation of diplomatic documents. The research aims to identify translation strategies used and to uncover hidden national images. The findings indicate that different translation strategies significantly influence the formation of the national image. Literal translation maintains the accuracy of the original but may miss cultural nuances. Paraphrasing enhances the perception and understanding of the text. Cultural transformation facilitates better adaptation of the text to the local audience. The scientific novelty of this research lies in its empirical investigation based on the translation of political discourse to reveal the formation of the state's image. The research results can be applied in diplomacy, international communications, and intercultural interactions, providing empirical support and guidance on translation strategies to enhance the national image. The study underscores the importance of translating political discourse for shaping the national image in the digital era. Under the influence of national ideology, the translation of political texts requires reevaluation and a forward-looking approach. In the digital era, the translation of political texts should aim to maintain and strengthen the national image.
state image formation, political text, diplomatic communiqué, translation strategy, translation practice, digital era, Chinese political discourse, national image, textual analysis, translation of a political text
Cui Y..
Reception of Anton Chekhov's play "Uncle Vanya" in China
// Litera.
2024. № 4.
P. 273-281.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.4.70300 EDN: PITXCJ URL:
This paper examines several important translations of the play from the play's first appearance in China in 1930 to the present day, as well as research and analyses of the play by Chinese scholars. The author uses comparative-typological, comparative-historical, and interpretive methods as the leading research methods. Through the comparative-historical method the dependence between the socio-cultural conditions of the state and the peculiarities of the work's reception is established. The difference in the viewpoints of literary scholars and critics on the poetics and imagery of the play is explicated by the author of the work through the use of comparative-typological method. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that some articles and books by Chinese critics and literary critics considering the peculiarities of the figurative structure and ideological content of A. P. Chekhov's play "Uncle Vanya" are the first to be included in the research turnover, allowing to establish the dependence of the perception of the work by Chinese readers on the socio-cultural conditions of the country. As a result, the author has shown that the perception of "Uncle Vanya" in China is closely connected with the social and political factors of the country, changing over time. The study showed that in the 21st century, more and more attention is paid to the artistic and literary aspects of the work.
China, Chekhov, play, fiction text, translation, Chekhov Studies, Uncle Vanya, perception, reception, literary criticism
Ivanova E.V..
Once again about the translation principles of Epiphanius Slavinetsky and Euphemia Chudovsky (based on the material "Epitomy")
// Litera.
2024. № 4.
P. 204-213.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.4.70554 EDN: RINMRD URL:
The subject of the study is the linguistic features of the Slavic translation of the Epitomies by Konstantin Armenopoul, performed by Epiphanius Slavinetsky. The object of study was the translation itself, presented in several major manuscripts. The work on the Epitomies belongs to one of the early works of Epiphanius in Moscow, since the Kiev scribe began it in 1652-1653. In the course of the analysis, we considered both the earliest discovered lists of "Epitomies" and the latest (up to the end of the XIX – beginning XX centuries), however, the most important textual and linguistic material is presented in the following lists: Usp. 91, GIM – a draft of the hand of Epiphany Slavinetsky; Und. 40, RGB – records of active editorial editing; Sin. 129, GIM – the final version, rewritten by Euphemia Monstrosky. The work uses the linguotextological method, as well as methods of continuous sampling, analytical observation and comparison of the Slavic text with the original in Greek. The novelty of the study consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of lists that have not been studied by researchers in the linguistic aspect before. The analysis of the Epitomium material not only makes it possible to reconstruct the history of the text, but also has fundamental linguistic significance. It makes it possible to summarize the general and highlight the differences in the linguistic features of Epiphanius Slavinetsky and his pupil Euphemia Chudovsky. Thus, the author of the translation, Epiphany Slavinetsky, and the editor, Euphemia Chudovsky, have different linguistic orientations – the first relies more on Slavic grammars, and for the second it is important to convey the Greek original as accurately as possible, which also leads to the elimination of regionalisms characteristic of the Ukrainian-Belarusian translation of Church Slavonic, and the Grecization of the text.
Euthymius Chudovsky, Epitome, Nikon's book reforms, Chudov`s book school, translations from Greek, Old Church Slavonic Language, translation studies, Constantine Harmenopoulos, Epiphanius Slavinetsky, Canon law
Tetenova M.A..
