Spektor D.M..
Time and Text (Continuation of "Ways of Golem")
// Litera. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 93-107.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.4.19167.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.4.19167
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Abstract: The subject of the research is represented by the reference- mimesis- story relationship previously traced based on the analysis of the text of P. Ricoeur's "Time and Narrative" and continued based on the material of the 2d volume. The study develops the idea of the narration time in its difference from chronological. "Compression" and "stretch" are given in connection with the modes of narrative time, in turn, binds to the archetypal ritual structures. The study focused objective review of mimesis adopted since Aristotle as the exclusive foundation of the narrative.The research method based analysis and reconstruction of the concepts of "mimesis and scheming" in the treatment "of the past and the future." With the chronological structure of the time compared his discursive markup.The scientific novelty of the research is to develop a narrative concept of time; its structural markup compared with the referent. Reconstruction of the last allowed to outline the ways of constructing the theory of time in the form of treatment of emotional and ecstatic (compression) and reflective (stretching) and reinterpret the traditional categories of the past and the future in the light of the concept.
Keywords: past, vacuum, compression, intrigue, narrative, treatment, mimesis, chronology, present, future
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