Petruseva N.A..
About the Two Tendencies in New Music
// Litera. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 177-233.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.3.10184.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.3.10184
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the two antagonistic movements in modern music, Post-Serialism Modernism and Experimental Post-Modernism. The author of the article describes the scope of concepts 'modern music', music of the 'early modern period' as well as the genesis, formation and development of the concept of universal Serialism and modern discussions on Post-Serialism compositions legitimizing the culture and ideology of IRCAM. Post-Modernistic tendencies are presented in the form of several phenomena: the concept of unlimited aleatory composition, the art of interaction and John Cage's conceptual art, 'new simplicity' of American composers, the subjectivity crisis and the faith in progress, Wolfgang Rihm's 'inclusive composition', Jean Liotard's 'condition of Post-Modernism', followers of the information theory and 'graphic designers' and Karlheinz Stockhausen's 'Charter for the Youth'. The significance of researching the three concepts of musical language is determined by the fact that the tone system is no more a harmonizing principle or a universal code for different esthetics and techniques. The new intepretation of the theory of music offered by Theodor Adorno, Pierre Boulez and Karlheinz Stockhausen (and others) has changed the art of perception and listening to music and involves the 'free perception' (Helmut Lachenmann's expression).
Keywords: Modernism esthetics, Serialism, Post-Serialism, Experimental Post-Modernism, paradigm shift, limited aleatory composition, musical language, perception paradox, IRCAM, Boulez
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