Translation motivation and foreword by Charles Baudelaire "Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses œuvres" to the edition of E. A. Poe's texts
// Litera.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69562 EDN: QYRFLC URL:
Charles Baudelaire is primarily known as a French poet, the author of the internationally acclaimed poetry collection "Flowers of Evil" ("Les Fleurs du Mal"). However, he is also known as a translator: it was he who created the translations that changed the literary fate of the genius not recognized at the time – Edgar Allan Poe. He wrote a 24-page preface to the collection of his translations "Histoires extraordinaires", on the basis of which the author analyzes the poet's approach to translation, records his argumentation and motivation. Within the framework of this article, the author provides an analysis of the preface by Sh. Baudelaire studies why the connection between these figures has been repeatedly called absolutely exceptional by researchers. The subject of the study is the motivation of Sh. Baudelaire's translation of E. A. Poe's texts, which he explains both in the preface to the publication of the texts of the American writer and in personal correspondence. The object of the study is the preface under the heading "Sa vie et ses œuvres", written by Sh. Baudelaire's edition of E. A. Poe's texts in his own translation, published by the publishing house "Michel Lévy" in 1869. The main research method was a detailed analysis of the text of the preface by Sh. Baudelaire's "Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses œuvres" to the edition of E. A. Poe's texts in his own translation of 1869. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is a detailed study of the preface by Sh. Baudelaire as an artifact containing the formulation of translation motivation directly by the translator himself. The artifact is presented to the author all the more valuable because the translator is a famous poet with a special, recognizable style, which obviously leaves its mark on his translations. The main conclusions of this study are: the need to study the phenomenon of the Baudelaire translator not only from the prefaces to the translations, but also from his statements in correspondence, as well as in the study of the cultural era accompanying the creation of these translations and containing events such as the confrontation of the Romantics and the Parnassian school. The scientific novelty lies in the creation of a detailed analysis, based on which more specific episodes of the life and work of S. Baudelaire as a translator can be studied.
translator's note, linguistics, translation studies, Edgar Poe, Charles Baudelaire, preface, translation motivation, translation process, translation, translation strategy
Lekomtseva I.A., Kulikova M.N., Abdulmanova A.K..
Unique items hypothesis: a case study of student Russian-to-English translations
// Litera.
2024. № 2.
P. 237-244.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69939 EDN: WNCCMR URL:
The subject of this article is the unique linguistic means of expressing the meaning given in the original in the interlanguage and translation perspectives. The object of the research is a contrastive study of original untranslated texts in the target language in order to identify unique linguistic elements, i.e. typical, idiomatic linguistic means of expressing the meaning given in the original in the target language. Special attention is paid to the corpus approach to the functional contrastive analysis of original untranslated texts. The authors consider the possibility of applying semasiological and onomasiological approaches to the contrastive analysis of parallel texts. The purpose of the article is to test the hypothesis of "unique elements" and the degree of their representation in the texts of translations made by graduate students. "Unique elements" means typical, idiomatic, regular linguistic means of expressing a certain meaning in the target language, which do not have structurally equivalent linguistic means in the source language. Research methods: functional contrastive analysis; corpus analysis; retrospective analysis of the source text and the translation text. The main conclusions of the study are the assumption that student translations do not present unique linguistic means in the translation language to express the meaning given in the original. These results were obtained through the use of contrastive functional analysis of parallel texts, i.e. original untranslated texts in the original language and the target language. A special contribution of the authors to the subject under study is that the latest methods of contrastive functional analysis and corpus methods are used for translation purposes. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that in Russian translation studies, for the first time, the hypothesis of unique linguistic elements and their non-representation in the translation text was considered as one of universals.
translated language, literary translation, students training, trasnlated texts, parallel texts, corpus-based analysis, contrastive analysis, translation universals, unique items, translation
Tetenova M.A..
Pre-translation analysis and translation strategy as components of the translation process
// Litera.
2024. № 1.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.68731 EDN: DHNSTA URL:
The subject of the study is pre-translation analysis and the process of choosing a translation strategy, since these stages are among the primary ones in building the translation process. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the impact on both the translation process and the approach to it, and, subsequently, on the final translation product, which only emphasizes their importance in the translation system. Special attention is paid to the theoretical database of concepts and the chronology of the formation of concepts and terms, as well as to various translation models, within which the author highlights the place and function of pre-translation analysis. The main conclusions of the study are statements about the primacy of the stages of pre-translation analysis and the formation of a translation strategy in most existing translation models. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is an attempt to accumulate examples of argumentation of the translation strategy by ancient authors as evidence of a much earlier formation of concepts than terms. The novelty of the research consists in an attempt to create a chronological base for the formation of concepts and terms and the accumulation of historical artifacts for the subsequent systematization of knowledge about the processes of pre-translation analysis and the formation of a translation strategy, which will subsequently become not only the basis for translation, but also a reflection of the professional motivation of the translator.
intercultural interaction, translation process, translation model, linguistics, translation studies, theory of translation, translation strategy, translation motivation, pre-translational analysis, translation
Petrova A.D..
Metaphor and metonymy in translation: transformation of images in Russian versions of Guillaume Apollinaire's works
// Litera.
2024. № 1.
P. 182-191.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69434 EDN: CBULSF URL:
This study is devoted to the nuances of metaphor and metonymy translation, in particular, to the works of Guillaume Apollinaire and their Russian translations. The article begins by defining the theoretical foundations of metaphor and metonymy, drawing on linguistic and cognitive theories to emphasise their importance in literary discourse. It then provides a thorough analysis of Apollinaire's unique stylistic elements, highlighting the fusion of visual and verbal poetics and how these aspects pose a challenge to the translator. The main part of the study is an in-depth analysis of selected Apollinaire works, offering a comparative analysis of the original French texts and their Russian counterparts. This segment highlights the difficulties inherent in translating Apollinaire's rich metaphorical and metonymic language, marked by a characteristic combination of visual imagery and linguistic innovation. The study uses a range of linguistic examples to demonstrate both successful and problematic translation solutions, providing a multifaceted insight into the translation process. The paper then examines the specific difficulties of translating metaphor and metonymy into Russian, given the linguistic and cultural differences between French and Russian. It presents various translation techniques such as substitution, modulation and word-for-word translation and evaluates their effectiveness in bridging the gap between the two languages. The study also critically examines examples where direct translation fails to convey the essence of the original, emphasising the importance of cultural context and idiomatic appropriateness in translation. The conclusion summarises the findings, highlighting the crucial role of cultural and cognitive considerations when translating metaphors and metonymies.
Guillaume Apollinaire, French-Russian linguistic comparison, translation methodology, poetic imagery, intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics, Russian fiction translation, metaphor and metonymy, translation studies, cultural interpretation
Feng W., Perfiliev A.K., Hu P..
Translation of medical terms into Chinese
// Litera.
2023. № 12.
P. 306-314.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69349 EDN: KWAFAA URL:
The subject of this study is the peculiarities of translating medical terms into Chinese. The purpose of the study is to analyze strategies for translating medical terms into Chinese, as well as to identify the most effective and frequent methods of translation of medical terms. The research material is medical terms (60 hieroglyphic names of medicines and medical equipment) and their translation into Chinese. The article analyzes the four most commonly used ways of translating medical terms: phonetic, semantic, graphic and mixed. The analysis also focuses on alphabetic words of the Chinese language: full alphabetic words and partial alphabetic hieroglyphic words. The features of translating medical terms of Latin origin into Chinese and medical terms borrowed from English are compared. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: descriptive method, method of analysis of theoretical literature, as well as methods of systematization of material and classification. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that with the advent of new medicines and medical equipment, the question of translating new concepts into other languages, in particular into Chinese, has become acute. The article provides examples illustrating typical ways of translating medical terms into Chinese. The authors conclude that when translating borrowings from Latin into Chinese, preference is given to the phonetic method, while when translating English medical terms, phonetic-semantic, semantic and graphical methods are mainly used. The semantic method allows you to convey the meaning of borrowed words most fully, as well as create a pragmatic effect. The frequency of using the graphical translation method is significantly lower, since English and Chinese have different types of writing, which also introduces limitations for the transmission and interpretation of information.
graphic method, mixed method, semantic method, phonetic method, alphabetical word, borrowing, Chinese, translation, term, phonetic-semantic method
Vigna-Taglianti J., Sidorova E.N..
Translator’s “Visibility”: E. Teza and His Translation of Pushkin’s “The Undertaker”
// Litera.
2023. № 11.
P. 174-184.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.11.69092 EDN: ZYJODK URL:
The article deals with the issue of translator’s “visibility” using the translation of Pushkin’s short story “The Undertaker” published by Emilio Teza in the literary journal “Ateneo Veneto” in 1884 as an example. This translation was chosen for two main reasons: firstly, its historical meaning for intercultural relations between Russia and Italy as the first Italian translation of Pushkin’s short story; secondly, its translator – a well-known academician from the late 1800s, whose research concerned different areas of philology, linguistics, and comparative studies, as well as translation. As a result, despite then-predominant domesticating strategies, different elements in the target text reflect Teza’s personality and thus prove his “visibility”. The research started from the scrutiny of the translator’s biography, allowing the contextualization of this translation at a precise moment in Teza’s life. Through the contrastive analysis of the source and the texts several translatologically relevant units were identified. Afterwards, the translation strategies and shifts applied in their rendering into Italian were analysed. The scientific novelty lies in the application of such analysis to a previously unstudied text. The research led to the following conclusions: in the rendering of Russian realia, the target text is characterized by an overall domesticating strategy, typical of late-1800s translations and often correlated to the concept of translator’s “invisibility”. However, the presence of detailed footnotes reflects Teza’s personality as an ethnographer, thus making him “visible”. The presence of Tuscan dialectal forms in the target text hints at the translator’s biography, who in 1884 was living in Pisa. In addition, an example of linguistic interference from Serbian can be seen as a reference to Teza’s multilingualism. Therefore, it was proven that the translator’s personality can become “visible” by thoroughly analyzing linguistic features and translation shifts.
translation analysis, translation criticism, contrastive analysis, translation history, domesticating translation, translation strategies, translation shifts, translation of realia, translator visibility, Italian language